ES2309 (E-mini S&P 500 - Sep 2023)
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S&P500 Futures Trade Idea

In today's analysis, I turn my attention to $E-mini S&P 500 - main 2312(ESmain)$, where an intriguing trade opportunity has emerged. The market has demonstrated remarkable resilience around the support range of 4491.75-4496.25, having tested this critical level three times without a break thus far. 1 Hour Chart The repeated successful tests of this support range indicate its robustness, and my opinion is that it now presents an attractive entry point for traders looking to capitalize on a potential bounce. The trade idea here is to go long at the current level, with the aim of anticipating a rebound that could retest the upper range between 4541 and 4536.50. This upper range represents a favorable target for potential gains. To safeguard t
S&P500 Futures Trade Idea