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@经济观察报:信心歸來 基金經理激辯這些投資機會
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基金經理激辯這些投資機會","htmlText":"經濟觀察報 記者 洪小棠 經歷過2022年的基金經理,註定不會忘記這一年。 正如銀華基金投資管理一部總監李曉星所言,“往往今年的經驗就是明年的教訓,今年的教訓就是明年的經驗。” 回首2022年,國內外形勢都處於複雜的局面,俄烏衝突、美聯儲加息、疫情從封控到放開等事件不斷攪動着A股市場。這一年,投資者們經歷了煤炭鋼鐵等低估值板塊的修復反彈,見證了食品飲料等消費行業的坎坷回落,撞上了科技板塊的接連震盪,同時也遇上了年尾的港股觸底上揚。 市場演繹下,無論主動投資的股混基金還是被動投資的指數基金,淨值均出現不同程度的下滑。2022年全年,整個公募市場權益基金平均收益率告負,平均收益率爲-16.9%。 新的一年拉開序幕,“受傷”的基金投資者們翹首以盼2023年能是個好行情,讓前兩年“折本”的基金收益重新回正。 後市怎麼走? 2023年,A股市場迎來“開門紅”,基金經理們的信心在增加,普遍認爲機會大於風險。“一夕輕雷落萬絲,霽光浮瓦碧參差。更無柳絮因風起,惟有葵花向日傾。”平安基金研究總監張曉泉用一首詩總結了自己對2023年宏觀經濟及A股趨勢的展望。 張曉泉認爲,疫情帶來的衝擊已經基本見底,國內經濟形勢最差的階段已經過去,在政策發力、經濟好轉的背景下,越往後系統性風險對股市的擾動越小。 李曉星也預計,2023年的GDP增速平穩,財政赤字率基本保持穩定略升,政府的支出以穩爲主,地產市場以防風險爲主,平臺經濟逐漸煥發活力,消費復甦可期。總體上來說,是以市場化的方式休養生息,消費拉動經濟逐步恢復,整體實現社會的高質量發展,同時兼顧安全。 摩根士丹利華鑫基金認爲,儘管短期經濟數據下滑,但展望值得樂觀,市場風險偏好有望顯著回升,2023年是一個業績和估值雙升的局面。年初的行情階段性偏向於高景氣方向的概率較高。一方面短期經濟數據仍然偏弱,經濟相關度大的行業可能缺乏業績催化,而高景氣方向","listText":"經濟觀察報 記者 洪小棠 經歷過2022年的基金經理,註定不會忘記這一年。 正如銀華基金投資管理一部總監李曉星所言,“往往今年的經驗就是明年的教訓,今年的教訓就是明年的經驗。” 回首2022年,國內外形勢都處於複雜的局面,俄烏衝突、美聯儲加息、疫情從封控到放開等事件不斷攪動着A股市場。這一年,投資者們經歷了煤炭鋼鐵等低估值板塊的修復反彈,見證了食品飲料等消費行業的坎坷回落,撞上了科技板塊的接連震盪,同時也遇上了年尾的港股觸底上揚。 市場演繹下,無論主動投資的股混基金還是被動投資的指數基金,淨值均出現不同程度的下滑。2022年全年,整個公募市場權益基金平均收益率告負,平均收益率爲-16.9%。 新的一年拉開序幕,“受傷”的基金投資者們翹首以盼2023年能是個好行情,讓前兩年“折本”的基金收益重新回正。 後市怎麼走? 2023年,A股市場迎來“開門紅”,基金經理們的信心在增加,普遍認爲機會大於風險。“一夕輕雷落萬絲,霽光浮瓦碧參差。更無柳絮因風起,惟有葵花向日傾。”平安基金研究總監張曉泉用一首詩總結了自己對2023年宏觀經濟及A股趨勢的展望。 張曉泉認爲,疫情帶來的衝擊已經基本見底,國內經濟形勢最差的階段已經過去,在政策發力、經濟好轉的背景下,越往後系統性風險對股市的擾動越小。 李曉星也預計,2023年的GDP增速平穩,財政赤字率基本保持穩定略升,政府的支出以穩爲主,地產市場以防風險爲主,平臺經濟逐漸煥發活力,消費復甦可期。總體上來說,是以市場化的方式休養生息,消費拉動經濟逐步恢復,整體實現社會的高質量發展,同時兼顧安全。 摩根士丹利華鑫基金認爲,儘管短期經濟數據下滑,但展望值得樂觀,市場風險偏好有望顯著回升,2023年是一個業績和估值雙升的局面。年初的行情階段性偏向於高景氣方向的概率較高。一方面短期經濟數據仍然偏弱,經濟相關度大的行業可能缺乏業績催化,而高景氣方向","text":"經濟觀察報 記者 洪小棠 經歷過2022年的基金經理,註定不會忘記這一年。 正如銀華基金投資管理一部總監李曉星所言,“往往今年的經驗就是明年的教訓,今年的教訓就是明年的經驗。” 回首2022年,國內外形勢都處於複雜的局面,俄烏衝突、美聯儲加息、疫情從封控到放開等事件不斷攪動着A股市場。這一年,投資者們經歷了煤炭鋼鐵等低估值板塊的修復反彈,見證了食品飲料等消費行業的坎坷回落,撞上了科技板塊的接連震盪,同時也遇上了年尾的港股觸底上揚。 市場演繹下,無論主動投資的股混基金還是被動投資的指數基金,淨值均出現不同程度的下滑。2022年全年,整個公募市場權益基金平均收益率告負,平均收益率爲-16.9%。 新的一年拉開序幕,“受傷”的基金投資者們翹首以盼2023年能是個好行情,讓前兩年“折本”的基金收益重新回正。 後市怎麼走? 2023年,A股市場迎來“開門紅”,基金經理們的信心在增加,普遍認爲機會大於風險。“一夕輕雷落萬絲,霽光浮瓦碧參差。更無柳絮因風起,惟有葵花向日傾。”平安基金研究總監張曉泉用一首詩總結了自己對2023年宏觀經濟及A股趨勢的展望。 張曉泉認爲,疫情帶來的衝擊已經基本見底,國內經濟形勢最差的階段已經過去,在政策發力、經濟好轉的背景下,越往後系統性風險對股市的擾動越小。 李曉星也預計,2023年的GDP增速平穩,財政赤字率基本保持穩定略升,政府的支出以穩爲主,地產市場以防風險爲主,平臺經濟逐漸煥發活力,消費復甦可期。總體上來說,是以市場化的方式休養生息,消費拉動經濟逐步恢復,整體實現社會的高質量發展,同時兼顧安全。 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12月30日,作爲國內首個跨年舉辦的A級車展,2022年廣州車展在倉促中拉開了帷幕。 與往年相比,今年的廣州車展由於疫情影響、籌備時間短,且在完全超乎大衆預料之下,猝不及防的到來,參展企業、重磅新車以及展館人氣都略顯熱度不高。 但無論如何,作爲2022年唯一的A級車展,廣州車展能夠成功舉辦都是難能可貴和值得肯定的。在很多業內人士看來,這是一場具有“承上啓下”作用的車展,既是對2022年的告別,也是對2023年美好開始的預熱,對於提振市場信心有着重要的意義。 豪華、合資品牌加速電動化 雖然2022廣州車展從“延期舉辦”到“恢復舉辦”之間的過程略顯倉促,也打亂了一些參展企業推廣自己新產品的計劃和節奏,但這屆廣州車展上還是有一些重磅車型值得看。 據廣州國際汽車展覽會(下稱“廣州國際車展”)組委會對外公佈的信息顯示,今年有超78個汽車品牌參展,首發車型超20款。 其中,那些代表着未來前瞻技術和設計趨勢的概念車,因其酷炫的造型成爲各大展臺上的一大亮點。 作爲奧迪A6 e-tron純電家族的第二款概念車型,A6 Avant e-tron概念車在本屆車展上首發。新車是基於奧迪A6 Sportback e-tron概念車所進化的旅行車版本,也是由奧迪最新的PPE純電動平臺打造,有望於2023年率先在海外正式上市並銷售,後續將進入國內市場。 同時,奧迪也在此次廣州車展上發佈上市了首款純電 GT 跑車奧迪RS e-tron GT,售價146.88萬元。作爲奧迪e-tron GT車型的高性能版本,奧迪RS e-tron GT採用前後雙電機,0-100km/h加速時間僅爲3.3秒。 廣汽本田也亮相了其Honda e:N 品牌第二款產品,代表着量產方向的e:N2 Concept概念車,該車也是基於“e:N Architect","listText":"雖然延期了一個多月,但2022年的廣州車展還是來了。 12月30日,作爲國內首個跨年舉辦的A級車展,2022年廣州車展在倉促中拉開了帷幕。 與往年相比,今年的廣州車展由於疫情影響、籌備時間短,且在完全超乎大衆預料之下,猝不及防的到來,參展企業、重磅新車以及展館人氣都略顯熱度不高。 但無論如何,作爲2022年唯一的A級車展,廣州車展能夠成功舉辦都是難能可貴和值得肯定的。在很多業內人士看來,這是一場具有“承上啓下”作用的車展,既是對2022年的告別,也是對2023年美好開始的預熱,對於提振市場信心有着重要的意義。 豪華、合資品牌加速電動化 雖然2022廣州車展從“延期舉辦”到“恢復舉辦”之間的過程略顯倉促,也打亂了一些參展企業推廣自己新產品的計劃和節奏,但這屆廣州車展上還是有一些重磅車型值得看。 據廣州國際汽車展覽會(下稱“廣州國際車展”)組委會對外公佈的信息顯示,今年有超78個汽車品牌參展,首發車型超20款。 其中,那些代表着未來前瞻技術和設計趨勢的概念車,因其酷炫的造型成爲各大展臺上的一大亮點。 作爲奧迪A6 e-tron純電家族的第二款概念車型,A6 Avant e-tron概念車在本屆車展上首發。新車是基於奧迪A6 Sportback e-tron概念車所進化的旅行車版本,也是由奧迪最新的PPE純電動平臺打造,有望於2023年率先在海外正式上市並銷售,後續將進入國內市場。 同時,奧迪也在此次廣州車展上發佈上市了首款純電 GT 跑車奧迪RS e-tron GT,售價146.88萬元。作爲奧迪e-tron GT車型的高性能版本,奧迪RS e-tron GT採用前後雙電機,0-100km/h加速時間僅爲3.3秒。 廣汽本田也亮相了其Honda e:N 品牌第二款產品,代表着量產方向的e:N2 Concept概念車,該車也是基於“e:N Architect","text":"雖然延期了一個多月,但2022年的廣州車展還是來了。 12月30日,作爲國內首個跨年舉辦的A級車展,2022年廣州車展在倉促中拉開了帷幕。 與往年相比,今年的廣州車展由於疫情影響、籌備時間短,且在完全超乎大衆預料之下,猝不及防的到來,參展企業、重磅新車以及展館人氣都略顯熱度不高。 但無論如何,作爲2022年唯一的A級車展,廣州車展能夠成功舉辦都是難能可貴和值得肯定的。在很多業內人士看來,這是一場具有“承上啓下”作用的車展,既是對2022年的告別,也是對2023年美好開始的預熱,對於提振市場信心有着重要的意義。 豪華、合資品牌加速電動化 雖然2022廣州車展從“延期舉辦”到“恢復舉辦”之間的過程略顯倉促,也打亂了一些參展企業推廣自己新產品的計劃和節奏,但這屆廣州車展上還是有一些重磅車型值得看。 據廣州國際汽車展覽會(下稱“廣州國際車展”)組委會對外公佈的信息顯示,今年有超78個汽車品牌參展,首發車型超20款。 其中,那些代表着未來前瞻技術和設計趨勢的概念車,因其酷炫的造型成爲各大展臺上的一大亮點。 作爲奧迪A6 e-tron純電家族的第二款概念車型,A6 Avant e-tron概念車在本屆車展上首發。新車是基於奧迪A6 Sportback e-tron概念車所進化的旅行車版本,也是由奧迪最新的PPE純電動平臺打造,有望於2023年率先在海外正式上市並銷售,後續將進入國內市場。 同時,奧迪也在此次廣州車展上發佈上市了首款純電 GT 跑車奧迪RS e-tron GT,售價146.88萬元。作爲奧迪e-tron GT車型的高性能版本,奧迪RS e-tron GT採用前後雙電機,0-100km/h加速時間僅爲3.3秒。 廣汽本田也亮相了其Honda e:N 品牌第二款產品,代表着量產方向的e:N2 Concept概念車,該車也是基於“e:N 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值得一提的是,2019年,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,隨着產能的釋放,生豬業務在京基智農業務佔比大增成爲主要收入來源。而原本佔收入大頭的房地產業務,逐漸淡出。 生豬產能釋放,貢獻主要收入 2022年前三季度,京基智農的營業收入爲21.86億元,同比下降24.11%;淨利潤爲-4667.33萬元,同比下降112.4%。從營收結構來看,生豬養殖業務收入佔比接近67%,飼料業務收入佔比爲28%。 京基智農的前身爲深圳市康達爾(集團)股份有限公司(簡稱“康達爾”)。康達爾原本的業務是房地產開發和飼料生產。2019年完成重組後,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,不斷增加投入大力發展生豬養殖業務。到2022年,成效開始顯現。 今年前9個月,京基智農生豬銷售數量爲89.3萬頭,銷售收入累計14.62億元,佔營收比重66.88%。 從圖表可以看出,今年上半年生豬的售價較低,均價爲14.85元/kg,進入三季度後,價格開始回升。由於上半年生豬價格較低,京基智農豬業產品毛利率出現負值,爲-7.27%,也因此上半年持續虧損。第三季度豬價回升之後,公司纔出現盈利。 實際上,不止京基智農,上半年生豬養殖企業的毛利率大多爲負: 今年以前,京基智農的生豬銷售佔比極低。2019-2021年,京基智農豬業產品的收入分別爲4434.81萬元、756.99萬元和1.82億元,佔營收比重僅有0.9%、0.19%、5.64%。 從2019年開始,京基智","listText":"10月30日晚間,深圳市京基智農時代股份有限公司(000048.SZ,簡稱“京基智農”)發佈了三季度報告。報告顯示,2022年第三季度,京基智農營業收入爲10.91億元,同比增長255.03%;淨利潤1.38億元,同比增長221.69%,實現扭虧爲盈。不過,第三季度的盈利額度並不足以覆蓋上半年的虧損,公司前三季度依然維持虧損狀態,這也是公司2018年以來首次出現虧損。 值得一提的是,2019年,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,隨着產能的釋放,生豬業務在京基智農業務佔比大增成爲主要收入來源。而原本佔收入大頭的房地產業務,逐漸淡出。 生豬產能釋放,貢獻主要收入 2022年前三季度,京基智農的營業收入爲21.86億元,同比下降24.11%;淨利潤爲-4667.33萬元,同比下降112.4%。從營收結構來看,生豬養殖業務收入佔比接近67%,飼料業務收入佔比爲28%。 京基智農的前身爲深圳市康達爾(集團)股份有限公司(簡稱“康達爾”)。康達爾原本的業務是房地產開發和飼料生產。2019年完成重組後,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,不斷增加投入大力發展生豬養殖業務。到2022年,成效開始顯現。 今年前9個月,京基智農生豬銷售數量爲89.3萬頭,銷售收入累計14.62億元,佔營收比重66.88%。 從圖表可以看出,今年上半年生豬的售價較低,均價爲14.85元/kg,進入三季度後,價格開始回升。由於上半年生豬價格較低,京基智農豬業產品毛利率出現負值,爲-7.27%,也因此上半年持續虧損。第三季度豬價回升之後,公司纔出現盈利。 實際上,不止京基智農,上半年生豬養殖企業的毛利率大多爲負: 今年以前,京基智農的生豬銷售佔比極低。2019-2021年,京基智農豬業產品的收入分別爲4434.81萬元、756.99萬元和1.82億元,佔營收比重僅有0.9%、0.19%、5.64%。 從2019年開始,京基智","text":"10月30日晚間,深圳市京基智農時代股份有限公司(000048.SZ,簡稱“京基智農”)發佈了三季度報告。報告顯示,2022年第三季度,京基智農營業收入爲10.91億元,同比增長255.03%;淨利潤1.38億元,同比增長221.69%,實現扭虧爲盈。不過,第三季度的盈利額度並不足以覆蓋上半年的虧損,公司前三季度依然維持虧損狀態,這也是公司2018年以來首次出現虧損。 值得一提的是,2019年,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,隨着產能的釋放,生豬業務在京基智農業務佔比大增成爲主要收入來源。而原本佔收入大頭的房地產業務,逐漸淡出。 生豬產能釋放,貢獻主要收入 2022年前三季度,京基智農的營業收入爲21.86億元,同比下降24.11%;淨利潤爲-4667.33萬元,同比下降112.4%。從營收結構來看,生豬養殖業務收入佔比接近67%,飼料業務收入佔比爲28%。 京基智農的前身爲深圳市康達爾(集團)股份有限公司(簡稱“康達爾”)。康達爾原本的業務是房地產開發和飼料生產。2019年完成重組後,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,不斷增加投入大力發展生豬養殖業務。到2022年,成效開始顯現。 今年前9個月,京基智農生豬銷售數量爲89.3萬頭,銷售收入累計14.62億元,佔營收比重66.88%。 從圖表可以看出,今年上半年生豬的售價較低,均價爲14.85元/kg,進入三季度後,價格開始回升。由於上半年生豬價格較低,京基智農豬業產品毛利率出現負值,爲-7.27%,也因此上半年持續虧損。第三季度豬價回升之後,公司纔出現盈利。 實際上,不止京基智農,上半年生豬養殖企業的毛利率大多爲負: 今年以前,京基智農的生豬銷售佔比極低。2019-2021年,京基智農豬業產品的收入分別爲4434.81萬元、756.99萬元和1.82億元,佔營收比重僅有0.9%、0.19%、5.64%。 從2019年開始,京基智","images":[{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/0e8371eb8ad64e99b87a12c70bcf584e"},{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/16b754b4b5154b7e99f581b30441d54c"},{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/eff6ec09d30b4bb2aa745c5f9f0e4b0b"}],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":2,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/665630187","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":3,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1206,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9906487482,"gmtCreate":1659578664449,"gmtModify":1705981839454,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"[smile]","listText":"[smile]","text":"[smile]","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":3,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9906487482","repostId":"9906266738","repostType":1,"repost":{"id":9906266738,"gmtCreate":1659564776027,"gmtModify":1705981522391,"author":{"id":"3555237785078725","authorId":"3555237785078725","name":"许哲东","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/9061503cb3d4f9ac3d7d9de3f72b29ab","crmLevel":5,"crmLevelSwitch":1,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3555237785078725","authorIdStr":"3555237785078725"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"【中國外交部就佩洛西竄訪中國臺灣地區發表聲明】中華人民共和國外交部聲明8月2日,美國國會衆議長佩洛西不顧中方強烈反對和嚴正交涉,竄訪中國臺灣地區,嚴重違反一箇中國原則和中美三個聯合公報規定,嚴重衝擊中美關係政治基礎,嚴重侵犯中國主權和領土完整,嚴重破壞臺海和平穩定,向「臺獨」分裂勢力發出嚴重錯誤信號。中方對此堅決反對,嚴厲譴責,已向美方提出嚴正交涉和強烈抗議。世界上只有一箇中國,臺灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分,中華人民共和國政府是代表全中國的唯一合法政府。1971年聯大第2758號決議對此予以明確。1949年中華人民共和國成立以來,181個國家在一箇中國原則基礎上同中國建立外交關係。一箇中國原則是國際社會的普遍共識和國際關係基本準則。1979年,美方在中美建交公報中明確承諾,「美利堅合衆國承認中華人民共和國政府是中國的唯一合法政府。在此範圍內,美國人民將同臺灣人民保持文化、商務和其他非官方關係。」美國國會作爲美國政府的組成部分,理應嚴格遵守美國政府的一箇中國政策,不與中國臺灣地區進行任何官方往來。中方歷來反對美國國會議員竄訪中國臺灣地區,美國行政部門有責任予以阻止。佩洛西衆議長是現任美國國會領導人,她以任何形式任何理由赴臺活動,都是升級美臺官方交往的重大政治挑釁,中方絕不接受,中國人民絕不答應。臺灣問題是中美關係中最重要、最核心、最敏感的問題。當前,臺海局勢面臨新一輪緊張和嚴峻挑戰,根本原因是臺灣當局和美方不斷改變現狀。臺灣當局一再「倚美謀獨」,拒不承認「九二共識」,大搞「去中國化」,推行「漸進式臺獨」。而美方企圖搞「以臺製華」,不斷歪曲虛化掏空一箇中國原則,加強美臺官方往來,爲「臺獨」分裂活動撐腰打氣。這是十分危險的玩火行動,玩火者必**。中國政府和中國人民在臺灣問題上的立場一以貫之。堅決維護國家主權和領土完整是14億多中國人民的堅定意志,實現祖國完全統一是全體中華兒女的","listText":"【中國外交部就佩洛西竄訪中國臺灣地區發表聲明】中華人民共和國外交部聲明8月2日,美國國會衆議長佩洛西不顧中方強烈反對和嚴正交涉,竄訪中國臺灣地區,嚴重違反一箇中國原則和中美三個聯合公報規定,嚴重衝擊中美關係政治基礎,嚴重侵犯中國主權和領土完整,嚴重破壞臺海和平穩定,向「臺獨」分裂勢力發出嚴重錯誤信號。中方對此堅決反對,嚴厲譴責,已向美方提出嚴正交涉和強烈抗議。世界上只有一箇中國,臺灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分,中華人民共和國政府是代表全中國的唯一合法政府。1971年聯大第2758號決議對此予以明確。1949年中華人民共和國成立以來,181個國家在一箇中國原則基礎上同中國建立外交關係。一箇中國原則是國際社會的普遍共識和國際關係基本準則。1979年,美方在中美建交公報中明確承諾,「美利堅合衆國承認中華人民共和國政府是中國的唯一合法政府。在此範圍內,美國人民將同臺灣人民保持文化、商務和其他非官方關係。」美國國會作爲美國政府的組成部分,理應嚴格遵守美國政府的一箇中國政策,不與中國臺灣地區進行任何官方往來。中方歷來反對美國國會議員竄訪中國臺灣地區,美國行政部門有責任予以阻止。佩洛西衆議長是現任美國國會領導人,她以任何形式任何理由赴臺活動,都是升級美臺官方交往的重大政治挑釁,中方絕不接受,中國人民絕不答應。臺灣問題是中美關係中最重要、最核心、最敏感的問題。當前,臺海局勢面臨新一輪緊張和嚴峻挑戰,根本原因是臺灣當局和美方不斷改變現狀。臺灣當局一再「倚美謀獨」,拒不承認「九二共識」,大搞「去中國化」,推行「漸進式臺獨」。而美方企圖搞「以臺製華」,不斷歪曲虛化掏空一箇中國原則,加強美臺官方往來,爲「臺獨」分裂活動撐腰打氣。這是十分危險的玩火行動,玩火者必**。中國政府和中國人民在臺灣問題上的立場一以貫之。堅決維護國家主權和領土完整是14億多中國人民的堅定意志,實現祖國完全統一是全體中華兒女的","text":"【中國外交部就佩洛西竄訪中國臺灣地區發表聲明】中華人民共和國外交部聲明8月2日,美國國會衆議長佩洛西不顧中方強烈反對和嚴正交涉,竄訪中國臺灣地區,嚴重違反一箇中國原則和中美三個聯合公報規定,嚴重衝擊中美關係政治基礎,嚴重侵犯中國主權和領土完整,嚴重破壞臺海和平穩定,向「臺獨」分裂勢力發出嚴重錯誤信號。中方對此堅決反對,嚴厲譴責,已向美方提出嚴正交涉和強烈抗議。世界上只有一箇中國,臺灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分,中華人民共和國政府是代表全中國的唯一合法政府。1971年聯大第2758號決議對此予以明確。1949年中華人民共和國成立以來,181個國家在一箇中國原則基礎上同中國建立外交關係。一箇中國原則是國際社會的普遍共識和國際關係基本準則。1979年,美方在中美建交公報中明確承諾,「美利堅合衆國承認中華人民共和國政府是中國的唯一合法政府。在此範圍內,美國人民將同臺灣人民保持文化、商務和其他非官方關係。」美國國會作爲美國政府的組成部分,理應嚴格遵守美國政府的一箇中國政策,不與中國臺灣地區進行任何官方往來。中方歷來反對美國國會議員竄訪中國臺灣地區,美國行政部門有責任予以阻止。佩洛西衆議長是現任美國國會領導人,她以任何形式任何理由赴臺活動,都是升級美臺官方交往的重大政治挑釁,中方絕不接受,中國人民絕不答應。臺灣問題是中美關係中最重要、最核心、最敏感的問題。當前,臺海局勢面臨新一輪緊張和嚴峻挑戰,根本原因是臺灣當局和美方不斷改變現狀。