Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust (Fortune REIT) is a real estate investment trust. The principal activity of Fortune REIT is investment holding. The Company, through its subsidiaries owns and invests in a portfolio of retail shopping malls located in Hong Kong. It holds a portfolio of approximately 20 private housing estate retail properties in Hong Kong consisting of approximately three million square feet of retail space and 2,710 car parking spaces. Its retail properties include Fortune City One, Fortune Kingswood, Fortune Metropolis, Ma On Shan Plaza, Metro Town, Laguna Plaza, Waldorf Avenue, Caribbean Square, Jubilee Square, Belvedere Square, Smartland, Lido Avenue, Provident Square, Centre de Laguna and Hampton Loft. It house tenants from various trade sectors, such as supermarkets, food and beverage outlets, banks, real estate agencies and education providers. It is managed by ARA Asset Management (Fortune) Limited, which is a subsidiary of ARA Asset Management Limited.