We now have all $TSLA detail to complete our China volume table.
66% of the 22.1K difference between $TSLA 3Q production (365.9K) and delivs (343.8K) can be explained by China:
- 3Q diff between China production and delivs 9.1K (increased inventory)
- Sept China exports 5.5K
Normally during the 3rd mo of the qtr, there are almost no China exports - production fills local sales (in Mar and June, exports were <1K).
We expect 4Q China delivs (130K) and production (255K) to be records. Our $TSLA 4Q delivs are 430K. Our FY’22 delivs 1,340K (+43% YoY). $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
Source: https://twitter.com/garyblack00/status/1580086163599085568?s=46&t=EQU0Qt8OhjKWlhRaOCA1GQ