The NYSE's announcement to extend trading to nearly round-the-clock hours on NYSE Arca certainly opens new doors for both potential gains and losses. For retail investors, the idea of 22-hour trading might sound appealing—a chance to react more promptly to global events and possibly capitalize on extended hours. However, it also raises the pressure to constantly monitor positions, which could lead to decision fatigue and impulsive trades.
Professional and institutional investors with the infrastructure to handle this change may benefit the most, as they'll have access to real-time data, automated systems, and dedicated staff to cover extended hours. Meanwhile, retail investors might find themselves at a disadvantage without such resources. There's also the risk of increased volatility and wider spreads, as trading during non-peak hours often comes with lower liquidity.
For those of us without 24/7 resources, it might be wise to stick to core market hours for most trades and avoid being pulled into the constant stream of after-hours news and price changes. The extra hours might create opportunities, but they can just as easily amplify risks—so trading discipline will be more important than ever.
Ultimately, while this 22-hour window opens up possibilities, it’s essential to weigh the costs and stay grounded in a clear strategy to avoid unnecessary overtrading.