Living from paycheck to paycheck. Living pure on credit. Pay off your old credit debt with another creditcard with a much higher balance sheet and so on and so on! That makes
absolutely no sence! Sooner or later you pay the bill! The Debt of the US Government 341Trillion is so high that They can't effort themselves starting paying back, why not? The Financial System would collapse and the USA economy would faling over the cliff.
More deficit, building up as much deficit as the System can Carry on his back. There's no way back as long as The System collapsesput herself. Biden Will also put the financial creditcrunch forwards, put it on the plate of the next president candidate.
Discipline is the solution. Discipline.
Spending less. Stop spending money Wich n you don't OWN!!!
The crisis from the US government may be the biggest negative factor.
What is the Discipline we mentioned here?
Yes it would be the time we need to save more money.