Ethan Ooi

    • Ethan OoiEthan Ooi
      Straddle and Strangle

      Watch OUT! Get Straddle and Strangle for earnings season.

      Hey friends, a new earnings season is coming. Options are very popular to used to bet earnings. When people start to trade options, they always buy call or buy put option unilaterally. After that, some beginners realize that the odds of winning is not high forunilateral trading, some people start to make option strategies of straddle and strangle. A straddle which a call and put with the same strike price and expiration date is bought. Usually these options are near ATM. A strangle refers to a call and a put option on distinct strikes, with the same expiration. Usually these options are OTM. If bo
      Watch OUT! Get Straddle and Strangle for earnings season.
    • Ethan OoiEthan Ooi
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      我想談談$特斯拉(TSLA)$,其實馬斯克是個很聰明的商人,他能把電動車的優點發揮到極致,比如續航里程,造車成本控制,充電樁建設,市場判斷,我覺得他比任何一個基金經理或者CEO都要實在。他明白高定價的汽油車遲早要進入博物館,受政府節能減排歡迎的電動車纔是真正的未來趨勢,而且中國纔是未來電動汽車的主要市場,因爲美國人均汽車保有量已經飽和,每個美國人都人手一臺車,而人都有慣性,既然有汽油車何必換電動車,而且還有中國政府支持和補貼,馬斯克還故意把model 3價格降到補貼線,跟國產電動車競爭,這傻子都看得出來馬斯克想幹嗎。 你要相信電動車未來不只是生產電動車,與特斯拉競爭的還有NIO和Nikola, 對於馬斯克來說$蔚來(NIO)$ 是他在入侵中國電車市場必須除掉的一個威脅,NIO自己也知道自己對特斯拉來說很重要,所以NIO寧願賣一輛虧一輛也要填充市場份額,你看看NIO的財報,毛利率依然沒有得到改善,生產車的成本還是抵不過賣車的收入,每年還要求爺爺告奶奶找公司融資,錢基本不夠他燒,他唯一比特斯拉好的地方就是電池能更換,但說句實話誰買一輛車希望自己天天換電池,車本來就是耐用品。過去翻蓋手機流行時,電池都是可拆卸的,人們都喜歡帶配用電池,但隨着電池科技發展,電池蓄電量越來越大,智能手機也就不必設計成可拆卸電池了。 電車行業也是這個趨勢,馬斯克天天都在琢磨怎麼改進技術把電池續航提高,你對比以往的model S和現在的model S,你便會發現電池續航里程有很大突破。照這樣下去,NIO遲早得完蛋,而且NIO的創始人也不是像馬斯克一樣特別對技術專研,你從他簡單粗
    • Ethan OoiEthan Ooi
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      Ready To The Moon? TSM 2022 Outlook

      Two Goldman analysts wrote in a report on Sunday that they expect TSMC's revenue to grow 26.1% this year and raised their target price to NT $1,035 from NT $1,028.The new target implies a 68% upside room from it's Dec. 30 closing price. As a result,TSM rose 6.77% to $128.44 on Jan. 4. What shocked us most is that TSM is getting a nice boost today alongside heavy trading even without any news surrounding the company today.The stock is now trading at $133.4,investors who bullish TSM are ready to the moon. To better understand TSM's 2022, we can analyze it from the following three dimensions: 1.Chip's strong demand will continue in 2022. TSM achieved 24.6% growth in 2021 and this strong growth is likely to continue in 2022, its CEO confirmed on the 21Q3 earnings call: We are entering a perio
      Ready To The Moon? TSM 2022 Outlook
    • Ethan OoiEthan Ooi
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      Demystifying Options Part 2

