@TigerEvents:Happy Birthday to TIGER!!! This year, we have prepared a time machine to go on an adventure with you. Come and find surprising gifts as we stroll down memory lane!There are so many wonderful little stories in our Tiger Quest. Collect as many coins as you can in the game, these will be your basic points of this game. Apart from one mini-game mission for SG/AU/NZ, the games will be open every week, and there are endless treasures waiting for you to discover. Points can be redeemed for multiple rewards, and you can win a share of up to USD 200,000 worth of prizes! Want to win extra points? Check out these mini-games, try them, stay with us and be PAWSITIVE!Remember to collect the cards and spell out "T.I.G.E.R" during your journey for a chance to receive the limited edition 8th Anniversary Gi
@MHh:I don't think he will just pay the board $0, effectively what he means is he will fire them!After accepting to be part of the board and then rejecting seems to suggest that they are unable to work together or have different thoughts on how to take the company forward. He might just fire them in the name of being able to implement the changes necessary 'to unlock the potential' of Twitter. The next question of what's next is tricky. Inrecent times, his behaviour is clearly one that invites controversy. In the name of free speech, his speech has not been consistent with his actions too. He has ranted much about the need for the ability to edit amongst other complaints. He also has slammed Twitter repeatedly about hindering free speech.There are many suggestions by him&nbs