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@Tiger_SG:[Reward] How Will SG 2023 Budget Impact on Your Life and Investing?
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央視新聞有國外同行問,運-20飛機的奇蹟你們是怎麼做出來的?它的密碼真諦就在於自立自強、自主創新,我們想爭一口氣。3月4日下午,今年全國兩會首場委員通道開啓。全國政協委員,中國航空工業集團有限公司型號總設計師唐長紅的發言引發廣泛關注。他回顧了運-20首飛以來的10年航跡,揭祕了運-20研製的奇蹟密碼。運-20航跡遍佈祖國大江南北遠赴亞、非、歐等地區唐長紅介紹,今年大型運輸機運-20,首飛10週年。10年來,運-20從科研試飛到服役創造了很多紀錄,經歷了一系列嚴酷的考覈。運-20多次執行特別任務,從抗疫救災到國際人道主義援助,它的航跡遍佈我國大江南北,遠赴亞洲、歐洲、非洲、大洋洲,受到了國際矚目,提升了國人士氣,彰顯了中國的力量。唐長紅揭祕運-20研製的奇蹟密碼唐長紅親歷了運-20飛機的研製,5年首飛、8年交付使用。曾有國外同行問唐長紅:“這樣的奇蹟你們是怎樣做出來的?”他回答:“它的密碼真諦就在於,自立自強、自主創新,我們想爭一口氣。”唐長紅說:“在運-20飛機的研製過程中,攻破了很多技術難關。作爲一名航空科技工作者,我深深地體會到,實現高水平科技自立自強,實質上就是在國家需要的時候,想用我們就有,想幹就能!航空正青春、萬里能爲鄰,我們已經踏上高水平科技發展的萬里征程,在打造大國重器的征程上,我們探索創新的步伐不會停歇,航空報國不負重託,我們必須也一定能爲國家的強盛和民族的復興作出新的更大的貢獻。”運-20總師:“胖”是一種能力的體現2013年1月26日,大型運輸機運-20首飛成功,它有個充滿古意的名字——鯤鵬。網友則給它起了一個更加親切的名字——“胖妞”。“強國賴重器,鯤鵬振軍威”。作爲運-20飛機總設計師,唐長紅很欣賞“胖妞”這個稱呼。他說,在大飛機設計上,把機體做寬做大是有技術難度的,我國第一款大型運輸機就能“胖”,這是一種能力的體現。研發過程中,他帶","listText":"來源:央視軍事 央視新聞有國外同行問,運-20飛機的奇蹟你們是怎麼做出來的?它的密碼真諦就在於自立自強、自主創新,我們想爭一口氣。3月4日下午,今年全國兩會首場委員通道開啓。全國政協委員,中國航空工業集團有限公司型號總設計師唐長紅的發言引發廣泛關注。他回顧了運-20首飛以來的10年航跡,揭祕了運-20研製的奇蹟密碼。運-20航跡遍佈祖國大江南北遠赴亞、非、歐等地區唐長紅介紹,今年大型運輸機運-20,首飛10週年。10年來,運-20從科研試飛到服役創造了很多紀錄,經歷了一系列嚴酷的考覈。運-20多次執行特別任務,從抗疫救災到國際人道主義援助,它的航跡遍佈我國大江南北,遠赴亞洲、歐洲、非洲、大洋洲,受到了國際矚目,提升了國人士氣,彰顯了中國的力量。唐長紅揭祕運-20研製的奇蹟密碼唐長紅親歷了運-20飛機的研製,5年首飛、8年交付使用。曾有國外同行問唐長紅:“這樣的奇蹟你們是怎樣做出來的?”他回答:“它的密碼真諦就在於,自立自強、自主創新,我們想爭一口氣。”唐長紅說:“在運-20飛機的研製過程中,攻破了很多技術難關。作爲一名航空科技工作者,我深深地體會到,實現高水平科技自立自強,實質上就是在國家需要的時候,想用我們就有,想幹就能!航空正青春、萬里能爲鄰,我們已經踏上高水平科技發展的萬里征程,在打造大國重器的征程上,我們探索創新的步伐不會停歇,航空報國不負重託,我們必須也一定能爲國家的強盛和民族的復興作出新的更大的貢獻。”運-20總師:“胖”是一種能力的體現2013年1月26日,大型運輸機運-20首飛成功,它有個充滿古意的名字——鯤鵬。網友則給它起了一個更加親切的名字——“胖妞”。“強國賴重器,鯤鵬振軍威”。作爲運-20飛機總設計師,唐長紅很欣賞“胖妞”這個稱呼。他說,在大飛機設計上,把機體做寬做大是有技術難度的,我國第一款大型運輸機就能“胖”,這是一種能力的體現。研發過程中,他帶","text":"來源:央視軍事 央視新聞有國外同行問,運-20飛機的奇蹟你們是怎麼做出來的?它的密碼真諦就在於自立自強、自主創新,我們想爭一口氣。3月4日下午,今年全國兩會首場委員通道開啓。全國政協委員,中國航空工業集團有限公司型號總設計師唐長紅的發言引發廣泛關注。他回顧了運-20首飛以來的10年航跡,揭祕了運-20研製的奇蹟密碼。運-20航跡遍佈祖國大江南北遠赴亞、非、歐等地區唐長紅介紹,今年大型運輸機運-20,首飛10週年。10年來,運-20從科研試飛到服役創造了很多紀錄,經歷了一系列嚴酷的考覈。運-20多次執行特別任務,從抗疫救災到國際人道主義援助,它的航跡遍佈我國大江南北,遠赴亞洲、歐洲、非洲、大洋洲,受到了國際矚目,提升了國人士氣,彰顯了中國的力量。唐長紅揭祕運-20研製的奇蹟密碼唐長紅親歷了運-20飛機的研製,5年首飛、8年交付使用。曾有國外同行問唐長紅:“這樣的奇蹟你們是怎樣做出來的?”他回答:“它的密碼真諦就在於,自立自強、自主創新,我們想爭一口氣。”唐長紅說:“在運-20飛機的研製過程中,攻破了很多技術難關。作爲一名航空科技工作者,我深深地體會到,實現高水平科技自立自強,實質上就是在國家需要的時候,想用我們就有,想幹就能!航空正青春、萬里能爲鄰,我們已經踏上高水平科技發展的萬里征程,在打造大國重器的征程上,我們探索創新的步伐不會停歇,航空報國不負重託,我們必須也一定能爲國家的強盛和民族的復興作出新的更大的貢獻。”運-20總師:“胖”是一種能力的體現2013年1月26日,大型運輸機運-20首飛成功,它有個充滿古意的名字——鯤鵬。網友則給它起了一個更加親切的名字——“胖妞”。“強國賴重器,鯤鵬振軍威”。作爲運-20飛機總設計師,唐長紅很欣賞“胖妞”這個稱呼。他說,在大飛機設計上,把機體做寬做大是有技術難度的,我國第一款大型運輸機就能“胖”,這是一種能力的體現。研發過程中,他帶","images":[{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/a4255ef39c4b4aeb9e0a2a97e6452131","width":"0","height":"0"},{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/a059b7a93cb54a8b8fcf5856763e8dd1","width":"0","height":"0"},{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/ef82af477bd843ff8d37cd7ecc539398","width":"0","height":"0"}],"top":1,"highlighted":2,"essential":1,"paper":2,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/627339429","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":6,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1032,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9957280094,"gmtCreate":1677284488319,"gmtModify":1677284491619,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Hello 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to help offset a higher goods and services tax and rising living costs. On the other hand, taxes were raised on higher-value property, multinational firms, and luxury cars.Below are some Industry and SG stocks winners that may benefit from the new budget measurements.Welcome Tigers to reply to t","listText":"Welcome to READ the full PDF of <a href=\"https://www.mof.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider3/budget2023/download/pdf/fy2023_budget_booklet_english.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">Singarpore 2023 Budget Booklet.</a>Singapore Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said the government will increase handouts( S$104 billion ($78.4 billion spending plan) to citizens to help offset a higher goods and services tax and rising living costs. On the other hand, taxes were raised on higher-value property, multinational firms, and luxury cars.Below are some Industry and SG stocks winners that may benefit from the new budget measurements.Welcome Tigers to reply to t","text":"Welcome to READ the full PDF of Singarpore 2023 Budget Booklet.Singapore Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said the government will increase handouts( S$104 billion ($78.4 billion spending plan) to citizens to help offset a higher goods and services tax and rising living costs. On the other hand, taxes were raised on higher-value property, multinational firms, and luxury cars.Below are some Industry and SG stocks winners that may benefit from the new budget measurements.Welcome Tigers to reply to t","images":[{"img":"https://community-static.tradeup.com/news/a67c954a87f90252a4fb3df5008911d7","width":"-1","height":"-1"}],"top":1,"highlighted":2,"essential":2,"paper":2,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9954517204","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":1,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":997,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9969269026,"gmtCreate":1668466031066,"gmtModify":1676538059027,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Hhbj","listText":"Hhbj","text":"Hhbj","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":5,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9969269026","repostId":"1135519469","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1135519469","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1668437915,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1135519469?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-11-14 22:58","market":"us","language":"en","title":"EV Stocks Crashed in Morning Trading","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1135519469","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"EV stocks crashed in morning trading; Tesla slid over 3% and Canoo slid over 7%.","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>EV stocks crashed in morning trading; Tesla slid over 3% and Canoo slid over 7%.<img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/109a541246f7485631bf9e5516824a2b\" tg-width=\"272\" tg-height=\"539\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>EV Stocks Crashed in Morning Trading</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; 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Tesla slid over 3% and Canoo slid over 7%.<img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/109a541246f7485631bf9e5516824a2b\" tg-width=\"272\" tg-height=\"539\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"TSLA":"特斯拉","NIO":"蔚来"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1135519469","content_text":"EV stocks crashed in morning trading; Tesla slid over 3% and Canoo slid over 7%.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":745,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9982310701,"gmtCreate":1667095573403,"gmtModify":1676537859847,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Xcjb","listText":"Xcjb","text":"Xcjb","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":1,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9982310701","repostId":"9982332656","repostType":1,"repost":{"id":9982332656,"gmtCreate":1667095129875,"gmtModify":1676537859698,"author":{"id":"4090323714878440","authorId":"4090323714878440","name":"huaer8497","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/cbdf05a74dd06581333ca9b5dbf6be11","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4090323714878440","authorIdStr":"4090323714878440"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"蘋果高層首度證實將改採 Type-C 充電規格,激勵相關概念股本週股價強漲表態,鈺創 (5351-TW) 逆勢勁揚,週五 (28 日) 終場收在 33.95 元,單周漲幅達 11.3%,一舉站回月線。 蘋果全球行銷副總裁 Greg Joswiak 近日首度對外鬆口,蘋果將遵循歐盟對於手機充電孔的新法規,雖然他並未透露詳細時程,但根據歐盟規定,2024 年底前 iPhone、Android 等手機都必須採用 Type-C 接口,也讓相關概念股營運增添更多想像空間。 鈺創與子公司鈺羣推出的 E-Marker 晶片,已成功獲得 USB 4 及 Thunderbolt 4 兩大高速傳輸介面規格雙認證,是全球唯一通過雙認證的 E-Marker 晶片,同時支援 USB-C 接口及 USB-PD 3.0 電力傳輸技術,可望直接受惠。 捲動即可繼續查看內容Ad","listText":"蘋果高層首度證實將改採 Type-C 充電規格,激勵相關概念股本週股價強漲表態,鈺創 (5351-TW) 逆勢勁揚,週五 (28 日) 終場收在 33.95 元,單周漲幅達 11.3%,一舉站回月線。 蘋果全球行銷副總裁 Greg Joswiak 近日首度對外鬆口,蘋果將遵循歐盟對於手機充電孔的新法規,雖然他並未透露詳細時程,但根據歐盟規定,2024 年底前 iPhone、Android 等手機都必須採用 Type-C 接口,也讓相關概念股營運增添更多想像空間。 鈺創與子公司鈺羣推出的 E-Marker 晶片,已成功獲得 USB 4 及 Thunderbolt 4 兩大高速傳輸介面規格雙認證,是全球唯一通過雙認證的 E-Marker 晶片,同時支援 USB-C 接口及 USB-PD 3.0 電力傳輸技術,可望直接受惠。 捲動即可繼續查看內容Ad","text":"蘋果高層首度證實將改採 Type-C 充電規格,激勵相關概念股本週股價強漲表態,鈺創 (5351-TW) 逆勢勁揚,週五 (28 日) 終場收在 33.95 元,單周漲幅達 11.3%,一舉站回月線。 蘋果全球行銷副總裁 Greg Joswiak 近日首度對外鬆口,蘋果將遵循歐盟對於手機充電孔的新法規,雖然他並未透露詳細時程,但根據歐盟規定,2024 年底前 iPhone、Android 等手機都必須採用 Type-C 接口,也讓相關概念股營運增添更多想像空間。 鈺創與子公司鈺羣推出的 E-Marker 晶片,已成功獲得 USB 4 及 Thunderbolt 4 兩大高速傳輸介面規格雙認證,是全球唯一通過雙認證的 E-Marker 晶片,同時支援 USB-C 接口及 USB-PD 3.0 電力傳輸技術,可望直接受惠。 捲動即可繼續查看內容Ad","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9982332656","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1231,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9914390543,"gmtCreate":1665184987282,"gmtModify":1676537568178,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"hhb","listText":"hhb","text":"hhb","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":1,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9914390543","repostId":"9914983397","repostType":1,"repost":{"id":9914983397,"gmtCreate":1665156405119,"gmtModify":1676537566047,"author":{"id":"3527667591235607","authorId":"3527667591235607","name":"OptionPlus","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/e8009c23927adcf8b5e1e1d101178392","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3527667591235607","authorIdStr":"3527667591235607"},"themes":[],"title":"[Options] Bet on Volatility, but no direction","htmlText":"<a href=\"https://ttm.financial/S/AMD\">$AMD(AMD)$</a> lowered its guidance again, dragging down the semiconductor sector. Since September, more and more companies decreased their earnings guidances. They spanned multi-industries, such as Nike/Starbucks/Ralph Lauren for retailers, FedEx for transportation, Ford for auto, and Carnival Cruises.The stock market was led by the US dollar in September, and the negative correlation between the US dollar and US stocks was continuing in October.S&P 500 index closed at the weekly MA200 level in September, and bounced from here in October. The index rose for two days to fill up for the decline gap created by September 23, but left a bounce gap of 3700-3720. Now the market is extreme, and we just have to wait for a short-term bottom to form when th","listText":"<a href=\"https://ttm.financial/S/AMD\">$AMD(AMD)$</a> lowered its guidance again, dragging down the semiconductor sector. Since September, more and more companies decreased their earnings guidances. 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楊萬里妖股的春天剛來,又要面臨謝幕。8月22日,大港股份低開低走,僅交易45分鐘被空頭砸到地板上,創下兩跌停紀錄。截至收盤,該公司股價爲17.44元,總市值爲101.2億元。今日誰是多頭?誰是空頭?8月22日龍虎榜顯示,三家拉薩席位合計淨買入超1300萬元。同日,遊資“交易猿”旗下常用席位華泰證券天津東麗開發區二緯路證券營業部淨買入2308.92萬元。與之相反,遊資“趙老哥”旗下常用席位中國銀河證券北京阜成路證券營業部、“上海溧陽路”旗下常用席位中信證券上海溧陽路證券營業部分別淨賣出4728.21萬、1690.81萬,合計賣出超6400萬元。不難發現,遊資資金以淨賣出爲主,散戶資金淨買入居多,高位買入股票的股民今天吃了一碗大面。望着高懸的K線,不知大家心裏是否忐忑呢?大港股份是近期的一隻熱門股。在7月21日至8月11日期間,短短16個交易日,該公司走出12個漲停板,此後股價繼續走強,最高漲至22.5元。從起步價到高點,其漲幅合計達2.1倍。從業績看,今年上半年,大港股份預計實現歸屬淨利潤4000萬元–4800萬元,同比下降50.09%-58.41%。回顧過去五年財報,該公司分別實現歸屬淨利潤3363萬、-5.704億、-4.753億、9787萬、1.361億,數據波動比較大。業績基本面看起來並不好,爲啥能漲這麼多?在魔幻的A股面前,只要有個熱門概念,就能實現大漲。不久前,Chiplet(芯粒)概念迅速升溫,業務涉及封裝測試的公司自然成爲資金重點關注對象。當下有一個背景:隨着半導體工藝越來越先進,在二維平面晶體管結構中用提升晶體管密度來提高性能的做法也逐漸面臨瓶頸,導致芯片企業的研發成本增加。Chaplet(芯粒)概念是指將多種芯片在一個封裝內組裝起來的解決方案,優勢是成本低、性能高、產品上市速度快。特別是某西方國家不斷打壓中國半導體產業,採用Chaplet(芯粒)解","listText":"文 | 楊萬里妖股的春天剛來,又要面臨謝幕。8月22日,大港股份低開低走,僅交易45分鐘被空頭砸到地板上,創下兩跌停紀錄。截至收盤,該公司股價爲17.44元,總市值爲101.2億元。今日誰是多頭?誰是空頭?8月22日龍虎榜顯示,三家拉薩席位合計淨買入超1300萬元。同日,遊資“交易猿”旗下常用席位華泰證券天津東麗開發區二緯路證券營業部淨買入2308.92萬元。與之相反,遊資“趙老哥”旗下常用席位中國銀河證券北京阜成路證券營業部、“上海溧陽路”旗下常用席位中信證券上海溧陽路證券營業部分別淨賣出4728.21萬、1690.81萬,合計賣出超6400萬元。不難發現,遊資資金以淨賣出爲主,散戶資金淨買入居多,高位買入股票的股民今天吃了一碗大面。望着高懸的K線,不知大家心裏是否忐忑呢?大港股份是近期的一隻熱門股。在7月21日至8月11日期間,短短16個交易日,該公司走出12個漲停板,此後股價繼續走強,最高漲至22.5元。從起步價到高點,其漲幅合計達2.1倍。從業績看,今年上半年,大港股份預計實現歸屬淨利潤4000萬元–4800萬元,同比下降50.09%-58.41%。回顧過去五年財報,該公司分別實現歸屬淨利潤3363萬、-5.704億、-4.753億、9787萬、1.361億,數據波動比較大。業績基本面看起來並不好,爲啥能漲這麼多?在魔幻的A股面前,只要有個熱門概念,就能實現大漲。不久前,Chiplet(芯粒)概念迅速升溫,業務涉及封裝測試的公司自然成爲資金重點關注對象。當下有一個背景:隨着半導體工藝越來越先進,在二維平面晶體管結構中用提升晶體管密度來提高性能的做法也逐漸面臨瓶頸,導致芯片企業的研發成本增加。Chaplet(芯粒)概念是指將多種芯片在一個封裝內組裝起來的解決方案,優勢是成本低、性能高、產品上市速度快。特別是某西方國家不斷打壓中國半導體產業,採用Chaplet(芯粒)解","text":"文 | 楊萬里妖股的春天剛來,又要面臨謝幕。8月22日,大港股份低開低走,僅交易45分鐘被空頭砸到地板上,創下兩跌停紀錄。截至收盤,該公司股價爲17.44元,總市值爲101.2億元。今日誰是多頭?誰是空頭?8月22日龍虎榜顯示,三家拉薩席位合計淨買入超1300萬元。同日,遊資“交易猿”旗下常用席位華泰證券天津東麗開發區二緯路證券營業部淨買入2308.92萬元。與之相反,遊資“趙老哥”旗下常用席位中國銀河證券北京阜成路證券營業部、“上海溧陽路”旗下常用席位中信證券上海溧陽路證券營業部分別淨賣出4728.21萬、1690.81萬,合計賣出超6400萬元。不難發現,遊資資金以淨賣出爲主,散戶資金淨買入居多,高位買入股票的股民今天吃了一碗大面。望着高懸的K線,不知大家心裏是否忐忑呢?大港股份是近期的一隻熱門股。在7月21日至8月11日期間,短短16個交易日,該公司走出12個漲停板,此後股價繼續走強,最高漲至22.5元。從起步價到高點,其漲幅合計達2.1倍。從業績看,今年上半年,大港股份預計實現歸屬淨利潤4000萬元–4800萬元,同比下降50.09%-58.41%。回顧過去五年財報,該公司分別實現歸屬淨利潤3363萬、-5.704億、-4.753億、9787萬、1.361億,數據波動比較大。業績基本面看起來並不好,爲啥能漲這麼多?在魔幻的A股面前,只要有個熱門概念,就能實現大漲。不久前,Chiplet(芯粒)概念迅速升溫,業務涉及封裝測試的公司自然成爲資金重點關注對象。當下有一個背景:隨着半導體工藝越來越先進,在二維平面晶體管結構中用提升晶體管密度來提高性能的做法也逐漸面臨瓶頸,導致芯片企業的研發成本增加。Chaplet(芯粒)概念是指將多種芯片在一個封裝內組裝起來的解決方案,優勢是成本低、性能高、產品上市速度快。特別是某西方國家不斷打壓中國半導體產業,採用Chaplet(芯粒)解","images":[{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/94d93296026783a6d4ef03f3e90d8006","width":"640","height":"427"}],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":2,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/687521221","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":3,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1045,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9904844677,"gmtCreate":1660025040801,"gmtModify":1703477114069,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":" 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萬元、7385.22萬元、7396.30萬元,總體呈現下降的趨勢。基本面情況,圖片來源:招股書報告期內,公司主營業務毛利率分別爲 22.32%、18.28%和 13.35%,呈下降趨勢,主要受原材料採購價格、產品銷售價格等因素的綜合影響所致。具體來看,報告期內,佳諾威纖維板銷售收入呈逐年增長的趨勢。2020年和 2021年公司纖維板銷售收入分別較上年增長 24.45%和 35.88%,主要原因系隨着纖維板薄板生產線於 2020年4月正式投產,纖維板產品銷售規模擴大所致。同時,公司刨花板銷售收入存在波動,主要受刨花板產品銷量變動影響。其中,2020年刨花板銷售收入較 2019年度下降 17.51%,主要原因系 2020 年受疫情影響,銷量下滑 17.22%所致。公司主營業務收入分產品構成情況,圖片來源:招股書事實上,佳諾威生產經營所需原材料主要包括木質原料和化工原料。報告期內,上述兩種原材料成本佔主營業務成本的比重均超七成。木質原料採購價格主要受國家對林業資源的保護性政策、各地木質原料的供需狀況、供應商的議價能力等因素的影響。化工原料採購價格主要受上游石油、煤","listText":"近日,佳諾威集團股份有限公司(以下簡稱“佳諾威”)遞交首次公開發行股票招股說明書申報稿,擬登陸深交所主板,保薦人爲國元證券。佳諾威專注於人造板的研發、生產及銷售,主要產品包括纖維板和刨花板。報告期內,上述兩類產品銷售收入佔公司主營業務收入的比例超過 97%。本次發行前,公司實際控制人鄭海濤直接和間接合計控制公司 94.52%的股份,處於絕對控制地位。本次擬募資6.01億元,主要用於年產 36 萬立方米超強刨花板項目、信息化建設項目、補充流動資金。募資使用情況,圖片來源:招股書報告期內,佳諾威實現營業收入分別爲 7.28億元、7.56億元、10.28億元,扣除非經常性損益後歸屬於公司普通股股東的淨利潤分別爲8809.33 萬元、7385.22萬元、7396.30萬元,總體呈現下降的趨勢。基本面情況,圖片來源:招股書報告期內,公司主營業務毛利率分別爲 22.32%、18.28%和 13.35%,呈下降趨勢,主要受原材料採購價格、產品銷售價格等因素的綜合影響所致。具體來看,報告期內,佳諾威纖維板銷售收入呈逐年增長的趨勢。2020年和 2021年公司纖維板銷售收入分別較上年增長 24.45%和 35.88%,主要原因系隨着纖維板薄板生產線於 2020年4月正式投產,纖維板產品銷售規模擴大所致。同時,公司刨花板銷售收入存在波動,主要受刨花板產品銷量變動影響。其中,2020年刨花板銷售收入較 2019年度下降 17.51%,主要原因系 2020 年受疫情影響,銷量下滑 17.22%所致。公司主營業務收入分產品構成情況,圖片來源:招股書事實上,佳諾威生產經營所需原材料主要包括木質原料和化工原料。報告期內,上述兩種原材料成本佔主營業務成本的比重均超七成。木質原料採購價格主要受國家對林業資源的保護性政策、各地木質原料的供需狀況、供應商的議價能力等因素的影響。化工原料採購價格主要受上游石油、煤","text":"近日,佳諾威集團股份有限公司(以下簡稱“佳諾威”)遞交首次公開發行股票招股說明書申報稿,擬登陸深交所主板,保薦人爲國元證券。佳諾威專注於人造板的研發、生產及銷售,主要產品包括纖維板和刨花板。報告期內,上述兩類產品銷售收入佔公司主營業務收入的比例超過 97%。本次發行前,公司實際控制人鄭海濤直接和間接合計控制公司 94.52%的股份,處於絕對控制地位。本次擬募資6.01億元,主要用於年產 36 萬立方米超強刨花板項目、信息化建設項目、補充流動資金。募資使用情況,圖片來源:招股書報告期內,佳諾威實現營業收入分別爲 7.28億元、7.56億元、10.28億元,扣除非經常性損益後歸屬於公司普通股股東的淨利潤分別爲8809.33 萬元、7385.22萬元、7396.30萬元,總體呈現下降的趨勢。基本面情況,圖片來源:招股書報告期內,公司主營業務毛利率分別爲 22.32%、18.28%和 13.35%,呈下降趨勢,主要受原材料採購價格、產品銷售價格等因素的綜合影響所致。具體來看,報告期內,佳諾威纖維板銷售收入呈逐年增長的趨勢。2020年和 2021年公司纖維板銷售收入分別較上年增長 24.45%和 35.88%,主要原因系隨着纖維板薄板生產線於 2020年4月正式投產,纖維板產品銷售規模擴大所致。同時,公司刨花板銷售收入存在波動,主要受刨花板產品銷量變動影響。其中,2020年刨花板銷售收入較 2019年度下降 17.51%,主要原因系 2020 年受疫情影響,銷量下滑 17.22%所致。公司主營業務收入分產品構成情況,圖片來源:招股書事實上,佳諾威生產經營所需原材料主要包括木質原料和化工原料。報告期內,上述兩種原材料成本佔主營業務成本的比重均超七成。木質原料採購價格主要受國家對林業資源的保護性政策、各地木質原料的供需狀況、供應商的議價能力等因素的影響。化工原料採購價格主要受上游石油、煤","images":[{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/114f168e95378ad45b091e67cb85d053"},{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/2cccd37a9872ce82ffc6f670b1283d22"},{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/7ff853d320c616318d8731ab9f7784a0"}],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":2,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/684042059","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":4,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1233,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9905992683,"gmtCreate":1659790592944,"gmtModify":1703766560694,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"3uhssjs 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而據鐵路12306網站,8月6日鐵路部門對三亞地區全部做了禁售處理,市民不能通過鐵路離開三亞;時代財經從飛常準、航旅縱橫等平臺獲悉,三亞鳳凰機場飛機大面積取消,正常性爲0%,從三亞到北京、上海、杭州等多地已無直飛方案。 這發生在正處旅遊旺季的三亞,對遊客來說造成了一定的影響。據三亞政府估算,目前大概有8萬多名的遊客留在三亞。 “萬幸,昨天只猶豫了一小時就立馬定了航班離開了。”8月4日纔到達海口美蘭機場的王琳,此次計劃在海口、三亞等地方旅遊,還提早預定了衝浪課程。 但是隨着新聞播報裏的病例增多,8月5日中午王琳與同行夥伴立馬決定改簽8月5日傍晚的飛機返回上海。不過王琳告訴時代財經,其尚未入住的3天2晚酒店預訂,最終平臺只同意退還一天費用。 8月6日,攜程方面稱,攜程已在三亞全市啓動城市保障服務,入住日期從即日起至8月14日的用戶,可在平臺自助申請退訂。去哪兒方面則表示,8月4日之前(不含8月4日)在去哪兒平臺下單預訂,日期在8月4日至8月11日的入住訂單,且符合酒店疫情要求的可申請免費取消。 “旅遊羣裏很多預訂四五星級酒店的、連鎖酒店都全額免責退款了,很多小規模的酒店公寓和民宿,都在不斷踢皮球。”王琳說道。 比王琳還更加無奈的,則是目前還滯留在三亞的大批旅客。8月6日,社","listText":"本文來源:時代財經 作者:林心林 “我們前兩個月都是旅遊高峯期,有上百萬遊客進入三亞……”8月6日,海南省三亞市政府副市長何世剛針對海南三亞市疫情情況說道。 自6月底,這座解封的海濱城市涌進了無數遊客,機票、酒店住宿價格上升,旅遊業再現火熱。但因突發疫情,三亞的旅遊旺季或將暫時告一段落。 圖片來源:圖蟲創意 據“三亞發佈”微信公衆號8月6日凌晨發佈,自2022年8月6日凌晨6時起,三亞全市實行臨時性全域靜態管理,除保障社會基本運行服務、疫情防控和緊急特殊情況外,三亞全市範圍限制人員流動,暫停城市公共交通。 而據鐵路12306網站,8月6日鐵路部門對三亞地區全部做了禁售處理,市民不能通過鐵路離開三亞;時代財經從飛常準、航旅縱橫等平臺獲悉,三亞鳳凰機場飛機大面積取消,正常性爲0%,從三亞到北京、上海、杭州等多地已無直飛方案。 這發生在正處旅遊旺季的三亞,對遊客來說造成了一定的影響。據三亞政府估算,目前大概有8萬多名的遊客留在三亞。 “萬幸,昨天只猶豫了一小時就立馬定了航班離開了。”8月4日纔到達海口美蘭機場的王琳,此次計劃在海口、三亞等地方旅遊,還提早預定了衝浪課程。 但是隨着新聞播報裏的病例增多,8月5日中午王琳與同行夥伴立馬決定改簽8月5日傍晚的飛機返回上海。不過王琳告訴時代財經,其尚未入住的3天2晚酒店預訂,最終平臺只同意退還一天費用。 8月6日,攜程方面稱,攜程已在三亞全市啓動城市保障服務,入住日期從即日起至8月14日的用戶,可在平臺自助申請退訂。去哪兒方面則表示,8月4日之前(不含8月4日)在去哪兒平臺下單預訂,日期在8月4日至8月11日的入住訂單,且符合酒店疫情要求的可申請免費取消。 “旅遊羣裏很多預訂四五星級酒店的、連鎖酒店都全額免責退款了,很多小規模的酒店公寓和民宿,都在不斷踢皮球。”王琳說道。 比王琳還更加無奈的,則是目前還滯留在三亞的大批旅客。8月6日,社","text":"本文來源:時代財經 作者:林心林 “我們前兩個月都是旅遊高峯期,有上百萬遊客進入三亞……”8月6日,海南省三亞市政府副市長何世剛針對海南三亞市疫情情況說道。 自6月底,這座解封的海濱城市涌進了無數遊客,機票、酒店住宿價格上升,旅遊業再現火熱。但因突發疫情,三亞的旅遊旺季或將暫時告一段落。 圖片來源:圖蟲創意 據“三亞發佈”微信公衆號8月6日凌晨發佈,自2022年8月6日凌晨6時起,三亞全市實行臨時性全域靜態管理,除保障社會基本運行服務、疫情防控和緊急特殊情況外,三亞全市範圍限制人員流動,暫停城市公共交通。 而據鐵路12306網站,8月6日鐵路部門對三亞地區全部做了禁售處理,市民不能通過鐵路離開三亞;時代財經從飛常準、航旅縱橫等平臺獲悉,三亞鳳凰機場飛機大面積取消,正常性爲0%,從三亞到北京、上海、杭州等多地已無直飛方案。 這發生在正處旅遊旺季的三亞,對遊客來說造成了一定的影響。據三亞政府估算,目前大概有8萬多名的遊客留在三亞。 “萬幸,昨天只猶豫了一小時就立馬定了航班離開了。”8月4日纔到達海口美蘭機場的王琳,此次計劃在海口、三亞等地方旅遊,還提早預定了衝浪課程。 但是隨着新聞播報裏的病例增多,8月5日中午王琳與同行夥伴立馬決定改簽8月5日傍晚的飛機返回上海。不過王琳告訴時代財經,其尚未入住的3天2晚酒店預訂,最終平臺只同意退還一天費用。 8月6日,攜程方面稱,攜程已在三亞全市啓動城市保障服務,入住日期從即日起至8月14日的用戶,可在平臺自助申請退訂。去哪兒方面則表示,8月4日之前(不含8月4日)在去哪兒平臺下單預訂,日期在8月4日至8月11日的入住訂單,且符合酒店疫情要求的可申請免費取消。 “旅遊羣裏很多預訂四五星級酒店的、連鎖酒店都全額免責退款了,很多小規模的酒店公寓和民宿,都在不斷踢皮球。”王琳說道。 比王琳還更加無奈的,則是目前還滯留在三亞的大批旅客。8月6日,社","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":2,"essential":1,"paper":2,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/685404023","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":890,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9901608131,"gmtCreate":1659175039223,"gmtModify":1676536268908,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Shvhva akkwbjq ","listText":"Shvhva akkwbjq ","text":"Shvhva 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brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and technology","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Reuters","id":"1036604489","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868"},"pubTimestamp":1656542829,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2247029926?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-06-30 06:47","market":"us","language":"en","title":"S&P 500 Limps to Slightly Lower Close As Quarter-End Looms","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2247029926","media":"Reuters","summary":"* U.S. economy contracted in Q1; consumer spending revised lower* General Mills rises as sales beat ","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>* U.S. economy contracted in Q1; consumer spending revised lower</p><p>* General Mills rises as sales beat on higher prices</p><p>* Bed Bath & Beyond replaces CEO, shares tumble</p><p>* Dow up 0.27%, S&P down 0.07%, Nasdaq off 0.03%</p><p>NEW YORK, June 29 (Reuters) - The S&P 500 ended a seesaw session slightly down on Wednesday as investors staggered toward the finish line of a downbeat month, a dismal quarter, and the worst first-half for Wall Street's benchmark index since President Richard Nixon's first term.</p><p>The three major U.S. stock indexes spent much of the session wavering between red and green. The Nasdaq joined the S&P 500, closing nominally lower, while the blue-chip Dow posted a modest gain.</p><p>"The market’s struggling to find direction," said Megan Horneman, chief investment officer at Verdence Capital Advisors in Hunt Valley, Maryland. "We had disappointing data, and the markets are waiting for earnings season, when we'll get more clarity" with respect to future earnings and an economic slowdown.</p><p>Market leaders Apple, Microsoft and Amazon.com provided the upside muscle, while economically sensitive chips small caps and transports were underperforming the broader market.</p><p>With the end of the month and the second quarter a day away, the S&P 500 has set a course for its biggest first-half percentage drop since 1970.</p><p>The Nasdaq was on its way to its worst-ever first-half performance, while the Dow appeared on track for its biggest January-June percentage drop since the financial crisis.</p><p>All three indexes were bound to post their second straight quarterly declines. That last time that happened was in 2015.</p><p>"We have a central bank that has had to pivot from a decades-old easy money policy to a tightening cycle," Horneman added. "This is new for a lot of investors."</p><p>"We’re seeing a repricing for what we expect to be a very different interest rate environment going forward."</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 82.32 points, or 0.27%, to 31,029.31, the S&P 500 lost 2.72 points, or 0.07%, to 3,818.83 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 3.65 points, or 0.03%, to 11,177.89.</p><p>Of the 11 major sectors of the S&P 500, five lost ground on the day, with energy stocks suffering the largest percentage drop. Healthcare led the gainers.</p><p>Benchmark Treasury yields have risen by over 1.606 percentage points so far in 2022, their biggest first-half jump since 1984. That explains why interest rate sensitive growth stocks have plunged over 26% year-to-date.</p><p>Federal Reserve officials in recent days have reiterated their determination to rein in inflation, setting expectations for their second consecutive 75 basis point interest rate hike in July, while expressing confidence that monetary tightening will not tip the economy into recession.</p><p>In economic news, U.S. Commerce Department data showed GDP contracted slightly more than previously stated in the first three months of the year. Consumer spending, which accounts for about 70% of the economy, contributed substantially less than originally reported.</p><p>A day earlier, a dire consumer confidence report showed consumer expectations sinking to their lowest level since March 2013.</p><p>Second-quarter reporting season remains several weeks away, and 130 of the companies in the S&P 500 have pre-announced. Of those, 45 have been positive and 77 have been negative, resulting in a negative/positive ratio of 1.7 stronger than the first quarter but weaker than a year ago, according to Refinitiv data.</p><p>What will investors be listening for in those earnings calls?</p><p>"Margin pressures, that’s the big concern, pricing pressures, scaling back plans for capex because of the slowdown, and if they see any improvement in the supply chain," Horneman said.</p><p>Packaged food company General Mills Inc jumped 6.3% after its sales beat estimates.</p><p>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc tumbled 23.6% following the retailer's announcement that it had replaced chief executive officer Mark Tritton, hoping to reverse a slump.</p><p>Package deliverer Fedex Corp dropped 2.6% in the wake of its disappointing margin forecast for its ground unit.</p><p>Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones on the NYSE by a 1.96-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.79-to-1 ratio favored decliners.</p><p>The S&P 500 posted 1 new 52-week highs and 36 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 14 new highs and 284 new lows.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.55 billion shares, compared with the 12.79 billion average over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>S&P 500 Limps to Slightly Lower Close As Quarter-End Looms</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; 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consumer spending revised lower</p><p>* General Mills rises as sales beat on higher prices</p><p>* Bed Bath & Beyond replaces CEO, shares tumble</p><p>* Dow up 0.27%, S&P down 0.07%, Nasdaq off 0.03%</p><p>NEW YORK, June 29 (Reuters) - The S&P 500 ended a seesaw session slightly down on Wednesday as investors staggered toward the finish line of a downbeat month, a dismal quarter, and the worst first-half for Wall Street's benchmark index since President Richard Nixon's first term.</p><p>The three major U.S. stock indexes spent much of the session wavering between red and green. The Nasdaq joined the S&P 500, closing nominally lower, while the blue-chip Dow posted a modest gain.</p><p>"The market’s struggling to find direction," said Megan Horneman, chief investment officer at Verdence Capital Advisors in Hunt Valley, Maryland. "We had disappointing data, and the markets are waiting for earnings season, when we'll get more clarity" with respect to future earnings and an economic slowdown.</p><p>Market leaders Apple, Microsoft and Amazon.com provided the upside muscle, while economically sensitive chips small caps and transports were underperforming the broader market.</p><p>With the end of the month and the second quarter a day away, the S&P 500 has set a course for its biggest first-half percentage drop since 1970.</p><p>The Nasdaq was on its way to its worst-ever first-half performance, while the Dow appeared on track for its biggest January-June percentage drop since the financial crisis.</p><p>All three indexes were bound to post their second straight quarterly declines. That last time that happened was in 2015.</p><p>"We have a central bank that has had to pivot from a decades-old easy money policy to a tightening cycle," Horneman added. "This is new for a lot of investors."</p><p>"We’re seeing a repricing for what we expect to be a very different interest rate environment going forward."</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 82.32 points, or 0.27%, to 31,029.31, the S&P 500 lost 2.72 points, or 0.07%, to 3,818.83 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 3.65 points, or 0.03%, to 11,177.89.</p><p>Of the 11 major sectors of the S&P 500, five lost ground on the day, with energy stocks suffering the largest percentage drop. Healthcare led the gainers.</p><p>Benchmark Treasury yields have risen by over 1.606 percentage points so far in 2022, their biggest first-half jump since 1984. That explains why interest rate sensitive growth stocks have plunged over 26% year-to-date.</p><p>Federal Reserve officials in recent days have reiterated their determination to rein in inflation, setting expectations for their second consecutive 75 basis point interest rate hike in July, while expressing confidence that monetary tightening will not tip the economy into recession.</p><p>In economic news, U.S. Commerce Department data showed GDP contracted slightly more than previously stated in the first three months of the year. Consumer spending, which accounts for about 70% of the economy, contributed substantially less than originally reported.</p><p>A day earlier, a dire consumer confidence report showed consumer expectations sinking to their lowest level since March 2013.</p><p>Second-quarter reporting season remains several weeks away, and 130 of the companies in the S&P 500 have pre-announced. Of those, 45 have been positive and 77 have been negative, resulting in a negative/positive ratio of 1.7 stronger than the first quarter but weaker than a year ago, according to Refinitiv data.</p><p>What will investors be listening for in those earnings calls?</p><p>"Margin pressures, that’s the big concern, pricing pressures, scaling back plans for capex because of the slowdown, and if they see any improvement in the supply chain," Horneman said.</p><p>Packaged food company General Mills Inc jumped 6.3% after its sales beat estimates.</p><p>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc tumbled 23.6% following the retailer's announcement that it had replaced chief executive officer Mark Tritton, hoping to reverse a slump.</p><p>Package deliverer Fedex Corp dropped 2.6% in the wake of its disappointing margin forecast for its ground unit.</p><p>Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones on the NYSE by a 1.96-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.79-to-1 ratio favored decliners.</p><p>The S&P 500 posted 1 new 52-week highs and 36 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 14 new highs and 284 new lows.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.55 billion shares, compared with the 12.79 billion average over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"161125":"标普500","513500":"标普500ETF","MSFT":"微软","GIS":"通用磨坊","FDX":"联邦快递","SH":"标普500反向ETF","OEF":"标普100指数ETF-iShares","SDS":"两倍做空标普500ETF","SPXU":"三倍做空标普500ETF","BK4534":"瑞士信贷持仓","SSO":"两倍做多标普500ETF","SPY":"标普500ETF","AMZN":"亚马逊","AAPL":"苹果","BK4559":"巴菲特持仓","BK4550":"红杉资本持仓","UPRO":"三倍做多标普500ETF","IVV":"标普500指数ETF","OEX":"标普100","BBBY":"3B家居","BK4581":"高盛持仓","BK4504":"桥水持仓"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2247029926","content_text":"* U.S. economy contracted in Q1; consumer spending revised lower* General Mills rises as sales beat on higher prices* Bed Bath & Beyond replaces CEO, shares tumble* Dow up 0.27%, S&P down 0.07%, Nasdaq off 0.03%NEW YORK, June 29 (Reuters) - The S&P 500 ended a seesaw session slightly down on Wednesday as investors staggered toward the finish line of a downbeat month, a dismal quarter, and the worst first-half for Wall Street's benchmark index since President Richard Nixon's first term.The three major U.S. stock indexes spent much of the session wavering between red and green. The Nasdaq joined the S&P 500, closing nominally lower, while the blue-chip Dow posted a modest gain.