臺灣當局一再「倚美謀獨」,拒不承認「九二共識」,大搞「去中國化」,推行「漸進式臺獨」。而美方企圖搞「以臺製華」,不斷歪曲虛化掏空一箇中國原則,加強美臺官方往來,爲「臺獨」分裂活動撐腰打氣。這是十分危險的玩火行動,玩火者必**。中國政府和中國人民在臺灣問題上的立場一以貫之。堅決維護國家主權和領土完整是14億多中國人民的堅定意志,實現祖國完全統一是全體中華兒女的","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":2,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9906266738","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1133,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9053118001,"gmtCreate":1654495701304,"gmtModify":1676535457554,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"[smile] 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controlled by ","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>BEIJING, June 6 (Reuters) - China's Ant Group, a financial technology (fintech) giant controlled by billionaire Jack Ma, on Monday said it has launched a digital wholesale bank incorporated in Singapore, dubbed ANEXT Bank.</p><p>ANEXT received approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to commence business on June 2, Ant and wholly owned ANEXT said in a joint statement.</p><p>The move marks one of Ant's biggest overseas pushes since its $37 billion initial public offering (IPO) was derailed by Chinese regulators in late 2020.</p><p>Ant obtained one of Singapore's first digital wholesale banking licences at the end of 2020 allowing it to serve large clients, including financial institutions and corporations.</p><p>Ant, roughly 33% owned by e-commerce leader Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, said ANEXT's focus was micro, small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those with cross-border operations.</p><p>"This marks yet another milestone in Singapore's digital bank development journey, a strategic effort to ensure the banking sector remains progressive, globally competitive and vibrant," said MAS Chief Fintech Officer Sopnendu Mohanty.</p><p>Technology firm Sea and a venture of ride-hailing and fintech firm Grab won "digital full bank" licences in 2020, allowing the Singaporean companies to directly take deposits and offer services locally to retail as well as corporate customers.</p><p>MAS has said it expects the pair to launch digital banks this year.</p><p>Helmed by banking veteran Toh Su Mei, ANEXT will develop an open framework for financial institutions in collaboration with Proxtera, a local entity initiated by MAS and Singapore's Infocomm Media Development Authority, the statement showed.</p><p>ANEXT Business Account will be available for SMEs from the third quarter this year, the companies said.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta 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Singapore\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1036604489\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Reuters </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-06-06 11:08</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>BEIJING, June 6 (Reuters) - China's Ant Group, a financial technology (fintech) giant controlled by billionaire Jack Ma, on Monday said it has launched a digital wholesale bank incorporated in Singapore, dubbed ANEXT Bank.</p><p>ANEXT received approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to commence business on June 2, Ant and wholly owned ANEXT said in a joint statement.</p><p>The move marks one of Ant's biggest overseas pushes since its $37 billion initial public offering (IPO) was derailed by Chinese regulators in late 2020.</p><p>Ant obtained one of Singapore's first digital wholesale banking licences at the end of 2020 allowing it to serve large clients, including financial institutions and corporations.</p><p>Ant, roughly 33% owned by e-commerce leader Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, said ANEXT's focus was micro, small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those with cross-border operations.</p><p>"This marks yet another milestone in Singapore's digital bank development journey, a strategic effort to ensure the banking sector remains progressive, globally competitive and vibrant," said MAS Chief Fintech Officer Sopnendu Mohanty.</p><p>Technology firm Sea and a venture of ride-hailing and fintech firm Grab won "digital full bank" licences in 2020, allowing the Singaporean companies to directly take deposits and offer services locally to retail as well as corporate customers.</p><p>MAS has said it expects the pair to launch digital banks this year.</p><p>Helmed by banking veteran Toh Su Mei, ANEXT will develop an open framework for financial institutions in collaboration with Proxtera, a local entity initiated by MAS and Singapore's Infocomm Media Development Authority, the statement showed.</p><p>ANEXT Business Account will be available for SMEs from the third quarter this year, the companies said.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"09988":"阿里巴巴-W","BABA":"阿里巴巴"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1123889705","content_text":"BEIJING, June 6 (Reuters) - China's Ant Group, a financial technology (fintech) giant controlled by billionaire Jack Ma, on Monday said it has launched a digital wholesale bank incorporated in Singapore, dubbed ANEXT Bank.ANEXT received approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to commence business on June 2, Ant and wholly owned ANEXT said in a joint statement.The move marks one of Ant's biggest overseas pushes since its $37 billion initial public offering (IPO) was derailed by Chinese regulators in late 2020.Ant obtained one of Singapore's first digital wholesale banking licences at the end of 2020 allowing it to serve large clients, including financial institutions and corporations.Ant, roughly 33% owned by e-commerce leader Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, said ANEXT's focus was micro, small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those with cross-border operations.\"This marks yet another milestone in Singapore's digital bank development journey, a strategic effort to ensure the banking sector remains progressive, globally competitive and vibrant,\" said MAS Chief Fintech Officer Sopnendu Mohanty.Technology firm Sea and a venture of ride-hailing and fintech firm Grab won \"digital full bank\" licences in 2020, allowing the Singaporean companies to directly take deposits and offer services locally to retail as well as corporate customers.MAS has said it expects the pair to launch digital banks this year.Helmed by banking veteran Toh Su Mei, ANEXT will develop an open framework for financial institutions in collaboration with Proxtera, a local entity initiated by MAS and Singapore's Infocomm Media Development Authority, the statement showed.ANEXT Business Account will be available for SMEs from the third quarter this year, the companies said.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1191,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9035549188,"gmtCreate":1647647258729,"gmtModify":1676534254237,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Ok","listText":"Ok","text":"Ok","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":8,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9035549188","repostId":"2220087367","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2220087367","kind":"highlight","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and 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to be held in the coming weeks, "will focus on steps Congress can take to maintain the free flow of goods and services and protect consumers from excessive pump prices."</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>U.S. Senate committee to hold hearing on oil price surge</title>\n<style 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07:18</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee said Friday it is inviting Exxon Mobil, BP America and Pioneer Natural Resources to testify at an upcoming hearing on the surge in petroleum prices.</p><p>Senate Commerce Committee chair Maria Cantwell said the hearing, titled "The Corrosive Effect of Elevated Petroleum Prices on American Commerce and Consumers" and to be held in the coming weeks, "will focus on steps Congress can take to maintain the free flow of goods and services and protect consumers from excessive pump prices."</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"BK4516":"特朗普概念","PXD":"先锋自然资源","BK4570":"地缘局势概念股","XOM":"埃克森美孚","BK4534":"瑞士信贷持仓","BK4201":"综合性石油与天然气企业","BK4213":"石油与天然气的勘探与生产","BK4550":"红杉资本持仓"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2220087367","content_text":"WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee said Friday it is inviting Exxon Mobil, BP America and Pioneer Natural Resources to testify at an upcoming hearing on the surge in petroleum prices.Senate Commerce Committee chair Maria Cantwell said the hearing, titled \"The Corrosive Effect of Elevated Petroleum Prices on American Commerce and Consumers\" and to be held in the coming weeks, \"will focus on steps Congress can take to maintain the free flow of goods and services and protect consumers from excessive pump prices.\"","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1548,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9035655953,"gmtCreate":1647591541126,"gmtModify":1676534248438,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Great ","listText":"Great ","text":"Great","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":8,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9035655953","repostId":"1130532398","repostType":2,"repost":{"id":"1130532398","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1647590694,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1130532398?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-03-18 16:04","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Over 90% of UP Fintech’s Q4 Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China, Achieving 119% of the Annual Target","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1130532398","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"UP Fintech Holding Limited (the “Company”, a NASDAQ-listed company under the ticker “TIGR”, and all ","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>UP Fintech Holding Limited (the “Company”, a NASDAQ-listed company under the ticker “TIGR”, and all of its subsidiaries and consolidated entities), a leading online brokerage firm focusing on global investors, today reported its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2021. Total revenue in the fourth quarter was US$62.2 million, and total revenue for the year 2021 reached US$264.5 million, a year-over-year increase of 91%. Non-GAAP net income was US$24.5 million.</p><p>At the end of 2021, customer accounts totaled 1.8 million, and the number of customers with deposits increased to 673,400. Furthermore, the company added 414,700 new funded accounts in 2021, more than all of its past annual funded account growth combined. In total, the company achieved 119% of its annual funded account growth target in 2021. During the fourth quarter, the company’s trading volume increased to US$85.9 billion, with total client assets reaching US$17.1 billion. The company’s annual trading volume totaled US$404.3 billion, 1.8 times that of the previous year.