Press Release: American Coastal Insurance Corporation Reports Financial Results for Its Fourth Quarter and Year Ended December 31, 2024

Dow Jones02-27

American Coastal Insurance Corporation Reports Financial Results for Its Fourth Quarter and Year Ended December 31, 2024

Company to Host Quarterly Conference Call at 5:00 P.M. ET on February 27, 2025

The information in this press release should be read in conjunction with an earnings presentation that is available on the Company's website at

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American Coastal Insurance Corporation (Nasdaq: ACIC) ("ACIC" or the "Company"), a property and casualty insurance holding company, today reported its financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2024.

($ in thousands, 
except for per 
share data)              Three Months Ended                   Year Ended 
                            December 31,                     December 31, 
                   -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
                     2024       2023      Change      2024       2023      Change 
                    -------    -------   ---------   -------    -------   --------- 
Gross premiums 
 written           $140,739   $128,260     9.7%     $647,805   $635,709     1.9% 
Gross premiums 
 earned             162,710    159,094     2.3       638,608    604,683     5.6 
Net premiums 
 earned              73,492     49,141    49.6       273,990    262,060     4.6 
Total revenue        79,267     51,251    54.7       296,657    264,400    12.2 
Income from 
 operations, net 
 of tax               5,868     17,380   (66.2)       76,319     85,204   (10.4) 
Income (loss) 
 operations, net 
 of tax                (922)    (3,096)   70.2          (601)   224,707          NM 
Consolidated net 
 income            $  4,946   $ 14,284   (65.4)%    $ 75,718   $309,911          NM 
Net income 
available to ACIC 
stockholders per 
diluted share 
     Operations    $   0.12   $   0.38   (68.4)%    $   1.55   $   1.92   (19.3)% 
     Operations    $  (0.02)  $  (0.07)   71.4         (0.01)      5.06          NM 
                    -------    -------               -------    ------- 
Total              $   0.10   $   0.31   (67.7)%    $   1.54   $   6.98          NM 
                    =======    =======               =======    ======= 
Reconciliation of 
net income to 
core income: 
   Plus: Non-cash 
    of intangible 
    assets and 
    impairment     $    608   $    811   (25.0)%    $  2,639   $  3,247   (18.7)% 
   Less: Income 
    (loss) from 
    net of tax         (922)    (3,096)   70.2          (601)   224,707          NM 
   Less: Net 
    losses on 
    portfolio            --         (2)         NM      (124)    (6,789)   98.2 
    gains on 
    securities          454         22          NM     1,996        814          NM 
   Less: Net tax 
    impact (1)           32        166   (80.7)%         161      1,937   (91.7) 
Core income((2)       5,990     18,005   (66.7)       76,925     92,489   (16.8) 
Core income per 
 diluted share 
 (2)               $   0.12   $   0.39   (69.2)%    $   1.56   $   2.08   (25.0)% 
Book value per 
 share                                              $   4.89   $   3.61    35.5% 
NM = Not Meaningful 
(1)  In order to reconcile net income to the core income 
      measures, the Company included the tax impact of all 
      adjustments using the 21% federal corporate tax rate. 
(2)  Core income and core income per diluted share, both 
      of which are measures that are not based on generally 
      accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), are reconciled 
      above to net income and net income per diluted share, 
      respectively, the most directly comparable GAAP measures. 
      Additional information regarding non-GAAP financial 
      measures presented in this press release can be found 
      in the "Definitions of Non-GAAP Measures" section, 

Comments from Chief Executive Officer, B. Bradford Martz:

"American Coastal, our insurance subsidiary, remains a leader in the Florida commercial residential market. The Company remained profitable in the 2024 fourth quarter with a combined ratio of 91.9%, despite the devastating impact and full catastrophe retention from Hurricane Milton, leading to a 67.5% combined ratio for the full year. This underscores the strength of our reinsurance strategy in safeguarding our balance sheet while mitigating the financial impact of catastrophic events.

Furthermore, American Coastal's written premium increased 9.7% from the prior year fourth quarter and renewal retention remained steady. In December, we announced the launch of our apartment program, and, to date, we have received hundreds of high-quality submissions from our six broker partners, affirming the strong demand for American Coastal's products."