\"The market’s struggling to find direction,\" said Megan Horneman, chief investment officer at Verdence Capital Advisors in Hunt Valley, Maryland. \"We had disappointing data, and the markets are waiting for earnings season, when we'll get more clarity\" with respect to future earnings and an economic slowdown.Market leaders Apple, Microsoft and Amazon.com provided the upside muscle, while economically sensitive chips small caps and transports were underperforming the broader market.With the end of the month and the second quarter a day away, the S&P 500 has set a course for its biggest first-half percentage drop since 1970.The Nasdaq was on its way to its worst-ever first-half performance, while the Dow appeared on track for its biggest January-June percentage drop since the financial crisis.All three indexes were bound to post their second straight quarterly declines. That last time that happened was in 2015.\"We have a central bank that has had to pivot from a decades-old easy money policy to a tightening cycle,\" Horneman added. \"This is new for a lot of investors.\"\"We’re seeing a repricing for what we expect to be a very different interest rate environment going forward.\"The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 82.32 points, or 0.27%, to 31,029.31, the S&P 500 lost 2.72 points, or 0.07%, to 3,818.83 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 3.65 points, or 0.03%, to 11,177.89.Of the 11 major sectors of the S&P 500, five lost ground on the day, with energy stocks suffering the largest percentage drop. Healthcare led the gainers.Benchmark Treasury yields have risen by over 1.606 percentage points so far in 2022, their biggest first-half jump since 1984. That explains why interest rate sensitive growth stocks have plunged over 26% year-to-date.Federal Reserve officials in recent days have reiterated their determination to rein in inflation, setting expectations for their second consecutive 75 basis point interest rate hike in July, while expressing confidence that monetary tightening will not tip the economy into recession.In economic news, U.S. Commerce Department data showed GDP contracted slightly more than previously stated in the first three months of the year. Consumer spending, which accounts for about 70% of the economy, contributed substantially less than originally reported.A day earlier, a dire consumer confidence report showed consumer expectations sinking to their lowest level since March 2013.Second-quarter reporting season remains several weeks away, and 130 of the companies in the S&P 500 have pre-announced. Of those, 45 have been positive and 77 have been negative, resulting in a negative/positive ratio of 1.7 stronger than the first quarter but weaker than a year ago, according to Refinitiv data.What will investors be listening for in those earnings calls?\"Margin pressures, that’s the big concern, pricing pressures, scaling back plans for capex because of the slowdown, and if they see any improvement in the supply chain,\" Horneman said.Packaged food company General Mills Inc jumped 6.3% after its sales beat estimates.Bed Bath & Beyond Inc tumbled 23.6% following the retailer's announcement that it had replaced chief executive officer Mark Tritton, hoping to reverse a slump.Package deliverer Fedex Corp dropped 2.6% in the wake of its disappointing margin forecast for its ground unit.Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones on the NYSE by a 1.96-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.79-to-1 ratio favored decliners.The S&P 500 posted 1 new 52-week highs and 36 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 14 new highs and 284 new lows.Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.55 billion shares, compared with the 12.79 billion average over the last 20 trading days.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":602,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9046425982,"gmtCreate":1656378752647,"gmtModify":1676535817583,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"got it","listText":"got it","text":"got 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在傳統的營銷獲客成本中,中介佣金率在3-8%不等,導致獲客成本居高不下,這也大大擠壓了企業的利潤空間;而自銷渠道從傳統的線下擴大到線上,也意味着目標用戶基數的激增,不僅如此,高淨值行業的用戶特點是起點低、終點高,如何快速從龐大的基數中篩選出少數精準的有效銷售線索,降低轉化難度、提高轉化效率,都是企業關注的重點。原圈科技的思路是通過AI和自動化技術解決。韓劍認爲,“通過系統流程和標籤體系可以自動過濾掉95%的低價值用戶,企業後續可以只保留簡單的內容運營動作,剩餘5%的高價值用戶,可以通過人機協作的方式深度運營和轉化”。具體實現分爲三個步驟: 目前,原圈科技的收入主要來自兩部分,一是SaaS訂閱服務費,客單價在15-20萬區間;二是針對KA客戶的整體解決方案,涉及一些產品和業務模塊的共創,依據客戶需求不同,價格不同。目前,SaaS收入佔比約爲70%,其它收入佔比約30%。今年,還將通過運營輸出的方式,探索按效果付費的收入模式。","listText":"投資界6月28日消息,原圈科技宣佈完成5000萬元A+輪融資,本輪融資由常春藤資本領投,老股東SIG海納亞洲創投基金和靖亞資本跟投。據介紹,本輪資金主要用於產品研發和市場拓展。 原圈科技成立於2017年,服務以地產行業爲核心的高淨值行業企業,聚焦長鏈路營銷的獲客和轉化,針對“獲客、管客、跟客、養客”四大階段,形成一站式智慧營銷解決方案。通過爲企業管理用戶資產,降低企業營銷費效比和提升用戶滿意度。 原圈科技的產品體系圍繞獲客貴、轉化難、服務弱三大痛點展開,覆蓋內容生產-流量引入-私域沉澱和運營-案場CRM管理及渠道管理-運營服務的全流程。 在傳統的營銷獲客成本中,中介佣金率在3-8%不等,導致獲客成本居高不下,這也大大擠壓了企業的利潤空間;而自銷渠道從傳統的線下擴大到線上,也意味着目標用戶基數的激增,不僅如此,高淨值行業的用戶特點是起點低、終點高,如何快速從龐大的基數中篩選出少數精準的有效銷售線索,降低轉化難度、提高轉化效率,都是企業關注的重點。原圈科技的思路是通過AI和自動化技術解決。韓劍認爲,“通過系統流程和標籤體系可以自動過濾掉95%的低價值用戶,企業後續可以只保留簡單的內容運營動作,剩餘5%的高價值用戶,可以通過人機協作的方式深度運營和轉化”。具體實現分爲三個步驟: 目前,原圈科技的收入主要來自兩部分,一是SaaS訂閱服務費,客單價在15-20萬區間;二是針對KA客戶的整體解決方案,涉及一些產品和業務模塊的共創,依據客戶需求不同,價格不同。目前,SaaS收入佔比約爲70%,其它收入佔比約30%。今年,還將通過運營輸出的方式,探索按效果付費的收入模式。","text":"投資界6月28日消息,原圈科技宣佈完成5000萬元A+輪融資,本輪融資由常春藤資本領投,老股東SIG海納亞洲創投基金和靖亞資本跟投。據介紹,本輪資金主要用於產品研發和市場拓展。 原圈科技成立於2017年,服務以地產行業爲核心的高淨值行業企業,聚焦長鏈路營銷的獲客和轉化,針對“獲客、管客、跟客、養客”四大階段,形成一站式智慧營銷解決方案。通過爲企業管理用戶資產,降低企業營銷費效比和提升用戶滿意度。 原圈科技的產品體系圍繞獲客貴、轉化難、服務弱三大痛點展開,覆蓋內容生產-流量引入-私域沉澱和運營-案場CRM管理及渠道管理-運營服務的全流程。 在傳統的營銷獲客成本中,中介佣金率在3-8%不等,導致獲客成本居高不下,這也大大擠壓了企業的利潤空間;而自銷渠道從傳統的線下擴大到線上,也意味着目標用戶基數的激增,不僅如此,高淨值行業的用戶特點是起點低、終點高,如何快速從龐大的基數中篩選出少數精準的有效銷售線索,降低轉化難度、提高轉化效率,都是企業關注的重點。原圈科技的思路是通過AI和自動化技術解決。韓劍認爲,“通過系統流程和標籤體系可以自動過濾掉95%的低價值用戶,企業後續可以只保留簡單的內容運營動作,剩餘5%的高價值用戶,可以通過人機協作的方式深度運營和轉化”。具體實現分爲三個步驟: 目前,原圈科技的收入主要來自兩部分,一是SaaS訂閱服務費,客單價在15-20萬區間;二是針對KA客戶的整體解決方案,涉及一些產品和業務模塊的共創,依據客戶需求不同,價格不同。目前,SaaS收入佔比約爲70%,其它收入佔比約30%。今年,還將通過運營輸出的方式,探索按效果付費的收入模式。","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":2,"essential":1,"paper":2,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/683229394","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":523,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9046463773,"gmtCreate":1656377622292,"gmtModify":1676535817267,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"4rf","listText":"4rf","text":"4rf","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":5,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9046463773","repostId":"2246438749","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2246438749","kind":"highlight","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and technology","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Reuters","id":"1036604489","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868"},"pubTimestamp":1656370292,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2246438749?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-06-28 06:51","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Wall Street Ends Down, Pulled Lower By Growth Stocks","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2246438749","media":"Reuters","summary":"* Rising crude prices boost energy stocks* Durable goods, pending home sales surprise to the upside*","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>* Rising crude prices boost energy stocks</p><p>* Durable goods, pending home sales surprise to the upside</p><p>* Indexes down: Dow 0.2%, S&P 0.3%, Nasdaq 0.8%</p><p>NEW YORK, June 27 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks closed lower on Monday, with few catalysts to sway investor sentiment as they approach the half-way point of a year in which the equity markets have been slammed by heightened inflation worries and tightening Fed policy.</p><p>The major U.S. stock indexes lost ground after oscillating earlier in the session, with weakness in interest rate sensitive megacaps such as Amazon.com, Microsoft Corp and Alphabet Inc providing the heaviest drag.</p><p>"The reason for lack of direction this week and next week is investors are looking for what’s going to happen in the second quarter reporting period," said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist of CFRA Research in New York.</p><p>All three indexes are on course to notch two straight quarterly declines for the first time since 2015. They also appear set to post losses for June, which would mark three consecutive down months for the tech-heavy Nasdaq, its longest losing streak since 2015.</p><p>The S&P was on track to report its fifth worst year-to-date price decline since 1962 as of Friday, Stovall said.</p><p>"Every time the SPX rose by more than 20% in a year it fell by an average of 11% starting relatively early in the new year. And all years where the decline started in the first half got back to break even before the year was out."</p><p>"No guarantee that’s going to happen this year, but the market could surprise us to the upside," Stovall said.</p><p>Rising oil prices helped put energy stocks out front, with economically sensitive smallcaps and semiconductors and transports also outperforming the broader market.</p><p>Economic data surprised to the upside, with new orders for durable goods and pending home sales beating expectations and adding credence to U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's assertion that the economy is robust enough to withstand the central bank's attempts to rein in decades-high inflation without sliding into recession.</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 62.42 points, or 0.2%, to 31,438.26, the S&P 500 lost 11.63 points, or 0.3%, to 3,900.11 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 93.05 points, or 0.8%, to 11,514.57.</p><p>Among the 11 major sectors of the S&P 500, eight ended the session in negative territory, with consumer discretionary suffering the largest percentage loss. Energy stocks were the clear winners, gaining 2.8% on the day.</p><p>With several weeks to go until second-quarter reporting commences, 130 S&P 500 companies have pre-announced. Of those, 45 have been positive and 77 have been negative, resulting in a negative/positive ratio of 1.7 stronger than the first quarter but weaker than a year ago, according to Refinitiv data.</p><p>During Monday's session, Coinbase Global Inc dropped over 10% after Goldman Sachs downgraded that cryptocurrency exchange to "sell" from "buy".</p><p>Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 1.17-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.02-to-1 ratio favored decliners.</p><p>The S&P 500 posted <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/AONE.U\">one</a> new 52-week high and 29 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 24 new highs and 84 new lows.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 10.91 billion shares, compared with the 12.95 billion average over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Wall Street Ends Down, Pulled Lower By Growth Stocks</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; 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}\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nWall Street Ends Down, Pulled Lower By Growth Stocks\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1036604489\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Reuters </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-06-28 06:51</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>* Rising crude prices boost energy stocks</p><p>* Durable goods, pending home sales surprise to the upside</p><p>* Indexes down: Dow 0.2%, S&P 0.3%, Nasdaq 0.8%</p><p>NEW YORK, June 27 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks closed lower on Monday, with few catalysts to sway investor sentiment as they approach the half-way point of a year in which the equity markets have been slammed by heightened inflation worries and tightening Fed policy.</p><p>The major U.S. stock indexes lost ground after oscillating earlier in the session, with weakness in interest rate sensitive megacaps such as Amazon.com, Microsoft Corp and Alphabet Inc providing the heaviest drag.</p><p>"The reason for lack of direction this week and next week is investors are looking for what’s going to happen in the second quarter reporting period," said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist of CFRA Research in New York.</p><p>All three indexes are on course to notch two straight quarterly declines for the first time since 2015. They also appear set to post losses for June, which would mark three consecutive down months for the tech-heavy Nasdaq, its longest losing streak since 2015.</p><p>The S&P was on track to report its fifth worst year-to-date price decline since 1962 as of Friday, Stovall said.</p><p>"Every time the SPX rose by more than 20% in a year it fell by an average of 11% starting relatively early in the new year. And all years where the decline started in the first half got back to break even before the year was out."</p><p>"No guarantee that’s going to happen this year, but the market could surprise us to the upside," Stovall said.</p><p>Rising oil prices helped put energy stocks out front, with economically sensitive smallcaps and semiconductors and transports also outperforming the broader market.</p><p>Economic data surprised to the upside, with new orders for durable goods and pending home sales beating expectations and adding credence to U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's assertion that the economy is robust enough to withstand the central bank's attempts to rein in decades-high inflation without sliding into recession.</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 62.42 points, or 0.2%, to 31,438.26, the S&P 500 lost 11.63 points, or 0.3%, to 3,900.11 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 93.05 points, or 0.8%, to 11,514.57.</p><p>Among the 11 major sectors of the S&P 500, eight ended the session in negative territory, with consumer discretionary suffering the largest percentage loss. Energy stocks were the clear winners, gaining 2.8% on the day.</p><p>With several weeks to go until second-quarter reporting commences, 130 S&P 500 companies have pre-announced. Of those, 45 have been positive and 77 have been negative, resulting in a negative/positive ratio of 1.7 stronger than the first quarter but weaker than a year ago, according to Refinitiv data.</p><p>During Monday's session, Coinbase Global Inc dropped over 10% after Goldman Sachs downgraded that cryptocurrency exchange to "sell" from "buy".</p><p>Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 1.17-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.02-to-1 ratio favored decliners.</p><p>The S&P 500 posted <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/AONE.U\">one</a> new 52-week high and 29 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 24 new highs and 84 new lows.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 10.91 billion shares, compared with the 12.95 billion average over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"QQQ":"纳指100ETF","BK4554":"元宇宙及AR概念","BK4553":"喜马拉雅资本持仓","BK4507":"流媒体概念","BK4533":"AQR资本管理(全球第二大对冲基金)","BK4566":"资本集团","BK4525":"远程办公概念","GOOGL":"谷歌A","SDOW":"道指三倍做空ETF-ProShares","BK4535":"淡马锡持仓","BK4524":"宅经济概念","TQQQ":"纳指三倍做多ETF","BK4077":"互动媒体与服务","BK4538":"云计算","QLD":"纳指两倍做多ETF","DXD":"道指两倍做空ETF","BK4579":"人工智能","HOOD":"Robinhood","DOG":"道指反向ETF","GOOG":"谷歌","SQQQ":"纳指三倍做空ETF","COIN":"Coinbase Global, Inc.","BK4122":"互联网与直销零售","DDM":"道指两倍做多ETF","BK4551":"寇图资本持仓","BK4547":"WSB热门概念","BK4561":"索罗斯持仓","PSQ":"纳指反向ETF","BK4548":"巴美列捷福持仓","BK4514":"搜索引擎","BK4127":"投资银行业与经纪业"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2246438749","content_text":"* Rising crude prices boost energy stocks* Durable goods, pending home sales surprise to the upside* Indexes down: Dow 0.2%, S&P 0.3%, Nasdaq 0.8%NEW YORK, June 27 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks closed lower on Monday, with few catalysts to sway investor sentiment as they approach the half-way point of a year in which the equity markets have been slammed by heightened inflation worries and tightening Fed policy.The major U.S. stock indexes lost ground after oscillating earlier in the session, with weakness in interest rate sensitive megacaps such as Amazon.com, Microsoft Corp and Alphabet Inc providing the heaviest drag.\"The reason for lack of direction this week and next week is investors are looking for what’s going to happen in the second quarter reporting period,\" said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist of CFRA Research in New York.All three indexes are on course to notch two straight quarterly declines for the first time since 2015. They also appear set to post losses for June, which would mark three consecutive down months for the tech-heavy Nasdaq, its longest losing streak since 2015.The S&P was on track to report its fifth worst year-to-date price decline since 1962 as of Friday, Stovall said.\"Every time the SPX rose by more than 20% in a year it fell by an average of 11% starting relatively early in the new year. And all years where the decline started in the first half got back to break even before the year was out.\"\"No guarantee that’s going to happen this year, but the market could surprise us to the upside,\" Stovall said.Rising oil prices helped put energy stocks out front, with economically sensitive smallcaps and semiconductors and transports also outperforming the broader market.Economic data surprised to the upside, with new orders for durable goods and pending home sales beating expectations and adding credence to U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's assertion that the economy is robust enough to withstand the central bank's attempts to rein in decades-high inflation without sliding into recession.The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 62.42 points, or 0.2%, to 31,438.26, the S&P 500 lost 11.63 points, or 0.3%, to 3,900.11 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 93.05 points, or 0.8%, to 11,514.57.Among the 11 major sectors of the S&P 500, eight ended the session in negative territory, with consumer discretionary suffering the largest percentage loss. Energy stocks were the clear winners, gaining 2.8% on the day.With several weeks to go until second-quarter reporting commences, 130 S&P 500 companies have pre-announced. Of those, 45 have been positive and 77 have been negative, resulting in a negative/positive ratio of 1.7 stronger than the first quarter but weaker than a year ago, according to Refinitiv data.During Monday's session, Coinbase Global Inc dropped over 10% after Goldman Sachs downgraded that cryptocurrency exchange to \"sell\" from \"buy\".Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 1.17-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.02-to-1 ratio favored decliners.The S&P 500 posted one new 52-week high and 29 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 24 new highs and 84 new lows.Volume on U.S. exchanges was 10.91 billion shares, compared with the 12.95 billion average over the last 20 trading days.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":395,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9085206240,"gmtCreate":1650698821826,"gmtModify":1676534779436,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Sn","listText":"Sn","text":"Sn","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":3,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9085206240","repostId":"2229641491","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2229641491","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and technology","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Reuters","id":"1036604489","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868"},"pubTimestamp":1650668840,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2229641491?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-04-23 07:07","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Wall St Slumps as Weak Earnings, Rate Hike Clarity Spook Investors","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2229641491","media":"Reuters","summary":"* Healthcare stocks slump on HCA, Intuitive Surgical numbers* Big tech down ahead of earnings next w","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>* Healthcare stocks slump on HCA, Intuitive Surgical numbers</p><p>* Big tech down ahead of earnings next week</p><p>* Dow posts biggest one-day fall since Oct. 2020</p><p>* Weekly falls: Dow 1.9%, S&P 2.8%, Nasdaq 3.8%</p><p>* Indexes down on Friday: Dow 2.82%, S&P 2.77%, Nasdaq 2.55% </p><p>April 22 (Reuters) - Wall Street tumbled more than 2.5% on Friday, ensuring the three main benchmarks ended in negative territory for the week, as surprise earnings news and increased certainty around aggressive near-term interest rate rises took its toll on investors.</p><p>It was the third straight week of losses for both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq, while the Dow Jones posted its fourth weekly decline in a row.</p><p>For the Dow, its 2.82% drop on Friday was its biggest one-day fall since October 2020.</p><p>Exaggerated trading swings have become more common recently, as traders adjust to new data points from earnings, as well as when rates will rise again. For the Nasdaq, Friday was the eighth session in April, out of 15 trading days this month, where the index either rose or fell by more than 2%.</p><p>"It's not very common, over the course of my time doing this job, for the market to move 2% in either direction and to think 'there's not too much to read into that'," said Craig Erlam, senior market analyst at OANDA.</p><p>"That's not normal, but that's just how things have been for such a long time now."</p><p>Concerns about risks from interest rate hikes continued to reverberate after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's hawkish pivot on Thursday, where he backed moving more quickly to combat inflation and said a 50-basis-point increase would be "on the table" when the Fed meets in May.</p><p>The idea of "front-end loading" the U.S. central bank's retreat from super-easy monetary policy, which Powell articulated support for on Thursday, has also forced traders to re-evaluate how aggressive subsequent rate rises would be.</p><p>The CBOE Volatility index, also known as Wall Street's fear gauge, jumped on Friday, ending at its highest level since mid-March.</p><p>Meanwhile, the latest earnings forecasts to jolt investors came from healthcare, with HCA Healthcare and Intuitive Surgical Inc the worst performers on the S&P 500.</p><p>HCA slumped 21.8% after reporting a downbeat profit view, while other hospital operators felt the contagion: Tenet Healthcare, Community Health Systems and Universal Health Services all tumbled between 14% and 17.9%.</p><p>Surgical robot maker Intuitive Surgical dropped 14.3% after warning of weaker demand from hospitals due to tighter finances.</p><p>All 11 major S&P 500 sectors were down, although the 3.6% slip by healthcare was outdone by materials, which was off 3.7%.</p><p>Materials was weighed down by Nucor Corp - down 8.3% after hitting a record high after posting earnings on Thursday - and Freeport-McMoRan Inc, which slipped 6.8% as investors fretted over how interest rate hikes would impact copper miners.</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 981.36 points, or 2.82%, to 33,811.4, the S&P 500 lost 121.88 points, or 2.77%, to 4,271.78 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 335.36 points, or 2.55%, to 12,839.29.</p><p>For the week, the Dow dipped 1.9%, the S&P dropped 2.8%, and the Nasdaq declined 3.8%.</p><p>The prospect of a more hawkish Fed has led to a rocky start to the year for equities, with Friday's sell-off taking declines on both the S&P and Dow since the start of the year beyond 10%.</p><p>The trend is more pronounced in tech and growth shares whose valuations are more vulnerable to rising bond yields. The Nasdaq is down 17.9% in 2022.</p><p>Earnings are due next week for the four biggest U.S. companies by market capitalization: Apple, Microsoft , Amazon and Google parent Alphabet.</p><p>The quartet declined between 2.4% and 4.1% on Friday. Meta Platforms Inc, which also has results on deck for next week, dropped 2.1%, taking its losses in the last three days to 15.3%.</p><p>Investors are worried after streaming giant Netflix Inc's dismal earnings earlier this week sent shockwaves through big tech and stay-at-home darlings which benefited from pandemic factors such as lockdown measures.</p><p>The volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.66 billion shares, compared with the 11.67 billion average for the full session over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Wall St Slumps as Weak Earnings, Rate Hike Clarity Spook Investors</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nWall St Slumps as Weak Earnings, Rate Hike Clarity Spook Investors\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1036604489\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Reuters </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-04-23 07:07</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>* Healthcare stocks slump on HCA, Intuitive Surgical numbers</p><p>* Big tech down ahead of earnings next week</p><p>* Dow posts biggest one-day fall since Oct. 2020</p><p>* Weekly falls: Dow 1.9%, S&P 2.8%, Nasdaq 3.8%</p><p>* Indexes down on Friday: Dow 2.82%, S&P 2.77%, Nasdaq 2.55% </p><p>April 22 (Reuters) - Wall Street tumbled more than 2.5% on Friday, ensuring the three main benchmarks ended in negative territory for the week, as surprise earnings news and increased certainty around aggressive near-term interest rate rises took its toll on investors.</p><p>It was the third straight week of losses for both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq, while the Dow Jones posted its fourth weekly decline in a row.</p><p>For the Dow, its 2.82% drop on Friday was its biggest one-day fall since October 2020.</p><p>Exaggerated trading swings have become more common recently, as traders adjust to new data points from earnings, as well as when rates will rise again. For the Nasdaq, Friday was the eighth session in April, out of 15 trading days this month, where the index either rose or fell by more than 2%.</p><p>"It's not very common, over the course of my time doing this job, for the market to move 2% in either direction and to think 'there's not too much to read into that'," said Craig Erlam, senior market analyst at OANDA.</p><p>"That's not normal, but that's just how things have been for such a long time now."</p><p>Concerns about risks from interest rate hikes continued to reverberate after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's hawkish pivot on Thursday, where he backed moving more quickly to combat inflation and said a 50-basis-point increase would be "on the table" when the Fed meets in May.</p><p>The idea of "front-end loading" the U.S. central bank's retreat from super-easy monetary policy, which Powell articulated support for on Thursday, has also forced traders to re-evaluate how aggressive subsequent rate rises would be.</p><p>The CBOE Volatility index, also known as Wall Street's fear gauge, jumped on Friday, ending at its highest level since mid-March.</p><p>Meanwhile, the latest earnings forecasts to jolt investors came from healthcare, with HCA Healthcare and Intuitive Surgical Inc the worst performers on the S&P 500.</p><p>HCA slumped 21.8% after reporting a downbeat profit view, while other hospital operators felt the contagion: Tenet Healthcare, Community Health Systems and Universal Health Services all tumbled between 14% and 17.9%.</p><p>Surgical robot maker Intuitive Surgical dropped 14.3% after warning of weaker demand from hospitals due to tighter finances.</p><p>All 11 major S&P 500 sectors were down, although the 3.6% slip by healthcare was outdone by materials, which was off 3.7%.</p><p>Materials was weighed down by Nucor Corp - down 8.3% after hitting a record high after posting earnings on Thursday - and Freeport-McMoRan Inc, which slipped 6.8% as investors fretted over how interest rate hikes would impact copper miners.</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 981.36 points, or 2.82%, to 33,811.4, the S&P 500 lost 121.88 points, or 2.77%, to 4,271.78 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 335.36 points, or 2.55%, to 12,839.29.</p><p>For the week, the Dow dipped 1.9%, the S&P dropped 2.8%, and the Nasdaq declined 3.8%.</p><p>The prospect of a more hawkish Fed has led to a rocky start to the year for equities, with Friday's sell-off taking declines on both the S&P and Dow since the start of the year beyond 10%.</p><p>The trend is more pronounced in tech and growth shares whose valuations are more vulnerable to rising bond yields. The Nasdaq is down 17.9% in 2022.</p><p>Earnings are due next week for the four biggest U.S. companies by market capitalization: Apple, Microsoft , Amazon and Google parent Alphabet.</p><p>The quartet declined between 2.4% and 4.1% on Friday. Meta Platforms Inc, which also has results on deck for next week, dropped 2.1%, taking its losses in the last three days to 15.3%.</p><p>Investors are worried after streaming giant Netflix Inc's dismal earnings earlier this week sent shockwaves through big tech and stay-at-home darlings which benefited from pandemic factors such as lockdown measures.</p><p>The volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.66 billion shares, compared with the 11.67 billion average for the full session over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"HCA":"HCA控股","ISRG":"直觉外科公司",".IXIC":"NASDAQ Composite",".DJI":"道琼斯",".SPX":"S&P 500 Index"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2229641491","content_text":"* Healthcare stocks slump on HCA, Intuitive Surgical numbers* Big tech down ahead of earnings next week* Dow posts biggest one-day fall since Oct. 2020* Weekly falls: Dow 1.9%, S&P 2.8%, Nasdaq 3.8%* Indexes down on Friday: Dow 2.82%, S&P 2.77%, Nasdaq 2.55% April 22 (Reuters) - Wall Street tumbled more than 2.5% on Friday, ensuring the three main benchmarks ended in negative territory for the week, as surprise earnings news and increased certainty around aggressive near-term interest rate rises took its toll on investors.It was the third straight week of losses for both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq, while the Dow Jones posted its fourth weekly decline in a row.For the Dow, its 2.82% drop on Friday was its biggest one-day fall since October 2020.Exaggerated trading swings have become more common recently, as traders adjust to new data points from earnings, as well as when rates will rise again. For the Nasdaq, Friday was the eighth session in April, out of 15 trading days this month, where the index either rose or fell by more than 2%.\"It's not very common, over the course of my time doing this job, for the market to move 2% in either direction and to think 'there's not too much to read into that',\" said Craig Erlam, senior market analyst at OANDA.\"That's not normal, but that's just how things have been for such a long time now.