</p><p>Mr. Wu Tianhua, CEO and founder of UP Fintech commented, “In 2021, despite fluctuations in global financial markets and significant uncertainties, our focus on our internationalization strategy drove steady growth. In thefourth quarter, over 90% of new funded accounts came from international markets, with a large portion of the new funded accounts coming from Singapore. UP Fintech maintains leading market share in Singapore and the company's Singapore headquarters contributed to making the market as one of key growth drivers, both in the number of total accounts and newly acquired accounts. The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% year-over-year growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20 and above. In the year since we began to ramp up our self-clearing capabilities, we have made substantial progress and now self-clear over 80% of customers’ U.S. cash equities trades. Our firm’s capability to deploy proprietary technologies on our fintech platform demonstrates the contributions that Chinese innovation is making to the global brokerage industry. Our B2B businesses reached new milestones this year: as of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess ofHK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service. Overall, our company’s comprehensive enterprise services are gaining increasing recognition within the industry. In coming years, the company looks forward to entering new international markets and enabling a greater range of investors to allocate their assets globally on our innovative fintech platform.”</p><p><b>Over 90% of Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China as the Company Executes on its Global Expansion Strategy</b></p><p>Driven by strong growth in international markets,UP Fintechfurther expanded its client base. The company added 61,400 new funded accounts during the fourth quarter of which over 90% came from outside China. Furthermore, in 2021, the company added a total of 414,700 new funded accounts, achieving 119% of its annual target. In the fourth quarter, the company's trading volume was US$85.9 billion, client assets reached US$17.1 billion, commission income was up to US$29.9 million, and interest-related income increased to US$22.5 million.</p><p>At a time of global macroeconomic uncertainty, UP Fintechcontinues focus on its long-term expansion plans with a focus on improving the customer experience. To increase customer choice on its platform, the company recently added new functions such as bracket orders and a new display for analyzing diluted cost positions. The company also recently added an option screener and option list to better meet the needs of investors who trade options. In Australia,UP Fintechbegan to meet the needs of local investors by adding multi-dimensional analysis tools and real-time level 2 market data. Investors on the firm’s platform may view a rich range of financial metrics such as capital flow analysis and lists of corporate actions.</p><p>In addition,the company's wealth management business continued to attract more clients as the number of available investment products continued to rise. At the end of the fourth quarter, the company’s Fund Mall enabled another 661 funds for investors to choose from. As the selection of funds has increased, the number of customers investing in the Fund Mall increased by 377.5% year-over-year, and the AUM of the Fund Mall increased by 290.1% year-over-year. ForCash Plus, the company’s idle cash management product,the number of customers and their cumulative transfer value during the fourth quarter was nearly double that of the same period last year. The company also added HKD and SGD currencies to the Fund Mall to further meet customers global asset allocation needs.</p><p>The company offered 26 IPO subscriptions in Hong Kong and The U.S. during the fourth quarter, including several high-profile listings such as those of NetEase Cloud Music and Sense Time. For the full year 2021, the company in total offered 123 IPO subscriptions.The company is becoming one of the top platforms for retail investors to participate in new listings in Hong Kong; retail orders for larger listings such as those of Kuaishou and JD Logistics exceeded HK$10 billion. The company also assisted issuers in connecting with its investor base and highlighting their business performance by helping them hold online roadshows and broadcasting their earnings conference calls. During the year, the company held more than 60% of courses about high-quality Asian assets to investors.</p><p>The company continued to invest in key brokerage technologies to enhance its capability to manage securities trading from the front end to execution and clearing. Self-clearing has long been the purview of traditional banks, but the company continues to ramp up its capability to conduct self-clearing and by the end of the fourth quarter, over 80% of clients were having their U.S. cash equities trades self-cleared. As a result of the company’s investment in clearing technology, clearing costsdeclined quarter over quarter by 27.8%.</p><p>As part of its international expansion, the company continued to obtain new licenses and qualifications in multiple international jurisdictions. The firm now holds 50 licenses and qualifications across 37 categories in Hong Kong, Singapore, The U.S., New Zealand, and Australia. The company looks forward to using these licenses to further support its international expansion.</p><p>UP Fintechis also receiving growing recognition in international capital markets and in 2021 was selected for inclusion in the MSCI China All Shares Index and the MSCI China Small Cap Index.</p><p><b>The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% YoY growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20+</b></p><p>Since entering Singapore in February 2020,UP Fintechhas continued to consolidate its position in the local market. More than half of new funded accounts in the fourth quarter came from Singapore. According to App Annie, as of the end of 2021, as measured by the total number of accounts and downloads,UP Fintech’s flagship mobile trading App, Tiger Trade, led the online brokerage market in Singapore.The fourth quarter wasthe third consecutive quarter of over 100%year-over-yeargrowth in funded accounts in Singapore,and the numberof registered accounts now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20or above. In addition, approximately 30% of the new funded accountsin Singaporein the fourth quarter came from users over the age of 40, which demonstrates the firm’s trading platform appeals to a wide range of investors.</p><p>UP Fintech’s leading position in the Singapore market is due to its relentless focus on localization. In the fourth quarter, to better meet the needs of local clients, the company added a new module to allow easy display of Singapore companies listed in The U.S. market. The company also added new features such as industry classifications and sponsor data to assist customers learn more about local investment opportunities.</p><p>In the fourth quarter, the company offered customers in Singapore the opportunity to subscribe shares from two local issuers. The company also enabled institutional clients in Singapore the ability to participate in the global offerings of new issuers in Hong Kong, further increasing the ability of local investors to participate in China’s capital markets.</p><p>The AUM ofUP Fintech’swealth management business in Singapore increased by 186.5% while the number of customers increased by 223.9% quarter-over-quarter respectively. To increase the value proposition of Cash Plus in international markets, the company introduced lower thresholds for customers to invest their capital in Cash Plus. Local customers may now invest in Cash Plus with just 1 USD, 1 SGD, or 5 HKD and may transfer their funds in and out at any time. During the year, the company joined the Securities Association of Singapore and was honored that its subsidiary, Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., was officially admitted as a trading member of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited, and clearing member and depository agent of The Central Depository (Pte) Limited. The company is the first fintech enabled brokerage in the world to obtain such qualifications in Singapore. In November 2021, UP Fintech’s Singapore subsidiary was Named as "Asia's Most Innovative Company" by Fortune Times, a Singapore based business magazine, demonstrating the company’s innovative platform is gaining increasing recognition from local media.</p><p><b>The Cumulative Number of ESOP Clients at the End of 2021 was 2.5X Higher than the Year Before and Annual Enterprise Services Revenue Increased by 67%</b></p><p>Corporate services such as investment banking and ESOP have become a new driver of the company’s long-term growth. According to the company’s Q4 financial results, other revenues, which includes revenue from investment banking and ESOP, reached US$9.8 million in Q4, and annual revenue from this segment reached US$37.7 million, an increase of 67% from the prior year.</p><p>As of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess of HK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service.</p><p></p><p>During the fourth quarter, the company leveraged the strength of its innovative platform and comprehensive range of services to participate in the underwriting and distribution of 22 listings in The U.S. and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the company acted as an underwriter in the global offerings of NetEase Cloud Music, Sense Time, and Airdoc. For the listing of NetEase Cloud Music, the company was the sole online broker to participate in the global offering. In The U.S., the company leveraged its rich investment banking experience, licenses, and technical capabilities to serve as an underwriter for 15 U.S. IPOs. The 2021 IPO of Kuke Music was another notable milestone for the company; the company was the first online broker to serve as the lead underwriter in a U.S. IPO.</p><p>In the fourth quarter, the company’s investment bank continued to provide a rich range of services to next generation technology companies at multiple stages of their growth, from pre-IPO financial advisory to post listing capital markets services. In 2021, the company provided financial advisory services to over 30 companies. Finally, the company also assisted Canadian Solar conduct an ATM (At The Market) offering to raise additional capital to support the expansion of its green energy business.