
The rise in crude oil prices lifted TRGP, SLB, HAL, BKR & OKE

This year, the energy sector in the US stock market has outperformed the $S&P 500(.SPX)$ , and the price of crude oil has been on a tear. The WTI crude oil futures have jumped over 35% in the past three years, fueling a significant increase in free cash flow for US oil stocks. As profits rise, so do stock prices!Here are five US oil stocks that have the highest correlation with $WTI Crude Oil - main 2406(CLmain)$ prices and are also rated as "buy" by Bank of America.1.Targa Resources Corp Analysts predict that $Targa Resources(TRGP)$ will benefit from overbuilding in the Permian Basin's natural gas liquids pipeline system, and the company still expects pr
The rise in crude oil prices lifted TRGP, SLB, HAL, BKR & OKE

How to Profit $2,641 and $1,994 with SPY in a Downtrend?

The market correction, down 5% from its peak. Do you opt for a quick profit and exit or do you shut down the app?Despite a downturn, some individuals managed to secure impressive profits through options strategies, raking in $2,641 and $1,994 respectively. How did they pull it off? Let's take a closer look.Let's commend @BABAMood for his outstanding accomplishment, yielding a $2,640.92 return by selling SPY PUT🎉. And let's also applaud @Bioman21 for his remarkable achievement, securing a $1,993.69 return by investing in SPX calls! 🎉From the showcased trades, on the left, we observe selling put contracts with a cost price of $0.27. As for the right, specific actions aren't clear;
How to Profit $2,641 and $1,994 with SPY in a Downtrend?
TOPBioman21: I typically buy 2 lots for either calls or puts

🎁Q1-24 EPS Weekly: MSFT, GOOGL, META & More Higher EPS Estimates

😀Hi Tigers,We invite you to take a closer look at the possible winners by EPS in the Q1 earnings season.In this post, we have highlighted the top 20 stocks by market capitalization with higher EPS estimats ahead of their earnings in the period from April 23 to April 26.Are you interested in betting on these stocks?[Miser][Allin](Editor's note: Companies releasing earnings reports before the bell on April 23 are excluded.)1.Why EPS Matters?Earnings per share(EPS), refers to the income per share brought to investors/shareholders in the open market.EPS is calculated as a company's profit divided by the outstanding shares of its common stock. The resulting number serves as an indicator of a company's profitability.Investors like companies with high profitability, and the market always rewards
🎁Q1-24 EPS Weekly: MSFT, GOOGL, META & More Higher EPS Estimates
TOPShyon: The stock under my top watchlist will be $Microsoft(MSFT)$ . As we all know, this is without doubt one of the best and most solid technology company. The risk for the company to go wrong is pretty low. Moreover, Microsoft on Tuesday announced a cost-effective, small language artificial intelligence model that can perform tasks such as content creation and create social media posts while using smaller amounts of data. The company introduced an AI model called Phi-3-mini, which can outperform models twice its size across a variety of benchmarks that evaluate language, coding and math capabilities. Smaller AI models are designed to perform simpler tasks, making it easier for use by companies with limited resources. I think during this wave of AI stocks pullback, it is good to put Microsoft in your watchlist for potential entry chance! Nowadays, every company fights to launch the best product to win the market share in the AI race. Which is your top favourite among all the AI giants? Come and share your strategies and opinions with us. @TigerStars @CaptainTiger @Tiger_Earnings @MillionaireTiger @Tiger_comments @TigerGPT

"$VIX top panel, S&P 500 bottom panel? "$SPX

[Smart]Hello fellow investors,I hope this message finds you well amidst the dynamic shifts in the market.By Founder & CEO Ciovacco Capital Management.ImageAs of the snapshot from Chris Ciovacco, the founder of Ciovacco Capital shared on X platform”$VIX top panel. S&P 500 bottom panel. $SPX”The $Cboe Volatility Index(VIX)$, often referred to as the "fear index," is sitting at a level of 16.94.The chart shows that whenever the $Cboe Volatility Index(VIX)$ primary MA moves, it will pull back, which happens to be a signal for the $S&P 500(.SPX)$ index to rebound.Do you think that with the rebound in semiconductor stocks on Monday, do you think that the stan
"$VIX top panel, S&P 500 bottom panel? "$SPX

Enjoy Ultra-low US Options Fees: $0.65 per Contract for Everyone!

