Profile:Tesla and 14 others LONG
Keep coming up with events like this. Thanks tiger.
Great article, would you like to share it?
@TigerEvents:[10th Anniv] Discover exciting features & win a US$1,010 reward!
happy lunar new year !
Last day to get prizes !!!!!!
Last day let's go!!!!
2nd last day of the event!
Bitcoin ETF approved. What a monumental day it is.
Another mixed market day again
Mixed market today. Some tech stocks like crowdstrike went up by 6% whereas tech stocks like Tesla went down by 3%
Soft landing anticipated?
Hoping for a market reversal
Hopefully market climbs on open
Markets getting hot then cold, hot then cold. Rinse and repeat much like Singapore's weather
Rebound happening now ?
Is it the start of a falling knife ?
Looking back on 2023. I sold Nvidia at 225 usd, bought in at 128 usd. Although I have only bought 4 shares but still managed to snag a good profit. Other good trades include Airbnb which I bought in at 134 USD and sold at 145 usd, trade desk at 54 USD and sold at 66 usd, meta at 193 USD and offload some at 242 usd and Coinbase at 134 usd and sold at 145 usd. Although it may seems that I may have sold too early, this just proves that everyone should and must have a price target on the back of their heads. Sometimes, it is necessary to derisk oneself. An important and quite expensive lesson is that I learnt not to trust someone on the internet too easily. Always do your own due diligence which I have to say my worst trade ever made was buy into proterra. A company that has gone bankrupt. 1.2
Happy new year! May 2024 be the start of the next bull run
Last day of the year 2023 !
Last working day of the year. Why is the stock market not ending the year with a bang ?
Regretted selling $coin too early at $145 despite making a ROE of 10%. Now it rockets up to $184.

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