$(ATER)$ Not to offend anyone I am both an $(AMC)$ and $(GME)$ ape but, I truly believe $(ATER)$ is the play of the decade! ATER is the GME OF 2021/ GME 2.0 even though I still believe AMC or GME haven't even fully squeezed yet! so considering basic company fundamentals and how solid it is they're an E-Commerce and Ai value play so with no squeeze this should really be a $50 to $100 stock. With a squeeze this is will be bigger than GME considering how low the float is $200 or even $800 is not too far out the realm if we really hold and squeeze those fuckers till they bleed we can do it. ???been holding AMC since $5 I am an xx, xxx holder and haven't sold one share of AMC or GME. ATER $100 soon. With that being said I LIKE THE STOCK ??.