[Miser]Unleash the power of options trading and enjoy Ultra-low US options fees: USD 0.65 per contract for everyone!Ready to elevate your trading experience? Download Tiger Trade today and start your journey to becoming a trading pro: https://tigr.link/7n06ZjT&Cs apply. Please refer to https://www.tigerbrokers.com.sg/commissions/fees for other applicable fees. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.This advertiseme
Enjoy Ultra-low US Options Fees: $0.65 per Contract for Everyone!
🌟🌟🌟I like to use  $Direxion Daily TSLA Bear 1X Shares(TSLS)$ as it is a great way to hedge against the declining share price of Tesla currently.   TSLS is an inverse ETF that provides (-1x) or negative 1 time the effect on the share price on Tesla on a daily basis.   TSlS is a lot simpler than trading options which are more complex and suitable for experienced traders.  I do not have to worry about call margins and will not lose more than my original investment amount.  However TSLS is not suitable for long term hold due to its compounding nature.   Performance wise TSLS is up 3% today and has risen 10% in the past 5 days.  TSLS is now up 65% year todate.  In the short term, I am Bearish


小虎們,萬眾矚目的電動車巨頭 $特斯拉(TSLA)$ 將在本週二美股盤後正式公佈業績![Cool]但是在其業績公佈前,特斯拉ETF卻大跌了,在本週一,特斯拉股價遭遇了暴跌,市場普遍預期本週稍晚將公佈的財報會令人失望![Facepalm]這家電動車巨頭在今年表現低迷,成為七大巨頭中業績最差的,虧損幅度高達42%![Put]不知道小虎們你們還看好其週二公佈的業績嗎?你認為其股價與相關ETF能否有機會逆襲反彈呢?[YoYo]特斯拉週一股價下跌3.40%,市值7天蒸發7511億元這一局面給權重較大的交易所交易基金帶來了不小的壓力,如 $THE MEET KEVIN PRICING POWER ETF(PP)$ 和 $消費品指數ETF-SPDR可選消費品(XLY)$ 。特斯拉在它們的投資組閤中分別佔據了18.3%和13.5%的份額。至今,PP和XLY的跌幅均約為5%,與 $標普500ETF(SPY)$ 的上漲態勢形成鮮明對比,表現明顯不佳。受電動車需求放緩的影響,特斯拉股價今年大部分時間都處於下跌趨勢。為維持市場份額,電動車製造商紛紛發起激烈的價格戰。特斯拉的交貨量也呈現下滑態勢。根據特斯拉4月2日公佈的數據,第一季度交付量為386,810輛,較去年同期下降8.5%,遠低於分析師預期的457,000輛。週二收盤後,特斯拉將公佈疲軟的交付量對公司利潤的影響,預計這一消息難以帶來任何積極轉變。分析師預計,特斯拉第一季度的每股收益為0.52美元,遠低於年初預測
🌟🌟🌟I like to use $Direxion Daily TSLA Bear 1X Shares(TSLS)$ as it is a great way to hedge against the declining share price of Tesla currently. TSL...
TOPkookieman: I appreciate the insights on its simplicity and performance.

🌟📚 World Book Day Cheers! Share You Favorite or Memorable Bookstore

💰World Book Day Cheers!Hi Tigers, let's embrace the joy of reading and the charm of bookstores on this day dedicated to literature. World Book Day 2022 Quotes: Amazing Sayings on Books, HD Images, Poems and Messages for All the Book Lovers To Share on World Book and Copyright Day | 🙏🏻 LatestLY📖 Celebrate the Magic: Take a moment to appreciate the magic of books and the spaces that make it happen. Let's step away from screens and revel in the tactile experience of paper and ink.📸 Share Your Favorites: Do you have a favorite bookstore or a photo that captures the essence of reading? Share it with us! Each snapshot is a narrative waiting to be explored.🏛️ Ancient to Cozy Corners: From time-honored establishments to the snug local spots, every bookstore has a unique story to tell. They're not
🌟📚 World Book Day Cheers! Share You Favorite or Memorable Bookstore
TOPShyon: Happy World Book Day, everybody! As we know, reading is a window to the world! Today, instead of sharing my favourite bookstore, I would like to share about my most favourite library in Singapore, Orchard Library! [Heart] [Heart] [Heart] Strategically located in the heart of the commercial district of Orchard Road, you can visit Library@Orchard which located at Orchard Gateway Building on 3rd and 4th floors. Aiming to increase reading interest from the visitors, Library@Orchard focuses on the concept of simple and unique library design. In this branch, the books is all about gastronomy books, languages, and self enrichment. All books in this category helps us to achieve our good lifestyle. For me, I think reading can be done anywhere when you have a leisure time. The wider community now uses the internet more to get an information than come to the library. In fact, in the library we can find many reference books and reading with a comfortable atmosphere and of course it will be more conducive. Through reading, we can expose ourself to know new things, new information, and new ways to achieve one thing. Do you like reading? Come and share your favourite book stores or libraries with us, guys. @CaptainTiger @MillionaireTiger @Tiger_comments @TigerGPT @Tiger_chat @TigerStars

After Nvidia Rebound, Buy the Dip or Sell to Prevent Further Losses?

