$Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation(688981)$
Based on multiple technical indicators, SMIC currently faces strong resistance at 26.8. If it breaks through this level, the next target is around 28.8, while short-term key support lies at 24.4. If it falls below 24.4, the next support level will be 23.3.
Some investors believe SMIC's recent capital increase is favorable for its stock price, suggesting holding the stock could be a viable strategy. For those optimistic about SMIC, consider bull contracts with a knock-out price below the support level of 24.4. For instance:
- UBS Bull 54428: Knock-out price at 24, leverage of 8.61x.
- UBS Bull 55471: Knock-out price at 24, leverage of 4.87x (slightly less aggressive).
For bearish investors, bear contracts with knock-out prices around 33 may be of interest, such as:
- UBS Bear 57542: Knock-out price at 33, leverage of 4.53x.
- SocGen Bear 54530: Knock-out price at 34, leverage of 3.76x (slightly further out).