Return on Equity and Core Return on Equity

The calculations of the Company's return on equity and core return on equity are shown below.

($ in thousands)     Three Months Ended            Year Ended 
                        December 31,              December 31, 
                   -----------------------  ------------------------- 
                    2024         2023         2024         2023 
                                ------                    ------- 
Income from 
 operations, net 
 of tax            $5,868      $17,380      $76,319      $ 85,204 
Return on equity 
 based on GAAP 
 income from 
 operations, net 
 of tax (1)          10.4%        98.6%        33.7%        120.8% 
Income (loss) 
 operations, net 
 of tax            $ (922)     $(3,096)     $  (601)     $224,707 
Return on equity 
 based on GAAP 
 income (loss) 
 operations, net 
 of tax (1)          (1.6)%      (17.6)%       (0.3)%              NM 
Consolidated net 
 income            $4,946      $14,284      $75,718      $309,911 
Return on equity 
 based on GAAP 
 net income (1)       8.7%        81.0%        33.5%               NM 
Core income        $5,990      $18,005      $76,925      $ 92,489 
Core return on 
 equity (1)(2)       10.6%       102.1%        34.0%        131.1% 
(1)  Return on equity for the three months and years ended 
      December 31, 2024 and 2023 is calculated on an annualized 
      basis by dividing the net income or core income for 
      the period by the average stockholders' equity for 
      the trailing twelve months. 
(2)  Core return on equity, a measure that is not based 
      on GAAP, is calculated based on core income, which 
      is reconciled on the first page of this press release 
      to net income, the most directly comparable GAAP measure. 
      Additional information regarding non-GAAP financial 
      measures presented in this press release can be found 
      in the "Definitions of Non-GAAP Measures" section 

Combined Ratio and Underlying Ratio

The calculations of the Company's combined ratio and underlying combined ratio on a consolidated basis and attributable to Interboro Insurance Company ("IIC"), now captured within discontinued operations, are shown below.

($ in thousands)        Three Months Ended                Year Ended 
                           December 31,                  December 31, 
                   ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                   2024       2023       Change  2024       2023       Change 
                              -----      ------             -----      ------ 
Loss ratio,                                26.8                           7.5 
 net((1)            40.5%      13.7%        pts   25.3%      17.8%        pts 
Expense ratio,                              5.2                         (0.9) 
 net((2)            51.4%      46.2%        pts   42.2%      43.1%        pts 
                   -----      -----      ------  -----      -----      ------ 
Combined ratio                             32.0                           6.6 
 $(CR)$((3)           91.9%      59.9%        pts   67.5%      60.9%        pts 
   Effect of 
    current year 
    catastrophe                            28.6                           4.4 
    losses on CR    27.8%      (0.8)%       pts    9.3%       4.9%        pts 
   Effect of 
    prior year 
    development                             1.2                           3.5 
    on CR           (1.8)%     (3.0)%       pts   (1.4)%     (4.9)%       pts 
                   -----      -----      ------  -----      -----      ------ 
 combined                                   2.2                         (1.3) 
 ratio((4)          65.9%      63.7%        pts   59.6%      60.9%        pts 
                   =====      =====      ======  =====      =====      ====== 
Loss ratio,                               (5.1)                        (10.4) 
 net((1)            73.4%      78.5%        pts   71.2%      81.6%        pts 
Expense ratio,                              8.1                         (7.4) 
 net((2)            47.1%      39.0%        pts   43.4%      50.8%        pts 
                   -----      -----      ------  -----      -----      ------ 
Combined ratio                              3.0                        (17.8) 
 (CR)((3)          120.5%     117.5%        pts  114.6%     132.4%        pts 
   Effect of 
    current year 
    catastrophe                           (9.8)                         (8.5) 
    losses on CR     0.8%      10.6%        pts    4.1%      12.6%        pts 
   Effect of 
    prior year 
    development                          (13.9)                         (5.6) 
    on CR           (0.7)%     13.2%        pts   (3.6)%      2.0%        pts 
                   -----      -----      ------  -----      -----      ------ 
 combined                                  26.7                         (3.7) 
 ratio((4)         120.4%      93.7%        pts  114.1%     117.8%        pts 
                   =====      =====      ======  =====      =====      ====== 
(1)  Loss ratio, net is calculated as losses and loss adjustment 
      expenses ("LAE"), net of losses ceded to reinsurers, 
      relative to net premiums earned. 
(2)  Expense ratio, net is calculated as the sum of all 
      operating expenses, less interest expense relative 
      to net premiums earned. 
(3)  Combined ratio is the sum of the loss ratio, net and 
      expense ratio, net. 
(4)  Underlying combined ratio, a measure that is not based 
      on GAAP, is reconciled above to the combined ratio, 
      the most directly comparable GAAP measure. Additional 
      information regarding non-GAAP financial measures 
      presented in this press release can be found in the 
      "Definitions of Non-GAAP Measures" section below. 

