ImmuneOnco Biopharmaceuticals (Shanghai) (HKG:1541) agreed to transfer 7.0% equity interest in ImmuneCare Biopharmaceutical (Shanghai) to Jiaxing Changxin for 140,000 yuan, a Friday filing with the Hong Kong Exchange said.
The equity interest was given to Tian Wenzhi, the chairman of the board and a controlling shareholder of the company, and Zheng Qian, a member of the senior management of the target company, in recognition of the contributions of the two. Jiaxing Changxin holds the equity interest on behalf of the two.
Upon the completion of the transaction, the company will hold 93% equity interest in ImmuneCare Biopharmaceutical.
The company's shares closed over 35% higher on Monday.
Price (HKD): $6.68, Change: $+1.7, Percent Change: +35.22%