Grand Moff
Grand Moff
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Probability banishes all evil for free and by the power of eternal mathematical truth. Diversify portfolios with numbers but also type of stock. While it is almost impossible to achieve anti-correlation with risk assets, one can statistically reduce the overall correlation by investing in different kinds of stocks (industry, country, market cap etc). Individual investors will often have the advantage over institutions by being able to construct truly idiosyncratic portfolios of diverse companies.
Will tycoon ever return?
Tomorrow tomorrow, must it be so tomorrow?
After the tycoon I will not know what to do with myself
aoon, the curtain draws to a close
It neareth the end of the game
now it is time for- end game
The sun is shining and the tiger is in the field
A tiger tycoon day, ere the sun rises!
A good weekend to everybody
A wondeful experience daily
Let us game this day
A tiger tycoon a day keeps the creditor away
A prosperous second day of the year
The game will play you!
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For the benefit of the planet I play the game
avatarGrand Moff
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ My top 3 of 2023 The New Economics (Steve Keen): One of the few edges retail investors can gain is to have a better economic frame. Not only can this assist macro positioning -.through correctly understanding the monetary plumbing, but also assesing real world firm dynamics (not the neo-classical abstractions that never occur in reality).  How the world really works (Vaclav Smil): it is good to be reminded that finance sits on top of real physical processes; in particular that energy is the core of all human activities. As Keynes said, our real limitation is not money but what we can actually do.  10x is easier than 2x (Dan Hardy): Bigger and more unrealistic goals are better for us: they excite us more, fill
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Feel the game in your heart
avatarGrand Moff
Lets play the game again
avatarGrand Moff
the game is a work of art

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