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Going forward in 2025. Both investing and trading.  Be prudent yet willing to take calculated risk.  Not investing is the biggest risk of all.
good news. hope more confirmation will come out
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Many China gov linked companies will look to capitalize on this so short to mid term should be safe to invest if you are looking for quick buck. Chinese people are rushing to register for stock account and invest and earn fast buck. But people who was stuck in the bear market while ago who already recuperate some or all of their loses will be tempted to sell. As well as some companies who is looking to sell shares to repaid the company debt. Dyodd and don't do margin to be on safe side.
$Alpina Holdings(ZXY.SI)$  ‌ https://uk.style.yahoo.com/robust-financials-driving-recent-rally-023838802.html?
$Alpina Holdings(ZXY.SI)$‌Alpina Registers Net Profit of S$2.03 Million for 1H2022; Announces Interim Dividend of 0.4339 Singapore Cents Per Share • Revenue contribution from the IBS and M&E business segments were lower in 1H2022, while revenue from the A&A business segment increased significantly with more projects completed during 1H2022 • Strengthened financial position as at 30 June 2022 with total assets increasing 27.1% to S$44.69 million as compared to as at 31 December 2021, with cash and cash equivalents of S$13.00 million • Secured six new contracts during 1H2022 with an aggregate provisional contract value of approximately S$9.17 million that are to be completed by the financial year ending 31 December 2028 • Declared interim di
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$Alpina Holdings(ZXY.SI)$‌ALPINA HOLDINGS LIMITED (Company Registration No.: 202138650H) (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) (the “Company”) NOTICE OF RECORD AND DIVIDEND PAYMENT DATES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, subject to Shareholders’ approval for the proposed final tax exempt (one-tier) dividend of 0.2712 Singapore cents per Share for FY2021 (“Proposed Final Dividend”) at the forthcoming AGM of the Company to be held on Monday, 27 June 2022, the Share Transfer Books and Register of Members of the Company will be closed at 5.00 p.m. on 8 July 2022 for the purpose of determining members’ entitlements to the Proposed Final Dividend.Duly completed registrable transfers received by the Company’s Share Registrar, Boardro
$YF8.SI(YF8.SI)$‌COMPLETION OF THE ACQUISITION OF GEM ASSET MANAGEMENT PTE LTDhttps://links.sgx.com/1.0.0/corporate-announcements/98F32TTQSSHNEGI8/714855_GEM%20acquisition%20final.pdf
$YANGZIJIANG SHIPBLDG HLDGS LTD(BS6.SI)$‌https://shentonwire.net/2022/04/21/yangzijiang-shipbuilding-shares-materially-undervalued-uob-kh/ ​Shares of Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings), or YZJ, are “materially undervalued” at the current stock price, UOB Kay Hian said in a note Thursday. Yangzijiang Shipbuilding is spinning off its investment management business Yangzijiang Financial Holding (YZJFH). Shareholders as of the book closure date will receive one YZJFH share for every Yangzijiang Shipbuilding share held. “Since its IPO in 2007, YZJ has significantly grown and transformed its shipbuilding business, and in addition has the tailwind of high asset prices and charter rates that will benefit its shipping fleet,” the note said. “We believe
$YANGZIJIANG SHIPBLDG HLDGS LTD(BS6.SI)$‌ Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings: Key takeaways from YZJFH call https://www.dbs.com.sg/treasures/aics/templatedata/article/recentdevelopment/data/en/DBSV/042022/YZJSGD_SP_04122022.xml DBS Group Research12 Apr 2022 Diversifying and transforming portfolio to have 50% offshore investment and 70% investment / wealth management portfolio Target ROE of 8-10% with steady dividend yield with >30% payout; Initial external funds of S$500m to grow by 20% pa YZJFH to be listed on SGX on 28-Apr; YZJ cum-distribution to go-ex on 22-Apr Plan to launch share buyback post listing if share price trades attractively below book of S$1.08/share Key takeaways and datapoints: Key Dates 18 Apr 2022 EGM to approve pro
$YANGZIJIANG SHIPBLDG HLDGS LTD(BS6.SI)$https://www.theedgesingapore.com/capital/brokers-calls/dbs-reiterates-buy-call-yzj-spin-yzjfh-aims-roe-8-10 DBS Group Research has reiterated its &ldquo buy&rdquo call and $2.15 target price on Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings), with the impending spin off of its investment arm. &ldquo The listing of the investment arm improves corporate governance and catalyses the re-rating of its shipbuilding business,&rdquo notes DBS on April 12. Yangzijiang Financial Holdings (YZJFH) is the investment arm that is now part of YZJ, one of the largest private ship builders in China and a component stock of the Straits Times Index. YZJFH will commence trading on April 28, following a distribution in sp
