I am working on my edge over 0tde Option on Demo Account.

Going forward.

Ever since come to know my Guru, 0dte is my main training only. Technical analysis is my only topic with $SPX and $DJX. Yup, still working on demo account with paper trade. Half year have passes with paper trade, you can't imagine who much account I have blowed. Still working on it. Happy new year, guys!
Going forward.

Demo Account Weekly Challenges

Week 1 finalized. This week was a great day to learn, although every week are great, yet this week meant a lot for me.  9 to 5 is a choice, so does learning a new thing. Let's enjoy while we still alive.
Demo Account Weekly Challenges

Demo Account Weekly Challenges

Option 0DTE with SPX. Week 1 Day 2. Today I did 10 trades and it ends with 1k++ plus recovered yesterday losses.  The candle on 22:42 SPX helped to recovered Hugh chunk money from yesterday. Trading 0DTE keeps telling my why should I trade ONLY with them. Market keep hurdle the herds to slaughter them. Understand that, you will not read any investment books, which mainly "promoted" by Wall Street. Common, there are lots of space here to print. Stop wishfull thinking anymore. Keep trying Demo Account to gauge myself. 
Demo Account Weekly Challenges

Demo Account Weekly Challenges with SPX Option 0DTE

Week 1 Day 1.  Account blowed on 1st day. Mistakes made on wrong timing with DCA, trade with Hopiam and against trend and lastly extended time trading. This morning study my mistakes. These still hang with me, been blowed many real money with same issues. Lesson must be learn here. Take profit, stay Green and keep me time after two hrs (max) trading. 
Demo Account Weekly Challenges with SPX Option 0DTE

Demo Account Weekly Challenges on $SPX Option 0DTE

I am starting a Demo Account Weekly Challenges on $SPX Option 0DTE.Rules: 2hr trade hours, 10k starting Capital. Daily trades and progress will be recorded here. The beginning of this challenge with follow.
Demo Account Weekly Challenges on $SPX Option 0DTE

The beauty of Technical Analysis

No turning back now. Bull and Bear we printed!
The beauty of Technical Analysis

I don't follow news around, but I follow candle movement

Ever since I came to know my Guruji, I don't bull nor bear anymore. Since following him from a year ago, Option with 0DTE is my only choice. I just follow the movement on candle. And my hypothesis is getting better. 
I don't follow news around, but I follow candle movement

Option 0DTE is....

The fast way to go.... Which way? Depends. Trading 0DTE is like looking a life circle of a life form, there are lots of ups and downs but with mins. Every candle counts. Engage positions with proper setup. Close position fast with whatever the market gave you. Others might made huge money, THAT'S DOESN'T MATTER AT ALL, cause it should not matter at all to you. Everyone only concern with theironey. He made millions, not my concern. Same trade I made 100 buck, I can buy my wife a happy dinner, that's my happyness.  Demo account guy like talk crap. Of cause, but yet, I am gauging my edge.
Option 0DTE is....

Bigger account or what?

I have been following Guruji over a year with Options on 0DTE. Bigger account has the strength as well as weaknesses too, if, I don't have the right skill. "Let's jumping into" isn't the right way to trade. Guruji has shown me bigger account too will not help if proper mentally/education isn't there. Been taking serious with Demo Account from Tiger platform for about 3 months. Getting more experience with it. Thank you Tiger trading platform for that.  Recording my progress here to gauge my journey ON 0DTE OPTION trade. 
Bigger account or what?

The whole economy are very shaky yet the stock market are very bullish.

Fish only where the fish are. Financial market is where the money is. Forex is another thing I suppose. Once I came to know about Option, I am not looking back. Call me delusional, or what so ever? I like expanding my comfort zone, and so I do hope for you. Being true to yourself is the way of life. Happy finding your meaning in life, cheers~
The whole economy are very shaky yet the stock market are very bullish.

do you?