\"Concerns about risks from interest rate hikes continued to reverberate after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's hawkish pivot on Thursday, where he backed moving more quickly to combat inflation and said a 50-basis-point increase would be \"on the table\" when the Fed meets in May.The idea of \"front-end loading\" the U.S. central bank's retreat from super-easy monetary policy, which Powell articulated support for on Thursday, has also forced traders to re-evaluate how aggressive subsequent rate rises would be.The CBOE Volatility index, also known as Wall Street's fear gauge, jumped on Friday, ending at its highest level since mid-March.Meanwhile, the latest earnings forecasts to jolt investors came from healthcare, with HCA Healthcare and Intuitive Surgical Inc the worst performers on the S&P 500.HCA slumped 21.8% after reporting a downbeat profit view, while other hospital operators felt the contagion: Tenet Healthcare, Community Health Systems and Universal Health Services all tumbled between 14% and 17.9%.Surgical robot maker Intuitive Surgical dropped 14.3% after warning of weaker demand from hospitals due to tighter finances.All 11 major S&P 500 sectors were down, although the 3.6% slip by healthcare was outdone by materials, which was off 3.7%.Materials was weighed down by Nucor Corp - down 8.3% after hitting a record high after posting earnings on Thursday - and Freeport-McMoRan Inc, which slipped 6.8% as investors fretted over how interest rate hikes would impact copper miners.The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 981.36 points, or 2.82%, to 33,811.4, the S&P 500 lost 121.88 points, or 2.77%, to 4,271.78 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 335.36 points, or 2.55%, to 12,839.29.For the week, the Dow dipped 1.9%, the S&P dropped 2.8%, and the Nasdaq declined 3.8%.The prospect of a more hawkish Fed has led to a rocky start to the year for equities, with Friday's sell-off taking declines on both the S&P and Dow since the start of the year beyond 10%.The trend is more pronounced in tech and growth shares whose valuations are more vulnerable to rising bond yields. The Nasdaq is down 17.9% in 2022.Earnings are due next week for the four biggest U.S. companies by market capitalization: Apple, Microsoft , Amazon and Google parent Alphabet.The quartet declined between 2.4% and 4.1% on Friday. Meta Platforms Inc, which also has results on deck for next week, dropped 2.1%, taking its losses in the last three days to 15.3%.Investors are worried after streaming giant Netflix Inc's dismal earnings earlier this week sent shockwaves through big tech and stay-at-home darlings which benefited from pandemic factors such as lockdown measures.The volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.66 billion shares, compared with the 11.67 billion average for the full session over the last 20 trading days.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":546,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9085206674,"gmtCreate":1650698805622,"gmtModify":1676534779421,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Sbzk","listText":"Sbzk","text":"Sbzk","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":5,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9085206674","repostId":"2229168533","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2229168533","kind":"highlight","pubTimestamp":1650672182,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2229168533?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-04-23 08:03","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Got $1,000? 5 Buffett Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2229168533","media":"Motley Fool","summary":"These industry leaders have Buffett's stamp of approval and are on track for more big wins.","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>If you owned a $1,000 stake in <b>Berkshire Hathaway</b> when Warren Buffett assumed control of the company back in May of 1965, that position would be worth more than $27.5 million today. The investment conglomerate now has a market capitalization of roughly $771 billion and stands as the one of the world's largest companies, and The Oracle of Omaha's ability to identify promising businesses worth holding long term has played a big role in getting there.</p><p>While Berkshire's massive market cap suggests its most explosive days of growth are likely in the past, an incredible performance and top-tier management and analyst teams suggest it can still pay to look to the company for investing inspiration. Read on for a look at five top stocks in the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio that are worth buying today and holding for the long haul.</p><h2>1. Amazon</h2><p>Even with current holdings worth roughly $1.8 billion, <b>Amazon</b> ranks as just the 21st-largest overall stock holding in Berkshire's portfolio. The investment conglomerate first purchased the e-commerce and cloud computing giant's stock in 2019, and you can be sure that Buffett regrets not investing in the multi-industry innovator sooner. The famously successful investor went so far as to describe himself as "an idiot" for not buying shares at an earlier stage.</p><p>With gains of roughly 21,680% over the last 20 years, it's not hard to imagine why The Oracle of Omaha is frustrated about taking some time to see the light on Amazon, but the company will likely continue serving up more strong performance over the long term. Amazon's e-commerce and cloud businesses still have incredible runways for expansion, and these pillars give it the flexibility to pursue wins in other emerging technology and service trends.</p><h2>2. <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/SNOW\">Snowflake</a></h2><p>While the Oracle of Omaha is best known as a value investing guru, that doesn't mean that he and the Berkshire team don't sometimes see great value in highly growth-dependent stocks. <b>Snowflake</b> provides a data-warehousing platform that can be used to combine and analyze information from Amazon, <b>Alphabet</b>, and <b>Microsoft</b>'s respective cloud platforms, and surging demand for its services is translating to rapid business expansion.</p><p class=\"t-img-caption\"><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/0c49e19db0c82953682aa96a1284927d\" tg-width=\"700\" tg-height=\"393\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/><span>Image source: Snowflake.</span></p><p>Based on its forward price-to-sales multiple of approximately 30.5, it could be argued that Snowflake is the most "expensive" stock in the Berkshire portfolio. On the other hand, it has a very favorable growth outlook, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it winds up being one of the investment conglomerate's best-performing stocks over the next decade.</p><h2>3. Verizon</h2><p>With the largest wireless network in the U.S., highly rated service, and strong customer loyalty, <b>Verizon</b> stands to be one of the biggest beneficiaries in the next-generation network technologies in the telecom industry. 5G is paving the way for upload and download speeds that absolutely trounce what's possible on 4G LTE in even the most ideal circumstances, and this big leap forward in network technology will make a wide range of new technologies and services possible.</p><p>Verizon's business is already a free-cash-flow-generating machine, and that allows it to return substantial cash to shareholders in the form of dividends. The company's payout currently yields roughly 4.7%, and the stock looks cheap trading at roughly 10 times this year's expected earnings.</p><h2>4. Bank of America</h2><p>Berkshire Hathaway's holdings in <b>Bank of America</b> stock are currently worth roughly $45 billion and account for more than 13% of its overall stock portfolio. The banking giant is Berkshire's second-largest overall stock holding and its biggest investment in the financials industry by a wide margin.</p><p>There will always be a need for banking and financial services, and Bank of America's incredible scale gives it an edge in the space. Bank of America also pays a dividend that currently yields roughly 2.1%. Even better, the company has been raising its payout at a rapid clip over the last decade, and there's a good chance that investors can look forward to more payout growth.</p><p class=\"t-img-caption\"><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8cba5f4053d34276169cf8dc0ea2f575\" tg-width=\"720\" tg-height=\"433\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/><span>BAC Dividend data by YCharts</span></p><h2>5. Apple</h2><p>Buffett has said that <b>Apple</b> is probably the best business he knows, and a quick look at the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio makes it clear he has a high level of conviction on that call. The tech company stands as the single largest stock holding in Berkshire's portfolio, representing roughly 46% of its total stock holdings.</p><p>Apple has the world's most valuable brand in the consumer electronics space, and that advantage has allowed the company to generate far more profits from mobile, computer, and wearable hardware sales than its competitors. The tech giant has also built a powerful software and services ecosystem that's helping to power new growth stages for the company.</p><p>With a market capitalization of roughly $2.73 trillion, Apple stands as the most valuable company in the world and could have a harder time delivering relative growth going forward. However, the company's core hardware and software businesses continue to look very strong, and it has the potential to score massive wins in augmented reality, smart cars, and other potentially revolutionary trends.</p></body></html>","source":"fool_stock","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Got $1,000? 5 Buffett Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nGot $1,000? 5 Buffett Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n2022-04-23 08:03 GMT+8 <a href=https://www.fool.com/investing/2022/04/22/got-1000-5-buffett-stocks-to-buy-and-hold-forever/><strong>Motley Fool</strong></a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<div>\n<p>If you owned a $1,000 stake in Berkshire Hathaway when Warren Buffett assumed control of the company back in May of 1965, that position would be worth more than $27.5 million today. The investment ...</p>\n\n<a href=\"https://www.fool.com/investing/2022/04/22/got-1000-5-buffett-stocks-to-buy-and-hold-forever/\">Web Link</a>\n\n</div>\n\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"BK4559":"巴菲特持仓","SNOW":"Snowflake","BK4170":"电脑硬件、储存设备及电脑周边","BK4561":"索罗斯持仓","BK4524":"宅经济概念","BK4538":"云计算","BK4516":"特朗普概念","BK4507":"流媒体概念","VZ":"威瑞森","BAC":"美国银行","BK4576":"AR","BK4551":"寇图资本持仓","BK4573":"虚拟现实","BK4553":"喜马拉雅资本持仓","BK4512":"苹果概念","BK4528":"SaaS概念","BK4566":"资本集团","BK4533":"AQR资本管理(全球第二大对冲基金)","BK4571":"数字音乐概念","BK4527":"明星科技股","BK4505":"高瓴资本持仓","BK4575":"芯片概念","BK4116":"互联网服务与基础架构","BK4515":"5G概念","BK4548":"巴美列捷福持仓","BK4554":"元宇宙及AR概念","BK4176":"多领域控股","BK4581":"高盛持仓","BK4535":"淡马锡持仓","BK4532":"文艺复兴科技持仓","BK4122":"互联网与直销零售","ORCL":"甲骨文","BK4501":"段永平概念","BK4579":"人工智能","BK4207":"综合性银行","BRK.A":"伯克希尔","BK4574":"无人驾驶","BK4550":"红杉资本持仓","BK4534":"瑞士信贷持仓","BK4503":"景林资产持仓","BRK.B":"伯克希尔B","AAPL":"苹果","AMZN":"亚马逊","BK4504":"桥水持仓"},"source_url":"https://www.fool.com/investing/2022/04/22/got-1000-5-buffett-stocks-to-buy-and-hold-forever/","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2229168533","content_text":"If you owned a $1,000 stake in Berkshire Hathaway when Warren Buffett assumed control of the company back in May of 1965, that position would be worth more than $27.5 million today. The investment conglomerate now has a market capitalization of roughly $771 billion and stands as the one of the world's largest companies, and The Oracle of Omaha's ability to identify promising businesses worth holding long term has played a big role in getting there.While Berkshire's massive market cap suggests its most explosive days of growth are likely in the past, an incredible performance and top-tier management and analyst teams suggest it can still pay to look to the company for investing inspiration. Read on for a look at five top stocks in the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio that are worth buying today and holding for the long haul.1. AmazonEven with current holdings worth roughly $1.8 billion, Amazon ranks as just the 21st-largest overall stock holding in Berkshire's portfolio. The investment conglomerate first purchased the e-commerce and cloud computing giant's stock in 2019, and you can be sure that Buffett regrets not investing in the multi-industry innovator sooner. The famously successful investor went so far as to describe himself as \"an idiot\" for not buying shares at an earlier stage.With gains of roughly 21,680% over the last 20 years, it's not hard to imagine why The Oracle of Omaha is frustrated about taking some time to see the light on Amazon, but the company will likely continue serving up more strong performance over the long term. Amazon's e-commerce and cloud businesses still have incredible runways for expansion, and these pillars give it the flexibility to pursue wins in other emerging technology and service trends.2. SnowflakeWhile the Oracle of Omaha is best known as a value investing guru, that doesn't mean that he and the Berkshire team don't sometimes see great value in highly growth-dependent stocks. Snowflake provides a data-warehousing platform that can be used to combine and analyze information from Amazon, Alphabet, and Microsoft's respective cloud platforms, and surging demand for its services is translating to rapid business expansion.Image source: Snowflake.Based on its forward price-to-sales multiple of approximately 30.5, it could be argued that Snowflake is the most \"expensive\" stock in the Berkshire portfolio. On the other hand, it has a very favorable growth outlook, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it winds up being one of the investment conglomerate's best-performing stocks over the next decade.3. VerizonWith the largest wireless network in the U.S., highly rated service, and strong customer loyalty, Verizon stands to be one of the biggest beneficiaries in the next-generation network technologies in the telecom industry. 5G is paving the way for upload and download speeds that absolutely trounce what's possible on 4G LTE in even the most ideal circumstances, and this big leap forward in network technology will make a wide range of new technologies and services possible.Verizon's business is already a free-cash-flow-generating machine, and that allows it to return substantial cash to shareholders in the form of dividends. The company's payout currently yields roughly 4.7%, and the stock looks cheap trading at roughly 10 times this year's expected earnings.4. Bank of AmericaBerkshire Hathaway's holdings in Bank of America stock are currently worth roughly $45 billion and account for more than 13% of its overall stock portfolio. The banking giant is Berkshire's second-largest overall stock holding and its biggest investment in the financials industry by a wide margin.There will always be a need for banking and financial services, and Bank of America's incredible scale gives it an edge in the space. Bank of America also pays a dividend that currently yields roughly 2.1%. Even better, the company has been raising its payout at a rapid clip over the last decade, and there's a good chance that investors can look forward to more payout growth.BAC Dividend data by YCharts5. AppleBuffett has said that Apple is probably the best business he knows, and a quick look at the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio makes it clear he has a high level of conviction on that call. The tech company stands as the single largest stock holding in Berkshire's portfolio, representing roughly 46% of its total stock holdings.Apple has the world's most valuable brand in the consumer electronics space, and that advantage has allowed the company to generate far more profits from mobile, computer, and wearable hardware sales than its competitors. The tech giant has also built a powerful software and services ecosystem that's helping to power new growth stages for the company.With a market capitalization of roughly $2.73 trillion, Apple stands as the most valuable company in the world and could have a harder time delivering relative growth going forward. However, the company's core hardware and software businesses continue to look very strong, and it has the potential to score massive wins in augmented reality, smart cars, and other potentially revolutionary trends.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":713,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9088895719,"gmtCreate":1650328891327,"gmtModify":1676534697182,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Hsn","listText":"Hsn","text":"Hsn","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":7,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9088895719","repostId":"1105840721","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1105840721","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1650324260,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1105840721?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-04-19 07:24","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Netflix Q1 Earnings are Coming: 3 Most Important Things to Watch","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1105840721","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) is scheduled to announce Q1 earnings results after market closes on Tuesday, A","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) is scheduled to announce Q1 earnings results after market closes on Tuesday, April 19.</p><p><b>Latest Results</b></p><p>In Q4 2021, Netflix added 8.28 million net new subscribers, a bit shy of the company's own forecast for 8.5 million net adds, and about in line with the Wall Street consensus forecast at 8.3 million. The company now has 221.8 million subscribers globally.</p><p>The company generated Q4 revenue of $7.7 billion, up 16%, and in line with the company's projection at $7.7 billion. Profits were $1.33 cents a share, well ahead of analysts at 83 cents, with the outperformance mostly due to an unrealized gain tied to the company's euro denominated debt.</p><p><b>Q1 Guidance</b></p><p>Netflix's projections for Q1 2022 were even lighter. The management's guidance is projecting 2.5 million net adds. While analysts on average predict 2.81 million in Q1, and 2.64 million in Q2, according to FactSet.</p><p>It sees Q1 revenue of $7.9 billion, up 10.3%, but well shy of the Street consensus at $8.2 billion.</p><p><b>3</b> <b>Most Important Things to Watch</b></p><p>1. Subscriber additions</p><p>As always, an important focus for investors will be Netflix's net paid subscriber additions. In Q3, Netflix saw a re-acceleration in its quarterly subscriber growth, as net additions came in at 8.3 million. Though this was notably below the 8.5 million net new subscribers the company had estimated it would add during the quarter, it was still good to see a significant sequential uptick from the 4.4 million members the company added in the prior quarter.</p><p>But what likely spooked investors was management's guidance for just 2.5 million net new paid subscribers inQ1 2022. This would be down significantly from the 4.0 million the company added inQ1 2021. This weak outlook, management explained, reflects the quarter's back-end weighted content slate.</p><p>2. Commentary on competition</p><p>Another red flag for Netflix investors in Q4 was management's nod to increasing competition. In a rare acknowledgment of competition having a negative impact on the company, management said, "added competition may be affecting our marginal growth some..."</p><p>Investors should look to see if management doubles down on this worrisome narrative or if it brings positive data points to the table regarding how it is faring in a competitive environment. Chances are, the worrisome remarks about competition will continue. But investors should note that the stock's big decline has arguably priced in expectations for heated competition going forward.</p><p>3. Subscriber-growth guidance</p><p>Of course, another key metric to watch will be the company's guidance for subscriber growth inQ2 2022. Technically, a back-weighted content slate in Q1 should positively impact Q2. Further, it's no secret that content production has been ramping back up from periods when much of the world was facing lockdowns. So lots of new content from Netflix should provide a catalyst for reaccelerated subscriber growth, assuming increasing competition isn't providing too much negative pressure.</p><p>While it's always tough to estimate how many subscribers Netflix will guide for, it would be nice to see guidance for second-quarter subscriber levels on par with pre-COVID levels again. To do this, the company would need to guide for around 2.7 million new subscribers in Q2.</p><p><b>Analyst Opinions</b></p><p>Truist analyst Matthew Thornton cut the price target of Netflix to $409 from $470.Thornton said in a research note that based on mobile app downloads, he believes the company's subscriber numbers in the first quarter will top expectations but thatQ2 outlook will come in below estimates, with consensus paid member adds being a "slightly high hurdle," based on prior reports.</p><p>Stifel analyst Scott Devittmaintained a“Buy” rating and a $460 price target on Netflix’s shares. Devitt noted the loss of subscribers in Russia and ongoing disruption in EMEA may limit the upside to subscriber growth. And looking past the first quarter, Devitt is tempering his estimates for 2022 and beyond as he takes a more conservative approach to the subscriber and ARPU growth on worsening macro conditions and continued uncertainty.</p><p>JPMorgan analyst Doug Anmuth issued an “Overweight” rating and a $605 price target on Netflix’s shares. Anmuth was continuing to believe Netflix has meaningful room for further global subscriber penetration. And Anmuth believed Netflix is currently 29% penetrated among the approximately 776 million global broadband subscribers, 33% penetrated among the approximately 675 million current global pay-TV subscribers, and 31% penetrated among the approximately 712 million maximum global pay-TV subscribers.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Netflix Q1 Earnings are Coming: 3 Most Important Things to Watch</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nNetflix Q1 Earnings are Coming: 3 Most Important Things to Watch\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-04-19 07:24</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) is scheduled to announce Q1 earnings results after market closes on Tuesday, April 19.</p><p><b>Latest Results</b></p><p>In Q4 2021, Netflix added 8.28 million net new subscribers, a bit shy of the company's own forecast for 8.5 million net adds, and about in line with the Wall Street consensus forecast at 8.3 million. The company now has 221.8 million subscribers globally.</p><p>The company generated Q4 revenue of $7.7 billion, up 16%, and in line with the company's projection at $7.7 billion. Profits were $1.33 cents a share, well ahead of analysts at 83 cents, with the outperformance mostly due to an unrealized gain tied to the company's euro denominated debt.</p><p><b>Q1 Guidance</b></p><p>Netflix's projections for Q1 2022 were even lighter. The management's guidance is projecting 2.5 million net adds. While analysts on average predict 2.81 million in Q1, and 2.64 million in Q2, according to FactSet.</p><p>It sees Q1 revenue of $7.9 billion, up 10.3%, but well shy of the Street consensus at $8.2 billion.</p><p><b>3</b> <b>Most Important Things to Watch</b></p><p>1. Subscriber additions</p><p>As always, an important focus for investors will be Netflix's net paid subscriber additions. In Q3, Netflix saw a re-acceleration in its quarterly subscriber growth, as net additions came in at 8.3 million. Though this was notably below the 8.5 million net new subscribers the company had estimated it would add during the quarter, it was still good to see a significant sequential uptick from the 4.4 million members the company added in the prior quarter.</p><p>But what likely spooked investors was management's guidance for just 2.5 million net new paid subscribers inQ1 2022. This would be down significantly from the 4.0 million the company added inQ1 2021. This weak outlook, management explained, reflects the quarter's back-end weighted content slate.</p><p>2. Commentary on competition</p><p>Another red flag for Netflix investors in Q4 was management's nod to increasing competition. In a rare acknowledgment of competition having a negative impact on the company, management said, "added competition may be affecting our marginal growth some..."</p><p>Investors should look to see if management doubles down on this worrisome narrative or if it brings positive data points to the table regarding how it is faring in a competitive environment. Chances are, the worrisome remarks about competition will continue. But investors should note that the stock's big decline has arguably priced in expectations for heated competition going forward.</p><p>3. Subscriber-growth guidance</p><p>Of course, another key metric to watch will be the company's guidance for subscriber growth inQ2 2022. Technically, a back-weighted content slate in Q1 should positively impact Q2. Further, it's no secret that content production has been ramping back up from periods when much of the world was facing lockdowns. So lots of new content from Netflix should provide a catalyst for reaccelerated subscriber growth, assuming increasing competition isn't providing too much negative pressure.</p><p>While it's always tough to estimate how many subscribers Netflix will guide for, it would be nice to see guidance for second-quarter subscriber levels on par with pre-COVID levels again. To do this, the company would need to guide for around 2.7 million new subscribers in Q2.</p><p><b>Analyst Opinions</b></p><p>Truist analyst Matthew Thornton cut the price target of Netflix to $409 from $470.Thornton said in a research note that based on mobile app downloads, he believes the company's subscriber numbers in the first quarter will top expectations but thatQ2 outlook will come in below estimates, with consensus paid member adds being a "slightly high hurdle," based on prior reports.</p><p>Stifel analyst Scott Devittmaintained a“Buy” rating and a $460 price target on Netflix’s shares. Devitt noted the loss of subscribers in Russia and ongoing disruption in EMEA may limit the upside to subscriber growth. And looking past the first quarter, Devitt is tempering his estimates for 2022 and beyond as he takes a more conservative approach to the subscriber and ARPU growth on worsening macro conditions and continued uncertainty.</p><p>JPMorgan analyst Doug Anmuth issued an “Overweight” rating and a $605 price target on Netflix’s shares. Anmuth was continuing to believe Netflix has meaningful room for further global subscriber penetration. And Anmuth believed Netflix is currently 29% penetrated among the approximately 776 million global broadband subscribers, 33% penetrated among the approximately 675 million current global pay-TV subscribers, and 31% penetrated among the approximately 712 million maximum global pay-TV subscribers.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"NFLX":"奈飞"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1105840721","content_text":"Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) is scheduled to announce Q1 earnings results after market closes on Tuesday, April 19.Latest ResultsIn Q4 2021, Netflix added 8.28 million net new subscribers, a bit shy of the company's own forecast for 8.5 million net adds, and about in line with the Wall Street consensus forecast at 8.3 million. The company now has 221.8 million subscribers globally.The company generated Q4 revenue of $7.7 billion, up 16%, and in line with the company's projection at $7.7 billion. Profits were $1.33 cents a share, well ahead of analysts at 83 cents, with the outperformance mostly due to an unrealized gain tied to the company's euro denominated debt.Q1 GuidanceNetflix's projections for Q1 2022 were even lighter. The management's guidance is projecting 2.5 million net adds. While analysts on average predict 2.81 million in Q1, and 2.64 million in Q2, according to FactSet.It sees Q1 revenue of $7.9 billion, up 10.3%, but well shy of the Street consensus at $8.2 billion.3 Most Important Things to Watch1. Subscriber additionsAs always, an important focus for investors will be Netflix's net paid subscriber additions. In Q3, Netflix saw a re-acceleration in its quarterly subscriber growth, as net additions came in at 8.3 million. Though this was notably below the 8.5 million net new subscribers the company had estimated it would add during the quarter, it was still good to see a significant sequential uptick from the 4.4 million members the company added in the prior quarter.But what likely spooked investors was management's guidance for just 2.5 million net new paid subscribers inQ1 2022. This would be down significantly from the 4.0 million the company added inQ1 2021. This weak outlook, management explained, reflects the quarter's back-end weighted content slate.2. Commentary on competitionAnother red flag for Netflix investors in Q4 was management's nod to increasing competition. In a rare acknowledgment of competition having a negative impact on the company, management said, \"added competition may be affecting our marginal growth some...\"Investors should look to see if management doubles down on this worrisome narrative or if it brings positive data points to the table regarding how it is faring in a competitive environment. Chances are, the worrisome remarks about competition will continue. But investors should note that the stock's big decline has arguably priced in expectations for heated competition going forward.3. Subscriber-growth guidanceOf course, another key metric to watch will be the company's guidance for subscriber growth inQ2 2022. Technically, a back-weighted content slate in Q1 should positively impact Q2. Further, it's no secret that content production has been ramping back up from periods when much of the world was facing lockdowns. So lots of new content from Netflix should provide a catalyst for reaccelerated subscriber growth, assuming increasing competition isn't providing too much negative pressure.While it's always tough to estimate how many subscribers Netflix will guide for, it would be nice to see guidance for second-quarter subscriber levels on par with pre-COVID levels again. To do this, the company would need to guide for around 2.7 million new subscribers in Q2.Analyst OpinionsTruist analyst Matthew Thornton cut the price target of Netflix to $409 from $470.Thornton said in a research note that based on mobile app downloads, he believes the company's subscriber numbers in the first quarter will top expectations but thatQ2 outlook will come in below estimates, with consensus paid member adds being a \"slightly high hurdle,\" based on prior reports.Stifel analyst Scott Devittmaintained a“Buy” rating and a $460 price target on Netflix’s shares. Devitt noted the loss of subscribers in Russia and ongoing disruption in EMEA may limit the upside to subscriber growth. And looking past the first quarter, Devitt is tempering his estimates for 2022 and beyond as he takes a more conservative approach to the subscriber and ARPU growth on worsening macro conditions and continued uncertainty.JPMorgan analyst Doug Anmuth issued an “Overweight” rating and a $605 price target on Netflix’s shares. Anmuth was continuing to believe Netflix has meaningful room for further global subscriber penetration. And Anmuth believed Netflix is currently 29% penetrated among the approximately 776 million global broadband subscribers, 33% penetrated among the approximately 675 million current global pay-TV subscribers, and 31% penetrated among the approximately 712 million maximum global pay-TV subscribers.