</p><p>With regards to the company’s ESOP business,UP Fintechadded 51 new clients during the quarter. Despite launching the business just over three years ago, the total number of clients served by the company’s ESOP system reached 313, an increase of 152.4% year-over-year. The company’s ESOP system has extensive capabilities that allow it serve clients listed in Hong Kong, The U.S., and China; the company’s ESOP system also serves a diverse range of pre-IPO clients.</p><p>As a global ESOP provider, the company offers comprehensive services for corporate ESOP management across multiple capital markets. In the fourth quarter, Tiger ESOP provided the pharmaceutical R&D company, Pharmaron, with equity incentive management solutions for both A+H share capital markets. At the same time,UP Fintechalso provided ESOP-related tax, foreign exchange, and other specialized services for Pharmaron’'s multinational employee base that includes British, American, and Chinese nationals. UP Fintech’s capability to provide ESOP and other ancillary services across multiple capital markets and nationalities is a testament to the sophistication of its ESOP system and ability to meet clients’ complex needs.</p><p>On the company’s vibrant social media community, The Tiger Community, 35 new corporations opened enterprise accounts in the fourth quarter, including seven internationally renowned fund companies, such as Fidelity International and Lion Global Investors. As more and more corporations open enterprise accounts in the Tiger Community, the company’s 9+ million user base is able to increase its interaction and understanding of the vast range of issuers and fund companies present in the community.</p><p>UP Fintech’s online community continues to build its position as a preferred investor relations & PR platform for next generation technology companies. The company recently assisted Xiaomi hold an online product launch, helped organize an online conference for Kuaishou, and held a listing anniversary for Dada Nexus. Corporates are drawn to enterprise accounts as they may employ innovative marketing materials, such as interactive graphics and livestreams, to directly connect with investors and customers.Many enterprise accounts have already received over one million views and the company looks forward to inviting more investors and corporates to participate in its online community.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Over 90% of UP Fintech’s Q4 Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China, Achieving 119% of the Annual Target</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nOver 90% of UP Fintech’s Q4 Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China, Achieving 119% of the Annual Target\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-03-18 16:04</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>UP Fintech Holding Limited (the “Company”, a NASDAQ-listed company under the ticker “TIGR”, and all of its subsidiaries and consolidated entities), a leading online brokerage firm focusing on global investors, today reported its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2021. Total revenue in the fourth quarter was US$62.2 million, and total revenue for the year 2021 reached US$264.5 million, a year-over-year increase of 91%. Non-GAAP net income was US$24.5 million.</p><p>At the end of 2021, customer accounts totaled 1.8 million, and the number of customers with deposits increased to 673,400. Furthermore, the company added 414,700 new funded accounts in 2021, more than all of its past annual funded account growth combined. In total, the company achieved 119% of its annual funded account growth target in 2021. During the fourth quarter, the company’s trading volume increased to US$85.9 billion, with total client assets reaching US$17.1 billion. The company’s annual trading volume totaled US$404.3 billion, 1.8 times that of the previous year.</p><p>Mr. Wu Tianhua, CEO and founder of UP Fintech commented, “In 2021, despite fluctuations in global financial markets and significant uncertainties, our focus on our internationalization strategy drove steady growth. In thefourth quarter, over 90% of new funded accounts came from international markets, with a large portion of the new funded accounts coming from Singapore. UP Fintech maintains leading market share in Singapore and the company's Singapore headquarters contributed to making the market as one of key growth drivers, both in the number of total accounts and newly acquired accounts. The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% year-over-year growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20 and above. In the year since we began to ramp up our self-clearing capabilities, we have made substantial progress and now self-clear over 80% of customers’ U.S. cash equities trades. Our firm’s capability to deploy proprietary technologies on our fintech platform demonstrates the contributions that Chinese innovation is making to the global brokerage industry. Our B2B businesses reached new milestones this year: as of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess ofHK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service. Overall, our company’s comprehensive enterprise services are gaining increasing recognition within the industry. In coming years, the company looks forward to entering new international markets and enabling a greater range of investors to allocate their assets globally on our innovative fintech platform.”</p><p><b>Over 90% of Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China as the Company Executes on its Global Expansion Strategy</b></p><p>Driven by strong growth in international markets,UP Fintechfurther expanded its client base. The company added 61,400 new funded accounts during the fourth quarter of which over 90% came from outside China. Furthermore, in 2021, the company added a total of 414,700 new funded accounts, achieving 119% of its annual target. In the fourth quarter, the company's trading volume was US$85.9 billion, client assets reached US$17.1 billion, commission income was up to US$29.9 million, and interest-related income increased to US$22.5 million.</p><p>At a time of global macroeconomic uncertainty, UP Fintechcontinues focus on its long-term expansion plans with a focus on improving the customer experience. To increase customer choice on its platform, the company recently added new functions such as bracket orders and a new display for analyzing diluted cost positions. The company also recently added an option screener and option list to better meet the needs of investors who trade options. In Australia,UP Fintechbegan to meet the needs of local investors by adding multi-dimensional analysis tools and real-time level 2 market data. Investors on the firm’s platform may view a rich range of financial metrics such as capital flow analysis and lists of corporate actions.</p><p>In addition,the company's wealth management business continued to attract more clients as the number of available investment products continued to rise. At the end of the fourth quarter, the company’s Fund Mall enabled another 661 funds for investors to choose from. As the selection of funds has increased, the number of customers investing in the Fund Mall increased by 377.5% year-over-year, and the AUM of the Fund Mall increased by 290.1% year-over-year. ForCash Plus, the company’s idle cash management product,the number of customers and their cumulative transfer value during the fourth quarter was nearly double that of the same period last year. The company also added HKD and SGD currencies to the Fund Mall to further meet customers global asset allocation needs.</p><p>The company offered 26 IPO subscriptions in Hong Kong and The U.S. during the fourth quarter, including several high-profile listings such as those of NetEase Cloud Music and Sense Time. For the full year 2021, the company in total offered 123 IPO subscriptions.The company is becoming one of the top platforms for retail investors to participate in new listings in Hong Kong; retail orders for larger listings such as those of Kuaishou and JD Logistics exceeded HK$10 billion. The company also assisted issuers in connecting with its investor base and highlighting their business performance by helping them hold online roadshows and broadcasting their earnings conference calls. During the year, the company held more than 60% of courses about high-quality Asian assets to investors.</p><p>The company continued to invest in key brokerage technologies to enhance its capability to manage securities trading from the front end to execution and clearing. Self-clearing has long been the purview of traditional banks, but the company continues to ramp up its capability to conduct self-clearing and by the end of the fourth quarter, over 80% of clients were having their U.S. cash equities trades self-cleared. As a result of the company’s investment in clearing technology, clearing costsdeclined quarter over quarter by 27.8%.</p><p>As part of its international expansion, the company continued to obtain new licenses and qualifications in multiple international jurisdictions. The firm now holds 50 licenses and qualifications across 37 categories in Hong Kong, Singapore, The U.S., New Zealand, and Australia. The company looks forward to using these licenses to further support its international expansion.</p><p>UP Fintechis also receiving growing recognition in international capital markets and in 2021 was selected for inclusion in the MSCI China All Shares Index and the MSCI China Small Cap Index.</p><p><b>The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% YoY growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20+</b></p><p>Since entering Singapore in February 2020,UP Fintechhas continued to consolidate its position in the local market. More than half of new funded accounts in the fourth quarter came from Singapore. According to App Annie, as of the end of 2021, as measured by the total number of accounts and downloads,UP Fintech’s flagship mobile trading App, Tiger Trade, led the online brokerage market in Singapore.The fourth quarter wasthe third consecutive quarter of over 100%year-over-yeargrowth in funded accounts in Singapore,and the numberof registered accounts now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20or above. In addition, approximately 30% of the new funded accountsin Singaporein the fourth quarter came from users over the age of 40, which demonstrates the firm’s trading platform appeals to a wide range of investors.</p><p>UP Fintech’s leading position in the Singapore market is due to its relentless focus on localization. In the fourth quarter, to better meet the needs of local clients, the company added a new module to allow easy display of Singapore companies listed in The U.S. market. The company also added new features such as industry classifications and sponsor data to assist customers learn more about local investment opportunities.</p><p>In the fourth quarter, the company offered customers in Singapore the opportunity to subscribe shares from two local issuers. The company also enabled institutional clients in Singapore the ability to participate in the global offerings of new issuers in Hong Kong, further increasing the ability of local investors to participate in China’s capital markets.