A lot of “ in theory”. In my post but here it goes. 1 billion shares outstanding after ape and amc combine. If they meet in middle in price, combined share should trade at $2.50. Then rev 10/1 split gives a $25 share. Then they are allowed to issue 400 million new shares. They are burning $1 billion per year and have $600 million in cash, plus 5 billion in debt. If they are lucky they could issue 16 million shares to get $400 million dollars to get to EOY. that’s not a lot and won’t crater SP. nice round numbers means 50 million shares at $20 per share = $1 billion. So how much of the 400 million shares does AA issue to pay b debt down and get operating cash after court case? The more they issue the further the SP craters. $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$