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":639,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9088895411,"gmtCreate":1650328881494,"gmtModify":1676534697167,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Bsn all ai ","listText":"Bsn all ai ","text":"Bsn all ai","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":4,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9088895411","repostId":"1158345079","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1158345079","kind":"news","pubTimestamp":1650327539,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1158345079?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-04-19 08:18","market":"other","language":"en","title":"ASX Opens 0.5% Higher, Buoyed by Gains across the Energy and Materials Sectors","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1158345079","media":"Australian Financial Review","summary":"The S&P/ASX 200 has opened 0.5 per cent higher at 7556.9, buoyed by gains across the energy and mate","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>The S&P/ASX 200 has opened 0.5 per cent higher at 7556.9, buoyed by gains across the energy and materials sectors due to a rise in commodity prices.</p><p>Incitec Pivot jumped 2.9 per cent to $4.11 after announcing that production at its Waggaman ammonia plant in Louisiana has successfully recommenced.</p><p>Syrah Resources surged 18 per cent to $1.85 on news that the US government will lend up to $US107 million to the company. South32 added 2.3 per cent to $5.29 after closing its offering of $US700 million of senior unsecured notes.</p><p>Gold miners posted gains after the precious metal’s price touched $US2000 an ounce overnight; Gold Road Resources rose 3.6 per cent to $1.75 and Regis Resources climbed 2.9 per cent to $2.46.</p><p>Paladin Energy was the biggest laggard, dropping 3.6 per cent to 93¢.</p></body></html>","source":"lsy1647818771712","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>ASX Opens 0.5% Higher, Buoyed by Gains across the Energy and Materials Sectors</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nASX Opens 0.5% Higher, Buoyed by Gains across the Energy and Materials Sectors\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n2022-04-19 08:18 GMT+8 <a href=https://www.afr.com/markets/equity-markets/wall-st-retreats-asx-tipped-to-lift-commodities-gain-20220419-p5aeb2><strong>Australian Financial Review</strong></a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<div>\n<p>The S&P/ASX 200 has opened 0.5 per cent higher at 7556.9, buoyed by gains across the energy and materials sectors due to a rise in commodity prices.Incitec Pivot jumped 2.9 per cent to $4.11 after ...</p>\n\n<a href=\"https://www.afr.com/markets/equity-markets/wall-st-retreats-asx-tipped-to-lift-commodities-gain-20220419-p5aeb2\">Web Link</a>\n\n</div>\n\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"XAO.AU":"标普/澳交所 普通股指数","XJO.AU":"标普/澳交所 200指数","XKO.AU":"标普/澳交所 300指数"},"source_url":"https://www.afr.com/markets/equity-markets/wall-st-retreats-asx-tipped-to-lift-commodities-gain-20220419-p5aeb2","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1158345079","content_text":"The S&P/ASX 200 has opened 0.5 per cent higher at 7556.9, buoyed by gains across the energy and materials sectors due to a rise in commodity prices.Incitec Pivot jumped 2.9 per cent to $4.11 after announcing that production at its Waggaman ammonia plant in Louisiana has successfully recommenced.Syrah Resources surged 18 per cent to $1.85 on news that the US government will lend up to $US107 million to the company. South32 added 2.3 per cent to $5.29 after closing its offering of $US700 million of senior unsecured notes.Gold miners posted gains after the precious metal’s price touched $US2000 an ounce overnight; Gold Road Resources rose 3.6 per cent to $1.75 and Regis Resources climbed 2.9 per cent to $2.46.Paladin Energy was the biggest laggard, dropping 3.6 per cent to 93¢.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":520,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9083482453,"gmtCreate":1650155915916,"gmtModify":1676534656975,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Fd","listText":"Fd","text":"Fd","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":10,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9083482453","repostId":"1133070824","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1133070824","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1649399100,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1133070824?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-04-08 14:25","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Reminder: Holiday Trading Hours during Good Friday and Easter","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1133070824","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"U.S. stock markets will be closed Friday, April 15in observance of Good Friday.The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq will resume normal trading hours on Monday.The Securities Industry and Financi","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>U.S. stock markets will be closed Friday, April 15 in observance of Good Friday.</p><p>The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq will resume normal trading hours on Monday.</p><p>The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association recommended the U.S. bond market close Friday. It also advised that the bond market shutter early on Thursday, April14 at 2 p.m. Eastern.</p><p>U.S. commodities markets including gold and oil futures also won't be open for trading Friday.</p><p>Singapore stock markets will also close on Good Friday.</p><p>Stock markets in Europe, Hong Kong and Australia will close on Good Friday and on Monday in observance of Easter.</p><p>A-shares (Northbound) will be closed to April 18 from April 14.</p><p><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8d9bbb655e7216a0c27a0cb94e0d0875\" tg-width=\"1482\" tg-height=\"1328\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p><p>Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It isn’t a federal holiday, which means businesses often stay open. Good Friday is the only time U.S. markets close for the day outside of federal holidays.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Reminder: Holiday Trading Hours during Good Friday and Easter</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nReminder: Holiday Trading Hours during Good Friday and Easter\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-04-08 14:25</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>U.S. stock markets will be closed Friday, April 15 in observance of Good Friday.</p><p>The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq will resume normal trading hours on Monday.</p><p>The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association recommended the U.S. bond market close Friday. It also advised that the bond market shutter early on Thursday, April14 at 2 p.m. Eastern.</p><p>U.S. commodities markets including gold and oil futures also won't be open for trading Friday.</p><p>Singapore stock markets will also close on Good Friday.</p><p>Stock markets in Europe, Hong Kong and Australia will close on Good Friday and on Monday in observance of Easter.</p><p>A-shares (Northbound) will be closed to April 18 from April 14.</p><p><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8d9bbb655e7216a0c27a0cb94e0d0875\" tg-width=\"1482\" tg-height=\"1328\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p><p>Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It isn’t a federal holiday, which means businesses often stay open. Good Friday is the only time U.S. markets close for the day outside of federal holidays.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{".SPX":"S&P 500 Index",".DJI":"道琼斯",".IXIC":"NASDAQ Composite"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1133070824","content_text":"U.S. stock markets will be closed Friday, April 15 in observance of Good Friday.The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq will resume normal trading hours on Monday.The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association recommended the U.S. bond market close Friday. It also advised that the bond market shutter early on Thursday, April14 at 2 p.m. Eastern.U.S. commodities markets including gold and oil futures also won't be open for trading Friday.Singapore stock markets will also close on Good Friday.Stock markets in Europe, Hong Kong and Australia will close on Good Friday and on Monday in observance of Easter.A-shares (Northbound) will be closed to April 18 from April 14.Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It isn’t a federal holiday, which means businesses often stay open. Good Friday is the only time U.S. markets close for the day outside of federal holidays.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":615,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0}],"hots":[{"id":9012063840,"gmtCreate":1649254396115,"gmtModify":1676534478613,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Snns","listText":"Snns","text":"Snns","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":10,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9012063840","repostId":"1162599786","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1162599786","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1649254075,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1162599786?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-04-06 22:07","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Vaccine Stocks Fell in Morning Trading","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1162599786","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"Novavax, Moderna, BioNTech, and Vaxart fell between 1% and 6%.U.S. FDA Says Currently Available Vacc","content":"<html><head></head><body><p><a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/NVAX\">Novavax</a>, <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/MRNA\">Moderna</a>, BioNTech, and Vaxart fell between 1% and 6%.</p><p>U.S. FDA Says Currently Available Vaccines Are Not Well-Matched to the Dominant Circulating Variant.<img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/94d07971268cb8a8d2bb45cbdc51b3ab\" tg-width=\"439\" tg-height=\"472\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p><p></p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Vaccine Stocks Fell in Morning Trading</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; 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The company now has 221.8 million subscribers globally.</p><p>The company generated Q4 revenue of $7.7 billion, up 16%, and in line with the company's projection at $7.7 billion. Profits were $1.33 cents a share, well ahead of analysts at 83 cents, with the outperformance mostly due to an unrealized gain tied to the company's euro denominated debt.</p><p><b>Q1 Guidance</b></p><p>Netflix's projections for Q1 2022 were even lighter. The management's guidance is projecting 2.5 million net adds. While analysts on average predict 2.81 million in Q1, and 2.64 million in Q2, according to FactSet.</p><p>It sees Q1 revenue of $7.9 billion, up 10.3%, but well shy of the Street consensus at $8.2 billion.</p><p><b>3</b> <b>Most Important Things to Watch</b></p><p>1. Subscriber additions</p><p>As always, an important focus for investors will be Netflix's net paid subscriber additions. In Q3, Netflix saw a re-acceleration in its quarterly subscriber growth, as net additions came in at 8.3 million. Though this was notably below the 8.5 million net new subscribers the company had estimated it would add during the quarter, it was still good to see a significant sequential uptick from the 4.4 million members the company added in the prior quarter.</p><p>But what likely spooked investors was management's guidance for just 2.5 million net new paid subscribers inQ1 2022. This would be down significantly from the 4.0 million the company added inQ1 2021. This weak outlook, management explained, reflects the quarter's back-end weighted content slate.</p><p>2. Commentary on competition</p><p>Another red flag for Netflix investors in Q4 was management's nod to increasing competition. In a rare acknowledgment of competition having a negative impact on the company, management said, "added competition may be affecting our marginal growth some..."</p><p>Investors should look to see if management doubles down on this worrisome narrative or if it brings positive data points to the table regarding how it is faring in a competitive environment. Chances are, the worrisome remarks about competition will continue. But investors should note that the stock's big decline has arguably priced in expectations for heated competition going forward.</p><p>3. Subscriber-growth guidance</p><p>Of course, another key metric to watch will be the company's guidance for subscriber growth inQ2 2022. Technically, a back-weighted content slate in Q1 should positively impact Q2. Further, it's no secret that content production has been ramping back up from periods when much of the world was facing lockdowns. So lots of new content from Netflix should provide a catalyst for reaccelerated subscriber growth, assuming increasing competition isn't providing too much negative pressure.</p><p>While it's always tough to estimate how many subscribers Netflix will guide for, it would be nice to see guidance for second-quarter subscriber levels on par with pre-COVID levels again. To do this, the company would need to guide for around 2.7 million new subscribers in Q2.</p><p><b>Analyst Opinions</b></p><p>Truist analyst Matthew Thornton cut the price target of Netflix to $409 from $470.Thornton said in a research note that based on mobile app downloads, he believes the company's subscriber numbers in the first quarter will top expectations but thatQ2 outlook will come in below estimates, with consensus paid member adds being a "slightly high hurdle," based on prior reports.</p><p>Stifel analyst Scott Devittmaintained a“Buy” rating and a $460 price target on Netflix’s shares. Devitt noted the loss of subscribers in Russia and ongoing disruption in EMEA may limit the upside to subscriber growth. And looking past the first quarter, Devitt is tempering his estimates for 2022 and beyond as he takes a more conservative approach to the subscriber and ARPU growth on worsening macro conditions and continued uncertainty.</p><p>JPMorgan analyst Doug Anmuth issued an “Overweight” rating and a $605 price target on Netflix’s shares. Anmuth was continuing to believe Netflix has meaningful room for further global subscriber penetration. And Anmuth believed Netflix is currently 29% penetrated among the approximately 776 million global broadband subscribers, 33% penetrated among the approximately 675 million current global pay-TV subscribers, and 31% penetrated among the approximately 712 million maximum global pay-TV subscribers.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Netflix Q1 Earnings are Coming: 3 Most Important Things to Watch</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nNetflix Q1 Earnings are Coming: 3 Most Important Things to Watch\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-04-19 07:24</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) is scheduled to announce Q1 earnings results after market closes on Tuesday, April 19.</p><p><b>Latest Results</b></p><p>In Q4 2021, Netflix added 8.28 million net new subscribers, a bit shy of the company's own forecast for 8.5 million net adds, and about in line with the Wall Street consensus forecast at 8.3 million. The company now has 221.8 million subscribers globally.</p><p>The company generated Q4 revenue of $7.7 billion, up 16%, and in line with the company's projection at $7.7 billion. Profits were $1.33 cents a share, well ahead of analysts at 83 cents, with the outperformance mostly due to an unrealized gain tied to the company's euro denominated debt.</p><p><b>Q1 Guidance</b></p><p>Netflix's projections for Q1 2022 were even lighter. The management's guidance is projecting 2.5 million net adds. While analysts on average predict 2.81 million in Q1, and 2.64 million in Q2, according to FactSet.</p><p>It sees Q1 revenue of $7.9 billion, up 10.3%, but well shy of the Street consensus at $8.2 billion.</p><p><b>3</b> <b>Most Important Things to Watch</b></p><p>1. Subscriber additions</p><p>As always, an important focus for investors will be Netflix's net paid subscriber additions. In Q3, Netflix saw a re-acceleration in its quarterly subscriber growth, as net additions came in at 8.3 million. Though this was notably below the 8.5 million net new subscribers the company had estimated it would add during the quarter, it was still good to see a significant sequential uptick from the 4.4 million members the company added in the prior quarter.</p><p>But what likely spooked investors was management's guidance for just 2.5 million net new paid subscribers inQ1 2022. This would be down significantly from the 4.0 million the company added inQ1 2021. This weak outlook, management explained, reflects the quarter's back-end weighted content slate.</p><p>2. Commentary on competition</p><p>Another red flag for Netflix investors in Q4 was management's nod to increasing competition. In a rare acknowledgment of competition having a negative impact on the company, management said, "added competition may be affecting our marginal growth some..."</p><p>Investors should look to see if management doubles down on this worrisome narrative or if it brings positive data points to the table regarding how it is faring in a competitive environment. Chances are, the worrisome remarks about competition will continue. But investors should note that the stock's big decline has arguably priced in expectations for heated competition going forward.</p><p>3. Subscriber-growth guidance</p><p>Of course, another key metric to watch will be the company's guidance for subscriber growth inQ2 2022. Technically, a back-weighted content slate in Q1 should positively impact Q2. Further, it's no secret that content production has been ramping back up from periods when much of the world was facing lockdowns. So lots of new content from Netflix should provide a catalyst for reaccelerated subscriber growth, assuming increasing competition isn't providing too much negative pressure.</p><p>While it's always tough to estimate how many subscribers Netflix will guide for, it would be nice to see guidance for second-quarter subscriber levels on par with pre-COVID levels again. To do this, the company would need to guide for around 2.7 million new subscribers in Q2.</p><p><b>Analyst Opinions</b></p><p>Truist analyst Matthew Thornton cut the price target of Netflix to $409 from $470.Thornton said in a research note that based on mobile app downloads, he believes the company's subscriber numbers in the first quarter will top expectations but thatQ2 outlook will come in below estimates, with consensus paid member adds being a "slightly high hurdle," based on prior reports.</p><p>Stifel analyst Scott Devittmaintained a“Buy” rating and a $460 price target on Netflix’s shares. Devitt noted the loss of subscribers in Russia and ongoing disruption in EMEA may limit the upside to subscriber growth. And looking past the first quarter, Devitt is tempering his estimates for 2022 and beyond as he takes a more conservative approach to the subscriber and ARPU growth on worsening macro conditions and continued uncertainty.</p><p>JPMorgan analyst Doug Anmuth issued an “Overweight” rating and a $605 price target on Netflix’s shares. Anmuth was continuing to believe Netflix has meaningful room for further global subscriber penetration. And Anmuth believed Netflix is currently 29% penetrated among the approximately 776 million global broadband subscribers, 33% penetrated among the approximately 675 million current global pay-TV subscribers, and 31% penetrated among the approximately 712 million maximum global pay-TV subscribers.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"NFLX":"奈飞"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1105840721","content_text":"Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) is scheduled to announce Q1 earnings results after market closes on Tuesday, April 19.Latest ResultsIn Q4 2021, Netflix added 8.28 million net new subscribers, a bit shy of the company's own forecast for 8.5 million net adds, and about in line with the Wall Street consensus forecast at 8.3 million. The company now has 221.8 million subscribers globally.The company generated Q4 revenue of $7.7 billion, up 16%, and in line with the company's projection at $7.7 billion. Profits were $1.33 cents a share, well ahead of analysts at 83 cents, with the outperformance mostly due to an unrealized gain tied to the company's euro denominated debt.Q1 GuidanceNetflix's projections for Q1 2022 were even lighter. The management's guidance is projecting 2.5 million net adds. While analysts on average predict 2.81 million in Q1, and 2.64 million in Q2, according to FactSet.It sees Q1 revenue of $7.9 billion, up 10.3%, but well shy of the Street consensus at $8.2 billion.3 Most Important Things to Watch1. Subscriber additionsAs always, an important focus for investors will be Netflix's net paid subscriber additions. In Q3, Netflix saw a re-acceleration in its quarterly subscriber growth, as net additions came in at 8.3 million. Though this was notably below the 8.5 million net new subscribers the company had estimated it would add during the quarter, it was still good to see a significant sequential uptick from the 4.4 million members the company added in the prior quarter.But what likely spooked investors was management's guidance for just 2.5 million net new paid subscribers inQ1 2022. This would be down significantly from the 4.0 million the company added inQ1 2021. This weak outlook, management explained, reflects the quarter's back-end weighted content slate.2. Commentary on competitionAnother red flag for Netflix investors in Q4 was management's nod to increasing competition. In a rare acknowledgment of competition having a negative impact on the company, management said, \"added competition may be affecting our marginal growth some...\"Investors should look to see if management doubles down on this worrisome narrative or if it brings positive data points to the table regarding how it is faring in a competitive environment. Chances are, the worrisome remarks about competition will continue. But investors should note that the stock's big decline has arguably priced in expectations for heated competition going forward.3. Subscriber-growth guidanceOf course, another key metric to watch will be the company's guidance for subscriber growth inQ2 2022. Technically, a back-weighted content slate in Q1 should positively impact Q2. Further, it's no secret that content production has been ramping back up from periods when much of the world was facing lockdowns. So lots of new content from Netflix should provide a catalyst for reaccelerated subscriber growth, assuming increasing competition isn't providing too much negative pressure.While it's always tough to estimate how many subscribers Netflix will guide for, it would be nice to see guidance for second-quarter subscriber levels on par with pre-COVID levels again. To do this, the company would need to guide for around 2.7 million new subscribers in Q2.Analyst OpinionsTruist analyst Matthew Thornton cut the price target of Netflix to $409 from $470.Thornton said in a research note that based on mobile app downloads, he believes the company's subscriber numbers in the first quarter will top expectations but thatQ2 outlook will come in below estimates, with consensus paid member adds being a \"slightly high hurdle,\" based on prior reports.Stifel analyst Scott Devittmaintained a“Buy” rating and a $460 price target on Netflix’s shares. Devitt noted the loss of subscribers in Russia and ongoing disruption in EMEA may limit the upside to subscriber growth. And looking past the first quarter, Devitt is tempering his estimates for 2022 and beyond as he takes a more conservative approach to the subscriber and ARPU growth on worsening macro conditions and continued uncertainty.JPMorgan analyst Doug Anmuth issued an “Overweight” rating and a $605 price target on Netflix’s shares. Anmuth was continuing to believe Netflix has meaningful room for further global subscriber penetration. And Anmuth believed Netflix is currently 29% penetrated among the approximately 776 million global broadband subscribers, 33% penetrated among the approximately 675 million current global pay-TV subscribers, and 31% penetrated among the approximately 712 million maximum global pay-TV subscribers.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":639,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9083482453,"gmtCreate":1650155915916,"gmtModify":1676534656975,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Fd","listText":"Fd","text":"Fd","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":10,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9083482453","repostId":"1133070824","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1133070824","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1649399100,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1133070824?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-04-08 14:25","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Reminder: Holiday Trading Hours during Good Friday and Easter","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1133070824","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"U.S. stock markets will be closed Friday, April 15in observance of Good Friday.The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq will resume normal trading hours on Monday.The Securities Industry and Financi","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>U.S. stock markets will be closed Friday, April 15 in observance of Good Friday.</p><p>The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq will resume normal trading hours on Monday.</p><p>The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association recommended the U.S. bond market close Friday. It also advised that the bond market shutter early on Thursday, April14 at 2 p.m. Eastern.</p><p>U.S. commodities markets including gold and oil futures also won't be open for trading Friday.</p><p>Singapore stock markets will also close on Good Friday.</p><p>Stock markets in Europe, Hong Kong and Australia will close on Good Friday and on Monday in observance of Easter.</p><p>A-shares (Northbound) will be closed to April 18 from April 14.</p><p><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8d9bbb655e7216a0c27a0cb94e0d0875\" tg-width=\"1482\" tg-height=\"1328\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p><p>Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It isn’t a federal holiday, which means businesses often stay open. Good Friday is the only time U.S. markets close for the day outside of federal holidays.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Reminder: Holiday Trading Hours during Good Friday and Easter</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nReminder: Holiday Trading Hours during Good Friday and Easter\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-04-08 14:25</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>U.S. stock markets will be closed Friday, April 15 in observance of Good Friday.</p><p>The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq will resume normal trading hours on Monday.</p><p>The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association recommended the U.S. bond market close Friday. It also advised that the bond market shutter early on Thursday, April14 at 2 p.m. Eastern.</p><p>U.S. commodities markets including gold and oil futures also won't be open for trading Friday.</p><p>Singapore stock markets will also close on Good Friday.</p><p>Stock markets in Europe, Hong Kong and Australia will close on Good Friday and on Monday in observance of Easter.</p><p>A-shares (Northbound) will be closed to April 18 from April 14.</p><p><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8d9bbb655e7216a0c27a0cb94e0d0875\" tg-width=\"1482\" tg-height=\"1328\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p><p>Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It isn’t a federal holiday, which means businesses often stay open. Good Friday is the only time U.S. markets close for the day outside of federal holidays.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{".SPX":"S&P 500 Index",".DJI":"道琼斯",".IXIC":"NASDAQ Composite"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1133070824","content_text":"U.S. stock markets will be closed Friday, April 15 in observance of Good Friday.The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq will resume normal trading hours on Monday.The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association recommended the U.S. bond market close Friday. It also advised that the bond market shutter early on Thursday, April14 at 2 p.m. Eastern.U.S. commodities markets including gold and oil futures also won't be open for trading Friday.Singapore stock markets will also close on Good Friday.Stock markets in Europe, Hong Kong and Australia will close on Good Friday and on Monday in observance of Easter.A-shares (Northbound) will be closed to April 18 from April 14.Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It isn’t a federal holiday, which means businesses often stay open. Good Friday is the only time U.S. markets close for the day outside of federal holidays.