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You thought Chinese tech/communication services would rise just because the calendar changed to 2024? $$ is first spinning off its legs, arms, and later fingers and toes to be independent public traded companies, but much weaker companies. It is a completely wrong and stupid approach. Don’t understand why the management of JD are so hungry of turn its assets into cash.Looking at truly strong companies, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, etc…, they are not spinning off their iphone business, ipad business, mac business, pay business, Amazon shipping, Amazon cloud, microsoft office into different companies to lose the synergy of a large company.


$Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ completely wild to me.Insiders and funds are continuously cutting millions of dollars worth of shares but coin is constantly up large percentages every day. There’s no significant large purchase blocks on tape.

BABA'S Divergences in the foreseeable future.!

- Ever probable, applicable & else absolute.!1/ Unless WW 3 starts, we start 1929 recession, geopolitical issues arise and we totally stop rhythming with the past + 40 years or so of historic data since 1992-2023 we are having a major trough a "Generational" one.2/ With a risk down of (-3%)-(-7%) from this week till April of 2024 .!3/ I am using SPX/SSEC'S MACD highest reading, represented here with Blue lines.!4/ 8 signals out there since 1992 .!5/ The move is between +39% up to +300% with in 15 weeks or 129 Days.!6/ We should have a major trough with in 15 weeks or 129 Days.7/ This signal only happens roughly every 5 years or so!8/ 2024-2025 is an interesting 2 years for theSSE Composite.9/Or this is irrelevant & this whole idea is simply wrong!
BABA'S Divergences in the foreseeable future.!

What happened to AMD???

$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ Boy this is beyond bad $34 coming. The pumping that went on all weekend wasted.What happened???! This is crazy for us shareholders. I think it could be NVDAs AI taking away so many shareholders. This is painful to see. I’m out! Selling everything at a lost to buy NVDA. I will make up my losses from AMD over there. Su needs to do more otherwise NVDA will finish us off. Errrrr….
What happened to AMD???
$Mullen Automotive(MULN)$ Deliveries by end of March that a good estimate time if he want to just give false promises I think he could say something else but he was very precise with the time .Go mullen!

more owners

$Grab Holdings(GRAB)$ Look at these 13F's.$Uber(UBER)$ already owns $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$ stock.535.9 million shares$Toyota(TM)$ owns 222.9 million shares as well.Maybe 'we' should own more shares. iLike the average down here in the 3'
more owners

Dominos effect

Tech companies are increasing their prices…its just Dominos effect..Recent example$GitLab, Inc.(GTLB)$ and many other companies.
Dominos effect


$Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance(ULTA)$ With so many drag queen story hours this thing should do well. 4 for 1 split will be announced. Buying Coty will help next year.


$fuboTV Inc.(FUBO)$ FUBO will settle at $1.80 and die there for years to come. This company is/was a Ponzi scheme for insiders to make money. Retail investors were scammed and short sellers from large Inst. investors made the most money. I only have 500 shares at $4.50, that will just sit there, most likely for life. I plan on putting a GTC sell limit at $4.50, just incase there is a short squeeze out of nowhere. But I doubt that will ever happen now.FUBO is just another example of how corrupt the stock market really is and is a play pen for evil politicians and mutual funds to profit off of small, retail investors..Netflix should buy them and re-negotiate carriage deals given over 200M customer base. They would be able t
Biggest threat to a marriage: social media. My youngest kid was playing a game on my wife’s iPad and asked me to help him download a new game. I noticed she had recently downloaded FB and FB messenger app on it. Curiosity got the best of me and I opened her FB messenger and perused all of her convos. Mostly old chatter between friends…. BUT.. I saw one interaction between her and a guy she briefly dated for a few weeks before we met. But their conversation took place a year ago. We’ve been married for 11 years so it was odd she still was in communication with him. I opened it and was pretty upset what I saw. He had reached out to her on her birthday, but instead of writing on her wall a quick HBD, he felt it appropriate to send her a direct message wishing her a HBD. She responde
We paid too much for Slack. It's an awesome asset but not at "any cost." It's going to take a couple of years to digest the cost and we're heading into a Macro environment that won't pay 100+ PE. $$
Don't forget dividend was increased by 75% along with the split. gloves are in such demand that they have more orders then the can make for the. next 2 years. they are adding 1000 workers and more production lines and bought a smaller company to company to try and keep up. what does that mean? more profit. healthcare isn't the only people buying gloves. mechanics, lawn care, staining, food services etc. all need them. look long term not month to month. there are always dips here and there when people sell to take profit. $TOP GLOVE CORPORATION BHD(BVA.SI)$
NVDA World needs chips and graphic cards holiday is here most the computers i see have some type of nividia card in it. The car chip , bitcoin mining. Merge with arm not over. I will laugh when shorts get caught with a little positive news and boom over 320 on its way. Make sure you sets your limits one positive story and lol.Good LuckSTOCKSTER^ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$
a fun fact these 40 trucks cost $250k each to build, and were sold for around $88k. They've already lost $6.5m selling these trucks. Now they have to pay for transport, labor, parts, outside consultants to help them design something that works, etc. It can be very expensive. When Workhorse "recalled" all the first generation trucks. The warranty expense was almost the entire sales price.$Workhorse(WKHS)$

JUST BUY when the breakaway gap gets filled!

$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ Say, SoFi bulls, don't freak out if this fills the gap below @ 15.31 - 15.61, within the next week or two. Might be a breakaway gap that never gets filled but if it does, it likely would be a good buy as it could reverse right back up. We all know the LT trend is up. PT by eoy is $30 & in 12-15 months or Sept 2022 to Dec 31, 2022 is $45 - $50.Just buy the dip and hold!GLTA
JUST BUY when the breakaway gap gets filled!
Let’s drop it another 3-5% tomorrow and get this correction over with! I’ve got cash to burn and want a big fat discount to burn it on$Vanguard S&P 500 ETF(VOO)$

This is what targeted groups do

$Aterian Inc.(ATER)$ This is what targeted groups do to these stocks as they make money in both directions. They'll buy low, pump it to a certain point, and then all short it right back down. Watch, when it is on the way up you'll see all of the normal pumpers. When it is declining, they'll blame it on day traders as they tell you to hold.$Aterian Inc.(ATER)$
This is what targeted groups do

AMC is in the 2nd corrective wave of Wave 1

AMC is in the 2nd corrective wave of Wave 1. I believe third wave will begin around the $40 Mark. Right now Amc is on leg C of the ABC .$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
AMC is in the 2nd corrective wave of Wave 1

Minimum $4000 by the end of the year!!

If they announce a split on earnings MY GOD I will throw everything on this! Could see it happening a split needed to join the Dow Jones! Minimum $4000 by the end of the year could see this popping off soon! $$
Minimum $4000 by the end of the year!!

There will never be a short squeeze in this stock

$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ This is the safest stock to short in current market for the following reasons: constant dilution almost every quarter(It added 370m shares just in one year), low non-retailer ownership of less than 30%, a huge pools of shares outstanding, very high market cap with only <$1 revenue per shares.There will never be a short squeeze in this stock with unlimited supply of shares available.
There will never be a short squeeze in this stock

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