As in all of life, Stock Market is not for the faint hearted nor grumblers nor impatient nor fearful.
I see...
If a company needs to issue more shares to raise fund for genuine sustainability and growth, I have to accept it even if it means the share price may drop with possible dilution. Instead, I will buy more if there is a clear growth plan presented.
I should not dread nor grumble, but rather rejoicing the company is growing & one day, we shall reap gains if we weary not.
After all why do they public listed it? If they have ample capital, they may as well 100% private own it right?
Contrary, good news may not necessarily causes a rally, or bad news leads to price drop.
But one thing for sure, I am not impressed with an overtime notable swings of Up & Down if I want to hold for long term. I want to fish? I buy some proven MeMe stocks & I wait for Moonshot when Keith Gill posts stokes his FANS on FIRE![Call]
For such Market Emotion Sentiment turns Stock Trading into a State of Resonated Passion & Hope beyond balance sheet. I will not reject nor despise.
China Massive Stimulus is a Wake Up call for me to look East where there are plenty of gold mines to discover & lay hold.
Simply ignore the EnvyJealousHate heresies & embrace faith, hope & love
Joyfully await & receive the heavenly blessings unleashed from Heaven