WASHINGTON, March 25 (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Tuesday set a June 23 trial date in the Justice Department's criminal fraud case against Boeing BA.N stemming from the planemaker's alleged misrepresentations to U.S. regulators about a key system on the 737 MAX.
In July, Boeing agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge in the wake of two fatal 737 MAX crashes and pay a fine of up to $487.2 million. U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor had previously given Boeing and DOJ until April 11 to come to an agreement on a new plea deal after rejecting the prior deal, faulting a diversity and inclusion provision. The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Boeing is seeking to withdraw the existing plea deal.
(Reporting by David Shepardson)
((David.Shepardson@thomsonreuters.com; 2028988324;))