</p><p>The AUM ofUP Fintech’swealth management business in Singapore increased by 186.5% while the number of customers increased by 223.9% quarter-over-quarter respectively. To increase the value proposition of Cash Plus in international markets, the company introduced lower thresholds for customers to invest their capital in Cash Plus. Local customers may now invest in Cash Plus with just 1 USD, 1 SGD, or 5 HKD and may transfer their funds in and out at any time. During the year, the company joined the Securities Association of Singapore and was honored that its subsidiary, Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., was officially admitted as a trading member of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited, and clearing member and depository agent of The Central Depository (Pte) Limited. The company is the first fintech enabled brokerage in the world to obtain such qualifications in Singapore. In November 2021, UP Fintech’s Singapore subsidiary was Named as "Asia's Most Innovative Company" by Fortune Times, a Singapore based business magazine, demonstrating the company’s innovative platform is gaining increasing recognition from local media.</p><p><b>The Cumulative Number of ESOP Clients at the End of 2021 was 2.5X Higher than the Year Before and Annual Enterprise Services Revenue Increased by 67%</b></p><p>Corporate services such as investment banking and ESOP have become a new driver of the company’s long-term growth. According to the company’s Q4 financial results, other revenues, which includes revenue from investment banking and ESOP, reached US$9.8 million in Q4, and annual revenue from this segment reached US$37.7 million, an increase of 67% from the prior year.</p><p>As of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess of HK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service.</p><p></p><p>During the fourth quarter, the company leveraged the strength of its innovative platform and comprehensive range of services to participate in the underwriting and distribution of 22 listings in The U.S. and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the company acted as an underwriter in the global offerings of NetEase Cloud Music, Sense Time, and Airdoc. For the listing of NetEase Cloud Music, the company was the sole online broker to participate in the global offering. In The U.S., the company leveraged its rich investment banking experience, licenses, and technical capabilities to serve as an underwriter for 15 U.S. IPOs. The 2021 IPO of Kuke Music was another notable milestone for the company; the company was the first online broker to serve as the lead underwriter in a U.S. IPO.</p><p>In the fourth quarter, the company’s investment bank continued to provide a rich range of services to next generation technology companies at multiple stages of their growth, from pre-IPO financial advisory to post listing capital markets services. In 2021, the company provided financial advisory services to over 30 companies. Finally, the company also assisted Canadian Solar conduct an ATM (At The Market) offering to raise additional capital to support the expansion of its green energy business.</p><p>With regards to the company’s ESOP business,UP Fintechadded 51 new clients during the quarter. Despite launching the business just over three years ago, the total number of clients served by the company’s ESOP system reached 313, an increase of 152.4% year-over-year. The company’s ESOP system has extensive capabilities that allow it serve clients listed in Hong Kong, The U.S., and China; the company’s ESOP system also serves a diverse range of pre-IPO clients.</p><p>As a global ESOP provider, the company offers comprehensive services for corporate ESOP management across multiple capital markets. In the fourth quarter, Tiger ESOP provided the pharmaceutical R&D company, Pharmaron, with equity incentive management solutions for both A+H share capital markets. At the same time,UP Fintechalso provided ESOP-related tax, foreign exchange, and other specialized services for Pharmaron’'s multinational employee base that includes British, American, and Chinese nationals. UP Fintech’s capability to provide ESOP and other ancillary services across multiple capital markets and nationalities is a testament to the sophistication of its ESOP system and ability to meet clients’ complex needs.</p><p>On the company’s vibrant social media community, The Tiger Community, 35 new corporations opened enterprise accounts in the fourth quarter, including seven internationally renowned fund companies, such as Fidelity International and Lion Global Investors. As more and more corporations open enterprise accounts in the Tiger Community, the company’s 9+ million user base is able to increase its interaction and understanding of the vast range of issuers and fund companies present in the community.</p><p>UP Fintech’s online community continues to build its position as a preferred investor relations & PR platform for next generation technology companies. The company recently assisted Xiaomi hold an online product launch, helped organize an online conference for Kuaishou, and held a listing anniversary for Dada Nexus. Corporates are drawn to enterprise accounts as they may employ innovative marketing materials, such as interactive graphics and livestreams, to directly connect with investors and customers.Many enterprise accounts have already received over one million views and the company looks forward to inviting more investors and corporates to participate in its online community.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"TIGR":"老虎证券"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1130532398","content_text":"UP Fintech Holding Limited (the “Company”, a NASDAQ-listed company under the ticker “TIGR”, and all of its subsidiaries and consolidated entities), a leading online brokerage firm focusing on global investors, today reported its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2021. Total revenue in the fourth quarter was US$62.2 million, and total revenue for the year 2021 reached US$264.5 million, a year-over-year increase of 91%. Non-GAAP net income was US$24.5 million.At the end of 2021, customer accounts totaled 1.8 million, and the number of customers with deposits increased to 673,400. Furthermore, the company added 414,700 new funded accounts in 2021, more than all of its past annual funded account growth combined. In total, the company achieved 119% of its annual funded account growth target in 2021. During the fourth quarter, the company’s trading volume increased to US$85.9 billion, with total client assets reaching US$17.1 billion. The company’s annual trading volume totaled US$404.3 billion, 1.8 times that of the previous year.Mr. Wu Tianhua, CEO and founder of UP Fintech commented, “In 2021, despite fluctuations in global financial markets and significant uncertainties, our focus on our internationalization strategy drove steady growth. In thefourth quarter, over 90% of new funded accounts came from international markets, with a large portion of the new funded accounts coming from Singapore. UP Fintech maintains leading market share in Singapore and the company's Singapore headquarters contributed to making the market as one of key growth drivers, both in the number of total accounts and newly acquired accounts. The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% year-over-year growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20 and above. In the year since we began to ramp up our self-clearing capabilities, we have made substantial progress and now self-clear over 80% of customers’ U.S. cash equities trades. Our firm’s capability to deploy proprietary technologies on our fintech platform demonstrates the contributions that Chinese innovation is making to the global brokerage industry. Our B2B businesses reached new milestones this year: as of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess ofHK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service. Overall, our company’s comprehensive enterprise services are gaining increasing recognition within the industry. In coming years, the company looks forward to entering new international markets and enabling a greater range of investors to allocate their assets globally on our innovative fintech platform.”Over 90% of Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China as the Company Executes on its Global Expansion StrategyDriven by strong growth in international markets,UP Fintechfurther expanded its client base. The company added 61,400 new funded accounts during the fourth quarter of which over 90% came from outside China. Furthermore, in 2021, the company added a total of 414,700 new funded accounts, achieving 119% of its annual target. In the fourth quarter, the company's trading volume was US$85.9 billion, client assets reached US$17.1 billion, commission income was up to US$29.9 million, and interest-related income increased to US$22.5 million.At a time of global macroeconomic uncertainty, UP Fintechcontinues focus on its long-term expansion plans with a focus on improving the customer experience. To increase customer choice on its platform, the company recently added new functions such as bracket orders and a new display for analyzing diluted cost positions. The company also recently added an option screener and option list to better meet the needs of investors who trade options. In Australia,UP Fintechbegan to meet the needs of local investors by adding multi-dimensional analysis tools and real-time level 2 market data. Investors on the firm’s platform may view a rich range of financial metrics such as capital flow analysis and lists of corporate actions.In addition,the company's wealth management business continued to attract more clients as the number of available investment products continued to rise. At the end of the fourth quarter, the company’s Fund Mall enabled another 661 funds for investors to choose from. As the selection of funds has increased, the number of customers investing in the Fund Mall increased by 377.5% year-over-year, and the AUM of the Fund Mall increased by 290.1% year-over-year. ForCash Plus, the company’s idle cash management product,the number of customers and their cumulative transfer value during the fourth quarter was nearly double that of the same period last year. The company also added HKD and SGD currencies to the Fund Mall to further meet customers global asset allocation needs.The company offered 26 IPO subscriptions in Hong Kong and The U.S. during the fourth quarter, including several high-profile listings such as those of NetEase Cloud Music and Sense Time. For the full year 2021, the company in total offered 123 IPO subscriptions.The company is becoming one of the top platforms for retail investors to participate in new listings in Hong Kong; retail orders for larger listings such as those of Kuaishou and