Stevie G
Stevie G
No personal profile
Almost exactly a year ago I started watching Broadcom when it was still at$720 and going up 10% every day. I bought 4 call options with weekly expiration of 9days. The trade was initially worth $4,400 , by next morning they were worth $34,k. The next trading day was a tuesday they opened at $850 and went to $903 within 40 min. $closed the call options for value of $74,000us and immediately bought $72,000kworth of $810 puts, a special order was created but by next morning they were worth $3.5mill US or $5.4 million AUS. It was then that I woke up with the realisation that it was all a dream as I had closed the trade on the Fri due to my wife telling me that I never make any money trading options and it was wasting our money. It still gives me goosebumps

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