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":615,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9012087261,"gmtCreate":1649254249265,"gmtModify":1676534478533,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Sbs","listText":"Sbs","text":"Sbs","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":7,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9012087261","repostId":"1162599786","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1162599786","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1649254075,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1162599786?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-04-06 22:07","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Vaccine Stocks Fell in Morning Trading","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1162599786","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"Novavax, Moderna, BioNTech, and Vaxart fell between 1% and 6%.U.S. FDA Says Currently Available Vacc","content":"<html><head></head><body><p><a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/NVAX\">Novavax</a>, <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/MRNA\">Moderna</a>, BioNTech, and Vaxart fell between 1% and 6%.</p><p>U.S. FDA Says Currently Available Vaccines Are Not Well-Matched to the Dominant Circulating Variant.<img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/94d07971268cb8a8d2bb45cbdc51b3ab\" tg-width=\"439\" tg-height=\"472\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p><p></p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Vaccine Stocks Fell in Morning Trading</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nVaccine Stocks Fell in Morning Trading\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-04-06 22:07</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p><a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/NVAX\">Novavax</a>, <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/MRNA\">Moderna</a>, BioNTech, and Vaxart fell between 1% and 6%.</p><p>U.S. FDA Says Currently Available Vaccines Are Not Well-Matched to the Dominant Circulating Variant.<img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/94d07971268cb8a8d2bb45cbdc51b3ab\" tg-width=\"439\" tg-height=\"472\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p><p></p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"BK4139":"生物科技","BK4568":"美国抗疫概念","NVAX":"诺瓦瓦克斯医药","MRNA":"Moderna, Inc."},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1162599786","content_text":"Novavax, Moderna, BioNTech, and Vaxart fell between 1% and 6%.U.S. FDA Says Currently Available Vaccines Are Not Well-Matched to the Dominant Circulating Variant.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":349,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9035890810,"gmtCreate":1647560697627,"gmtModify":1676534243724,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Jwjqk","listText":"Jwjqk","text":"Jwjqk","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":4,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9035890810","repostId":"1165251799","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1165251799","kind":"news","pubTimestamp":1647559053,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1165251799?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-03-18 07:17","market":"other","language":"en","title":"Australian Shares Edge up Led by Materials Stocks","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1165251799","media":"AFR","summary":"Australian shares edged up 0.2 per cent, or 13.7 points, to 7264.5 in early trade, led by increases ","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>Australian shares edged up 0.2 per cent, or 13.7 points, to 7264.5 in early trade, led by increases in the materials and utilities sectors.</p><p>Higher commodity prices, from oil to iron ore, gas and wheat sent energy and mining stocks higher. Paladin Energy jumped 7 per cent to $0.840.</p><p>Abacus Property Group was the largest laggard, retreating 5 per cent to $3.38 following the completion of a $200 million placement through the issue of approximately 59.2 million new stapled securities at an offer price of $3.38 per share.</p><p>Qube Holdings fell 0.3 per cent to $3.0 after the ACCC said it was concerned about potential impacts on the supply chain for bulk grain export through the Port of Newcastle.</p></body></html>","source":"lsy1647389686240","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Australian Shares Edge up Led by Materials Stocks</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nAustralian Shares Edge up Led by Materials Stocks\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n2022-03-18 07:17 GMT+8 <a href=https://www.afr.com/markets/equity-markets/asx-headed-for-gains-bank-of-england-lifts-rates-20220317-p5a5m3><strong>AFR</strong></a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<div>\n<p>Australian shares edged up 0.2 per cent, or 13.7 points, to 7264.5 in early trade, led by increases in the materials and utilities sectors.Higher commodity prices, from oil to iron ore, gas and wheat ...</p>\n\n<a href=\"https://www.afr.com/markets/equity-markets/asx-headed-for-gains-bank-of-england-lifts-rates-20220317-p5a5m3\">Web Link</a>\n\n</div>\n\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"XAO.AU":"标普/澳交所 普通股指数","XJO.AU":"标普/澳交所 200指数","XKO.AU":"标普/澳交所 300指数"},"source_url":"https://www.afr.com/markets/equity-markets/asx-headed-for-gains-bank-of-england-lifts-rates-20220317-p5a5m3","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1165251799","content_text":"Australian shares edged up 0.2 per cent, or 13.7 points, to 7264.5 in early trade, led by increases in the materials and utilities sectors.Higher commodity prices, from oil to iron ore, gas and wheat sent energy and mining stocks higher. Paladin Energy jumped 7 per cent to $0.840.Abacus Property Group was the largest laggard, retreating 5 per cent to $3.38 following the completion of a $200 million placement through the issue of approximately 59.2 million new stapled securities at an offer price of $3.38 per share.Qube Holdings fell 0.3 per cent to $3.0 after the ACCC said it was concerned about potential impacts on the supply chain for bulk grain export through the Port of Newcastle.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":333,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9091534399,"gmtCreate":1643897659062,"gmtModify":1676533868871,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Hsjsn","listText":"Hsjsn","text":"Hsjsn","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":10,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9091534399","repostId":"1167563889","repostType":4,"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":152,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9095445623,"gmtCreate":1644979161703,"gmtModify":1676533982852,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Shjsk","listText":"Shjsk","text":"Shjsk","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":7,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9095445623","repostId":"2211637053","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2211637053","kind":"highlight","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and technology","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Reuters","id":"1036604489","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868"},"pubTimestamp":1644966042,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2211637053?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-02-16 07:00","market":"us","language":"en","title":"US STOCKS-Wall Street Surges as Easing Geopolitical Worries Fuel Broad Rally","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2211637053","media":"Reuters","summary":"Wall Street ended sharply higher on Tuesday, as signs of de-escalating tensions along the Russia-Ukraine border sparked a risk-on session.All three major indexes notched solid advances on the day, wit","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>Wall Street ended sharply higher on Tuesday, as signs of de-escalating tensions along the Russia-Ukraine border sparked a risk-on session.</p><p>All three major indexes notched solid advances on the day, with market leading tech and tech-adjacent stocks providing the biggest boost and putting the Nasdaq, which gained 2.5%, out front.</p><p>The Philadelphia SE Semiconductor index jumped 5.5% in its largest one-day percentage gain since March 2021.</p><p>Geopolitical heat was turned down a notch after Russia said it had withdrawn some of its troops near the Ukraine border, prompting bullish equities sentiment and causing crude prices to slide on easing supply concerns.</p><p>The announcement received guarded responses, and the United States and NATO said they had yet to see evidence of a drawdown.</p><p>Stocks briefly pared gains late in the session, when U.S. President Joe Biden said that while diplomatic efforts are ongoing.</p><p>"Nice rally today, thanks to (Russian President Vladimir) Putin," said David Carter, managing director at Wealthspire Advisors in New York.</p><p>"Markets have been moving based on Putin or (Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome) Powell," Carter added. "Putin and his intentions with Ukraine and Powell and his intentions regarding interest rates."</p><p>The CBOE market volatility index backed down from a three-week high.</p><p>On the economic front, a report from the Labor Department showed producer prices surged in January at twice the expected rate, reinforcing economist expectations that the Federal Reserve will take on stubbornly persistent inflation by aggressively hiking key interest rates.</p><p>"Inflation data suggests prices are rising, but markets already knew this," Carter said.</p><p>The graphic below shows producer price index <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/PPI\">$(PPI)$</a> data, along with other major indicators, and how far they have risen beyond the Fed's average annual 2% inflation target:</p><p>The market has now priced in better than even odds that the central bank will raise the Fed funds target rate by 50 basis points at its March monetary policy meeting.</p><p>"The market is now priced for a more aggressive Fed, and outside of geopolitics there’s reduced uncertainty," said Ross Mayfield, investment strategy analyst at Baird in Louisville, Kentucky. "But the market is never certain so you always dealing probabilities."</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 422.67 points, or 1.22%, to 34,988.84, the S&P 500 gained 69.4 points, or 1.58%, to 4,471.07 and the Nasdaq Composite added 348.84 points, or 2.53%, to 14,139.76.</p><p>Nine of the 11 major sectors in the S&P 500 closed green, with tech shares enjoying the largest percentage gain, jumping 2.7%. Energy stocks, weighed by sliding crude prices, fell 1.4%.</p><p>Fourth quarter reporting season is entering its last stretch, with 370 of the companies in the S&P 500 having reported. Of those, 78.1% have beaten analyst estimates, according to preliminary Refinitiv data.</p><p>"It's nice to have that earnings strength underlying these macro issues," Mayfield added.</p><p>The Philadelphia SE Semiconductor index's surge followed Intel Corp's announcement of a $5.4 billion deal to buy Israeli chipmaker <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/TWR.AU\">Tower</a> Semiconductor.</p><p>Restaurant Brands International rose 3.6% after the fast food operator beat quarterly profit and revenue estimates.</p><p>Hotelier Marriott International also beat Wall Street expectations due to rising occupancy rates, sending its shares up 5.8%.</p><p>Other travel-related companies surged, with the S&P 1500 airlines index and hotels/restaurants/leisure index rising 5.9% and 2.4%, respectively.</p><p>Shares of cloud infrastructure company Arista Networks</p><p>jumped 5.8% after it forecast better-than-anticipated current quarter revenue.</p><p>Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 3.03-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 3.87-to-1 ratio favored advancers.</p><p>The S&P 500 posted 6 new 52-week highs and 3 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 39 new highs and 70 new lows.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 10.63 billion shares, compared with the 12.60 billion average over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>US STOCKS-Wall Street Surges as Easing Geopolitical Worries Fuel Broad Rally</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nUS STOCKS-Wall Street Surges as Easing Geopolitical Worries Fuel Broad Rally\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1036604489\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Reuters </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-02-16 07:00</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>Wall Street ended sharply higher on Tuesday, as signs of de-escalating tensions along the Russia-Ukraine border sparked a risk-on session.</p><p>All three major indexes notched solid advances on the day, with market leading tech and tech-adjacent stocks providing the biggest boost and putting the Nasdaq, which gained 2.5%, out front.</p><p>The Philadelphia SE Semiconductor index jumped 5.5% in its largest one-day percentage gain since March 2021.</p><p>Geopolitical heat was turned down a notch after Russia said it had withdrawn some of its troops near the Ukraine border, prompting bullish equities sentiment and causing crude prices to slide on easing supply concerns.</p><p>The announcement received guarded responses, and the United States and NATO said they had yet to see evidence of a drawdown.</p><p>Stocks briefly pared gains late in the session, when U.S. President Joe Biden said that while diplomatic efforts are ongoing.</p><p>"Nice rally today, thanks to (Russian President Vladimir) Putin," said David Carter, managing director at Wealthspire Advisors in New York.</p><p>"Markets have been moving based on Putin or (Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome) Powell," Carter added. "Putin and his intentions with Ukraine and Powell and his intentions regarding interest rates."</p><p>The CBOE market volatility index backed down from a three-week high.</p><p>On the economic front, a report from the Labor Department showed producer prices surged in January at twice the expected rate, reinforcing economist expectations that the Federal Reserve will take on stubbornly persistent inflation by aggressively hiking key interest rates.</p><p>"Inflation data suggests prices are rising, but markets already knew this," Carter said.</p><p>The graphic below shows producer price index <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/PPI\">$(PPI)$</a> data, along with other major indicators, and how far they have risen beyond the Fed's average annual 2% inflation target:</p><p>The market has now priced in better than even odds that the central bank will raise the Fed funds target rate by 50 basis points at its March monetary policy meeting.</p><p>"The market is now priced for a more aggressive Fed, and outside of geopolitics there’s reduced uncertainty," said Ross Mayfield, investment strategy analyst at Baird in Louisville, Kentucky. "But the market is never certain so you always dealing probabilities."</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 422.67 points, or 1.22%, to 34,988.84, the S&P 500 gained 69.4 points, or 1.58%, to 4,471.07 and the Nasdaq Composite added 348.84 points, or 2.53%, to 14,139.76.</p><p>Nine of the 11 major sectors in the S&P 500 closed green, with tech shares enjoying the largest percentage gain, jumping 2.7%. Energy stocks, weighed by sliding crude prices, fell 1.4%.</p><p>Fourth quarter reporting season is entering its last stretch, with 370 of the companies in the S&P 500 having reported. Of those, 78.1% have beaten analyst estimates, according to preliminary Refinitiv data.</p><p>"It's nice to have that earnings strength underlying these macro issues," Mayfield added.</p><p>The Philadelphia SE Semiconductor index's surge followed Intel Corp's announcement of a $5.4 billion deal to buy Israeli chipmaker <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/TWR.AU\">Tower</a> Semiconductor.</p><p>Restaurant Brands International rose 3.6% after the fast food operator beat quarterly profit and revenue estimates.</p><p>Hotelier Marriott International also beat Wall Street expectations due to rising occupancy rates, sending its shares up 5.8%.</p><p>Other travel-related companies surged, with the S&P 1500 airlines index and hotels/restaurants/leisure index rising 5.9% and 2.4%, respectively.</p><p>Shares of cloud infrastructure company Arista Networks</p><p>jumped 5.8% after it forecast better-than-anticipated current quarter revenue.</p><p>Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 3.03-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 3.87-to-1 ratio favored advancers.</p><p>The S&P 500 posted 6 new 52-week highs and 3 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 39 new highs and 70 new lows.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 10.63 billion shares, compared with the 12.60 billion average over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"BK4534":"瑞士信贷持仓","BK4533":"AQR资本管理(全球第二大对冲基金)","PPI":"AXS Astoria Inflation Sensitive ETF","BK4535":"淡马锡持仓","BK4527":"明星科技股","BK4559":"巴菲特持仓","BK4141":"半导体产品","BK4550":"红杉资本持仓","SPY":"标普500ETF","BK4512":"苹果概念","BK4504":"桥水持仓","INTC":"英特尔",".DJI":"道琼斯","BK4529":"IDC概念",".IXIC":"NASDAQ Composite","BK4554":"元宇宙及AR概念",".SPX":"S&P 500 Index","BK4515":"5G概念"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2211637053","content_text":"Wall Street ended sharply higher on Tuesday, as signs of de-escalating tensions along the Russia-Ukraine border sparked a risk-on session.All three major indexes notched solid advances on the day, with market leading tech and tech-adjacent stocks providing the biggest boost and putting the Nasdaq, which gained 2.5%, out front.The Philadelphia SE Semiconductor index jumped 5.5% in its largest one-day percentage gain since March 2021.Geopolitical heat was turned down a notch after Russia said it had withdrawn some of its troops near the Ukraine border, prompting bullish equities sentiment and causing crude prices to slide on easing supply concerns.The announcement received guarded responses, and the United States and NATO said they had yet to see evidence of a drawdown.Stocks briefly pared gains late in the session, when U.S. President Joe Biden said that while diplomatic efforts are ongoing.\"Nice rally today, thanks to (Russian President Vladimir) Putin,\" said David Carter, managing director at Wealthspire Advisors in New York.\"Markets have been moving based on Putin or (Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome) Powell,\" Carter added. \"Putin and his intentions with Ukraine and Powell and his intentions regarding interest rates.\"The CBOE market volatility index backed down from a three-week high.On the economic front, a report from the Labor Department showed producer prices surged in January at twice the expected rate, reinforcing economist expectations that the Federal Reserve will take on stubbornly persistent inflation by aggressively hiking key interest rates.\"Inflation data suggests prices are rising, but markets already knew this,\" Carter said.The graphic below shows producer price index $(PPI)$ data, along with other major indicators, and how far they have risen beyond the Fed's average annual 2% inflation target:The market has now priced in better than even odds that the central bank will raise the Fed funds target rate by 50 basis points at its March monetary policy meeting.\"The market is now priced for a more aggressive Fed, and outside of geopolitics there’s reduced uncertainty,\" said Ross Mayfield, investment strategy analyst at Baird in Louisville, Kentucky. \"But the market is never certain so you always dealing probabilities.\"The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 422.67 points, or 1.22%, to 34,988.84, the S&P 500 gained 69.4 points, or 1.58%, to 4,471.07 and the Nasdaq Composite added 348.84 points, or 2.53%, to 14,139.76.Nine of the 11 major sectors in the S&P 500 closed green, with tech shares enjoying the largest percentage gain, jumping 2.7%. Energy stocks, weighed by sliding crude prices, fell 1.4%.Fourth quarter reporting season is entering its last stretch, with 370 of the companies in the S&P 500 having reported. Of those, 78.1% have beaten analyst estimates, according to preliminary Refinitiv data.\"It's nice to have that earnings strength underlying these macro issues,\" Mayfield added.The Philadelphia SE Semiconductor index's surge followed Intel Corp's announcement of a $5.4 billion deal to buy Israeli chipmaker Tower Semiconductor.Restaurant Brands International rose 3.6% after the fast food operator beat quarterly profit and revenue estimates.Hotelier Marriott International also beat Wall Street expectations due to rising occupancy rates, sending its shares up 5.8%.Other travel-related companies surged, with the S&P 1500 airlines index and hotels/restaurants/leisure index rising 5.9% and 2.4%, respectively.Shares of cloud infrastructure company Arista Networksjumped 5.8% after it forecast better-than-anticipated current quarter revenue.Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 3.03-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 3.87-to-1 ratio favored advancers.The S&P 500 posted 6 new 52-week highs and 3 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 39 new highs and 70 new lows.Volume on U.S. exchanges was 10.63 billion shares, compared with the 12.60 billion average over the last 20 trading days.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":132,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9095872566,"gmtCreate":1644887516585,"gmtModify":1676533972125,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Wjjw","listText":"Wjjw","text":"Wjjw","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":7,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9095872566","repostId":"2211507773","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2211507773","kind":"highlight","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and technology","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Reuters","id":"1036604489","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868"},"pubTimestamp":1644879690,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2211507773?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-02-15 07:01","market":"us","language":"en","title":"US Stocks-The S&P 500 Ends down as Russia-Ukraine Tensions Heat Up","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2211507773","media":"Reuters","summary":"The S&P 500 index closed modestly lower on Monday, largely recovering from a sharp sell-off, as U.S.","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>The S&P 500 index closed modestly lower on Monday, largely recovering from a sharp sell-off, as U.S. plans to close its Kyiv embassy in Ukraine sent simmering geopolitical tensions to a boil.</p><p>All three major U.S. stock indexes dropped sharply after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the relocation of U.S. diplomatic operations to western Ukraine, in a possible sign of an imminent Russian invasion.</p><p>Adding to uncertainty, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Wednesday would be the day of the attack. Ukrainian officials later said Zelenskiy was not predicting an attack on that day but responding with skepticism to foreign media reports.</p><p>By the closing bell, the Dow Jones Industrial Average joined the S&P 500 in negative territory, while the Nasdaq Composite Index ended essentially unchanged.</p><p>Ongoing concerns over aggressive policy from the Federal Reserve also have contributed to recent market volatility.</p><p>"There's a lot of cross currents, a lot of potential negatives in the markets," said Paul Nolte, portfolio manager at Kingsview Asset Management in Chicago.</p><p>France's foreign minister said everything was in place for a Russian attack and that Europe was ready to impose massive sanctions if it happened.</p><p>Geopolitical anxieties have been simmering in recent weeks as negotiators scrambled to find a diplomatic path forward as Russia amassed troops along the Ukrainian border.</p><p>Still, market fallout due to geopolitical turmoil tends to be fleeting, according to historical data.</p><p>"History actually tells investors that military and terrorist strikes tend to have short-lived shocks because they do not result in global recession," said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist of CFRA Research in New York.</p><p>Adding to the uncertainty were increasingly hawkish comments from St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard. He reiterated his call for a faster rake hike timeline and said the central bank's "credibility is on the line" in its battle against rising prices.</p><p>Recent data showed U.S. inflation at its hottest level in decades, ratcheting up concerns that the Fed could begin hiking key interest rates more aggressively than many had anticipated.</p><p>"The market is being felled by a combination punch, with Bullard's comments as well as increased rhetoric about the imminent invasion by Russia," Stovall added.</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 171.89 points, or 0.49%, to 34,566.17; the S&P 500 lost 16.97 points, or 0.38%, at 4,401.67; and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 0.24 points, or 0%, to 13,790.92.</p><p>Ten of the 11 major sectors in the S&P 500 closed in negative territory, with energy stocks suffering the largest percentage drop. Consumer discretionary and communications services were the only gainers.</p><p>Fourth-quarter earnings season is approaching the home stretch, with 358 of the companies in the S&P 500 having reported. Of those, 78% have beat consensus estimates, according to Refinitiv data.</p><p>Nvidia Corp and Walmart Inc are among the high profile companies posting results this week.</p><p>Tesla Inc advanced 1.8% after Chinese auto industry authorities announced the electric car maker sold nearly 60,000 China-made vehicles in January.</p><p>Drugmaker Biohaven shares rose 2.2% following positive topline trial results in the migraine treatment rimegepant. Pfizer Inc acquired the overseas marketing rights to the drug in November.</p><p>But Pfizer dropped 1.9%, joining other COVID vaccine makers in the red.</p><p>Moderna Inc tumbled 11.7% and Johnson & Johnson dipped 1.3%. Novavax Inc, which on Monday submitted an application to Switzerland's drugs regulator for approval of its COVID vaccine, dropped 11.4%.</p><p>Declining issues outnumbered advancers on the NYSE by a 2.80-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 2.17-to-1 ratio favored decliners.</p><p>The S&P 500 posted <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/AONE.U\">one</a> new 52-week high and 18 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 24 new highs and 246 new lows.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.32 billion shares, compared with the 12.67 billion average over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>US Stocks-The S&P 500 Ends down as Russia-Ukraine Tensions Heat Up</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nUS Stocks-The S&P 500 Ends down as Russia-Ukraine Tensions Heat Up\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1036604489\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Reuters </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-02-15 07:01</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>The S&P 500 index closed modestly lower on Monday, largely recovering from a sharp sell-off, as U.S. plans to close its Kyiv embassy in Ukraine sent simmering geopolitical tensions to a boil.</p><p>All three major U.S. stock indexes dropped sharply after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the relocation of U.S. diplomatic operations to western Ukraine, in a possible sign of an imminent Russian invasion.</p><p>Adding to uncertainty, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Wednesday would be the day of the attack. Ukrainian officials later said Zelenskiy was not predicting an attack on that day but responding with skepticism to foreign media reports.</p><p>By the closing bell, the Dow Jones Industrial Average joined the S&P 500 in negative territory, while the Nasdaq Composite Index ended essentially unchanged.</p><p>Ongoing concerns over aggressive policy from the Federal Reserve also have contributed to recent market volatility.</p><p>"There's a lot of cross currents, a lot of potential negatives in the markets," said Paul Nolte, portfolio manager at Kingsview Asset Management in Chicago.</p><p>France's foreign minister said everything was in place for a Russian attack and that Europe was ready to impose massive sanctions if it happened.</p><p>Geopolitical anxieties have been simmering in recent weeks as negotiators scrambled to find a diplomatic path forward as Russia amassed troops along the Ukrainian border.</p><p>Still, market fallout due to geopolitical turmoil tends to be fleeting, according to historical data.</p><p>"History actually tells investors that military and terrorist strikes tend to have short-lived shocks because they do not result in global recession," said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist of CFRA Research in New York.</p><p>Adding to the uncertainty were increasingly hawkish comments from St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard. He reiterated his call for a faster rake hike timeline and said the central bank's "credibility is on the line" in its battle against rising prices.</p><p>Recent data showed U.S. inflation at its hottest level in decades, ratcheting up concerns that the Fed could begin hiking key interest rates more aggressively than many had anticipated.</p><p>"The market is being felled by a combination punch, with Bullard's comments as well as increased rhetoric about the imminent invasion by Russia," Stovall added.</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 171.89 points, or 0.49%, to 34,566.17; the S&P 500 lost 16.97 points, or 0.38%, at 4,401.67; and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 0.24 points, or 0%, to 13,790.92.</p><p>Ten of the 11 major sectors in the S&P 500 closed in negative territory, with energy stocks suffering the largest percentage drop. Consumer discretionary and communications services were the only gainers.</p><p>Fourth-quarter earnings season is approaching the home stretch, with 358 of the companies in the S&P 500 having reported. Of those, 78% have beat consensus estimates, according to Refinitiv data.</p><p>Nvidia Corp and Walmart Inc are among the high profile companies posting results this week.</p><p>Tesla Inc advanced 1.8% after Chinese auto industry authorities announced the electric car maker sold nearly 60,000 China-made vehicles in January.