JD Logistics exceeded HK$10 billion. The company also assisted issuers in connecting with its investor base and highlighting their business performance by helping them hold online roadshows and broadcasting their earnings conference calls. During the year, the company held more than 60% of courses about high-quality Asian assets to investors.The company continued to invest in key brokerage technologies to enhance its capability to manage securities trading from the front end to execution and clearing. Self-clearing has long been the purview of traditional banks, but the company continues to ramp up its capability to conduct self-clearing and by the end of the fourth quarter, over 80% of clients were having their U.S. cash equities trades self-cleared. As a result of the company’s investment in clearing technology, clearing costsdeclined quarter over quarter by 27.8%.As part of its international expansion, the company continued to obtain new licenses and qualifications in multiple international jurisdictions. The firm now holds 50 licenses and qualifications across 37 categories in Hong Kong, Singapore, The U.S., New Zealand, and Australia. The company looks forward to using these licenses to further support its international expansion.UP Fintechis also receiving growing recognition in international capital markets and in 2021 was selected for inclusion in the MSCI China All Shares Index and the MSCI China Small Cap Index.The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% YoY growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20+Since entering Singapore in February 2020,UP Fintechhas continued to consolidate its position in the local market. More than half of new funded accounts in the fourth quarter came from Singapore. According to App Annie, as of the end of 2021, as measured by the total number of accounts and downloads,UP Fintech’s flagship mobile trading App, Tiger Trade, led the online brokerage market in Singapore.The fourth quarter wasthe third consecutive quarter of over 100%year-over-yeargrowth in funded accounts in Singapore,and the numberof registered accounts now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20or above. In addition, approximately 30% of the new funded accountsin Singaporein the fourth quarter came from users over the age of 40, which demonstrates the firm’s trading platform appeals to a wide range of investors.UP Fintech’s leading position in the Singapore market is due to its relentless focus on localization. In the fourth quarter, to better meet the needs of local clients, the company added a new module to allow easy display of Singapore companies listed in The U.S. market. The company also added new features such as industry classifications and sponsor data to assist customers learn more about local investment opportunities.In the fourth quarter, the company offered customers in Singapore the opportunity to subscribe shares from two local issuers. The company also enabled institutional clients in Singapore the ability to participate in the global offerings of new issuers in Hong Kong, further increasing the ability of local investors to participate in China’s capital markets.The AUM ofUP Fintech’swealth management business in Singapore increased by 186.5% while the number of customers increased by 223.9% quarter-over-quarter respectively. To increase the value proposition of Cash Plus in international markets, the company introduced lower thresholds for customers to invest their capital in Cash Plus. Local customers may now invest in Cash Plus with just 1 USD, 1 SGD, or 5 HKD and may transfer their funds in and out at any time. During the year, the company joined the Securities Association of Singapore and was honored that its subsidiary, Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., was officially admitted as a trading member of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited, and clearing member and depository agent of The Central Depository (Pte) Limited. The company is the first fintech enabled brokerage in the world to obtain such qualifications in Singapore. In November 2021, UP Fintech’s Singapore subsidiary was Named as \"Asia's Most Innovative Company\" by Fortune Times, a Singapore based business magazine, demonstrating the company’s innovative platform is gaining increasing recognition from local media.The Cumulative Number of ESOP Clients at the End of 2021 was 2.5X Higher than the Year Before and Annual Enterprise Services Revenue Increased by 67%Corporate services such as investment banking and ESOP have become a new driver of the company’s long-term growth. According to the company’s Q4 financial results, other revenues, which includes revenue from investment banking and ESOP, reached US$9.8 million in Q4, and annual revenue from this segment reached US$37.7 million, an increase of 67% from the prior year.As of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess of HK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service.During the fourth quarter, the company leveraged the strength of its innovative platform and comprehensive range of services to participate in the underwriting and distribution of 22 listings in The U.S. and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the company acted as an underwriter in the global offerings of NetEase Cloud Music, Sense Time, and Airdoc. For the listing of NetEase Cloud Music, the company was the sole online broker to participate in the global offering. In The U.S., the company leveraged its rich investment banking experience, licenses, and technical capabilities to serve as an underwriter for 15 U.S. IPOs. The 2021 IPO of Kuke Music was another notable milestone for the company; the company was the first online broker to serve as the lead underwriter in a U.S. IPO.In the fourth quarter, the company’s investment bank continued to provide a rich range of services to next generation technology companies at multiple stages of their growth, from pre-IPO financial advisory to post listing capital markets services. In 2021, the company provided financial advisory services to over 30 companies. Finally, the company also assisted Canadian Solar conduct an ATM (At The Market) offering to raise additional capital to support the expansion of its green energy business.With regards to the company’s ESOP business,UP Fintechadded 51 new clients during the quarter. Despite launching the business just over three years ago, the total number of clients served by the company’s ESOP system reached 313, an increase of 152.4% year-over-year. The company’s ESOP system has extensive capabilities that allow it serve clients listed in Hong Kong, The U.S., and China; the company’s ESOP system also serves a diverse range of pre-IPO clients.As a global ESOP provider, the company offers comprehensive services for corporate ESOP management across multiple capital markets. In the fourth quarter, Tiger ESOP provided the pharmaceutical R&D company, Pharmaron, with equity incentive management solutions for both A+H share capital markets. At the same time,UP Fintechalso provided ESOP-related tax, foreign exchange, and other specialized services for Pharmaron’'s multinational employee base that includes British, American, and Chinese nationals. UP Fintech’s capability to provide ESOP and other ancillary services across multiple capital markets and nationalities is a testament to the sophistication of its ESOP system and ability to meet clients’ complex needs.On the company’s vibrant social media community, The Tiger Community, 35 new corporations opened enterprise accounts in the fourth quarter, including seven internationally renowned fund companies, such as Fidelity International and Lion Global Investors. As more and more corporations open enterprise accounts in the Tiger Community, the company’s 9+ million user base is able to increase its interaction and understanding of the vast range of issuers and fund companies present in the community.UP Fintech’s online community continues to build its position as a preferred investor relations & PR platform for next generation technology companies. The company recently assisted Xiaomi hold an online product launch, helped organize an online conference for Kuaishou, and held a listing anniversary for Dada Nexus. Corporates are drawn to enterprise accounts as they may employ innovative marketing materials, such as interactive graphics and livestreams, to directly connect with investors and customers.Many enterprise accounts have already received over one million views and the company looks forward to inviting more investors and corporates to participate in its online community.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1465,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9036538569,"gmtCreate":1647138013572,"gmtModify":1676534197792,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"[Like] ","listText":"[Like] ","text":"[Like]","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":5,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9036538569","repostId":"1191877390","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1191877390","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1646809389,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1191877390?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-03-09 15:03","market":"us","language":"en","title":"U.S. Daylight Saving Time Begins on Sunday, March 13, 2022","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1191877390","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"U.S. daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March13, 2022. at 2:00 a.m. The clocks will be moved for","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>U.S. daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March13, 2022. at 2:00 a.m. The clocks will be moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.</p><p>At that time, the regular trading period of the US stock market will become 9:30 p.m. to 4:00 a.m(Beijing Time/SGT)and 00:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m (AEDT)</p><p>Daylight saving time will end on Nov. 6 this year. The federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 decreed that standard time starts on the first Sunday of November.</p><p>In 1918, the U.S. enacted the first Daylight Saving Time law as a way to conserve fuel. It was reintroduced during World War II.</p><p>In 1973, President Nixon signed into law the Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act, which made DST permanent in the U.S. This helped reduce confusion throughout the country with some regions of the U.S. participating in the practice and some regions opting out.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>U.S. Daylight Saving Time Begins on Sunday, March 13, 2022</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nU.S. Daylight Saving Time Begins on Sunday, March 13, 2022\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-03-09 15:03</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>U.S. daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March13, 2022. at 2:00 a.m. The clocks will be moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.