$Castor Maritime, Inc.(CTRM)$we held from February from 1 to 0.7 and stablised it there before the issue. Are you just going to throw it to the drain Or wait for next report where it's definitely better, no company buys 125M worth of shares when they know it's falling.
$Castor Maritime, Inc.(CTRM)$Report shows they are operating steadily. Net sales doubled in last 3mth and operations expense increased 40%, The ships are paying itself and for the next 8 ships. If 6 ships can pay for 14 ships I wonder what can 14 ships do ?
$Castor Maritime, Inc.(CTRM)$we see alot of people holding from 0.9 all the way to 1.54 . Why ? Cause this company has value and future , report is just not out to prove it but they already are faster than other companies to get they money moving muscles. they just started a few years, ship companies run forever.