I beg to differ why situation has not been improving. But it will! Chip slump is imho cause by bb organizations trying to take opportunities of the market conditions due to trade wars, human wars and who have the louder voices n lotta cash..here shorties and bb organizations trying to exploit market on the poor sentiment. Have we ever stop relying on semiconductors chips for the last 2, 3 to 4 decades ? NO! Computers, data centres, super computer, quantum computers, nano computers technology, space tech, mobile technology 1g to 5g to future 10g n who knows what.., etc, etc...You tell me these advancement dont requires massive and advanced semiconductors chips and development? Answer is too obvious. There is no sunset business for this chip industry as of now and long future. Human want progression, and more better products... It is an evergreen industry that will boister many other industries success that rely on its progression and advancement. Without the chip industry natural progression, are we going to live in the future world like in steam age or stone age? Today chip industry price slump are mainly human related, relationships vis a vis countries, rare minerals materials control, n IP control, countries manipulation that dont want another country to be more powerful than them... until a day when trade wars between big states are less intense, human becomes more humane, den can we see advancement of this industry... my humble though. no need to comments rite or wrong. jus penning down while drinking. dont know what i am writing also. hahaha. Cheers!
To all brothers n sisters who read my post, wish all of u earn big big and huat until shiok shiok ok! HOHA... Heng, Ong, Huat Ar!