</p><p>At that time, the regular trading period of the US stock market will become 9:30 p.m. to 4:00 a.m(Beijing Time/SGT)and 00:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m (AEDT)</p><p>Daylight saving time will end on Nov. 6 this year. The federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 decreed that standard time starts on the first Sunday of November.</p><p>In 1918, the U.S. enacted the first Daylight Saving Time law as a way to conserve fuel. It was reintroduced during World War II.</p><p>In 1973, President Nixon signed into law the Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act, which made DST permanent in the U.S. This helped reduce confusion throughout the country with some regions of the U.S. participating in the practice and some regions opting out.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{".SPX":"S&P 500 Index",".DJI":"道琼斯",".IXIC":"NASDAQ Composite"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1191877390","content_text":"U.S. daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March13, 2022. at 2:00 a.m. The clocks will be moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.At that time, the regular trading period of the US stock market will become 9:30 p.m. to 4:00 a.m(Beijing Time/SGT)and 00:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m (AEDT)Daylight saving time will end on Nov. 6 this year. The federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 decreed that standard time starts on the first Sunday of November.In 1918, the U.S. enacted the first Daylight Saving Time law as a way to conserve fuel. It was reintroduced during World War II.In 1973, President Nixon signed into law the Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act, which made DST permanent in the U.S. This helped reduce confusion throughout the country with some regions of the U.S. participating in the practice and some regions opting out.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1427,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0}],"hots":[{"id":9950941940,"gmtCreate":1672654768581,"gmtModify":1676538716181,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"[smile]","listText":"[smile]","text":"[smile]","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":4,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":1,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9950941940","repostId":"621798330","repostType":1,"repost":{"id":621798330,"gmtCreate":1672622880000,"gmtModify":1676538712046,"author":{"id":"3574917796328560","authorId":"3574917796328560","name":"钛媒体APP","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/72948639b39fd795a430fcaa2772851c","crmLevel":1,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3574917796328560","authorIdStr":"3574917796328560"},"themes":[],"title":"2022年廣州車展:告別過去,預熱2023","htmlText":"雖然延期了一個多月,但2022年的廣州車展還是來了。 12月30日,作爲國內首個跨年舉辦的A級車展,2022年廣州車展在倉促中拉開了帷幕。 與往年相比,今年的廣州車展由於疫情影響、籌備時間短,且在完全超乎大衆預料之下,猝不及防的到來,參展企業、重磅新車以及展館人氣都略顯熱度不高。 但無論如何,作爲2022年唯一的A級車展,廣州車展能夠成功舉辦都是難能可貴和值得肯定的。在很多業內人士看來,這是一場具有“承上啓下”作用的車展,既是對2022年的告別,也是對2023年美好開始的預熱,對於提振市場信心有着重要的意義。 豪華、合資品牌加速電動化 雖然2022廣州車展從“延期舉辦”到“恢復舉辦”之間的過程略顯倉促,也打亂了一些參展企業推廣自己新產品的計劃和節奏,但這屆廣州車展上還是有一些重磅車型值得看。 據廣州國際汽車展覽會(下稱“廣州國際車展”)組委會對外公佈的信息顯示,今年有超78個汽車品牌參展,首發車型超20款。 其中,那些代表着未來前瞻技術和設計趨勢的概念車,因其酷炫的造型成爲各大展臺上的一大亮點。 作爲奧迪A6 e-tron純電家族的第二款概念車型,A6 Avant e-tron概念車在本屆車展上首發。新車是基於奧迪A6 Sportback e-tron概念車所進化的旅行車版本,也是由奧迪最新的PPE純電動平臺打造,有望於2023年率先在海外正式上市並銷售,後續將進入國內市場。 同時,奧迪也在此次廣州車展上發佈上市了首款純電 GT 跑車奧迪RS e-tron GT,售價146.88萬元。作爲奧迪e-tron GT車型的高性能版本,奧迪RS e-tron GT採用前後雙電機,0-100km/h加速時間僅爲3.3秒。 廣汽本田也亮相了其Honda e:N 品牌第二款產品,代表着量產方向的e:N2 Concept概念車,該車也是基於“e:N Architect","listText":"雖然延期了一個多月,但2022年的廣州車展還是來了。 12月30日,作爲國內首個跨年舉辦的A級車展,2022年廣州車展在倉促中拉開了帷幕。 與往年相比,今年的廣州車展由於疫情影響、籌備時間短,且在完全超乎大衆預料之下,猝不及防的到來,參展企業、重磅新車以及展館人氣都略顯熱度不高。 但無論如何,作爲2022年唯一的A級車展,廣州車展能夠成功舉辦都是難能可貴和值得肯定的。在很多業內人士看來,這是一場具有“承上啓下”作用的車展,既是對2022年的告別,也是對2023年美好開始的預熱,對於提振市場信心有着重要的意義。 豪華、合資品牌加速電動化 雖然2022廣州車展從“延期舉辦”到“恢復舉辦”之間的過程略顯倉促,也打亂了一些參展企業推廣自己新產品的計劃和節奏,但這屆廣州車展上還是有一些重磅車型值得看。 據廣州國際汽車展覽會(下稱“廣州國際車展”)組委會對外公佈的信息顯示,今年有超78個汽車品牌參展,首發車型超20款。 其中,那些代表着未來前瞻技術和設計趨勢的概念車,因其酷炫的造型成爲各大展臺上的一大亮點。 作爲奧迪A6 e-tron純電家族的第二款概念車型,A6 Avant e-tron概念車在本屆車展上首發。新車是基於奧迪A6 Sportback e-tron概念車所進化的旅行車版本,也是由奧迪最新的PPE純電動平臺打造,有望於2023年率先在海外正式上市並銷售,後續將進入國內市場。 同時,奧迪也在此次廣州車展上發佈上市了首款純電 GT 跑車奧迪RS e-tron GT,售價146.88萬元。作爲奧迪e-tron GT車型的高性能版本,奧迪RS e-tron GT採用前後雙電機,0-100km/h加速時間僅爲3.3秒。 廣汽本田也亮相了其Honda e:N 品牌第二款產品,代表着量產方向的e:N2 Concept概念車,該車也是基於“e:N Architect","text":"雖然延期了一個多月,但2022年的廣州車展還是來了。 12月30日,作爲國內首個跨年舉辦的A級車展,2022年廣州車展在倉促中拉開了帷幕。 與往年相比,今年的廣州車展由於疫情影響、籌備時間短,且在完全超乎大衆預料之下,猝不及防的到來,參展企業、重磅新車以及展館人氣都略顯熱度不高。 但無論如何,作爲2022年唯一的A級車展,廣州車展能夠成功舉辦都是難能可貴和值得肯定的。在很多業內人士看來,這是一場具有“承上啓下”作用的車展,既是對2022年的告別,也是對2023年美好開始的預熱,對於提振市場信心有着重要的意義。 豪華、合資品牌加速電動化 雖然2022廣州車展從“延期舉辦”到“恢復舉辦”之間的過程略顯倉促,也打亂了一些參展企業推廣自己新產品的計劃和節奏,但這屆廣州車展上還是有一些重磅車型值得看。 據廣州國際汽車展覽會(下稱“廣州國際車展”)組委會對外公佈的信息顯示,今年有超78個汽車品牌參展,首發車型超20款。 其中,那些代表着未來前瞻技術和設計趨勢的概念車,因其酷炫的造型成爲各大展臺上的一大亮點。 作爲奧迪A6 e-tron純電家族的第二款概念車型,A6 Avant e-tron概念車在本屆車展上首發。新車是基於奧迪A6 Sportback e-tron概念車所進化的旅行車版本,也是由奧迪最新的PPE純電動平臺打造,有望於2023年率先在海外正式上市並銷售,後續將進入國內市場。 同時,奧迪也在此次廣州車展上發佈上市了首款純電 GT 跑車奧迪RS e-tron GT,售價146.88萬元。作爲奧迪e-tron GT車型的高性能版本,奧迪RS e-tron GT採用前後雙電機,0-100km/h加速時間僅爲3.3秒。 廣汽本田也亮相了其Honda e:N 品牌第二款產品,代表着量產方向的e:N2 Concept概念車,該車也是基於“e:N Architect","images":[{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/45050e71f97842869e968e52c1294181"},{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/abdeb2340d7244769ae5751c3191eaaa"},{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/9c5cce07a3b7448d89d85523928ca204"}],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":2,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/621798330","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":10,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1286,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9035549188,"gmtCreate":1647647258729,"gmtModify":1676534254237,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Ok","listText":"Ok","text":"Ok","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":8,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9035549188","repostId":"2220087367","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"2220087367","kind":"highlight","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and technology","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Reuters","id":"1036604489","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868"},"pubTimestamp":1647645507,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/2220087367?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-03-19 07:18","market":"fut","language":"en","title":"U.S. Senate committee to hold hearing on oil price surge","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=2220087367","media":"Reuters","summary":"WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee said Friday it is inviting Exxon","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee said Friday it is inviting Exxon Mobil, BP America and Pioneer Natural Resources to testify at an upcoming hearing on the surge in petroleum prices.</p><p>Senate Commerce Committee chair Maria Cantwell said the hearing, titled "The Corrosive Effect of Elevated Petroleum Prices on American Commerce and Consumers" and to be held in the coming weeks, "will focus on steps Congress can take to maintain the free flow of goods and services and protect consumers from excessive pump prices."</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>U.S. Senate committee to hold hearing on oil price surge</title>\n<style 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07:18</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee said Friday it is inviting Exxon Mobil, BP America and Pioneer Natural Resources to testify at an upcoming hearing on the surge in petroleum prices.</p><p>Senate Commerce Committee chair Maria Cantwell said the hearing, titled "The Corrosive Effect of Elevated Petroleum Prices on American Commerce and Consumers" and to be held in the coming weeks, "will focus on steps Congress can take to maintain the free flow of goods and services and protect consumers from excessive pump prices."</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"BK4516":"特朗普概念","PXD":"先锋自然资源","BK4570":"地缘局势概念股","XOM":"埃克森美孚","BK4534":"瑞士信贷持仓","BK4201":"综合性石油与天然气企业","BK4213":"石油与天然气的勘探与生产","BK4550":"红杉资本持仓"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"2220087367","content_text":"WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee said Friday it is inviting Exxon Mobil, BP America and Pioneer Natural Resources to testify at an upcoming hearing on the surge in petroleum prices.Senate Commerce Committee chair Maria Cantwell said the hearing, titled \"The Corrosive Effect of Elevated Petroleum Prices on American Commerce and Consumers\" and to be held in the coming weeks, \"will focus on steps Congress can take to maintain the free flow of goods and services and protect consumers from excessive pump prices.\"","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1548,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9053118001,"gmtCreate":1654495701304,"gmtModify":1676535457554,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"[smile] ","listText":"[smile] ","text":"[smile]","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":5,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9053118001","repostId":"1123889705","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1123889705","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment and technology","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Reuters","id":"1036604489","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/443ce19704621c837795676028cec868"},"pubTimestamp":1654484919,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1123889705?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-06-06 11:08","market":"us","language":"en","title":"China's Ant Group Launches Digital Bank ANEXT in Singapore","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1123889705","media":"Reuters","summary":"BEIJING, June 6 (Reuters) - China's Ant Group, a financial technology (fintech) giant controlled by ","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>BEIJING, June 6 (Reuters) - China's Ant Group, a financial technology (fintech) giant controlled by billionaire Jack Ma, on Monday said it has launched a digital wholesale bank incorporated in Singapore, dubbed ANEXT Bank.</p><p>ANEXT received approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to commence business on June 2, Ant and wholly owned ANEXT said in a joint statement.</p><p>The move marks one of Ant's biggest overseas pushes since its $37 billion initial public offering (IPO) was derailed by Chinese regulators in late 2020.</p><p>Ant obtained one of Singapore's first digital wholesale banking licences at the end of 2020 allowing it to serve large clients, including financial institutions and corporations.