Cashwise richer... Net value and quality of life? Poorer...
Started putting aside a bit more cash a month than I used to before covid, so in terms of liquid cash, richer
In terms of net value and quality of life, definitely poorer.
All my investments can't go back to where they were before covid with huge paper losses.
Salary stayed same, lucky enough to keep my job, no year end bonuses but yet have to put up with rising costs of practically everything. From food, to transport, to utilities, even all the way to GST going up twice in a row from 7% to 9% soon. GST increases by 2% in such a short time, but I don't even see a 0.000001% increase in my salary. It feels exactly like getting a pay cut right after another pay cut. From going karaoke to drinking with friends, high tea followed by buffet lunch before covid.
To totally no more entertainment, white bread (not wholemeal) for breakfast and economic rice for lunch.
Quality of life ain't any better too.