Portfolio design is very important. Everyone starts with an investing portfolio. As you getbetter and more confident, you should also open a trading portfolio.
For investment portfolio following sub sections must be considered:
Based on time:
Short term, mid term, long term
Based on stock market cap:
Small cap, mid cap, large cap
Based on returns:
Dividend, growth, value
All above must be factored into the portfoliodesign
Also percentages of each will depend on risk profile, eg 60% large cap, 25% mid cap, 15% small cap may work for some but not for others
It is necessary to rebalance and review the portfolio atleast every quarter.
Once the basic investment portfolio is established then the trading portfolio can be established
Again this could be from stocks by swing trading or options.
A lot of thought should be put into portfolio design to find what works for each individual. You should also consider geographical diversity.