If we are able to guide the problem child towards the right direction, the problem child could shine way brighter than the good child. In this case, it seems like light is starting to shine on the problem child. Foundry needed on US soils is a bright beam on Intel's Foundry. The foresight could pay off well.
Analyst Identifies ‘Problem Child’ of Intel Corporation’s (INTC) Business
Part 3 With regard to the Anti Trust laws, if TSMC invest under 20% into Intel, it can circumvent such a law. My point is there are many variable on the M&A structure, but more importantly, it is the Direction of the USA to save Intel and when the nation is behind the company, there is alot of hope. Lastly I would also like to point out that if the direction is for Intel to go through a M&A procedure, it will not make a lot of sense for any good CEO to join the company. It is like joining a company and preparing to be on the chopping board. The current interim CEO whom is also the CFO for Intel can do the job very well as that is more of the CFO’s job to oversee M&As. After the M&A is completed or finalised, the newly formed entity can hire a good CEO.
Tech Trader: Intel's Future Still Looks Murky. Don't Chase the Stock. -- Barron's
Part 2 Yes, this deal is at its early stage, but it is a very real deal and both TSMC and Broadcom have trusted sources acknowledged that they both separately are exploring into the possibilities of a M&A with Intel although it is in the initial stages. This shows that it is not rumours and the deal is in its making. Furthermore the United States Vice President did stated on the need for US based chip foundries. It does make logical sense that Intel a homegrown US company with US foundries will be positively targeted and protected. In addition reports from Singapore Business Times cited that the Executive Chairman of Intel is heading discussions on M&A for the boosting of shareholder’s value.
Tech Trader: Intel's Future Still Looks Murky. Don't Chase the Stock. -- Barron's
Part 1 My view on this report - It can be misleading with certain important points omitted. Further more the report is quite pessimistic. The reports from bloombergs previously stated that the White House will not support a foreign entity controlling Intel factories , however it also did mention that a Joint Venture between a foreign entity and local US semiconductor entities can be possible. With the 2 companies TSMC and Broadcom in the picture, it fits the above stated which makes the deal possible. There are many variables on how the structure will be like, but I am certain that it will be positive to the value of the shareholders.
Tech Trader: Intel's Future Still Looks Murky. Don't Chase the Stock. -- Barron's
Fortunately the JV will involve local American companies and TSMC. So it will not be operated by a foreign company. Please read the details of this news from Bloomberg. Reading this header does not explain the actual story but rather can be misleading.
Trump Administration Unlikely to Support Intel US Foundry Operated by Foreign Entity - White House Official