$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ has always been volatile, this won't change until fsd, bots, robotaxi become reality. There's also a lot of fud. It's hard to discern what's actually going on when in an era where mainstream media aren't trusted. Even financial outlets can put our contradicting articles at the same time. Their agenda may not coincide with us. For investors, ask is Tesla a good business, good financials, good leadership and management, what are it's moat? we need to learn to think critically, question our sacred cows, consider differing views seriously - basically stay humble and grounded, keep learning. Today isn't the same as yesterday and tomorrow is
OK built an empire based on his business acumen. But that wasn't enough. He took huge risks through highly leveraged positions to make more money more quickly. No matter how brilliant one can't 'beat' the market forever. Black swan events do happen. Once the losses started he chose to double down and the fraud started. If he had come clean earlier, situation could have been saved. In history of trade and commodity trading, this is a familiar story except for the scale for which ok lim stands out.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ the level of innovation in Tesla is grossly underrated. Long video, skip to 24 min mark if short of time. https://youtu.be/qtXXBIIjXq8?si=kiLbm6TSPOL55Tyh