For sure we will make money from market, so, how sure are you? Demo account to gauge myself with trading. Set Capital, target, time frame, Cut Loss, Profit Taking, charts and indicators testing ect. Been blowing many accounts with total over millions with Demo Account. Do you still think need to just start trading right away? I am 4months in Demo trading, still learning. Be patient and stay humble.
do you?

Make more mistakes and start from there, learn.

This isn't my worst trade, not once or twice. I did worst than this by how? Does matter to me. Keep making mistakes to learn a better self. Thank you Demo Account to experience for those success and mistake. By so, I learn to gauge better.
Make more mistakes and start from there, learn.

A battalion lost is my bad.

Today tactic suffer due to bad decision making on DCA. Had a chance to break even yet holding hope and suffer huge. Hold position on opposite side on Option is like frog bbathing on hot tub.  Gauge myself with Demo account. Last two day was great, Today yuaks... Need to keep head clean while trading 0TDE
A battalion lost is my bad.

Option Trader, $SPX or $SPY?

Been trying to understand the difference between these from fees charged on us. Trading large contract, with $SPY lead to high fees to pay. That's it. 
Option Trader, $SPX or $SPY?

Stock Investor and Daily Option Trader, which are you?

Been learning Option for about 1.5years. Keep opening my eyes in option trading. Stock Investor and Daily Option Trader are two different game player, respect that. Different ball game, different mind game. Today I started with 5k into $SPY call since market open up. Max out at 1st 3mins and market going down south, got burn out by hold hope. Then 10 o'clock DCA another 5k. Still market heading south.... Market started turning at 10:43.By 11 o'clock I DCA again 5k. Sold my holding at 11:53. I was still down 6k on 1st DCA. Market turn around and I managed to turn GREEN. Yes, on Demo Account still I am gauging my skill. Yesterday ideology doesn't applied today, YET, I managed to learn how to DCA. How you might ask. Bigger account (duh...). BEST still I have met great guru to l
Stock Investor and Daily Option Trader, which are you?

0tde Option with Demo Account

5k Capital to gauge my skill. Today made 5 trades close with all Green. Today market playing small circle. Hold contract with short periods. And only One counter at a time. 
0tde Option with Demo Account
social media kept telling to sale before the rate cut, yet....  So, who to trust? Man, understand the "logic" of building my account, then you sure learn. By the way, my account aka market maker's account (MM) are built by taking from your account. When herd heading one direction, then everything just by all means. 
@Daniel813:bull or bear?

Which does you fed often?

Last three trading day I blowed account BIG time. But lucky, those amount were in Demo Account. Review my trades and keep a journal. Why, why and why? I got carried away so easily. That's why I always keep a journal here. Ya, which does you fed often? Your trade account or EGO? read that again and again. Small % profit on 0TDE are worth more than holding hope on "market are going up/down." I don't simply follow what's on the social media, lots of bias I would say. Happy trading on FOMC day. Four time the option premium today. Market going to move. Which way? I couldn't care much course call or put I can print either way. 
Which does you fed often?

Long term investment?

What does  that means to you? Hold stock for long period of time will not be my idea of investing in stock. Been trying  to learn from around with many resources. Grandpa Buffet and Munger ideas of long term investment were different from the social media, do  you know that? They want to own the companies without getting involved, leave the management run their shows. But the social media "Long term investment" idea are to toss you around for their own fun, that I am sure. Please understand their idea behind the back. Sorry, if I offended you, yet I am not sorry. Hahaha All I care is my skill got sharpen and take money from the MM aka Market Maker. Happy Green daily, bro~
Long term investment?

what is your idea holding period?

1st thing first, what do you expect from your investment portfolio and how long does the cycle needed? Spend time to learn about yourself. Everyone has their unique way of life, respect that. I am OPTION learner with 0TDE. Every trade  try below 30mins (lesser the better) is my target for now. Few % and I am happy with that. Every time I want to get a bigger crunch, I lost limb or got cut in my pocket. Learn from mistakes from Demo Account. The purpose of trading is..... Man Green and happy time with love one and family, right?  Total holding period >40mins. Today I managed to add new tools in my squad. 
what is your idea holding period?

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