Nvidia recovers from last Friday’s plunge and rises to over $800 in the premarket trading.$800 is a sure thing this week? But it’s hard to tell the trend in MayAfter a 10% decline in a single day, holding firm or “buying the dip” require much determination. Most investors may still be waiting to see if Nvidia will continue to decline. Maybe this week won’t witness more declines. But the real worry is yet to come in May. Nvidia earnings are scheduled for May 22nd.Has the AI frenzy led by Nvidia come to an end? More exciting news ahead!Chat GPT 5 is expected this summer.Sam Altman is raising $7 trillion for AI chips.Apple is pushing AI initiatives this summer/fall.Microsoft has a $100 billion AI fund.At what price will you bottom Nvidia?Will Nvidia close above $800 this week?Will you trade s
After Nvidia Rebound, Buy the Dip or Sell to Prevent Further Losses?
TOPicycrystal: I think I would buy the dip [smile] [smile] [smile] AI is still the in-thing, so there's still demand. however, I would be careful and not go overboard as you never know how the market will turn. I won't be so aggressive and only go for what I think is good for me as risk management is important. @rL @HelenJanet @Shyon @LMSunshine @koolgal @TigerGPT @Aqa @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙 At what price will you bottom Nvidia? Will Nvidia close above $800 this week? Will you trade semi stocks this week? Leave your comments and also post to win tiger coins!
$Matterport, Inc.(MTTR)$ cash and stock transaction valued at $5.50 per share, representing an equity value of approximately $2.1 billion and an enterprise value of approximately $1.6 billion based on the closing price for CoStar Group common stock on April 19, 2024. Under the terms and subject to the conditions of the agreement, which has been unanimously approved by Matterport’s Board of Directors,Matterport stockholders will receive $2.75 in cash and $2.75 in shares of CoStar Group common stock for each share of Matterport common stock.what it means by( stockholders will receive $2.75 in cash and $2.75 in shares of CoStar Group common stock for each share of Matterport common stock. ) ?
$Matterport, Inc.(MTTR)$ cash and stock transaction valued at $5.50 per share, representing an equity value of approximately $2.1 billion and an en...
$Matterport, Inc.(MTTR)$ well what i THINK it means is if u have, say, 100 shares of MTTR u will get $275.00 cash and $275.00 worth of costar stock. costar is now at about 80/sh i think so u would get about 3.something shares, right? i'm sure someone will corect me if im wrong, lol.
$Matterport, Inc.(MTTR)$ well what i THINK it means is if u have, say, 100 shares of MTTR u will get $275.00 cash and $275.00 worth of costar stock...
$MicroStrategy(MSTR)$ still long on this but I made a mistake not selling my 100 shares I bought at 1180 early this morning. Should have sold around 1250 midday when I posted I was considering it but didnt. Oh well, tough lesson learned. For some strange reason still feel there is room to run up tomorrow. We will see. Good eve to all.Halving does have any real effect until 6 months after. Let’s get Bitcoin to 85K with ETF ‘s here and now Asia. Jan 2025 Bitcoin should be 125,000. MSTR 4500.00 Be patient and get paid. omgMICROSTRATEGY STOCK SEES IMPRESSIVE SURGE AS BITCOIN MAINTAINS BULL RUN | BULB
$MicroStrategy(MSTR)$ still long on this but I made a mistake not selling my 100 shares I bought at 1180 early this morning. Should have sold aroun...
$Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ Bitcoin took a hit with the Israel retaliatory action at Iran but Bitcoin bounced back rather quickly showing its resilience. More significantly for MARA is their production of 8 blocks so far today. This equates to about 55 Bitcoin and 34+ Hashrate. Could it be they are finally bringing all their machines back online?
$Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ Bitcoin took a hit with the Israel retaliatory action at Iran but Bitcoin bounced back rather quickly showing...
TOPkookieman: MARA's production of 8 blocks today is truly impressive.
$XPeng Inc.(XPEV)$ Xpev software is not even close to Xiaomi who has the best is not even a close competition. This is not a software company, this a car company that sold an average of 236 cars a day from January 1st to April 14, to be more precise 24.6K cars in the last 104 days, down from 666 cars the 4th quarter 2023. They are selling 430 cars LESS each day. Be careful with your money, next quarter report is a month away and the numbers don't look good.
$XPeng Inc.(XPEV)$ Xpev software is not even close to Xiaomi who has the best is not even a close competition. This is not a software company, this...
TOPMatthew Whiz Buckley: It's true that there's a big gap between XPEV's software and Xiaomi's.
$Northrop Grumman(NOC)$ - Reversal U chart pattern signalling uptrend.  Are you feeling bullish ? 50 day Exp MA - 460.254 200 day Exp MA - 460.288 -50 day MA is trying to cross 200 day MA -Earning on 25 Apr 2024 - No significant insider sells. Net increase in position by 13.14% in last 6m by exercising options - 
$Northrop Grumman(NOC)$ - Reversal U chart pattern signalling uptrend. Are you feeling bullish ? 50 day Exp MA - 460.254 200 day Exp MA - 460.288 -...
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  nothing to hope for. Just wait to grab at $132 Tesla Inc., the electric vehicle (EV) trailblazer, has been making waves in the stock market. Founded by the enigmatic Elon Musk, Tesla’s journey has been nothing short of electrifying. Let’s break it down: Tesla designs, develops, manufactures, and sells EVs. Their automotive segment offers a range of electric vehicles, including sedans and SUVs. Energy generation and storage solutions are also part of their repertoire. Recent Challenges In 2024, Tesla faced a 50% drop in stock price from its peak in 2023. Investors eagerly await the quarterly report, anticipating insights into profits and revenues. Stock Performance Tesla’s stock price currently h
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ nothing to hope for. Just wait to grab at $132 Tesla Inc., the electric vehicle (EV) trailblazer, has been making waves in the...
TOPPhoenixWhitman: I'm not so sure about your claim that there's "nothing to hope for" with Tesla.
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ the bottom is not in yet. the market will go down further next week. S&P will at least hit 4,700. several analysts have said even below 4500. I believe nvda well go below 600. the support is at 670 for now. the blowout earnings are expected and a good guidance is a given but this is not until late May ...and a rise of a 100 points will bring nvda from 500 to 600.
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ the bottom is not in yet. the market will go down further next week. S&P will at least hit 4,700. several analysts have said ev...
TOPsnixxx: I think NVIDIA has strong fundamentals and the market will eventually recover.
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ This is utter comedy. In days the QE clowns pumped Nvidia the entire market cap of Boeing! In the past quarter, on 20 billion total revenue, the powers to be pumped Nvidia the combined market caps past quarter, on 20 billion total revenue, the powers to be pumped Nvidia the combined market caps of Boeing, FedEx, Disney, Citigroup, with billions left over? Sad but true. No wonder no insider has bought any shares in over 3 years as stock has gone from $70 to $900? Look at all the insider buying of other large tech companies.... this move rhymes with fonzi!addiction my600lblife GIF by TLC Europe
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ This is utter comedy. In days the QE clowns pumped Nvidia the entire market cap of Boeing! In the past quarter, on 20 billion t...

