Still accumulating under 10usd for longer term investment shares.
have a strategy and discipline. I consider BB speculative and agggressive and place it in that investment bucket. I believe their position in Cyber security and IoT is promising because AI and automation is the future but keeping your EV or train or anything connected to the internet is massively risky. I support Chen's restructure focus and am impressed with how he's positioned BB. The fundamentals in the Cyber security division have held BB down but I'm personally convinced they're going in a positive direction and we'll see revenue growth and synergy soon.
buy low sell high. you could argue I'm early here and should wait on the quarterly report. not my style....i do my own analysis of the analyst reports, look at what they may be missing with a goal of being in or long before analyst upgrades.
good luck. just know your risk tolerance, know your investment, and stick to your convictions based on facts not fear or emotions.$BlackBerry(BB)$