</p><p>Drugmaker Biohaven shares rose 2.2% following positive topline trial results in the migraine treatment rimegepant. Pfizer Inc acquired the overseas marketing rights to the drug in November.</p><p>But Pfizer dropped 1.9%, joining other COVID vaccine makers in the red.</p><p>Moderna Inc tumbled 11.7% and Johnson & Johnson dipped 1.3%. Novavax Inc, which on Monday submitted an application to Switzerland's drugs regulator for approval of its COVID vaccine, dropped 11.4%.</p><p>Declining issues outnumbered advancers on the NYSE by a 2.80-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 2.17-to-1 ratio favored decliners.</p><p>The S&P 500 posted <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/AONE.U\">one</a> new 52-week high and 18 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 24 new highs and 246 new lows.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.32 billion shares, compared with the 12.67 billion average over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{".IXIC":"NASDAQ Composite",".SPX":"S&P 500 Index","SPY":"标普500ETF","BK4559":"巴菲特持仓","BK4534":"瑞士信贷持仓","BK4550":"红杉资本持仓","BK4504":"桥水持仓",".DJI":"道琼斯"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2211507773","content_text":"The S&P 500 index closed modestly lower on Monday, largely recovering from a sharp sell-off, as U.S. plans to close its Kyiv embassy in Ukraine sent simmering geopolitical tensions to a boil.All three major U.S. stock indexes dropped sharply after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the relocation of U.S. diplomatic operations to western Ukraine, in a possible sign of an imminent Russian invasion.Adding to uncertainty, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Wednesday would be the day of the attack. Ukrainian officials later said Zelenskiy was not predicting an attack on that day but responding with skepticism to foreign media reports.By the closing bell, the Dow Jones Industrial Average joined the S&P 500 in negative territory, while the Nasdaq Composite Index ended essentially unchanged.Ongoing concerns over aggressive policy from the Federal Reserve also have contributed to recent market volatility.\"There's a lot of cross currents, a lot of potential negatives in the markets,\" said Paul Nolte, portfolio manager at Kingsview Asset Management in Chicago.France's foreign minister said everything was in place for a Russian attack and that Europe was ready to impose massive sanctions if it happened.Geopolitical anxieties have been simmering in recent weeks as negotiators scrambled to find a diplomatic path forward as Russia amassed troops along the Ukrainian border.Still, market fallout due to geopolitical turmoil tends to be fleeting, according to historical data.\"History actually tells investors that military and terrorist strikes tend to have short-lived shocks because they do not result in global recession,\" said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist of CFRA Research in New York.Adding to the uncertainty were increasingly hawkish comments from St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard. He reiterated his call for a faster rake hike timeline and said the central bank's \"credibility is on the line\" in its battle against rising prices.Recent data showed U.S. inflation at its hottest level in decades, ratcheting up concerns that the Fed could begin hiking key interest rates more aggressively than many had anticipated.\"The market is being felled by a combination punch, with Bullard's comments as well as increased rhetoric about the imminent invasion by Russia,\" Stovall added.The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 171.89 points, or 0.49%, to 34,566.17; the S&P 500 lost 16.97 points, or 0.38%, at 4,401.67; and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 0.24 points, or 0%, to 13,790.92.Ten of the 11 major sectors in the S&P 500 closed in negative territory, with energy stocks suffering the largest percentage drop. Consumer discretionary and communications services were the only gainers.Fourth-quarter earnings season is approaching the home stretch, with 358 of the companies in the S&P 500 having reported. Of those, 78% have beat consensus estimates, according to Refinitiv data.Nvidia Corp and Walmart Inc are among the high profile companies posting results this week.Tesla Inc advanced 1.8% after Chinese auto industry authorities announced the electric car maker sold nearly 60,000 China-made vehicles in January.Drugmaker Biohaven shares rose 2.2% following positive topline trial results in the migraine treatment rimegepant. Pfizer Inc acquired the overseas marketing rights to the drug in November.But Pfizer dropped 1.9%, joining other COVID vaccine makers in the red.Moderna Inc tumbled 11.7% and Johnson & Johnson dipped 1.3%. Novavax Inc, which on Monday submitted an application to Switzerland's drugs regulator for approval of its COVID vaccine, dropped 11.4%.Declining issues outnumbered advancers on the NYSE by a 2.80-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 2.17-to-1 ratio favored decliners.The S&P 500 posted one new 52-week high and 18 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 24 new highs and 246 new lows.Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.32 billion shares, compared with the 12.67 billion average over the last 20 trading days.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":218,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9092685025,"gmtCreate":1644621417195,"gmtModify":1676533946235,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":" Buya","listText":" Buya","text":"Buya","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":3,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9092685025","repostId":"1163392132","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1163392132","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1644591325,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1163392132?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-02-11 22:55","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Yelp Shares Surged 9% in Morning Trading","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1163392132","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"Yelp Shares Surged 9% in Morning Trading. Yelp's annual revenue passed $1 billion again on quarterly","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>Yelp Shares Surged 9% in Morning Trading. Yelp's annual revenue passed $1 billion again on quarterly sales, earnings beat.<img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/68291c337a8405a9af0f44280ef9d3a3\" tg-width=\"858\" tg-height=\"633\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/>The online reviews site <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/YELP\">Yelp Inc.</a> reported fourth-quarter net income of $23 million, or 30 cents a share, compared with net income of $21 million, or a 27 cents a share, in the year-ago quarter. Net revenue leaped 17% to $273 million from $233 million a year ago.</p><p>For the fiscal year, Yelp topped $1 billion (actually, a record $1.03 billion) for the second time. It hauled in $1.014 billion in fiscal 2019 before dipping to $873 million in a pandemic-marred fiscal 2020 as small businesses retrenched.</p><p>"It was a banner year with record revenue and adjusted EBITDA margin (24%) as we increased our strategic investments throughout the year," Yelp Chief Financial Officer David Schwarzbach told MarketWatch.</p><p>Advertising growth led the way. Sales from Restaurants, Retail & Other (RR&O) businesses increased 18% year-over-year to $377 million. Yelp achieved the results following the realignment of its go-to-market channels in 2020, including the reduction of its local sales force to approximately 50% of pre-pandemic2019 levels.</p><p>Yelp also issued 2022 net revenue guidance of between $1.16 billion and $1.18 billion, as well as adjusted EBITDA in the range of $260 million to $280 million.</p><p>Analysts surveyed by FactSet had expected earnings of 14 cents a share on revenue of $272 million for Yelp's fourth quarter and $1.03 billion for the year. Those same analysts forecast $1.158 billion in 2022 revenue.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Yelp Shares Surged 9% in Morning Trading</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nYelp Shares Surged 9% in Morning Trading\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-02-11 22:55</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>Yelp Shares Surged 9% in Morning Trading. Yelp's annual revenue passed $1 billion again on quarterly sales, earnings beat.<img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/68291c337a8405a9af0f44280ef9d3a3\" tg-width=\"858\" tg-height=\"633\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/>The online reviews site <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/YELP\">Yelp Inc.</a> reported fourth-quarter net income of $23 million, or 30 cents a share, compared with net income of $21 million, or a 27 cents a share, in the year-ago quarter. Net revenue leaped 17% to $273 million from $233 million a year ago.</p><p>For the fiscal year, Yelp topped $1 billion (actually, a record $1.03 billion) for the second time. It hauled in $1.014 billion in fiscal 2019 before dipping to $873 million in a pandemic-marred fiscal 2020 as small businesses retrenched.</p><p>"It was a banner year with record revenue and adjusted EBITDA margin (24%) as we increased our strategic investments throughout the year," Yelp Chief Financial Officer David Schwarzbach told MarketWatch.</p><p>Advertising growth led the way. Sales from Restaurants, Retail & Other (RR&O) businesses increased 18% year-over-year to $377 million. Yelp achieved the results following the realignment of its go-to-market channels in 2020, including the reduction of its local sales force to approximately 50% of pre-pandemic2019 levels.</p><p>Yelp also issued 2022 net revenue guidance of between $1.16 billion and $1.18 billion, as well as adjusted EBITDA in the range of $260 million to $280 million.</p><p>Analysts surveyed by FactSet had expected earnings of 14 cents a share on revenue of $272 million for Yelp's fourth quarter and $1.03 billion for the year. Those same analysts forecast $1.158 billion in 2022 revenue.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"YELP":"Yelp Inc."},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1163392132","content_text":"Yelp Shares Surged 9% in Morning Trading. Yelp's annual revenue passed $1 billion again on quarterly sales, earnings beat.The online reviews site Yelp Inc. reported fourth-quarter net income of $23 million, or 30 cents a share, compared with net income of $21 million, or a 27 cents a share, in the year-ago quarter. Net revenue leaped 17% to $273 million from $233 million a year ago.For the fiscal year, Yelp topped $1 billion (actually, a record $1.03 billion) for the second time. It hauled in $1.014 billion in fiscal 2019 before dipping to $873 million in a pandemic-marred fiscal 2020 as small businesses retrenched.\"It was a banner year with record revenue and adjusted EBITDA margin (24%) as we increased our strategic investments throughout the year,\" Yelp Chief Financial Officer David Schwarzbach told MarketWatch.Advertising growth led the way. Sales from Restaurants, Retail & Other (RR&O) businesses increased 18% year-over-year to $377 million. Yelp achieved the results following the realignment of its go-to-market channels in 2020, including the reduction of its local sales force to approximately 50% of pre-pandemic2019 levels.Yelp also issued 2022 net revenue guidance of between $1.16 billion and $1.18 billion, as well as adjusted EBITDA in the range of $260 million to $280 million.Analysts surveyed by FactSet had expected earnings of 14 cents a share on revenue of $272 million for Yelp's fourth quarter and $1.03 billion for the year. Those same analysts forecast $1.158 billion in 2022 revenue.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":237,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9045068012,"gmtCreate":1656546604436,"gmtModify":1676535849155,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Gugiu7f","listText":"Gugiu7f","text":"Gugiu7f","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":8,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9045068012","repostId":"2247029926","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2247029926","kind":"highlight","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and technology","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Reuters","id":"1036604489","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868"},"pubTimestamp":1656542829,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2247029926?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-06-30 06:47","market":"us","language":"en","title":"S&P 500 Limps to Slightly Lower Close As Quarter-End Looms","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2247029926","media":"Reuters","summary":"* U.S. economy contracted in Q1; consumer spending revised lower* General Mills rises as sales beat ","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>* U.S. economy contracted in Q1; consumer spending revised lower</p><p>* General Mills rises as sales beat on higher prices</p><p>* Bed Bath & Beyond replaces CEO, shares tumble</p><p>* Dow up 0.27%, S&P down 0.07%, Nasdaq off 0.03%</p><p>NEW YORK, June 29 (Reuters) - The S&P 500 ended a seesaw session slightly down on Wednesday as investors staggered toward the finish line of a downbeat month, a dismal quarter, and the worst first-half for Wall Street's benchmark index since President Richard Nixon's first term.</p><p>The three major U.S. stock indexes spent much of the session wavering between red and green. The Nasdaq joined the S&P 500, closing nominally lower, while the blue-chip Dow posted a modest gain.</p><p>"The market’s struggling to find direction," said Megan Horneman, chief investment officer at Verdence Capital Advisors in Hunt Valley, Maryland. "We had disappointing data, and the markets are waiting for earnings season, when we'll get more clarity" with respect to future earnings and an economic slowdown.</p><p>Market leaders Apple, Microsoft and Amazon.com provided the upside muscle, while economically sensitive chips small caps and transports were underperforming the broader market.</p><p>With the end of the month and the second quarter a day away, the S&P 500 has set a course for its biggest first-half percentage drop since 1970.</p><p>The Nasdaq was on its way to its worst-ever first-half performance, while the Dow appeared on track for its biggest January-June percentage drop since the financial crisis.</p><p>All three indexes were bound to post their second straight quarterly declines. That last time that happened was in 2015.</p><p>"We have a central bank that has had to pivot from a decades-old easy money policy to a tightening cycle," Horneman added. "This is new for a lot of investors."</p><p>"We’re seeing a repricing for what we expect to be a very different interest rate environment going forward."</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 82.32 points, or 0.27%, to 31,029.31, the S&P 500 lost 2.72 points, or 0.07%, to 3,818.83 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 3.65 points, or 0.03%, to 11,177.89.</p><p>Of the 11 major sectors of the S&P 500, five lost ground on the day, with energy stocks suffering the largest percentage drop. Healthcare led the gainers.</p><p>Benchmark Treasury yields have risen by over 1.606 percentage points so far in 2022, their biggest first-half jump since 1984. That explains why interest rate sensitive growth stocks have plunged over 26% year-to-date.</p><p>Federal Reserve officials in recent days have reiterated their determination to rein in inflation, setting expectations for their second consecutive 75 basis point interest rate hike in July, while expressing confidence that monetary tightening will not tip the economy into recession.</p><p>In economic news, U.S. Commerce Department data showed GDP contracted slightly more than previously stated in the first three months of the year. Consumer spending, which accounts for about 70% of the economy, contributed substantially less than originally reported.</p><p>A day earlier, a dire consumer confidence report showed consumer expectations sinking to their lowest level since March 2013.</p><p>Second-quarter reporting season remains several weeks away, and 130 of the companies in the S&P 500 have pre-announced. Of those, 45 have been positive and 77 have been negative, resulting in a negative/positive ratio of 1.7 stronger than the first quarter but weaker than a year ago, according to Refinitiv data.</p><p>What will investors be listening for in those earnings calls?</p><p>"Margin pressures, that’s the big concern, pricing pressures, scaling back plans for capex because of the slowdown, and if they see any improvement in the supply chain," Horneman said.</p><p>Packaged food company General Mills Inc jumped 6.3% after its sales beat estimates.</p><p>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc tumbled 23.6% following the retailer's announcement that it had replaced chief executive officer Mark Tritton, hoping to reverse a slump.</p><p>Package deliverer Fedex Corp dropped 2.6% in the wake of its disappointing margin forecast for its ground unit.</p><p>Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones on the NYSE by a 1.96-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.79-to-1 ratio favored decliners.</p><p>The S&P 500 posted 1 new 52-week highs and 36 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 14 new highs and 284 new lows.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.55 billion shares, compared with the 12.79 billion average over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>S&P 500 Limps to Slightly Lower Close As Quarter-End Looms</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nS&P 500 Limps to Slightly Lower Close As Quarter-End Looms\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1036604489\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Reuters </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-06-30 06:47</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>* U.S. economy contracted in Q1; consumer spending revised lower</p><p>* General Mills rises as sales beat on higher prices</p><p>* Bed Bath & Beyond replaces CEO, shares tumble</p><p>* Dow up 0.27%, S&P down 0.07%, Nasdaq off 0.03%</p><p>NEW YORK, June 29 (Reuters) - The S&P 500 ended a seesaw session slightly down on Wednesday as investors staggered toward the finish line of a downbeat month, a dismal quarter, and the worst first-half for Wall Street's benchmark index since President Richard Nixon's first term.</p><p>The three major U.S. stock indexes spent much of the session wavering between red and green. The Nasdaq joined the S&P 500, closing nominally lower, while the blue-chip Dow posted a modest gain.</p><p>"The market’s struggling to find direction," said Megan Horneman, chief investment officer at Verdence Capital Advisors in Hunt Valley, Maryland. "We had disappointing data, and the markets are waiting for earnings season, when we'll get more clarity" with respect to future earnings and an economic slowdown.</p><p>Market leaders Apple, Microsoft and Amazon.com provided the upside muscle, while economically sensitive chips small caps and transports were underperforming the broader market.</p><p>With the end of the month and the second quarter a day away, the S&P 500 has set a course for its biggest first-half percentage drop since 1970.</p><p>The Nasdaq was on its way to its worst-ever first-half performance, while the Dow appeared on track for its biggest January-June percentage drop since the financial crisis.</p><p>All three indexes were bound to post their second straight quarterly declines. That last time that happened was in 2015.</p><p>"We have a central bank that has had to pivot from a decades-old easy money policy to a tightening cycle," Horneman added. "This is new for a lot of investors."</p><p>"We’re seeing a repricing for what we expect to be a very different interest rate environment going forward."</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 82.32 points, or 0.27%, to 31,029.31, the S&P 500 lost 2.72 points, or 0.07%, to 3,818.83 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 3.65 points, or 0.03%, to 11,177.89.</p><p>Of the 11 major sectors of the S&P 500, five lost ground on the day, with energy stocks suffering the largest percentage drop. Healthcare led the gainers.</p><p>Benchmark Treasury yields have risen by over 1.606 percentage points so far in 2022, their biggest first-half jump since 1984. That explains why interest rate sensitive growth stocks have plunged over 26% year-to-date.</p><p>Federal Reserve officials in recent days have reiterated their determination to rein in inflation, setting expectations for their second consecutive 75 basis point interest rate hike in July, while expressing confidence that monetary tightening will not tip the economy into recession.</p><p>In economic news, U.S. Commerce Department data showed GDP contracted slightly more than previously stated in the first three months of the year. Consumer spending, which accounts for about 70% of the economy, contributed substantially less than originally reported.</p><p>A day earlier, a dire consumer confidence report showed consumer expectations sinking to their lowest level since March 2013.</p><p>Second-quarter reporting season remains several weeks away, and 130 of the companies in the S&P 500 have pre-announced. Of those, 45 have been positive and 77 have been negative, resulting in a negative/positive ratio of 1.7 stronger than the first quarter but weaker than a year ago, according to Refinitiv data.</p><p>What will investors be listening for in those earnings calls?</p><p>"Margin pressures, that’s the big concern, pricing pressures, scaling back plans for capex because of the slowdown, and if they see any improvement in the supply chain," Horneman said.</p><p>Packaged food company General Mills Inc jumped 6.3% after its sales beat estimates.</p><p>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc tumbled 23.6% following the retailer's announcement that it had replaced chief executive officer Mark Tritton, hoping to reverse a slump.</p><p>Package deliverer Fedex Corp dropped 2.6% in the wake of its disappointing margin forecast for its ground unit.</p><p>Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones on the NYSE by a 1.96-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.79-to-1 ratio favored decliners.</p><p>The S&P 500 posted 1 new 52-week highs and 36 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 14 new highs and 284 new lows.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.55 billion shares, compared with the 12.79 billion average over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"161125":"标普500","513500":"标普500ETF","MSFT":"微软","GIS":"通用磨坊","FDX":"联邦快递","SH":"标普500反向ETF","OEF":"标普100指数ETF-iShares","SDS":"两倍做空标普500ETF","SPXU":"三倍做空标普500ETF","BK4534":"瑞士信贷持仓","SSO":"两倍做多标普500ETF","SPY":"标普500ETF","AMZN":"亚马逊","AAPL":"苹果","BK4559":"巴菲特持仓","BK4550":"红杉资本持仓","UPRO":"三倍做多标普500ETF","IVV":"标普500指数ETF","OEX":"标普100","BBBY":"3B家居","BK4581":"高盛持仓","BK4504":"桥水持仓"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2247029926","content_text":"* U.S. economy contracted in Q1; consumer spending revised lower* General Mills rises as sales beat on higher prices* Bed Bath & Beyond replaces CEO, shares tumble* Dow up 0.27%, S&P down 0.07%, Nasdaq off 0.03%NEW YORK, June 29 (Reuters) - The S&P 500 ended a seesaw session slightly down on Wednesday as investors staggered toward the finish line of a downbeat month, a dismal quarter, and the worst first-half for Wall Street's benchmark index since President Richard Nixon's first term.The three major U.S. stock indexes spent much of the session wavering between red and green. The Nasdaq joined the S&P 500, closing nominally lower, while the blue-chip Dow posted a modest gain.\"The market’s struggling to find direction,\" said Megan Horneman, chief investment officer at Verdence Capital Advisors in Hunt Valley, Maryland. \"We had disappointing data, and the markets are waiting for earnings season, when we'll get more clarity\" with respect to future earnings and an economic slowdown.Market leaders Apple, Microsoft and Amazon.com provided the upside muscle, while economically sensitive chips small caps and transports were underperforming the broader market.With the end of the month and the second quarter a day away, the S&P 500 has set a course for its biggest first-half percentage drop since 1970.The Nasdaq was on its way to its worst-ever first-half performance, while the Dow appeared on track for its biggest January-June percentage drop since the financial crisis.All three indexes were bound to post their second straight quarterly declines. That last time that happened was in 2015.\"We have a central bank that has had to pivot from a decades-old easy money policy to a tightening cycle,\" Horneman added. \"This is new for a lot of investors.\"\"We’re seeing a repricing for what we expect to be a very different interest rate environment going forward.\"The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 82.32 points, or 0.27%, to 31,029.31, the S&P 500 lost 2.72 points, or 0.07%, to 3,818.83 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 3.65 points, or 0.03%, to 11,177.89.Of the 11 major sectors of the S&P 500, five lost ground on the day, with energy stocks suffering the largest percentage drop. Healthcare led the gainers.Benchmark Treasury yields have risen by over 1.606 percentage points so far in 2022, their biggest first-half jump since 1984. That explains why interest rate sensitive growth stocks have plunged over 26% year-to-date.Federal Reserve officials in recent days have reiterated their determination to rein in inflation, setting expectations for their second consecutive 75 basis point interest rate hike in July, while expressing confidence that monetary tightening will not tip the economy into recession.In economic news, U.S. Commerce Department data showed GDP contracted slightly more than previously stated in the first three months of the year. Consumer spending, which accounts for about 70% of the economy, contributed substantially less than originally reported.A day earlier, a dire consumer confidence report showed consumer expectations sinking to their lowest level since March 2013.Second-quarter reporting season remains several weeks away, and 130 of the companies in the S&P 500 have pre-announced. Of those, 45 have been positive and 77 have been negative, resulting in a negative/positive ratio of 1.7 stronger than the first quarter but weaker than a year ago, according to Refinitiv data.What will investors be listening for in those earnings calls?\"Margin pressures, that’s the big concern, pricing pressures, scaling back plans for capex because of the slowdown, and if they see any improvement in the supply chain,\" Horneman said.Packaged food company General Mills Inc jumped 6.3% after its sales beat estimates.Bed Bath & Beyond Inc tumbled 23.6% following the retailer's announcement that it had replaced chief executive officer Mark Tritton, hoping to reverse a slump.Package deliverer Fedex Corp dropped 2.6% in the wake of its disappointing margin forecast for its ground unit.Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones on the NYSE by a 1.96-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.79-to-1 ratio favored decliners.The S&P 500 posted 1 new 52-week highs and 36 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 14 new highs and 284 new lows.Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.55 billion shares, compared with the 12.79 billion average over the last 20 trading days.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":602,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9091872100,"gmtCreate":1643846793878,"gmtModify":1676533862266,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Yy","listText":"Yy","text":"Yy","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":6,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9091872100","repostId":"2208364753","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2208364753","kind":"news","pubTimestamp":1643843665,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2208364753?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-02-03 07:14","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Spotify Stock Sinks on Weaker-Than-Expected First Quarter Subscriber Numbers","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2208364753","media":"Reuters","summary":"(Reuters) -Spotify on Wednesday forecast current quarter subscribers lower than Wall Street expectat","content":"<html><head></head><body><p> (Reuters) -Spotify on Wednesday forecast current quarter subscribers lower than Wall Street expectations, sending its shares down 10% in late trading.</p><p><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/9cc454947fac98397c118046933b9b2c\" tg-width=\"885\" tg-height=\"635\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p><p>The outlook overshadowed fourth-quarter revenue, which came in higher than analysts' estimates, as the music streaming company sold more advertisements and newer services such as podcasts, while recording a healthy 16% increase in paid subscribers for its premium service.</p><p>Total monthly active users rose 18% to a record 406 million.</p><p>The company, however, forecast current-quarter paid subscribers of 183 million, below expectations of 184 million. Revenue is expected to meet estimates of 2.60 billion euros.</p><p>Spotify said it would no longer offer annual guidance on subscribers.</p><p>"While we have not given full year guidance anymore on subscribers ... we don't expect a material difference in the net additions for either users or subscribers in 2022 relative to 2021," Chief Financial Officer Paul Vogel told Reuters.</p><p>"So if you look at '21 as a sort of proxy for kind of net additions that 2022 will be good, not materially different."</p><p>The subscription music streaming service has invested over a $1 billion in the podcasting business, led by marquee exclusive shows such as The Joe Rogan <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/EXP.AU\">Experience</a>.</p><p>But the allure of the podcast star also drew condemnation after his show aired controversial views around COVID-19, drawing protests from artists Neil Young and Joni Mitchell.</p><p>Rogan, a popular internet commentator, has since apologized and Spotify said it would start adding content advisories to episodes discussing COVID.</p><p>Chief Executive Officer Daniel Ek said the company already has a "sizable" content moderation team in place. "We have taken action on more than 20,000 podcasts since the start of the pandemic," Ek told Reuters. "So that tells you something about the scale of this operation. It's truly a global operation."