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What to do in a bull market? 1. Raise more cash 2. Don't FOMO and join in because you would already be too late 3. Sit on the sidelines  4. Watch your positions and see if there is a need to trim anything  5. Research more on certain coy

Do you realise a difference? Whose telling the truth?

@Tiger_comments @Tigerbrokers @TigerStars @MillionaireTiger For those who invest or trade through tiger brokers, are you aware that some of the information provided does not tally with what comes out in company’s annual report? Just as an example, for those who invest in SGX stocks, you can double check this against any company annual report. Let’s use OCBC bank (O39) as an example. In their latest annual report 2022, under statistics of shareholders, ranked 2nd is Selat (Pte) Limited with 467,604,264 shares which accounts for 10.40% of total share count. If you double check the shareholder statistics for OCBC in the tiger app, you will find that Selat (Pte) Limited is reported to have 649.33 million shares which according to tiger translates to 14.45% of total share count. But hang on a m
Do you realise a difference? Whose telling the truth?
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@TigerEvents:【Game】Easter Egg Hunting with Tiger, Win Disney Shares and USD 120 Voucher

When there is volatility, make stability

Volatility can be your friend or foe. Looking into SG stocks give a sense of stability and assurance.It never hurts to fortify your portfolio with stable stocks that you can rely on. For example, the banks which make up majority of the pillar for the economy have mixed so far. OCBC the leader of the pax has delivered 3.27% gain as of this writing. UOB has dished out a -2.25% and DBS has given -1.83%. People tend to chase the shiny objects. When the share price goes up, they have the tendency to buy more and increase their holdings. Likewise can be said. When the share price goes down, they can’t stand the losses and therefore keep averaging down. But there is another group who patiently sit and wait for the prices to move to their buy or they go for the objects that people dislike or hate.
When there is volatility, make stability

Review of Q1 2023

Where do I begin? There is so much to share for 1st quarter of 2023. 1. Investment objectives During periods of uncertainty, it is always important to fall back to your basics. As for me, with cash lying around I could do 2 things: 1) put it in the bank and earn 2.5-3.5% per annum or put it in bank shares that yield max 5.5% dividend per year as of this writing. With these 2 options put side by side, I went on to buy bank shares. Learning the power of compounding (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128…131072, 262144,524288,1048576…) and studying some investors out there who have concentrated portfolio of less than 5 stocks, I went on to buy bank shares and compound it. Referencing to what Charlie Munger says “ I don’t care how you make it but you must make your first $100,000 and invest it”. With this in
Review of Q1 2023
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$  Where do I begin? There is so much to share for 1st quarter of 2023. 1. Investment objectives During periods of uncertainty, it is always important to fall back to your basics. As for me, with cash lying around I could do 2 things: 1) put it in the bank and earn 2.5-3.5% per annum or put it in bank shares that yield max 5.5% dividend per year as of this writing. With these 2 options put side by side, I went on to buy bank shares. Learning the power of compounding (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128…131072, 262144,524288,1048576…) and studying some investors out there who have concentrated portfolio of less than 5 stocks, I went on to buy bank shares and compound it. Referencing to what Charlie Munger says “ I don’t care how you make
$OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORP(O39.SI)$  If you see this in your portfolio, would you panic?Or would you celebrate? Comment down below!
$OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORP(O39.SI)$  Would you panice if you see your holding value continue to drop given that you know that you are buying into a good company that is strong?

Why dividends are a safe haven during times of uncertainty?

Many times, dividends are overlooked when it comes to investing. People often chase growth and forget about dividends. But what if dividends can save you in uncertain periods and protect your portfolio, what would you do? Below I list a few reasons why investors should also add dividend stocks to their portfolios. 1. Dividend-paying companies have strong balance sheets and free cash flow statements. For the companies to pay dividends to their shareholders, they need to generate cash from somewhere in their day-to-day business operations. Only when the company has determined that they have a very sound and strong free cash flow, in which they have nowhere else to deploy the capital as of now will they distribute the extra to the shareholders in dividends. 2. Companies that pay out dividen
Why dividends are a safe haven during times of uncertainty?

What would you do in a market crash?

Market crashes are part and parcel of economic cycles. What should investors do to prepare for market crashes? Investors should first and foremost prepare cash on hand. What I mean by that is that they should prepare emergency funds. This would be amounts that are set aside for daily expenditure and necessities. Most people would say to set aside 3-6 months of cash but personally, I would recommend 9-12 months of emergency funds. This is because when a market crashes, no one knows how long and deep it would take for the market to recover. From history, we can learn that the worst market crash was back in 1929, the great depression, where the time taken for the market to recover was 25 years. For investors who still want to invest into the markets, expect that whatever investment that you
What would you do in a market crash?

To invest or not to invest in 2023?

Should we invest or not in 2023?” This is one burning question that is tugging at the hearts of some investors. With the markets in a turmoil, what are investors supposed to do? Should they time the market? Should they Dollar-Cost Average (DCA)? Should they wait out till recovery when the bull run comes back? Let us dive into it. time the market? Should an investor time the market? It has been proven time and time again that it is almost impossible to keep catching the market bottom. Usually when the market bottom has passed would the investor then know that the market bottom is already gone. Timing the market is incredibly hard as it would take precise entry points on where to expect the market to bottom, the precise turning points on where the markets will recover. Even if an investor c
To invest or not to invest in 2023?

Where to invest in 2023?

It is the start of a new chapter in the markets with the ushering of the new year 2023. The past year has surely been a roller coaster for everyone in the markets. With the beginning of 2023, the question investors ask would be “where do I invest my money in 2023?” This question can be easily broken down into many sections but only a few would be covered here. Broad ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) Broad ETFs are said to be the go to point where investors seek coverage if they do not know which stocks to put their money in. Broad ETFs give the investor a diversified base meaning that they would not have to worry about each individual stock they choose. Typically in such situations or environments that we are in, broad ETFs like those that track the S&P 500 usually do well compared to cherr
Where to invest in 2023?

What will shine during a market correction or recession?

2022 has been a crazy year for everyone. There is the Russia-Ukraine war causing supply chain problems, the US having to raise interest rates to the highest point in the last 100 years to fight the out of control inflation, then there is also the coronavirus that is never ending. With so many problems happening, investors are being overwhelmed on what things they should do. One thing that would come back, that has been ignored for the last 2 years, would be that of value or simply put it investing in value companies. Investors would start to turn their eyes back to investing with value, something that they may have forgotten over the past 2 years, as they were chasing the trends. The question would be “Why would investing with value come back into play?” There are a few reasons why it wou
What will shine during a market correction or recession?
Amazing read!
@Kenny77:2023 Opportunities

How to invest in a market correction or recession?

Market corrections and recessions allow investors to take a hard look at their portfolios. They make investors rethink about their holdings and if they need to change anything. The good investors like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, are legendary investors who know what to do in certain times of chaos. Here are some of the points that they have done or may do in such uncertain times. 1. Removing holdings that they have little conviction over If there is one thing that must be reiterated during such uncertain times, that is to remove holdings that the investor has no longer any conviction over, the company is continuing to burn massive amounts of cash and are currently still not profitable at all or that the company has changed and pivoted to another area. Holdings that are burning
How to invest in a market correction or recession?

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