I got in heavy with 290 shares lol! Glad i did,nt buy when the IPO first came out !I enjoy checking out the stocks after they drop like a rock and seeing if they are worth what they value them to be and at its initial offering the valuation seemed fair but i sit and wait and watch and don't get in on the Hype ! This is about the bottom of the barrel for this stock so i can smell the bottom ,Now is the time to start buying just as Morgan Stanley did with it,s 50 million shares ! Whether its 50 million or a measly 290 shares we will ne making money ,The company is too large to be reinvented now and will get over this hurdle and business will be as usual ,I say this stock will be around $49 to $high 50,s by this time next year !$DiDi Global Inc.(DIDI)$