</p><p>Spotify said podcast's share of overall consumption hours on its platform reached an all-time high and it expanded its paid podcast subscriptions in 33 more markets and enabled podcasts for users in Russia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.</p><p>Premium subscribers, which account for most of the company's revenue, rose to 180 million, beating analysts' expectations of 179.9 million.</p><p>Quarterly revenue rose to 2.69 billion euros ($3.04 billion) for the quarter from 2.17 billion a year earlier, and above the 2.65 billion euros expected by analysts, according to IBES data from Refinitiv.</p><p>Revenue from users who hear advertisements rose 40% to 394 million euros or 15% of total revenue.</p><p>"Investors largely ignored Spotify's advertising business during Spotify's first few years as a public company, with subscriber growth dominating the narrative," LightShed Partners analyst Richard Greenfield said in a note.</p><p>"As Spotify moved from a music platform to an audio platform (podcasting, live audio, audiobooks), it has unlocked the potential for a robust advertising business that is now too large for investors to ignore."</p><p>Spotify ventured into podcasts in 2018 with a series of acquisitions to compete with Apple Inc. Since then it has launched a paid subscription platform for podcasters in the U.S., opened it up for advertising, and became the largest podcaster dethroning Apple.</p><p>Unlike the music business, which is largely commoditized and low margin as it pays out a part of the revenue to the rights holders, podcasts engage listeners for hours on end, creating valuable advertising inventory that has underpinned the optimism by Wall Street over its long term future.</p><p>($1 = 0.8843 euros)</p></body></html>","source":"yahoofinance","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Spotify Stock Sinks on Weaker-Than-Expected First Quarter Subscriber Numbers</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; 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}\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nSpotify Stock Sinks on Weaker-Than-Expected First Quarter Subscriber Numbers\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n2022-02-03 07:14 GMT+8 <a href=https://finance.yahoo.com/news/spotifys-podcast-bet-lures-users-210247073.html><strong>Reuters</strong></a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<div>\n<p>(Reuters) -Spotify on Wednesday forecast current quarter subscribers lower than Wall Street expectations, sending its shares down 10% in late trading.The outlook overshadowed fourth-quarter revenue, ...</p>\n\n<a href=\"https://finance.yahoo.com/news/spotifys-podcast-bet-lures-users-210247073.html\">Web Link</a>\n\n</div>\n\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"BK4548":"巴美列捷福持仓","SPOT":"Spotify Technology S.A.","BK4108":"电影和娱乐"},"source_url":"https://finance.yahoo.com/news/spotifys-podcast-bet-lures-users-210247073.html","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/5f26f4a48f9cb3e29be4d71d3ba8c038","article_id":"2208364753","content_text":"(Reuters) -Spotify on Wednesday forecast current quarter subscribers lower than Wall Street expectations, sending its shares down 10% in late trading.The outlook overshadowed fourth-quarter revenue, which came in higher than analysts' estimates, as the music streaming company sold more advertisements and newer services such as podcasts, while recording a healthy 16% increase in paid subscribers for its premium service.Total monthly active users rose 18% to a record 406 million.The company, however, forecast current-quarter paid subscribers of 183 million, below expectations of 184 million. Revenue is expected to meet estimates of 2.60 billion euros.Spotify said it would no longer offer annual guidance on subscribers.\"While we have not given full year guidance anymore on subscribers ... we don't expect a material difference in the net additions for either users or subscribers in 2022 relative to 2021,\" Chief Financial Officer Paul Vogel told Reuters.\"So if you look at '21 as a sort of proxy for kind of net additions that 2022 will be good, not materially different.\"The subscription music streaming service has invested over a $1 billion in the podcasting business, led by marquee exclusive shows such as The Joe Rogan Experience.But the allure of the podcast star also drew condemnation after his show aired controversial views around COVID-19, drawing protests from artists Neil Young and Joni Mitchell.Rogan, a popular internet commentator, has since apologized and Spotify said it would start adding content advisories to episodes discussing COVID.Chief Executive Officer Daniel Ek said the company already has a \"sizable\" content moderation team in place. \"We have taken action on more than 20,000 podcasts since the start of the pandemic,\" Ek told Reuters. \"So that tells you something about the scale of this operation. It's truly a global operation.\"Spotify said podcast's share of overall consumption hours on its platform reached an all-time high and it expanded its paid podcast subscriptions in 33 more markets and enabled podcasts for users in Russia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.Premium subscribers, which account for most of the company's revenue, rose to 180 million, beating analysts' expectations of 179.9 million.Quarterly revenue rose to 2.69 billion euros ($3.04 billion) for the quarter from 2.17 billion a year earlier, and above the 2.65 billion euros expected by analysts, according to IBES data from Refinitiv.Revenue from users who hear advertisements rose 40% to 394 million euros or 15% of total revenue.\"Investors largely ignored Spotify's advertising business during Spotify's first few years as a public company, with subscriber growth dominating the narrative,\" LightShed Partners analyst Richard Greenfield said in a note.\"As Spotify moved from a music platform to an audio platform (podcasting, live audio, audiobooks), it has unlocked the potential for a robust advertising business that is now too large for investors to ignore.\"Spotify ventured into podcasts in 2018 with a series of acquisitions to compete with Apple Inc. Since then it has launched a paid subscription platform for podcasters in the U.S., opened it up for advertising, and became the largest podcaster dethroning Apple.Unlike the music business, which is largely commoditized and low margin as it pays out a part of the revenue to the rights holders, podcasts engage listeners for hours on end, creating valuable advertising inventory that has underpinned the optimism by Wall Street over its long term future.($1 = 0.8843 euros)","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":137,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9006851338,"gmtCreate":1641693145210,"gmtModify":1676533640226,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Fjj","listText":"Fjj","text":"Fjj","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":4,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9006851338","repostId":"1141196846","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1141196846","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1641567409,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1141196846?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-01-07 22:56","market":"us","language":"en","title":"EV Stocks Rebounded in Morning Trading","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1141196846","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"EV stocks rebounded in morning trading. Tesla, Nio, Xpeng Motors, Li Auto,Nikola,Lucid and Canoo climbed between 1% and 4%.","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>EV stocks rebounded in morning trading. Tesla, Nio, Xpeng Motors, Li Auto,Nikola,Lucid and Canoo climbed between 1% and 4%.<img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/59013473df734044ee2a34a4e9cad809\" tg-width=\"376\" tg-height=\"519\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>EV Stocks Rebounded in Morning Trading</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nEV Stocks Rebounded in Morning Trading\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-01-07 22:56</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>EV stocks rebounded in morning trading. Tesla, Nio, Xpeng Motors, Li Auto,Nikola,Lucid and Canoo climbed between 1% and 4%.<img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/59013473df734044ee2a34a4e9cad809\" tg-width=\"376\" tg-height=\"519\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"NIO":"蔚来","TSLA":"特斯拉"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1141196846","content_text":"EV stocks rebounded in morning trading. Tesla, Nio, Xpeng Motors, Li Auto,Nikola,Lucid and Canoo climbed between 1% and 4%.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":280,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9033470418,"gmtCreate":1646352439461,"gmtModify":1676534120328,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Snsk plo ","listText":"Snsk plo ","text":"Snsk plo","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":5,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9033470418","repostId":"1101641996","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1101641996","kind":"news","pubTimestamp":1646350881,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1101641996?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-03-04 07:41","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Marvell Technology Stock Rises On Beat-And-Raise Report","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1101641996","media":"Investors","summary":"Chipmaker Marvell Technology(MRVL) late Thursday beat analyst expectations for its fiscal fourth qua","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>Chipmaker <b>Marvell Technology</b>(MRVL) late Thursday beat analyst expectations for its fiscal fourth quarter and guided higher for the current period, thanks to across-the-board sales gains. MRVL stock rose in extended trading.</p><p>The Santa Clara, Calif.-based company earned an adjusted 50 cents a share on sales of $1.34 billion in the quarter ended Jan. 29. Analysts had expected Marvell earnings of 48 cents a share on sales of $1.32 billion, according to FactSet. On a year-over-year basis, Marvell earnings rose 72% while sales climbed 68%.</p><p>For the current quarter, Marvell expects to earn an adjusted 51 cents a share on sales of $1.425 billion. That's based on the midpoint of its guidance. Analysts were modeling earnings of 49 cents a share on sales of $1.38 billion in the fiscal first quarter, FactSet said. Marvell's outlook would translate to year-over-year growth of 76% in earnings and 71% in sales.</p><p>"Revenue grew in all five of our end markets in the fourth quarter, with strong contributions from cloud, 5G and auto, which together represented 40% of total revenue," Chief Executive Matt Murphy said in a news release.</p><p>Marvell makes networking and data storage chips used in cloud computing, automotive, communications and other applications.</p><p><b>MRVL Stock Climbs In Late Trades</b></p><p>"In addition, our enterprise networking end market has become another growth pillar, with revenue increasing 64% year over year, driven by our content gains and share increases, as enterprises continue to transform their infrastructure to address the needs of a more flexible, hybrid workforce," Murphy said.</p><p>In after-hours trading on the stock market today, MRVL stock initially fell but then turned positive. It was up 1.5%, near 66.40, in recent trades. During the regular session Thursday, MRVL stock sank 3.7% to close at 65.20.</p><p><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/e6908be2be7b1b8957e9b7b30ba02b69\" tg-width=\"713\" tg-height=\"602\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p></body></html>","source":"lsy1610449120050","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Marvell Technology Stock Rises On Beat-And-Raise Report</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nMarvell Technology Stock Rises On Beat-And-Raise Report\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n2022-03-04 07:41 GMT+8 <a href=https://www.investors.com/news/technology/mrvl-stock-marvell-technology-tops-fourth-quarter-targets/><strong>Investors</strong></a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<div>\n<p>Chipmaker Marvell Technology(MRVL) late Thursday beat analyst expectations for its fiscal fourth quarter and guided higher for the current period, thanks to across-the-board sales gains. MRVL stock ...</p>\n\n<a href=\"https://www.investors.com/news/technology/mrvl-stock-marvell-technology-tops-fourth-quarter-targets/\">Web Link</a>\n\n</div>\n\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"MRVL":"迈威尔科技"},"source_url":"https://www.investors.com/news/technology/mrvl-stock-marvell-technology-tops-fourth-quarter-targets/","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1101641996","content_text":"Chipmaker Marvell Technology(MRVL) late Thursday beat analyst expectations for its fiscal fourth quarter and guided higher for the current period, thanks to across-the-board sales gains. MRVL stock rose in extended trading.The Santa Clara, Calif.-based company earned an adjusted 50 cents a share on sales of $1.34 billion in the quarter ended Jan. 29. Analysts had expected Marvell earnings of 48 cents a share on sales of $1.32 billion, according to FactSet. On a year-over-year basis, Marvell earnings rose 72% while sales climbed 68%.For the current quarter, Marvell expects to earn an adjusted 51 cents a share on sales of $1.425 billion. That's based on the midpoint of its guidance. Analysts were modeling earnings of 49 cents a share on sales of $1.38 billion in the fiscal first quarter, FactSet said. Marvell's outlook would translate to year-over-year growth of 76% in earnings and 71% in sales.\"Revenue grew in all five of our end markets in the fourth quarter, with strong contributions from cloud, 5G and auto, which together represented 40% of total revenue,\" Chief Executive Matt Murphy said in a news release.Marvell makes networking and data storage chips used in cloud computing, automotive, communications and other applications.MRVL Stock Climbs In Late Trades\"In addition, our enterprise networking end market has become another growth pillar, with revenue increasing 64% year over year, driven by our content gains and share increases, as enterprises continue to transform their infrastructure to address the needs of a more flexible, hybrid workforce,\" Murphy said.In after-hours trading on the stock market today, MRVL stock initially fell but then turned positive. It was up 1.5%, near 66.40, in recent trades. During the regular session Thursday, MRVL stock sank 3.7% to close at 65.20.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":166,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9092495162,"gmtCreate":1644709109280,"gmtModify":1676533953984,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Vvv","listText":"Vvv","text":"Vvv","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":3,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9092495162","repostId":"1167381325","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1167381325","kind":"news","pubTimestamp":1644625609,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1167381325?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-02-12 08:26","market":"us","language":"en","title":"US IPO Week Ahead: More micro-caps amid the IPO market’s February lull","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1167381325","media":"renaissancecap...","summary":"The IPO market has hit its February lull. Just two micro-cap holdovers are scheduled to price in the","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>The IPO market has hit its February lull. Just two micro-cap holdovers are scheduled to price in the week ahead, though some small issuers and SPACs may join the calendar during the week.</p><p>Preclinical biotech <b>Ocean Biomedical</b>(OCEA) plans to raise $22 million at a $222 million market cap. The company’s preclinical pipeline includes various humanized mAbs for non-small cell lung cancer and glioblastoma multiforme, a small molecule for the treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, a malaria vaccine, and two malaria therapeutics.</p><p>Bedding brand <b>Cariloha</b>(ALOHA) plans to raise $20 million at a $122 million market cap. The company positions itself as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fabrics, and largely reaches customers through partnerships with cruise lines. Cariloha’s sales fell 30% in 2020 due to the pandemic, though it has since ramped up S&M initiatives in the DTC channel. The company cut its deal size by 33% on Friday.</p><p><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/03fc45f9eafede36a0eb28d36cd5ab7b\" tg-width=\"1555\" tg-height=\"383\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p></body></html>","source":"lsy1619493174116","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>US IPO Week Ahead: More micro-caps amid the IPO market’s February lull</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nUS IPO Week Ahead: More micro-caps amid the IPO market’s February lull\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n2022-02-12 08:26 GMT+8 <a href=https://www.renaissancecapital.com/IPO-Center/News/90918/US-IPO-Week-Ahead-More-micro-caps-amid-the-IPO-market%E2%80%99s-February-lull><strong>renaissancecap...</strong></a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<div>\n<p>The IPO market has hit its February lull. Just two micro-cap holdovers are scheduled to price in the week ahead, though some small issuers and SPACs may join the calendar during the week.Preclinical ...</p>\n\n<a href=\"https://www.renaissancecapital.com/IPO-Center/News/90918/US-IPO-Week-Ahead-More-micro-caps-amid-the-IPO-market%E2%80%99s-February-lull\">Web Link</a>\n\n</div>\n\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"IPO":"Renaissance IPO ETF"},"source_url":"https://www.renaissancecapital.com/IPO-Center/News/90918/US-IPO-Week-Ahead-More-micro-caps-amid-the-IPO-market%E2%80%99s-February-lull","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1167381325","content_text":"The IPO market has hit its February lull. Just two micro-cap holdovers are scheduled to price in the week ahead, though some small issuers and SPACs may join the calendar during the week.Preclinical biotech Ocean Biomedical(OCEA) plans to raise $22 million at a $222 million market cap. The company’s preclinical pipeline includes various humanized mAbs for non-small cell lung cancer and glioblastoma multiforme, a small molecule for the treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, a malaria vaccine, and two malaria therapeutics.Bedding brand Cariloha(ALOHA) plans to raise $20 million at a $122 million market cap. The company positions itself as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fabrics, and largely reaches customers through partnerships with cruise lines. Cariloha’s sales fell 30% in 2020 due to the pandemic, though it has since ramped up S&M initiatives in the DTC channel. The company cut its deal size by 33% on Friday.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":126,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9007647225,"gmtCreate":1642898325914,"gmtModify":1676533755129,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Sj","listText":"Sj","text":"Sj","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":3,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9007647225","repostId":"1177633565","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1177633565","kind":"news","pubTimestamp":1642897739,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1177633565?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-01-23 08:28","market":"us","language":"en","title":"US IPO Week Ahead: Connectivity Solutions and Micro-caps in a 5 IPO week","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1177633565","media":"Renaissance Capital","summary":"Following a week of postponements and pricing delays, two tech IPOs and three holdovers are schedule","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>Following a week of postponements and pricing delays, two tech IPOs and three holdovers are scheduled to raise $412 million in the week ahead.</p><p>Connectivity solutions provider Credo Technology Group (CRDO) plans to raise $275 million at a $1.8 billion market cap. Credo’s solutions are optimized for optical and electrical ethernet applications, and its product families include Integrated Circuits, Active Electrical Cables, and SerDes Chiplets. Unprofitable with accelerating growth in the 1H FY21, the company is relatively small and competes with much larger players. New investors have indicated on $120 million of the IPO (44% of the deal).</p><p>AdTech platform Direct Digital Holdings (DRCT) plans to raise $32 million at a $123 million market cap. Direct Digital is an end-to-end, full-service programmatic advertising platform focused on both buy- and sell-side digital advertising. The company is profitable, and while it has delivered explosive growth, it has mostly been fueled by acquisitions.</p><p>Three holdovers from the past week are scheduled to debut: Australian green energy company Verdant Earth Technologies (VDNT) plans to raise $50 million at a $201 million market cap; OTC-listed Modular Medical (MODD) plans to raise $30 million at a $130 million market cap; and medical device maker Samsara Vision (SMSA) plans to raise $25 million at a $153 million market cap.</p><p><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/86582e3564e0e81ff68668b2556d5ac9\" tg-width=\"1417\" tg-height=\"695\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p></body></html>","source":"lsy1603787993745","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>US IPO Week Ahead: Connectivity Solutions and Micro-caps in a 5 IPO week</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nUS IPO Week Ahead: Connectivity Solutions and Micro-caps in a 5 IPO week\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n2022-01-23 08:28 GMT+8 <a href=https://www.renaissancecapital.com/IPO-Center/News/90382/US-IPO-Week-Ahead-Connectivity-solutions-and-micro-caps-in-a-5-IPO-week><strong>Renaissance Capital</strong></a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<div>\n<p>Following a week of postponements and pricing delays, two tech IPOs and three holdovers are scheduled to raise $412 million in the week ahead.Connectivity solutions provider Credo Technology Group (...</p>\n\n<a href=\"https://www.renaissancecapital.com/IPO-Center/News/90382/US-IPO-Week-Ahead-Connectivity-solutions-and-micro-caps-in-a-5-IPO-week\">Web Link</a>\n\n</div>\n\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"MODD":"Modular Medical, Inc.","DRCT":"Direct Digital Holdings, Inc.","CRDO":"Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd"},"source_url":"https://www.renaissancecapital.com/IPO-Center/News/90382/US-IPO-Week-Ahead-Connectivity-solutions-and-micro-caps-in-a-5-IPO-week","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1177633565","content_text":"Following a week of postponements and pricing delays, two tech IPOs and three holdovers are scheduled to raise $412 million in the week ahead.Connectivity solutions provider Credo Technology Group (CRDO) plans to raise $275 million at a $1.8 billion market cap. Credo’s solutions are optimized for optical and electrical ethernet applications, and its product families include Integrated Circuits, Active Electrical Cables, and SerDes Chiplets. Unprofitable with accelerating growth in the 1H FY21, the company is relatively small and competes with much larger players. New investors have indicated on $120 million of the IPO (44% of the deal).AdTech platform Direct Digital Holdings (DRCT) plans to raise $32 million at a $123 million market cap. Direct Digital is an end-to-end, full-service programmatic advertising platform focused on both buy- and sell-side digital advertising. The company is profitable, and while it has delivered explosive growth, it has mostly been fueled by acquisitions.Three holdovers from the past week are scheduled to debut: Australian green energy company Verdant Earth Technologies (VDNT) plans to raise $50 million at a $201 million market cap; OTC-listed Modular Medical (MODD) plans to raise $30 million at a $130 million market cap; and medical device maker Samsara Vision (SMSA) plans to raise $25 million at a $153 million market cap.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":352,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9011566631,"gmtCreate":1648884531220,"gmtModify":1676534418168,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Gain","listText":"Gain","text":"Gain","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":4,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9011566631","repostId":"2224134076","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2224134076","kind":"highlight","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and technology","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Reuters","id":"1036604489","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868"},"pubTimestamp":1648853352,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2224134076?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-04-02 06:49","market":"us","language":"en","title":"US STOCKS-Wall St Posts Modest Gains as Jobs Report Keeps Fed Hikes on Track","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2224134076","media":"Reuters","summary":"* Unemployment drops to 3.6% vs estimate of 3.7%* Nonfarm payrolls rose by 431,000 jobs last month* GameStop seeks share split* Dow up 0.4%, S&P 500 up 0.3%, Nasdaq up 0.3%(Reuters) - The S&P 500 rose","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>* Unemployment drops to 3.6% vs estimate of 3.7%</p><p>* Nonfarm payrolls rose by 431,000 jobs last month</p><p>* GameStop seeks share split</p><p>* Dow up 0.4%, S&P 500 up 0.3%, Nasdaq up 0.3%</p><p>(Reuters) - The S&P 500 rose modestly to kick off the second quarter on Friday, as the monthly jobs report indicated a strong labor market and is likely to keep the Federal Reserve on track to maintain its hawkish policy stance.</p><p>The Labor Department's employment report showed a rapid hiring pace by employers while wages continued to climb, although not enough to keep pace with inflation.</p><p>U.S. employers added 431,000 jobs in March, which was shy of the 490,000 estimate but still showed strong job gains. The unemployment rate dropped to 3.6%, a new two-year low while average hourly earnings rose 5.6% on a year-over-year basis.</p><p>The report heightened expectations that the central bank is likely to become more aggressive in raising interest rates as it seeks to curb inflation as it unwinds its easy monetary policy.</p><p>"Job gains were broad, more people are going back to the office," said Brian Jacobsen, senior investment strategist at Allspring Global Investments in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.</p><p>"If other data between now and the next Fed meeting stay this rosy, the Fed will likely feel comfortable hiking by 50 basis points and announcing an aggressive rundown of its balance sheet."</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 139.92 points, or 0.4%, to 34,818.27, the S&P 500 gained 15.45 points, or 0.34%, to 4,545.86 and the Nasdaq Composite added 40.98 points, or 0.29%, to 14,261.50.</p><p>The defensive real estate, utilities and consumer staples were the best performing sectors on the day, with each rising more than 1%.</p><p>For the week, the Dow slipped 0.1%, the S&P edged up 0.1% and the Nasdaq advanced 0.7%.</p><p>Expectations for a 50-basis point interest rate hike at the central bank's May meeting stand at 73.3%, according to CME's FedWatch Tool.</p><p>At its March meeting, the Fed raised rates by 25 basis 25 basis points, its first hike since 2018, and a host of central bank policymakers have indicated they are prepared for bigger rate hikes.</p><p>Chicago Federal Reserve President Charles Evans said on Friday he does not see a big risk in using "some" half-point rate hikes to bring borrowing costs to neutral sooner as long as the objective was not to raise rates much faster and push them higher.</p><p>Other data on Friday showed U.S. manufacturing activity unexpectedly slowed in March, although it remained firmly in expansion territory, as tight supply chains continued to put upward pressure on input prices.</p><p>In the wake of the payrolls report, U.S. Treasury yields jumped and a closely watched part of the yield curve between two-year and 10-year notes, seen by many as a reliable indicator of a recession, inverted for the third time this week.</p><p>The S&P 500 closed out the first quarter on Thursday with its biggest quarterly decline since the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. was reaching full swing on concerns about rising prices, fueled further by the war in Ukraine, and the Fed's response could slow economic growth. However, stocks rebounded somewhat in March, as the benchmark index gained 3.6%.</p><p>April tends to be a strong month for stocks, with its last monthly decline in 2012. Ryan Detrick, chief market strategist at LPL Financial, notes that April has the best performance on average of all months since 1950.</p><p>Video game retailer <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/GME\">GameStop Corp</a>, part of the "meme stock" trading frenzy last year, gave up early gains and ended down 0.95% after announcing a plan to seek shareholder approval for a stock split.</p><p><a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/AAPL\">Apple Inc</a> dipped 0.17% after J.P. Morgan removed the stock from its analyst "focus list" along with <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/QCOM\">Qualcomm</a>, which slumped 3.81%.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.45 billion shares, compared with the 13.78 billion average for the full session over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>US STOCKS-Wall St Posts Modest Gains as Jobs Report Keeps Fed Hikes on Track</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nUS STOCKS-Wall St Posts Modest Gains as Jobs Report Keeps Fed Hikes on Track\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1036604489\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Reuters </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-04-02 06:49</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>* Unemployment drops to 3.6% vs estimate of 3.7%</p><p>* Nonfarm payrolls rose by 431,000 jobs last month</p><p>* GameStop seeks share split</p><p>* Dow up 0.4%, S&P 500 up 0.3%, Nasdaq up 0.3%</p><p>(Reuters) - The S&P 500 rose modestly to kick off the second quarter on Friday, as the monthly jobs report indicated a strong labor market and is likely to keep the Federal Reserve on track to maintain its hawkish policy stance.