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How about finding out why the retail business is struggling. You e 4bn to spend. Why not transform the retail stores to be like gaming hubs with comfy chairs, sick bandwidth the games that people can earn money from? Or just a great place to hang out. Invite other retailers to play. Nintendo. Starbucks. Educate gamers on being the best, coaching, technique maybe?? Winding up the business means you've not given it a real chance of being a profitable going concern
Is GameStop the Next Berkshire Hathaway? Here Are 3 Ways the Company Could Spend Its $4 Billion Cash Pile
Saying whether any stock will rise or fall is based ultimatey on speculation. Theychave the innovation and their collaboration not only in GPUs but also in the language/ dev side of AI, means that they can ensure longevity of rheir products and services. Partnering with Microsoft and Google is a smart move. Their hardware are in datacenters worldwide, making their ability to scale up even more efficient and certain. Reckon it might surpass 1100$ and moght even hot 1200$ before the stock split. Lets see how this plays out…
@themonkey:Predicting specific stock prices, such as whether Nvidia (NVDA) will hit $1100 before a potential stock split, is inherently uncertain and involves many variables. Here are some factors to consider: ### Key Factors Influencing Nvidia's Stock Price 1. **Market Conditions**: Overall stock market trends, particularly in the technology sector, will play a significant role. A bullish market could push Nvidia's stock higher. 2. **Company Performance**: Nvidia's financial performance, including revenue growth, profit margins, and market share in key areas like GPUs, AI, and data centers, will be crucial. 3. **Product Innovations**: Continued innovation and successful product launches can boost investor confidence and drive the stock price up. 4. **Industry Trends**: The demand for GPUs, AI appl

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