Buffett himself said that intrinsic value will differ since it has a judgement component. Judgement is developed thru experience. Also there is a circle of competent that differs. The outcome varies.In addition, humility is rare in investors. Smart people have tendency to delude themselves better. Berk also has an advantage that we don't have. Insurance float. That amps up Berkshire's performance. It is rare to have that combination of skills and setup.
EV space will heat up. Buy companies that benefit from this space instead of EV? Commodities might be a big beneficiary. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/01/from-the-f-150-lightning-to-the-cybertruck-11-hot-evs-coming-in-2022.html
Late 1990 and 2000 was the explosion of the internet. like Cisco, Sun, Yahoo were leaders. A lot of other eye balls only companies were created. No profit. Just eye balls. The theory was grab eye balls. Worry later. Cisco powers the internet backbone. Cisco valuation was high. Cisco today? Scott Mcnealy, then CEO of Sun, said people arebuying Sun at 10x price to sale. He couldn’t understand. Yahoo got beaten by google. A startup that camelater.
The 'Big Short' guy and star stock picker Cathie Wood are feuding — here's why
More importantly, US will resist a shutdown. Thatis a boost for stock price. In addition, this give more impetus for the infrastructure bill to be pushed through.