$YANGZIJIANG SHIPBLDG HLDGS LTD(BS6.SI)$‌CGS-CIMB has increased Yangzijiang Shipbuilding' s target price to S$2.41 from its previous target of S$1.78https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/companies-markets/brokers-take-cgs-cimb-raises-yangzijiang-target-price-on-listing-of-investment CGS-CIMB has increased Yangzijiang Shipbuilding' s target price to S$2.41 from its previous target of S$1.78, if its plans to list its investment arm spin-off Yangzijiang Financial Holdings come to fruition. This presents a potential upside of 54.5 per cent from its last closing price of S$1.56. The new target price is derived from a sum-of-the-parts valuation method, based on a price-to-earnings ratio of 9 times of the projected shipping profits for FY2023, assuming ord
$YANGZIJIANG SHIPBLDG HLDGS LTD(BS6.SI)$‌https://shentonwire.net/2022/04/02/yangzijiang-shipbuilding-sets-vote-for-spinoff-of-yangzijiang-financial/Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings) has set the vote on spinning off Yangzijiang Financial Holdings (YZJFH) to be listed on SGX by way of introduction, outlining its plans to shift to fund investments, according to filings to SGX Friday. “By separating the shipbuilding business from the investment business, the proposed spin-off will enable the market to accord an appropriate value to each of the principal businesses currently held within the group, based on their respective performance and growth potential,” Yangzijiang Shipbuilding said. The spin-off company is expected to have a market capitalizat
$YANGZIJIANG SHIPBLDG HLDGS LTD(BS6.SI)$‌YANGZIJIANG SHIPBUILDING (HOLDINGS) LTD. (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) (Company Registration No.: 200517636Z) NOTICE OF SIXTEENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held by way of electronic means on Monday, 18 April 2022 at 3.00 p.m. to transact the following business: ORDINARY BUSINESS 1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2021 together with the Directors’ Statements and the Auditors’ Report thereon. (Resolution 1) 2. To declare a tax exempt (one-tier) final dividend of S$0.05 per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 20
$Alpina Holdings(ZXY.SI)$‌https://links.sgx.com/1.0.0/corporate-announcements/D5X7FT9P4BDOZHVE/Alpina Achieved a Record Set of Results for FY2021; Revenue Increased by 36.8% to S$51.89 Million with Net Profit Surging by 84.0% to S$9.28 Million • Record level of revenue and net profit achieved in FY2021 with strong performance from its IBS and M&E business segments as operations normalise • Significant increase in net cash generated from operating activities in FY2021 to S$4.66 million as compared to S$1.81 million in FY2020 • Improved balance sheet as at 31 December 2021 with total equity increasing 41.6% to S$17.98 million and total assets of S$35.16 million as compared to as at 31 December 2020 • Proposed dividend of 0.2712 cent per share fo
$ASCENDAS INDIA TRUST(CY6U.SI)$‌Ascendas India Trust : Sustainability Report FY 2021https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/ASCENDAS-INDIA-TRUST-6499851/news/Ascendas-India-Trust-Sustainability-Report-FY-2021-39812010/https://docs.publicnow.com/109CAAFAE5217A516A24D0EA6B2BB15404B77B17
$SINGAPORE EXCHANGE LIMITED(S68.SI)$‌S Nallakaruppan President THE Society of Remisiers (Singapore) is in total concurrence with Raphael Lim's March 17 BT article "Enabling class action lawsuits could create alternative recourse for Singapore investors". The article is spot on in stating that "legal recourse that enables local retail investors to recover some funds could keep listed companies on their toes and boost confidence and vibrancy in the market". We have about 680 companies listed on the Singapore Exchange and as per the daily postings in BT we have a sizeable 84 companies that have either been suspended or inactive, which is more than a mind-boggling 12 per cent of listed companies in the Singapore market! Many of these companies have
$ASCENDAS INDIA TRUST(CY6U.SI)$‌ASCENDAS India Trust (a-iTrust) Ascendas-iTrust : CY6U +0.83% on Thursday (Mar 24) entered into definitive agreements to acquire a 330,000 square foot warehouse in Panvel, Navi Mumbai, for 2.2 billion rupees (S$38.7 million). a-iTrust will acquire the recently constructed warehouse from Arshiya Group as part of a forward purchase agreement executed in July 2019, the trustee-manager said in a bourse filing. The 2.2 billion rupee consideration comprises an upfront payment of 1.9 billion rupees and an additional deferred consideration of up to 210 million rupees to be paid over the next 4 years when certain performance milestones are achieved. After the acquisition is completed, a-iTrust will enter into a lease agr
$PROPNEX LIMITED(OYY.SI)$ Started going up liao. Was hoping to buy at lower prices 

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