I would be in around $40s

$ARM Holdings Ltd(ARM)$ PE 1000? That's bonkers! I mean, I'd practically need to take out a loan just to afford a single share! And get this, despite raking in less than $5 billion in revenue, they're strutting around with a market cap close to $100 billion? It's like they're living in a whole other financial galaxy! And don't even get me started on SoftBank owning 90% of the stocks! It's like trying to get a slice of a pie that's already been devoured! No way I'm diving into that madness. It's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. Just doesn't make sense, you know? I would be in around $40s
I would be in around $40s
$Sea Ltd(SE)$ Morgan Stanley upgraded Sea Limited to Overweight from Equal Weight with a price target of $70, up from $65. The firm says its upgrade reflects higher conviction in its 2024 base case given year-to-date momentum and "relatively rational competition" in e-commerce. Given Shopee's market share trend, GMV growth, improving unit economics, competitor moves on commissions, and the management outlook, the firm argues that the risk-reward balance is now more favorable.
$Sea Ltd(SE)$ Morgan Stanley upgraded Sea Limited to Overweight from Equal Weight with a price target of $70, up from $65. The firm says its upgrad...
TOPwhimsie: I agree with Morgan Stanley's upgrade on Sea Limited.
The Investing Iguana

Parkway Life REIT 5% Dividends Guaranteed? | The Investing Iguana 🦖

🟩 Is Parkway Life REIT a hidden gem that can deliver 5% dividends guaranteed? In this video, Iggy the Investing Iguana dives deep into the fundamentals of this defensive healthcare REIT to uncover the truth. We'll explore Parkway Life REIT's unique business model, its geographically diversified property portfolio, and the factors contributing to its stable and growing distributions. You'll discover how this REIT has managed to reward unitholders with consistent DPU growth without diluting its units in issue - a remarkable feat in the REIT space. But is everything as rosy as it seems? We'll also examine the potential risks, including the REIT's exposure to foreign exchange fluctuations due to its Japan properties. Iggy will walk you through Parkway Life REIT's latest financial results, its
Parkway Life REIT 5% Dividends Guaranteed? | The Investing Iguana 🦖

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