      This is part 2 of Demystifying Options... If you are not familiar with options, I would suggest reading my first post: Demystifying Options Part 1. A short recap on the types of options available... There are 2 types of options - Put option and Call option. You can buy and sell both of them. This post will be discussing about SELLING put options. I noticed that some authors are not clear about the terms in their postings. They would say they are buying options when in fact they are selling options and if you follow them blindly, it could be a costly mistake. There is a BIG difference between SELLING options and BUYING options. It is very important that you understand what you are doing before you execute the trade, otherwise it is almost guaranteed that you will lose money. Sellin
      Demystifying Options Part 2
    • Ethan OoiEthan Ooi
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      1 Jan 2021: Update on Alibaba

      My youtube channel: Do support and subscribe to my channel if you like my analysis! Thanks!!! Alibaba is a very well-known company, which global investors have long bought into its story. But if you have been reading my articles, you would know that I have been saying that Alibaba's Jack Ma has "stepped" onto the wrong foots by challenging central authorities. Nevertheless, the recent episode, which I mentioned that Jack Ma's reappearance may mark the bottom of Hang Seng Tech index. It was then in a short period later that I find this thesis wrong as the crackdown of Chinese tech companies have given a chance to shortsellers and US in their battle between US and China. Now the battle between US and China will determine how Hang S
      1 Jan 2021: Update on Alibaba
    • Ethan OoiEthan Ooi
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      Beginners' Guide To Call Options (Part 3 of 3) | How Do Buyers Profit From Call Options?

      Original video was posted on The Joyful Investors' YouTube Channel ( the previous part of this Beginners' Guide To Call Options series👨‍🏫, we explained why the value of call options fluctuate in the financial markets. In the last part of this series, we will be sharing with you why some buyers buy call options instead of the underlying stocks. We will also take a step further to explore why buyers of call options usually do not exercise the call option.Disclaimer: The video is solely an educational series on how call options work from the buyers' perspective for beginners to understand better about options. This does not constitute as a recommendation or endorsement of any particular options strategy.
      Beginners' Guide To Call Options (Part 3 of 3) | How Do Buyers Profit From Call Options?
    • Ethan OoiEthan Ooi
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      Beginners' Guide To Call Options (Part 2 of 3) | Why Does The Value Of A Call Option Change?

      Original video was posted on The Joyful Investors' YouTube Channel ( in the 1st part of this Beginners' Guide To Call Options series👨‍🏫, we shared about an analogy of Jerry using the concept of call option to purchase his dream house? The value of the call option he bought stays constant throughout, but this is not the case for the call options in the financial markets. In the 2nd part of this series, we will be sharing with you why the value of call options in the financial markets fluctuate.
      Beginners' Guide To Call Options (Part 2 of 3) | Why Does The Value Of A Call Option Change?
    • Ethan OoiEthan Ooi
      Expecting strong rebound for $Alibaba(BABA)$in 2022!

      🔥[Dec.31]Trading plans that you can't miss from Tiger users

      Hi,Tigers! Welcome to our official column:Daily Discussion! Here you can share your trading ideas, your opinions on market trends,the stocks you like(bullish on)or dislike(bearish on),and your investment performances,etc.. If you leave your thoughts in the comment area, you may receive Tiger Coinsas reward which can be used at Gift Center! Below are Today's Key Takeaways. Good luck with your investing! Feel free to comment & share your ideas on the trading opportunities or the market trends!Bullish or bearish? Just tag the related ticker in the comment, and you stand a chance to win Tiger Coins! $AMD(AMD)$ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ $S&a
      🔥[Dec.31]Trading plans that you can't miss from Tiger users
    • Ethan OoiEthan Ooi
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      3 Unstoppable Stocks That Could Create Lasting Generational Wealth

      If you want to leave some stocks to your heirs, then you'll want to find companies like these that are poised to thrive for decades to come.
      3 Unstoppable Stocks That Could Create Lasting Generational Wealth
    • Ethan OoiEthan Ooi
      This lists are worth to watch on 

      These stocks are down at least 20% from 2021 highs, but Wall Street sees them gaining as much as 87% in 2022

      More than 90 large-cap stocks are down at least 20% from their 2021 highs, but analysts love many of
      These stocks are down at least 20% from 2021 highs, but Wall Street sees them gaining as much as 87% in 2022

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