$PayPal(PYPL)$ Harvested this in 8 days... not a lot of upside but a profit nonetheless. Though I personally think PayPal will still be bullish, I feel the upside might just be a few more percent in the next couple of months... I'm more comfortable to take a quick profit first; money in the pocket is ready to make more money on other investments! So here we go... we live to fight another day! Maybe one of the China stocks if they tumble low enough!
$GROWN UP GROUP(01842)$The ability to issue convertible bonds seem to indicate the company has fulfilled certain criteria to do so, ie fundamentals are still sound and not a fly-by-night?
$GROWN UP GROUP(01842)$Annual report was released on 28 April 2022, can be found under filings. Seems to have made 75x more earnings than 2021, and EPS is 53x more. Explosive results. Can only bode well for this stock?
This is great - high income folks should get taxed more, it's necessary and fairer than GST increases that may affect livelihoods of the lowest income folks.