$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ if you see someone bashing AMC. WE ALREADY WON. THEY ARE DOING EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO GET US TO SELL... How many other stocks to you see bashers on other then GME and AMC. I think its so funny. The entire world knows what's going on and how naked shorts, dark pools and CITADEL CONNECT are cheating the general public / retailers and how they have been doing it over the past 13 to 14 years since the 08 crash. How the SEC has had a blind eye to it because of politics, Why the Media is Lying about everything because the Hedge Fund companies own 90% of the MEDIA. BUT THEY'VE BEEN CAUGHT!!! The world now knows, Germany, China, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, etc.. etc.. APES ALL OVER THE WORLD ARE HERE TO STAY!!! You guys keep on shilling and we'll keep on buying more... Hope you own some AMC / GME TO THE MOON BABY... Oooga$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$