Checks US stock market updates before bed.
$SUPER MICRO COMPUTER INC(SMCI)$ Let me say that first the media lures you in with “analysts” upgrades, Loop & Rosenblatt, $1,500 & $1,300, even JPM at $950 is down -60%, so so much for all of that nonsense, and now the media lures you in with top “hedge funds”, dropping names to lure you in to buy, saying they are trimming NVDA- and that’s “old” news, and they are buying SMCI, which hasn’t even happened yet. It’s comical what financial media does to hype stocks. Better not get FOMO yet, because it’s going lower!
$Microsoft(MSFT)$ I have no logical explanation as to why MSFT continues to trail the Mag-7 index. I guess it's a trendy short right now for the powers that be. If it's simply capex that is turning people off, I suggest looking at the company's latest revenues and comparing MSFT's operating budget with lesser valued firms. The stock's momentum will turn around, and when it does, a quick run to $430-$440 is quite plausible, although Q1 earnings are historically troublesome. The ATH is mid-$460s, which seems tempered compared to many of the other highs we have seen in big tech lately.
$SUPER MICRO COMPUTER INC(SMCI)$ Do I buy or not? Well if a company is down over 700 in a matter of 6 months and they lied on their financial reports, I think the answer on whether to buy or not is pretty obvious. $350 by Friday. Don't say I didn't tell you
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Seriously…think about it. With so much competition in China at a much cheaper price point, and given the consumer struggles….How in the world would China’s EV Sales be up? One word comes to mind “DISCOUNTING”. Tesla is likely pumping in huge incentives trying to drive out competition…this will erode margins. Margin erosion will get them roasted on the earnings call. This is going much, much lower!
$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ Got a nice breakout and push on SOFI last week, hit $8.30 on the run-up.. solid breakout and hold, let's see if this stock can finally build some momentum to the upside for a change.
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ Hold. September will have a rate cut.Also NVDA earnings is over. So they won't have max pain anymore.Closed below $120 friday to kill all those calls. Had 77k OI on some.Honestly would sell once it turns green. And size down and further out or buy shares.Smarter to sell puts with your portfolio size. Just even buying shares and selling CCs would be good.
$Dell Technologies Inc.(DELL)$ with one of the nicer monthly setups out there IMO. Undercut that former resistance, huge amounts of volume coming in this first half of the year, increased volume shooting star doji. Looks launchy to me
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ Secret of NIO is in the sauce. Duck sauce is an inexpensive and delicious way to power NIO cars. China government is going invest billions in ducks. Duck station, duck farms, endless supply of renewable and sustainable energy. Its going to be transformative and its going to be ducking good.
$Chewy, Inc.(CHWY)$ Benzinga says the estimate was .02 and they reported.24 so we have seen.07,.15,and now.24 is anyone else seeing this trend at this rate it will easily exceed 1.00 next year and when it went to $120 it had NO positive earnings
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ The market going to do whatever it wants with NIO SP! NIO on the other hands realized that their business success and company destiny relays in their own hands… expanding, products, services and sales and reducing operating cost to achieve profitability… once that achieved all bets are off on SP manipulations by the streets!
$SentinelOne, Inc(S)$ Everything is expensive if you ask me. S will not be gaap profitable for another 2-3 years. I believe it’s shooting to be non gaap profitable by late next summer. We will see! But S is definitely range bound and that’s the way institutional want it to stay between $20-25 and the only thing that can move this higher is blowout earning report. Otherwise unfortunately it’s a dead horse. The institutions have chosen a winner in this market sector and its crowdstrike plain and simple. S really need to push way harder to change that status and win iber the institutional and it won’t be easy. Will it only time will tell.
$Intel(INTC)$ 30 analysts have lowered their profit forecast for the coming periodWhen a large number of analysts lower their forecasts for a company's future earnings, it usually indicates that they expect the company to earn less than they previously predicted. This decrease in expected profits can be due to various factors such as a decrease in sales, an increase in costs, or a change in market conditions. This is usually a sign of increased risk that can negatively affect the company's share price.
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ We could reach 175 in 8 days. China will increase order of the new chip, pushing the stock higher. Products are lined up, ready to install. The partnerships will take this well into the next push of upward movement. No jump, yet it is coming. Buy Signal
$GeoVax Labs Inc(GOVX)$ Billionaires are loading into this because they want to help they know how devastating covid and monkeypox is to families that’s why Vanguard and BAC Wellsgargo and BlackRock increased positions as well as other billionaires that want to help
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Bears are probably right about one thing, TSLA is going to have to show some real earnings growth or growth potential to blow through near term highs. So unless we see some incredible earnings I wouldn't expect north of 270ish and certainly not 300ish. BUT, that can change in a heartbeat depending on what happens with quarterly deliveries (first week Oct), 10/10 Robotaxi event, Oct earnings if Tesla Energy earnings are sustained or improve. That could happen. I'd be very surprised if we see north of 260ish before then. However, Tesla has surprised before.
$AST SpaceMobile, Inc.(ASTS)$ The intrinsic value of one ASTS stock under the base case scenario is 9.01 USD. Compared to the current market price of 31.45 USD, AST SpaceMobile Inc is overvalued by 70%. When dust starts to settle, the market will bring the price close to it fair value. I would say proceed with caution ⚠️.
$Apple(AAPL)$ Apple bid /ask in London at this moment is 10 below the Friday closing pps , while the ask is 10 above the closing pps on Friday. I stand by my earlier post that AAPL will close up $5 on our exchange.
$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ Issues right now: the dips are rattling retail investors. Jpmorgan dumping isn’t done. Google anti trust is going to be a big problem and will rattle the spy for a while. It’s going to feel like an anchor on this stock until late September, then boom. $50 stock
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ NVDA Stock Estimate.150 after Earnings230 by Christmas1000 by end of 2610/1 split 2027All Short cover It now unless you want to loss your pants? Buy It Now until it too later . NVAD see you 250 soon! GO NVDA ! ! !
$Intel(INTC)$ Intel’s stock drops drastically due to their employee layoffs to save about $10bn next year and its slow earnings report in the AI race. Why do we not trust Intel moving forward? They’ve only proven to be a trust-worthy company that will remain in the 500.

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