Some people think $(AMC)$ cheaper than $(GME)$, and may decide to sell GME to buy AMC. That is bad idea. Because,actually AMC is more than 3-TIMES expensive than GME. Enterprise Value of GME = 10B$ when GME= 220$, (Market cap= 10 $ Billion+ No debt). Enterprise value of AMC= 36B$. (Market Cap. = 27B$. + net debt=9B$) if AMC=50$. As you can see STOCK MARKET VALUES AMC MORE than THREE - TIMES OF GME.. Considering AMC has over 9 Billion debt and declining business and negative earnings; and GME with New management and no debt. It is crazy!!! I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND HOW ridiculously EXPENSIVE AMC IS!!!. If you have GME please hold. GME can go up 9 times faster than AMC, because AMC has 9 times more shares than GME. It is that simple - basic math. To be Equvalant to AMC at 60$, GME has to rise to 700$. Possibility of S. SQUEEZE for GME is 9 times higher than for AMC. GOOD-LUCK..