</p><p>The Labor Department's employment report showed a rapid hiring pace by employers while wages continued to climb, although not enough to keep pace with inflation.</p><p>U.S. employers added 431,000 jobs in March, which was shy of the 490,000 estimate but still showed strong job gains. The unemployment rate dropped to 3.6%, a new two-year low while average hourly earnings rose 5.6% on a year-over-year basis.</p><p>The report heightened expectations that the central bank is likely to become more aggressive in raising interest rates as it seeks to curb inflation as it unwinds its easy monetary policy.</p><p>"Job gains were broad, more people are going back to the office," said Brian Jacobsen, senior investment strategist at Allspring Global Investments in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.</p><p>"If other data between now and the next Fed meeting stay this rosy, the Fed will likely feel comfortable hiking by 50 basis points and announcing an aggressive rundown of its balance sheet."</p><p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 139.92 points, or 0.4%, to 34,818.27, the S&P 500 gained 15.45 points, or 0.34%, to 4,545.86 and the Nasdaq Composite added 40.98 points, or 0.29%, to 14,261.50.</p><p>The defensive real estate, utilities and consumer staples were the best performing sectors on the day, with each rising more than 1%.</p><p>For the week, the Dow slipped 0.1%, the S&P edged up 0.1% and the Nasdaq advanced 0.7%.</p><p>Expectations for a 50-basis point interest rate hike at the central bank's May meeting stand at 73.3%, according to CME's FedWatch Tool.</p><p>At its March meeting, the Fed raised rates by 25 basis 25 basis points, its first hike since 2018, and a host of central bank policymakers have indicated they are prepared for bigger rate hikes.</p><p>Chicago Federal Reserve President Charles Evans said on Friday he does not see a big risk in using "some" half-point rate hikes to bring borrowing costs to neutral sooner as long as the objective was not to raise rates much faster and push them higher.</p><p>Other data on Friday showed U.S. manufacturing activity unexpectedly slowed in March, although it remained firmly in expansion territory, as tight supply chains continued to put upward pressure on input prices.</p><p>In the wake of the payrolls report, U.S. Treasury yields jumped and a closely watched part of the yield curve between two-year and 10-year notes, seen by many as a reliable indicator of a recession, inverted for the third time this week.</p><p>The S&P 500 closed out the first quarter on Thursday with its biggest quarterly decline since the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. was reaching full swing on concerns about rising prices, fueled further by the war in Ukraine, and the Fed's response could slow economic growth. However, stocks rebounded somewhat in March, as the benchmark index gained 3.6%.</p><p>April tends to be a strong month for stocks, with its last monthly decline in 2012. Ryan Detrick, chief market strategist at LPL Financial, notes that April has the best performance on average of all months since 1950.</p><p>Video game retailer <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/GME\">GameStop Corp</a>, part of the "meme stock" trading frenzy last year, gave up early gains and ended down 0.95% after announcing a plan to seek shareholder approval for a stock split.</p><p><a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/AAPL\">Apple Inc</a> dipped 0.17% after J.P. Morgan removed the stock from its analyst "focus list" along with <a href=\"https://laohu8.com/S/QCOM\">Qualcomm</a>, which slumped 3.81%.</p><p>Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.45 billion shares, compared with the 13.78 billion average for the full session over the last 20 trading days.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{".SPX":"S&P 500 Index",".IXIC":"NASDAQ Composite",".DJI":"道琼斯"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2224134076","content_text":"* Unemployment drops to 3.6% vs estimate of 3.7%* Nonfarm payrolls rose by 431,000 jobs last month* GameStop seeks share split* Dow up 0.4%, S&P 500 up 0.3%, Nasdaq up 0.3%(Reuters) - The S&P 500 rose modestly to kick off the second quarter on Friday, as the monthly jobs report indicated a strong labor market and is likely to keep the Federal Reserve on track to maintain its hawkish policy stance.The Labor Department's employment report showed a rapid hiring pace by employers while wages continued to climb, although not enough to keep pace with inflation.U.S. employers added 431,000 jobs in March, which was shy of the 490,000 estimate but still showed strong job gains. The unemployment rate dropped to 3.6%, a new two-year low while average hourly earnings rose 5.6% on a year-over-year basis.The report heightened expectations that the central bank is likely to become more aggressive in raising interest rates as it seeks to curb inflation as it unwinds its easy monetary policy.\"Job gains were broad, more people are going back to the office,\" said Brian Jacobsen, senior investment strategist at Allspring Global Investments in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.\"If other data between now and the next Fed meeting stay this rosy, the Fed will likely feel comfortable hiking by 50 basis points and announcing an aggressive rundown of its balance sheet.\"The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 139.92 points, or 0.4%, to 34,818.27, the S&P 500 gained 15.45 points, or 0.34%, to 4,545.86 and the Nasdaq Composite added 40.98 points, or 0.29%, to 14,261.50.The defensive real estate, utilities and consumer staples were the best performing sectors on the day, with each rising more than 1%.For the week, the Dow slipped 0.1%, the S&P edged up 0.1% and the Nasdaq advanced 0.7%.Expectations for a 50-basis point interest rate hike at the central bank's May meeting stand at 73.3%, according to CME's FedWatch Tool.At its March meeting, the Fed raised rates by 25 basis 25 basis points, its first hike since 2018, and a host of central bank policymakers have indicated they are prepared for bigger rate hikes.Chicago Federal Reserve President Charles Evans said on Friday he does not see a big risk in using \"some\" half-point rate hikes to bring borrowing costs to neutral sooner as long as the objective was not to raise rates much faster and push them higher.Other data on Friday showed U.S. manufacturing activity unexpectedly slowed in March, although it remained firmly in expansion territory, as tight supply chains continued to put upward pressure on input prices.In the wake of the payrolls report, U.S. Treasury yields jumped and a closely watched part of the yield curve between two-year and 10-year notes, seen by many as a reliable indicator of a recession, inverted for the third time this week.The S&P 500 closed out the first quarter on Thursday with its biggest quarterly decline since the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. was reaching full swing on concerns about rising prices, fueled further by the war in Ukraine, and the Fed's response could slow economic growth. However, stocks rebounded somewhat in March, as the benchmark index gained 3.6%.April tends to be a strong month for stocks, with its last monthly decline in 2012. Ryan Detrick, chief market strategist at LPL Financial, notes that April has the best performance on average of all months since 1950.Video game retailer GameStop Corp, part of the \"meme stock\" trading frenzy last year, gave up early gains and ended down 0.95% after announcing a plan to seek shareholder approval for a stock split.Apple Inc dipped 0.17% after J.P. Morgan removed the stock from its analyst \"focus list\" along with Qualcomm, which slumped 3.81%.Volume on U.S. exchanges was 11.45 billion shares, compared with the 13.78 billion average for the full session over the last 20 trading days.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":252,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9010477972,"gmtCreate":1648463297002,"gmtModify":1676534340755,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Jsjs","listText":"Jsjs","text":"Jsjs","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":4,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9010477972","repostId":"2222722864","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2222722864","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and technology","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Reuters","id":"1036604489","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868"},"pubTimestamp":1648459765,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2222722864?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-03-28 17:29","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Sea E-Commerce Arm Shopee to Shut down India Operations - Statement","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2222722864","media":"Reuters","summary":"SINGAPORE, March 28 (Reuters) - Singapore-based e-commerce and gaming firm Sea Ltd said on Monday it","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>SINGAPORE, March 28 (Reuters) - Singapore-based e-commerce and gaming firm Sea Ltd said on Monday it is withdrawing from India's retail market just months after beginning operations there, citing "global market uncertainties".</p><p>Sea shares tumbled more than 8% in premarket trading.</p><p><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c5246229b5bd07e27d8b6b3233eb78c6\" tg-width=\"841\" tg-height=\"618\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/></p><p>The business withdrawal comes weeks after Sea's e-commerce arm, Shopee, said it was pulling out of France and after India banned Sea's popular gaming app "Free Fire".</p><p>After the ban, the market value of New York-listed Sea dropped by $16 billion in a single day, leading some investors to cut holdings in it.</p><p>Shopee said in a statement it would work "to support local seller and buyer communities and our local team to make the process as smooth as possible".</p><p>Reuters was the first to report the company's decision.</p><p>The statement covered only retail, not gaming, activities in India.</p><p>The company is valued at around $65 billion, after reaching as much as $200 billion in late 2021 on the back of a COVID-fuelled shopping and entertainment boom.</p><p>The technology group began operations in India in October 2021 as part of an international push that saw it expand into Europe.</p><p>The local unit, Shopee India, recruited sellers and launched a shopping website. India's fast-growing e-commerce market was already dominated by such players as Amazon.com Inc and Walmart’s Flipkart.</p><p>E-commerce players face a strict regulatory environment in India. New Delhi has for years imposed restrictions to protect smaller brick-and-mortar retailers.</p><p>Offline retailers have often alleged foreign companies bypass the regulations and offer deep discounts that hurt their business, allegations the companies deny.</p><p>Shopee had in recent months faced boycott calls from such traders in India. As of Monday, Shopee’s India website was still operational and said it offered “bumper discounts and attractive deals” to customers. LinkedIn showed several India job openings at Shopee.</p><p>Two sources with knowledge of the matter said Sea was continuing to lobby Indian authorities to lift the ban on "Free Fire".</p><p>Reuters reported in February, citing sources, that Singapore authorities had raised concerns to India over the ban, asking why the company had been targeted in a widening crackdown on Chinese apps.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Sea E-Commerce Arm Shopee to Shut down India Operations - Statement</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; 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India's fast-growing e-commerce market was already dominated by such players as Amazon.com Inc and Walmart’s Flipkart.</p><p>E-commerce players face a strict regulatory environment in India. New Delhi has for years imposed restrictions to protect smaller brick-and-mortar retailers.</p><p>Offline retailers have often alleged foreign companies bypass the regulations and offer deep discounts that hurt their business, allegations the companies deny.</p><p>Shopee had in recent months faced boycott calls from such traders in India. As of Monday, Shopee’s India website was still operational and said it offered “bumper discounts and attractive deals” to customers. LinkedIn showed several India job openings at Shopee.</p><p>Two sources with knowledge of the matter said Sea was continuing to lobby Indian authorities to lift the ban on "Free Fire".</p><p>Reuters reported in February, citing sources, that Singapore authorities had raised concerns to India over the ban, asking why the company had been targeted in a widening crackdown on Chinese apps.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"BK4566":"资本集团","BK4554":"元宇宙及AR概念","BK4503":"景林资产持仓","BK4551":"寇图资本持仓","BK4548":"巴美列捷福持仓","BK4581":"高盛持仓","BK4535":"淡马锡持仓","SE":"Sea Ltd","BK4085":"互动家庭娱乐"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2222722864","content_text":"SINGAPORE, March 28 (Reuters) - Singapore-based e-commerce and gaming firm Sea Ltd said on Monday it is withdrawing from India's retail market just months after beginning operations there, citing \"global market uncertainties\".Sea shares tumbled more than 8% in premarket trading.The business withdrawal comes weeks after Sea's e-commerce arm, Shopee, said it was pulling out of France and after India banned Sea's popular gaming app \"Free Fire\".After the ban, the market value of New York-listed Sea dropped by $16 billion in a single day, leading some investors to cut holdings in it.Shopee said in a statement it would work \"to support local seller and buyer communities and our local team to make the process as smooth as possible\".Reuters was the first to report the company's decision.The statement covered only retail, not gaming, activities in India.The company is valued at around $65 billion, after reaching as much as $200 billion in late 2021 on the back of a COVID-fuelled shopping and entertainment boom.The technology group began operations in India in October 2021 as part of an international push that saw it expand into Europe.The local unit, Shopee India, recruited sellers and launched a shopping website. India's fast-growing e-commerce market was already dominated by such players as Amazon.com Inc and Walmart’s Flipkart.E-commerce players face a strict regulatory environment in India. New Delhi has for years imposed restrictions to protect smaller brick-and-mortar retailers.Offline retailers have often alleged foreign companies bypass the regulations and offer deep discounts that hurt their business, allegations the companies deny.Shopee had in recent months faced boycott calls from such traders in India. As of Monday, Shopee’s India website was still operational and said it offered “bumper discounts and attractive deals” to customers. LinkedIn showed several India job openings at Shopee.Two sources with knowledge of the matter said Sea was continuing to lobby Indian authorities to lift the ban on \"Free Fire\".Reuters reported in February, citing sources, that Singapore authorities had raised concerns to India over the ban, asking why the company had been targeted in a widening crackdown on Chinese apps.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":191,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9034924162,"gmtCreate":1647765175290,"gmtModify":1676534264416,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Nsjak","listText":"Nsjak","text":"Nsjak","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":6,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9034924162","repostId":"2220430742","repostType":4,"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":84,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9097921935,"gmtCreate":1645319619377,"gmtModify":1676534017868,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Wzjnsj","listText":"Wzjnsj","text":"Wzjnsj","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":4,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9097921935","repostId":"2212671091","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2212671091","kind":"highlight","pubTimestamp":1645319101,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2212671091?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-02-20 09:05","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Will Fed rate hikes crush the stock market? Here's why speed matters","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2212671091","media":"MarketWatch","summary":"With the Federal Reserve all but certain to begin raising interest rates in March, market prognostic","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>With the Federal Reserve all but certain to begin raising interest rates in March, market prognosticators have been quick to reassure investors that history shows stocks tend to do just fine as policy makers embark on a monetary policy tightening cycle.</p><p>But like most things related to markets, there's more to the story.</p><p>It turns out that when the Fed moves fast to hike rates, as it has signaled it's prepared to do in a scramble to rein in U.S. inflation running at its hottest since the early 1980s, the stock market's short-term performance hasn't been quite as stellar, said Ed Clissold, chief U.S. strategist at Ned Davis Research.</p><p>"It's intuitive that the Fed's job when they start to raise rates is to take the punch bowl away before the party gets going too much," he said, in a Thursday interview. So it shouldn't be a surprise that "the quicker they've been, the more markets have taken note."</p><p>Clissold and Thanh Nguyen, NDR's senior quantitative analyst, detailed the difference between market performance in "fast" versus "slow" cycles in a Feb. 9 note. They found that in the year following the initial rate increase, the S&P 500 rose an average 10.5% in slow cycles versus an average fall of 2.7% in fast cycles (see chart below).</p><p class=\"t-img-caption\"><img src=\"https://static.tigerbbs.com/b209a13e185df7837bbe56e3518647ca\" tg-width=\"700\" tg-height=\"558\" width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\"/><span>Ned Davis Research</span></p><p>The median gain during the first year of a slow cycle was 13.4% versus 2.4% for fast cycles. The median maximum drawdown in slow cycles was 11%, compared with 12.1% for fast cycles.</p><p>Overall, the "return and drawdown statistics of a fast cycle are consistent with choppy conditions, but not necessarily a major bear market," Clissold and Nguyen wrote.</p><p>So how fast is fast? It's a bit subjective, Clissold told MarketWatch, but past cycles have shaken out relatively clearly between the two categories. NDR expects four or more rate increases over the Fed's seven remaining policy meetings in 2022 alongside the start of a reduction in the size of the central bank's balance sheet -- a pace that would put the cycle clearly in the "fast" category.</p><p>Some Fed watchers see a faster pace than that, and fed-funds futures traders have increasingly priced in the prospect of policy makers kicking off the cycle with a half-point rate increase rather than the typical quarter-point, or 25 basis point, move.</p><p>The market's pricing of an aggressive rate-hike scenario appears reasonable given the inflation picture, said Lauren Goodwin, economist and portfolio strategist at New York Life Investments.</p><p>That said, it's worth remembering that both the market and the Fed itself, via the central bank's so-called dot-plot forecast for benchmark interest rates, have been relatively poor at predicting the actual rate outcome, she noted, in a phone interview.</p><p>That isn't a criticism, she said. Rather it merely reflects just how difficult it is to make accurate rate predictions. New York Life Investments, for its part, looks for four quarter-point rate increases in 2022, possibly frontloaded.</p><p>The point, she said, is that there has already been substantial volatility around rate expectations and, moreover, that's likely to continue as data comes in. That could make for more volatility in the rates market and the yield curve, which has flattened significantly since the beginning of the year as rates at the short end have risen sharply in anticipation of Fed tightening while longer-dated yields have risen less sharply.</p><p>The yield curve is viewed as an important indicator in itself. An inversion of the curve, particularly when the 2-year or shorter-dated yields rise above the 10-year yield, has been a reliable recession indicator.</p><p>That hasn't happened yet, but the rapid flattening of the curve may reflect fears aggressive Fed tightening could throw the economy into recession, some analysts say. Others offer a more benign interpretation, with the flattening reflecting expectations a quick response by the Fed will help wrestle down inflation without requiring rates to rise to eye-watering levels.</p><p>On the surface, the latter scenario would seem to favor stocks of companies tied to the economic cycle, particularly those that are able to pass on rising costs and navigate rising capital costs, Goodwin said. In asset class terms, that would tend to favor value stocks over growth stocks, she said.</p><p>But it's not that simple. "It really depends on the company and that their capital structure and competitiveness in this type of environment," she said, noting that some technology stocks have fared very well in an environment that seems to no longer favor growth, while others have suffered.</p><p>That makes for a more "company by company" picture that favors active managers, Goodwin said.</p><p>It's all part of a "midcycle" environment. Economic growth remains healthy, which is constructive for stocks, but growth is only likely to slow from here, she said, and that makes "earnings and earnings quality particularly important."</p><p>That will change when there are clearer signs the economy is simply decelerating, which is when more broad level asset class considerations play a bigger role in determining outcomes for investors, she said.</p><p>U.S. markets will be closed Monday for the Presidents Day holiday. Meanwhile, investors, like Fed officials, will remain glued to inflation data, while keeping watch on developments around Ukraine as U.S. officials warn of the threat of a Russian invasion.</p><p>Ukraine-related jitters were blamed in part for the stock market's stumble over the past week, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling 1.9%, while the S&P 500 fell 1.6% and the Nasdaq Composite lost 1.2%.</p><p>Friday will bring the Fed's favored reading on price pressures with the release of the January personal consumption and expenditures, or PCE, inflation reading. The University of Michigan's final February take on five-year consumer inflation expectations is also due Friday.</p></body></html>","source":"lsy1603348471595","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Will Fed rate hikes crush the stock market? Here's why speed matters</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nWill Fed rate hikes crush the stock market? Here's why speed matters\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n2022-02-20 09:05 GMT+8 <a href=https://www.marketwatch.com/story/will-fed-rate-hikes-crush-the-stock-market-heres-why-speed-matters-11645270790?mod=home-page><strong>MarketWatch</strong></a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<div>\n<p>With the Federal Reserve all but certain to begin raising interest rates in March, market prognosticators have been quick to reassure investors that history shows stocks tend to do just fine as policy...</p>\n\n<a href=\"https://www.marketwatch.com/story/will-fed-rate-hikes-crush-the-stock-market-heres-why-speed-matters-11645270790?mod=home-page\">Web Link</a>\n\n</div>\n\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{".SPX":"S&P 500 Index",".DJI":"道琼斯",".IXIC":"NASDAQ Composite"},"source_url":"https://www.marketwatch.com/story/will-fed-rate-hikes-crush-the-stock-market-heres-why-speed-matters-11645270790?mod=home-page","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2212671091","content_text":"With the Federal Reserve all but certain to begin raising interest rates in March, market prognosticators have been quick to reassure investors that history shows stocks tend to do just fine as policy makers embark on a monetary policy tightening cycle.But like most things related to markets, there's more to the story.It turns out that when the Fed moves fast to hike rates, as it has signaled it's prepared to do in a scramble to rein in U.S. inflation running at its hottest since the early 1980s, the stock market's short-term performance hasn't been quite as stellar, said Ed Clissold, chief U.S. strategist at Ned Davis Research.\"It's intuitive that the Fed's job when they start to raise rates is to take the punch bowl away before the party gets going too much,\" he said, in a Thursday interview. So it shouldn't be a surprise that \"the quicker they've been, the more markets have taken note.\"Clissold and Thanh Nguyen, NDR's senior quantitative analyst, detailed the difference between market performance in \"fast\" versus \"slow\" cycles in a Feb. 9 note. They found that in the year following the initial rate increase, the S&P 500 rose an average 10.5% in slow cycles versus an average fall of 2.7% in fast cycles (see chart below).Ned Davis ResearchThe median gain during the first year of a slow cycle was 13.4% versus 2.4% for fast cycles. The median maximum drawdown in slow cycles was 11%, compared with 12.1% for fast cycles.Overall, the \"return and drawdown statistics of a fast cycle are consistent with choppy conditions, but not necessarily a major bear market,\" Clissold and Nguyen wrote.So how fast is fast? It's a bit subjective, Clissold told MarketWatch, but past cycles have shaken out relatively clearly between the two categories. NDR expects four or more rate increases over the Fed's seven remaining policy meetings in 2022 alongside the start of a reduction in the size of the central bank's balance sheet -- a pace that would put the cycle clearly in the \"fast\" category.Some Fed watchers see a faster pace than that, and fed-funds futures traders have increasingly priced in the prospect of policy makers kicking off the cycle with a half-point rate increase rather than the typical quarter-point, or 25 basis point, move.The market's pricing of an aggressive rate-hike scenario appears reasonable given the inflation picture, said Lauren Goodwin, economist and portfolio strategist at New York Life Investments.That said, it's worth remembering that both the market and the Fed itself, via the central bank's so-called dot-plot forecast for benchmark interest rates, have been relatively poor at predicting the actual rate outcome, she noted, in a phone interview.That isn't a criticism, she said. Rather it merely reflects just how difficult it is to make accurate rate predictions. New York Life Investments, for its part, looks for four quarter-point rate increases in 2022, possibly frontloaded.The point, she said, is that there has already been substantial volatility around rate expectations and, moreover, that's likely to continue as data comes in. That could make for more volatility in the rates market and the yield curve, which has flattened significantly since the beginning of the year as rates at the short end have risen sharply in anticipation of Fed tightening while longer-dated yields have risen less sharply.The yield curve is viewed as an important indicator in itself. An inversion of the curve, particularly when the 2-year or shorter-dated yields rise above the 10-year yield, has been a reliable recession indicator.That hasn't happened yet, but the rapid flattening of the curve may reflect fears aggressive Fed tightening could throw the economy into recession, some analysts say. Others offer a more benign interpretation, with the flattening reflecting expectations a quick response by the Fed will help wrestle down inflation without requiring rates to rise to eye-watering levels.On the surface, the latter scenario would seem to favor stocks of companies tied to the economic cycle, particularly those that are able to pass on rising costs and navigate rising capital costs, Goodwin said. In asset class terms, that would tend to favor value stocks over growth stocks, she said.But it's not that simple. \"It really depends on the company and that their capital structure and competitiveness in this type of environment,\" she said, noting that some technology stocks have fared very well in an environment that seems to no longer favor growth, while others have suffered.That makes for a more \"company by company\" picture that favors active managers, Goodwin said.It's all part of a \"midcycle\" environment. Economic growth remains healthy, which is constructive for stocks, but growth is only likely to slow from here, she said, and that makes \"earnings and earnings quality particularly important.\"That will change when there are clearer signs the economy is simply decelerating, which is when more broad level asset class considerations play a bigger role in determining outcomes for investors, she said.U.S. markets will be closed Monday for the Presidents Day holiday. Meanwhile, investors, like Fed officials, will remain glued to inflation data, while keeping watch on developments around Ukraine as U.S. officials warn of the threat of a Russian invasion.Ukraine-related jitters were blamed in part for the stock market's stumble over the past week, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling 1.9%, while the S&P 500 fell 1.6% and the Nasdaq Composite lost 1.2%.Friday will bring the Fed's favored reading on price pressures with the release of the January personal consumption and expenditures, or PCE, inflation reading. The University of Michigan's final February take on five-year consumer inflation expectations is also due Friday.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":174,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9095872619,"gmtCreate":1644887509260,"gmtModify":1676533972193,"author":{"id":"3582863829198969","authorId":"3582863829198969","name":"Salanne","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/c1a0b291a15070a5d20437a1f5b7f692","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3582863829198969","authorIdStr":"3582863829198969"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Uzjai","listText":"Uzjai","text":"Uzjai","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":6,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9095872619","repostId":"2211507773","repostType":4,"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":104,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0}],"lives":[]}