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$PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ Took a buy-write trade on PDD as a swap for a losing trade on another stock ... not thinking it was gonna rocket the next several days, but eventually come back up over time. Was prepared for a long swing trade.Well, thank you China !!! Sped up the process quite a bit. Just wish we would have loaded more on PDD (as well as taken positions in JD and BABA). Shoulda would coulda ... hindsight is 20/20.Please now go to 140 and give us a problem of having to decide what to do with the 130cc position. Fill that earnings gap! Chinese stocks for the win
$Intel(INTC)$ INTC gets nearly $30 billion in CHIPS money plus additional money from states, and their market cap drops by about $75 billion. Where do the money go??If the govt is going to give away money, shouldn't it give it to well-run companies that are likely to succeed, and not to companies where it effectively incents failure?
09-26 23:30
$Micron Technology(MU)$ Hah! With all stocks in our portfolio, they are all high conviction holdings from my perspective.With regard to MU, I articulated in detail when I was accumulating MU the specific financial metrics that made me find MU an extremely compelling buy under $90. I think my point, notwithstanding my generalized universal verbiage, is that MU is not as much of a bargain as it was last week. But still worth owning at its current price.
09-26 22:15
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ I consider this a flat year for revenue and earnings, with acceleration happening next year, and believe that is the Wall Street consensus. I expect the primary issues for analysts will be the pace of the new factories and the potential for a new cheaper model. To the extent TSLA may miss expectations, Elon is pretty good at dangling some new prospect that excites the market. Moreover, it does appear to be the technicals and not fundamentals that are and have generally moved this equity for years, so why should we expect other influences to dominate in a month or two?
09-25 23:08
$Visa(V)$ I have owned "V" since its IPO way back in 2008. Never sold a share. If it were not for the continual "plethora" number of lawsuits over the years from our own and other governments of the world Visa most likely would be around $350 right now. So disgusting.
09-25 21:40
$GameStop(GME)$ I hadn't realized the extent to which GME had improved its Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow. The Equity Valuation going forward will depend upon how they utilize their cash and how much additional capital they raise over time and at what prices.. IMHO this move may be sustainable and is far, far from over. I buy into the case for a near-term (12 - 18 months) double or triple and an eventual 10 - 25X or more. I am not prone to exaggeration or to allocating more than 10% to even my largest positions. I expect GME to be a significant contributor to Barometer's returns if Cohen/GME makes solid decisions over the next few years.
$Micron Technology(MU)$ Micron is a volatile stock however, my feeling is they will forecast strong growth with artificial intelligence. Demand still very strong and I believe cell phone demand will come out of its weak performance of a couple of years to become stronger this year. So I expect micron to be about 100 before the end of the year.
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ Once we breach the 200ma on the DAILY chart permanently we'll run up to $6.27 zone and then next up is $7.09 zone. Us retail traders {especially the swing traders,scalpers} really can't move a stock ,its the whales ,and the whales have been loading up since Aug 12th ,everything else is just regular every day ALGO noise while the whales scoop up shares on every dip..
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ NIO's stock price has been doing its best kamikaze impression lately, diving and swooping like it's auditioning for an action movie. With over 55% of shares in the hands of retail investors, it's like a rollercoaster ride where everyone's holding on for dear life, screaming, "Patience is the key!" Just remember, folks, even the wildest rides eventually come to a smooth stop—hopefully with a nice view of green pastures ahead!
$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ 1999 all over again. Too many IPO's in recent years and many have not lived up to expectations. Many will fail over the next 18 months, some will be acquired for pennies on the $$. Highly overvalued, i.e. PLTR, may fetch $13 after it's sitting at $10. Insiders see that and are cashing out now. As much as they can within SEC trading guidelines..
$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ In contrast, I sold my Nvda $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ share. DOJ antitrust case with the delay in NVda chip designs causes them to be losers for the forthcoming future. They can no longer continue with the same rotten deals as Intel $Intel(INTC)$ was made pay AMD almost 400 million in compensation after 10 years intelin courts. The DOJ antitrust case will bring 5-10 billion NVDA money right into AMD lunch money. And the same repeats; AMD ate Intel, and AMD will eat Nvda.
$Apple(AAPL)$ how does one give weightage to a company when it's not even worth it..that would not be fair...hence apple gets none ...go check it's last 2 year history...maybe vanguard needs to get real and not keep hiding behind the bush...everyone knows vangaued investment in apple is worthless ..hence no vanguard in portfolio...
$Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ Wouldn't be something if META repeated what happened from January 2022 through October 2022. I don't think there'd ever be another opportunity like that, but it sure would be nice. The economy would have to test a recession for that to happen, but nowadays, you just never know.GL longs.
$ulta beauty(ULTA)$ All great investors make mistakes. I think Buffett just made one with ULTA. He should've stayed with AAPL $Apple(AAPL)$ ... My guess is he'll take his losses in ULTA and run for the door - like he did with his investment in Exxon a few years ago. His ULTA investment, like his Exxon investment, also does not make any sense.
$SUPER MICRO COMPUTER INC(SMCI)$ What is the good news about SMCI. It is amazing that the people like Hindenberg get away crashing stock by their so called research based on a disgruntled employee and make money by shorting the stock - Is that legal? Did SMCi showed or opened their books to Hindenburg - so irresponsible. Then why do we have SEC for?
$Lululemon Athletica(LULU)$ Recently expanding very fast.Earnings beat. EPS 3.15 as compared to estimated 2.95.2 million shares repurchased.Highly Undervalued.It will be $300 before the end of September.Time to buy is now.Congratulations for who bought the deep.
$Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ TSMC remains the world's largest and most advanced contract semiconductor manufacturer, supplying chips for industry leaders such as Apple $Apple(AAPL)$ , Nvidia $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ , AMD $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ , and Qualcomm. Its technological edge, particularly in leading-edge nodes like 3nm and 5nm, positions it to continue dominating the high-performance chip market. As demand for semiconductors continues to grow across industries like AI, automotive, and 5G, TSMC's market leadership is a strong tailwind.
$CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.(CRWD)$ Correct....but right now they will be focused on PR campaign and keeping their good name.They can't go into the conf call acting like nothing happened or give the companies like delta any ammunition (as they are waging their own PR campaign) but hopefully they have had enough time towork with those contracts that are renewing and have been able to address any concerns or take a slight discount from those impacted....and put this thing behind them.
$Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ Recall that Fred indicated they would be shutting down at certain periods throughout the year as they convert to immersion at Garden City. They are also upgrading to the latest S21s at other sites and are on track to reach their 50 EH/s goal by year end.
$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ I see PLTR as a future Northrop Grumman (NOC), value-wise. Data is only getting cheaper to store and power (and now analyze), and overhead costs will stabilize as they scale up. PLTR could have a very healthy cash surplus for many years to come. They seem unstoppable.

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