Combined Ratio Analysis

The calculations of the Company's loss ratios and underlying loss ratios are shown below.

($ in thousands)          Three Months Ended                      Year Ended 
                             December 31,                        December 31, 
                   ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
                     2024         2023       Change     2024         2023        Change 
                    ------       ------      -------   ------       -------      ------- 
Loss and LAE       $29,794      $ 6,710      $23,084  $69,319      $ 46,678      $22,641 
   % of Gross 
    earned                                      14.1 
    premiums          18.3%         4.2%         pts     10.9%          7.7%     3.2 pts 
   % of Net 
    earned                                      26.8 
    premiums          40.5%        13.7%         pts     25.3%         17.8%     7.5 pts 
   Current year 
    losses         $20,405      $  (406)     $20,811  $25,561      $ 12,783      $12,778 
   Prior year 
    development     (1,325)      (1,482)         157   (3,704)      (12,694)       8,990 
                    ------       ------       ------   ------       -------       ------ 
Underlying loss 
 and LAE (1)       $10,714      $ 8,598      $ 2,116  $47,462      $ 46,589      $   873 
    % of Gross 
     earned                                                                        (0.3) 
     premiums          6.6%         5.4%     1.2 pts      7.4%          7.7%         pts 
    % of Net 
     earned                                    (3.0)                               (0.5) 
     premiums         14.5%        17.5%         pts     17.3%         17.8%         pts 
(1)  Underlying loss and LAE is a non-GAAP financial measure 
      and is reconciled above to loss and LAE, the most 
      directly comparable GAAP measure. Additional information 
      regarding non-GAAP financial measures presented in 
      this press release can be found in the "Definitions 
      of Non-GAAP Measures" section, below. 

The calculations of the Company's expense ratios are shown below.

($ in thousands)          Three Months Ended                        Year Ended 
                             December 31,                          December 31, 
                   ---------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                     2024         2023       Change     2024          2023          Change 
                    ------       ------      -------   -------       -------      ---------- 
 costs             $26,514      $13,138      $13,376  $ 70,990      $ 75,436      $(4,446) 
General and 
 administrative     11,277        9,561        1,716    44,756        37,559        7,197 
                    ------       ------       ------   -------       -------       ------ 
Total Operating 
 Expenses          $37,791      $22,699      $15,092  $115,746      $112,995      $ 2,751 
    % of Gross 
     premiums         23.2%        14.3%     8.9 pts      18.1%         18.7%      (0.6) pts 
    % of Net 
     premiums         51.4%        46.2%     5.2 pts      42.2%         43.1%      (0.9) pts 

Quarterly Financial Results

Net income for the fourth quarter of 2024 was $4.9 million, or $0.10 per diluted share, compared to $14.3 million, or $0.31 per diluted share, for the fourth quarter of 2023. Of this income, $5.9 million is attributable to continuing operations for the three months ended December 31, 2024, a decrease of $11.5 million from net income of $17.4 million for the same period in 2023. Quarter-over-quarter revenues increased, driven by a decrease in ceded premiums earned, and an increase in gross premiums earned and net investment income. This was offset by increased expenses quarter-over-quarter, driven by an increase in loss and LAE and policy acquisition costs, as described below. The Company's loss from discontinued operations, also contributed to this change in net income, with the loss decreasing $2.2 million quarter-over-quarter, as the deconsolidation of the Company's former subsidiary, United Property and Casualty Insurance Company ("UPC"), is not impacting the Company in 2024.

The Company's total gross written premium increased $12.5 million, or 9.7%, to $140.7 million for the fourth quarter of 2024, from $128.3 million for the fourth quarter of 2023. The breakdown of the quarter-over-quarter changes in both direct written and assumed premiums by state and gross written premium by line of business are shown in the table below.

                    Three Months Ended December 
($ in thousands)                31, 
                         2024            2023      Change $    Change % 
                       ---------      ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Direct Written 
and Assumed 
Premium by State 
   Florida          $    135,661   $     128,260   $   7,401     5.8% 
   New York                   --              --          --      -- 
Total direct 
 written premium 
 by state                135,661         128,260       7,401     5.8 
                       ---------      ----------      ------  ------ 
    premium                5,078              --       5,078   100.0 
                       ---------      ----------      ------  ------ 
Total gross 
 written premium 
 by state           $    140,739   $     128,260   $  12,479     9.7% 
                       =========      ==========      ======  ====== 
Gross Written 
Premium by Line 
of Business 
    property        $    140,739   $     128,260   $  12,479     9.7% 
   property                   --              --          --      -- 
                       ---------      ----------      ------  ------ 
Total gross 
 written premium 
 by line of 
 business           $    140,739   $     128,260   $  12,479     9.7% 
                       =========      ==========      ======  ====== 

Loss and LAE increased by $23.1 million, or 344.8%, to $29.8 million for the fourth quarter of 2024, from $6.7 million for the fourth quarter of 2023. Loss and LAE expense as a percentage of net earned premiums increased 26.8 points to 40.5% for the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to 13.7% for the fourth quarter of 2023. Excluding catastrophe losses and reserve development, the Company's gross underlying loss and LAE ratio for the fourth quarter of 2024 would have been 6.6%, a 1.2 point increase from the fourth quarter of 2023.

Policy acquisition costs increased by $13.4 million, or 102.3%, to $26.5 million for the fourth quarter of 2024, from $13.1 million for the fourth quarter of 2023, primarily due to a decrease in reinsurance commission income attributable to the change in our quota share reinsurance cession rate from 40% to 20% effective June 1, 2024. In addition, our management fees attributable to our commercial property premiums increased as the result of additional premiums written quarter-over-quarter.

General and administrative expenses increased by $1.7 million, or 17.7%, to $11.3 million for the fourth quarter of 2024, from $9.6 million for the fourth quarter of 2023, driven by increased overhead costs, such as amortization of capitalized software, equipment costs and salaries, and external spend for audit, actuarial and legal services.

IIC Quarterly Results Highlights

Net loss attributable to IIC totaled $633 thousand for the fourth quarter of 2024 compared to a net loss of $274 thousand for the fourth quarter of 2023. Drivers of the quarter-over-quarter increase included: an increase in general and administrative expenses of $406 thousand as the result of increased costs such as software licensing costs and salary expenses, offset by increased revenues of $355 thousand, which were driven by an increase in gross earned premiums of $1.4 million, offset by increased ceded premiums earned of $1.0 million.

Annual Financial Results

Net income attributable to the Company for the year ended December 31, 2024 was $75.7 million, or $1.54 per diluted share, compared to net income of $309.9 million, or $6.98 per diluted share, for the year ended December 31, 2023. Drivers of net income during 2024 included increased gross premiums earned partially offset by increased ceded premiums earned. Net investment income also increased, driving additional total revenues year-over-year. This increase in revenue was offset by increased expenses year-over-year, driven by increases in losses and LAE incurred and general and administrative expenses, partially offset by decreased policy acquisition costs. During 2024, the Company experienced a net loss attributable to discontinued operations of $601 thousand, compared to $224.7 million of net income attributable to discontinued operations during 2023, as the deconsolidation of the Company's former subsidiary, UPC, is not impacting the Company in 2024.

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February 27, 2025 16:05 ET (21:05 GMT)

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