</p><p>Ant, roughly 33% owned by e-commerce leader Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, said ANEXT's focus was micro, small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those with cross-border operations.</p><p>"This marks yet another milestone in Singapore's digital bank development journey, a strategic effort to ensure the banking sector remains progressive, globally competitive and vibrant," said MAS Chief Fintech Officer Sopnendu Mohanty.</p><p>Technology firm Sea and a venture of ride-hailing and fintech firm Grab won "digital full bank" licences in 2020, allowing the Singaporean companies to directly take deposits and offer services locally to retail as well as corporate customers.</p><p>MAS has said it expects the pair to launch digital banks this year.</p><p>Helmed by banking veteran Toh Su Mei, ANEXT will develop an open framework for financial institutions in collaboration with Proxtera, a local entity initiated by MAS and Singapore's Infocomm Media Development Authority, the statement showed.</p><p>ANEXT Business Account will be available for SMEs from the third quarter this year, the companies said.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>China's Ant Group Launches Digital Bank ANEXT in Singapore</title>\n<style 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11:08</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>BEIJING, June 6 (Reuters) - China's Ant Group, a financial technology (fintech) giant controlled by billionaire Jack Ma, on Monday said it has launched a digital wholesale bank incorporated in Singapore, dubbed ANEXT Bank.</p><p>ANEXT received approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to commence business on June 2, Ant and wholly owned ANEXT said in a joint statement.</p><p>The move marks one of Ant's biggest overseas pushes since its $37 billion initial public offering (IPO) was derailed by Chinese regulators in late 2020.</p><p>Ant obtained one of Singapore's first digital wholesale banking licences at the end of 2020 allowing it to serve large clients, including financial institutions and corporations.</p><p>Ant, roughly 33% owned by e-commerce leader Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, said ANEXT's focus was micro, small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those with cross-border operations.</p><p>"This marks yet another milestone in Singapore's digital bank development journey, a strategic effort to ensure the banking sector remains progressive, globally competitive and vibrant," said MAS Chief Fintech Officer Sopnendu Mohanty.</p><p>Technology firm Sea and a venture of ride-hailing and fintech firm Grab won "digital full bank" licences in 2020, allowing the Singaporean companies to directly take deposits and offer services locally to retail as well as corporate customers.</p><p>MAS has said it expects the pair to launch digital banks this year.</p><p>Helmed by banking veteran Toh Su Mei, ANEXT will develop an open framework for financial institutions in collaboration with Proxtera, a local entity initiated by MAS and Singapore's Infocomm Media Development Authority, the statement showed.</p><p>ANEXT Business Account will be available for SMEs from the third quarter this year, the companies said.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"09988":"阿里巴巴-W","BABA":"阿里巴巴"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1123889705","content_text":"BEIJING, June 6 (Reuters) - China's Ant Group, a financial technology (fintech) giant controlled by billionaire Jack Ma, on Monday said it has launched a digital wholesale bank incorporated in Singapore, dubbed ANEXT Bank.ANEXT received approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to commence business on June 2, Ant and wholly owned ANEXT said in a joint statement.The move marks one of Ant's biggest overseas pushes since its $37 billion initial public offering (IPO) was derailed by Chinese regulators in late 2020.Ant obtained one of Singapore's first digital wholesale banking licences at the end of 2020 allowing it to serve large clients, including financial institutions and corporations.Ant, roughly 33% owned by e-commerce leader Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, said ANEXT's focus was micro, small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those with cross-border operations.\"This marks yet another milestone in Singapore's digital bank development journey, a strategic effort to ensure the banking sector remains progressive, globally competitive and vibrant,\" said MAS Chief Fintech Officer Sopnendu Mohanty.Technology firm Sea and a venture of ride-hailing and fintech firm Grab won \"digital full bank\" licences in 2020, allowing the Singaporean companies to directly take deposits and offer services locally to retail as well as corporate customers.MAS has said it expects the pair to launch digital banks this year.Helmed by banking veteran Toh Su Mei, ANEXT will develop an open framework for financial institutions in collaboration with Proxtera, a local entity initiated by MAS and Singapore's Infocomm Media Development Authority, the statement showed.ANEXT Business Account will be available for SMEs from the third quarter this year, the companies 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基金經理激辯這些投資機會","htmlText":"經濟觀察報 記者 洪小棠 經歷過2022年的基金經理,註定不會忘記這一年。 正如銀華基金投資管理一部總監李曉星所言,“往往今年的經驗就是明年的教訓,今年的教訓就是明年的經驗。” 回首2022年,國內外形勢都處於複雜的局面,俄烏衝突、美聯儲加息、疫情從封控到放開等事件不斷攪動着A股市場。這一年,投資者們經歷了煤炭鋼鐵等低估值板塊的修復反彈,見證了食品飲料等消費行業的坎坷回落,撞上了科技板塊的接連震盪,同時也遇上了年尾的港股觸底上揚。 市場演繹下,無論主動投資的股混基金還是被動投資的指數基金,淨值均出現不同程度的下滑。2022年全年,整個公募市場權益基金平均收益率告負,平均收益率爲-16.9%。 新的一年拉開序幕,“受傷”的基金投資者們翹首以盼2023年能是個好行情,讓前兩年“折本”的基金收益重新回正。 後市怎麼走? 2023年,A股市場迎來“開門紅”,基金經理們的信心在增加,普遍認爲機會大於風險。“一夕輕雷落萬絲,霽光浮瓦碧參差。更無柳絮因風起,惟有葵花向日傾。”平安基金研究總監張曉泉用一首詩總結了自己對2023年宏觀經濟及A股趨勢的展望。 張曉泉認爲,疫情帶來的衝擊已經基本見底,國內經濟形勢最差的階段已經過去,在政策發力、經濟好轉的背景下,越往後系統性風險對股市的擾動越小。 李曉星也預計,2023年的GDP增速平穩,財政赤字率基本保持穩定略升,政府的支出以穩爲主,地產市場以防風險爲主,平臺經濟逐漸煥發活力,消費復甦可期。總體上來說,是以市場化的方式休養生息,消費拉動經濟逐步恢復,整體實現社會的高質量發展,同時兼顧安全。 摩根士丹利華鑫基金認爲,儘管短期經濟數據下滑,但展望值得樂觀,市場風險偏好有望顯著回升,2023年是一個業績和估值雙升的局面。年初的行情階段性偏向於高景氣方向的概率較高。一方面短期經濟數據仍然偏弱,經濟相關度大的行業可能缺乏業績催化,而高景氣方向","listText":"經濟觀察報 記者 洪小棠 經歷過2022年的基金經理,註定不會忘記這一年。 正如銀華基金投資管理一部總監李曉星所言,“往往今年的經驗就是明年的教訓,今年的教訓就是明年的經驗。” 回首2022年,國內外形勢都處於複雜的局面,俄烏衝突、美聯儲加息、疫情從封控到放開等事件不斷攪動着A股市場。這一年,投資者們經歷了煤炭鋼鐵等低估值板塊的修復反彈,見證了食品飲料等消費行業的坎坷回落,撞上了科技板塊的接連震盪,同時也遇上了年尾的港股觸底上揚。 市場演繹下,無論主動投資的股混基金還是被動投資的指數基金,淨值均出現不同程度的下滑。2022年全年,整個公募市場權益基金平均收益率告負,平均收益率爲-16.9%。 新的一年拉開序幕,“受傷”的基金投資者們翹首以盼2023年能是個好行情,讓前兩年“折本”的基金收益重新回正。 後市怎麼走? 2023年,A股市場迎來“開門紅”,基金經理們的信心在增加,普遍認爲機會大於風險。“一夕輕雷落萬絲,霽光浮瓦碧參差。更無柳絮因風起,惟有葵花向日傾。”平安基金研究總監張曉泉用一首詩總結了自己對2023年宏觀經濟及A股趨勢的展望。 張曉泉認爲,疫情帶來的衝擊已經基本見底,國內經濟形勢最差的階段已經過去,在政策發力、經濟好轉的背景下,越往後系統性風險對股市的擾動越小。 李曉星也預計,2023年的GDP增速平穩,財政赤字率基本保持穩定略升,政府的支出以穩爲主,地產市場以防風險爲主,平臺經濟逐漸煥發活力,消費復甦可期。總體上來說,是以市場化的方式休養生息,消費拉動經濟逐步恢復,整體實現社會的高質量發展,同時兼顧安全。 摩根士丹利華鑫基金認爲,儘管短期經濟數據下滑,但展望值得樂觀,市場風險偏好有望顯著回升,2023年是一個業績和估值雙升的局面。年初的行情階段性偏向於高景氣方向的概率較高。一方面短期經濟數據仍然偏弱,經濟相關度大的行業可能缺乏業績催化,而高景氣方向","text":"經濟觀察報 記者 洪小棠 經歷過2022年的基金經理,註定不會忘記這一年。 正如銀華基金投資管理一部總監李曉星所言,“往往今年的經驗就是明年的教訓,今年的教訓就是明年的經驗。” 回首2022年,國內外形勢都處於複雜的局面,俄烏衝突、美聯儲加息、疫情從封控到放開等事件不斷攪動着A股市場。這一年,投資者們經歷了煤炭鋼鐵等低估值板塊的修復反彈,見證了食品飲料等消費行業的坎坷回落,撞上了科技板塊的接連震盪,同時也遇上了年尾的港股觸底上揚。 市場演繹下,無論主動投資的股混基金還是被動投資的指數基金,淨值均出現不同程度的下滑。2022年全年,整個公募市場權益基金平均收益率告負,平均收益率爲-16.9%。 新的一年拉開序幕,“受傷”的基金投資者們翹首以盼2023年能是個好行情,讓前兩年“折本”的基金收益重新回正。 後市怎麼走? 2023年,A股市場迎來“開門紅”,基金經理們的信心在增加,普遍認爲機會大於風險。“一夕輕雷落萬絲,霽光浮瓦碧參差。更無柳絮因風起,惟有葵花向日傾。”平安基金研究總監張曉泉用一首詩總結了自己對2023年宏觀經濟及A股趨勢的展望。 張曉泉認爲,疫情帶來的衝擊已經基本見底,國內經濟形勢最差的階段已經過去,在政策發力、經濟好轉的背景下,越往後系統性風險對股市的擾動越小。 李曉星也預計,2023年的GDP增速平穩,財政赤字率基本保持穩定略升,政府的支出以穩爲主,地產市場以防風險爲主,平臺經濟逐漸煥發活力,消費復甦可期。總體上來說,是以市場化的方式休養生息,消費拉動經濟逐步恢復,整體實現社會的高質量發展,同時兼顧安全。 摩根士丹利華鑫基金認爲,儘管短期經濟數據下滑,但展望值得樂觀,市場風險偏好有望顯著回升,2023年是一個業績和估值雙升的局面。年初的行情階段性偏向於高景氣方向的概率較高。一方面短期經濟數據仍然偏弱,經濟相關度大的行業可能缺乏業績催化,而高景氣方向","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":2,"essential":1,"paper":2,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/626715108","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1210,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9906487482,"gmtCreate":1659578664449,"gmtModify":1705981839454,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"[smile]","listText":"[smile]","text":"[smile]","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":3,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9906487482","repostId":"9906266738","repostType":1,"repost":{"id":9906266738,"gmtCreate":1659564776027,"gmtModify":1705981522391,"author":{"id":"3555237785078725","authorId":"3555237785078725","name":"许哲东","avatar":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/9061503cb3d4f9ac3d7d9de3f72b29ab","crmLevel":5,"crmLevelSwitch":1,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"3555237785078725","authorIdStr":"3555237785078725"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"【中國外交部就佩洛西竄訪中國臺灣地區發表聲明】中華人民共和國外交部聲明8月2日,美國國會衆議長佩洛西不顧中方強烈反對和嚴正交涉,竄訪中國臺灣地區,嚴重違反一箇中國原則和中美三個聯合公報規定,嚴重衝擊中美關係政治基礎,嚴重侵犯中國主權和領土完整,嚴重破壞臺海和平穩定,向「臺獨」分裂勢力發出嚴重錯誤信號。中方對此堅決反對,嚴厲譴責,已向美方提出嚴正交涉和強烈抗議。世界上只有一箇中國,臺灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分,中華人民共和國政府是代表全中國的唯一合法政府。1971年聯大第2758號決議對此予以明確。1949年中華人民共和國成立以來,181個國家在一箇中國原則基礎上同中國建立外交關係。一箇中國原則是國際社會的普遍共識和國際關係基本準則。1979年,美方在中美建交公報中明確承諾,「美利堅合衆國承認中華人民共和國政府是中國的唯一合法政府。在此範圍內,美國人民將同臺灣人民保持文化、商務和其他非官方關係。」美國國會作爲美國政府的組成部分,理應嚴格遵守美國政府的一箇中國政策,不與中國臺灣地區進行任何官方往來。中方歷來反對美國國會議員竄訪中國臺灣地區,美國行政部門有責任予以阻止。佩洛西衆議長是現任美國國會領導人,她以任何形式任何理由赴臺活動,都是升級美臺官方交往的重大政治挑釁,中方絕不接受,中國人民絕不答應。臺灣問題是中美關係中最重要、最核心、最敏感的問題。當前,臺海局勢面臨新一輪緊張和嚴峻挑戰,根本原因是臺灣當局和美方不斷改變現狀。臺灣當局一再「倚美謀獨」,拒不承認「九二共識」,大搞「去中國化」,推行「漸進式臺獨」。而美方企圖搞「以臺製華」,不斷歪曲虛化掏空一箇中國原則,加強美臺官方往來,爲「臺獨」分裂活動撐腰打氣。這是十分危險的玩火行動,玩火者必**。中國政府和中國人民在臺灣問題上的立場一以貫之。堅決維護國家主權和領土完整是14億多中國人民的堅定意志,實現祖國完全統一是全體中華兒女的","listText":"【中國外交部就佩洛西竄訪中國臺灣地區發表聲明】中華人民共和國外交部聲明8月2日,美國國會衆議長佩洛西不顧中方強烈反對和嚴正交涉,竄訪中國臺灣地區,嚴重違反一箇中國原則和中美三個聯合公報規定,嚴重衝擊中美關係政治基礎,嚴重侵犯中國主權和領土完整,嚴重破壞臺海和平穩定,向「臺獨」分裂勢力發出嚴重錯誤信號。中方對此堅決反對,嚴厲譴責,已向美方提出嚴正交涉和強烈抗議。世界上只有一箇中國,臺灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分,中華人民共和國政府是代表全中國的唯一合法政府。1971年聯大第2758號決議對此予以明確。1949年中華人民共和國成立以來,181個國家在一箇中國原則基礎上同中國建立外交關係。一箇中國原則是國際社會的普遍共識和國際關係基本準則。1979年,美方在中美建交公報中明確承諾,「美利堅合衆國承認中華人民共和國政府是中國的唯一合法政府。在此範圍內,美國人民將同臺灣人民保持文化、商務和其他非官方關係。」美國國會作爲美國政府的組成部分,理應嚴格遵守美國政府的一箇中國政策,不與中國臺灣地區進行任何官方往來。中方歷來反對美國國會議員竄訪中國臺灣地區,美國行政部門有責任予以阻止。佩洛西衆議長是現任美國國會領導人,她以任何形式任何理由赴臺活動,都是升級美臺官方交往的重大政治挑釁,中方絕不接受,中國人民絕不答應。臺灣問題是中美關係中最重要、最核心、最敏感的問題。當前,臺海局勢面臨新一輪緊張和嚴峻挑戰,根本原因是臺灣當局和美方不斷改變現狀。臺灣當局一再「倚美謀獨」,拒不承認「九二共識」,大搞「去中國化」,推行「漸進式臺獨」。而美方企圖搞「以臺製華」,不斷歪曲虛化掏空一箇中國原則,加強美臺官方往來,爲「臺獨」分裂活動撐腰打氣。這是十分危險的玩火行動,玩火者必**。中國政府和中國人民在臺灣問題上的立場一以貫之。堅決維護國家主權和領土完整是14億多中國人民的堅定意志,實現祖國完全統一是全體中華兒女的","text":"【中國外交部就佩洛西竄訪中國臺灣地區發表聲明】中華人民共和國外交部聲明8月2日,美國國會衆議長佩洛西不顧中方強烈反對和嚴正交涉,竄訪中國臺灣地區,嚴重違反一箇中國原則和中美三個聯合公報規定,嚴重衝擊中美關係政治基礎,嚴重侵犯中國主權和領土完整,嚴重破壞臺海和平穩定,向「臺獨」分裂勢力發出嚴重錯誤信號。中方對此堅決反對,嚴厲譴責,已向美方提出嚴正交涉和強烈抗議。世界上只有一箇中國,臺灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分,中華人民共和國政府是代表全中國的唯一合法政府。1971年聯大第2758號決議對此予以明確。1949年中華人民共和國成立以來,181個國家在一箇中國原則基礎上同中國建立外交關係。一箇中國原則是國際社會的普遍共識和國際關係基本準則。1979年,美方在中美建交公報中明確承諾,「美利堅合衆國承認中華人民共和國政府是中國的唯一合法政府。在此範圍內,美國人民將同臺灣人民保持文化、商務和其他非官方關係。」美國國會作爲美國政府的組成部分,理應嚴格遵守美國政府的一箇中國政策,不與中國臺灣地區進行任何官方往來。中方歷來反對美國國會議員竄訪中國臺灣地區,美國行政部門有責任予以阻止。佩洛西衆議長是現任美國國會領導人,她以任何形式任何理由赴臺活動,都是升級美臺官方交往的重大政治挑釁,中方絕不接受,中國人民絕不答應。臺灣問題是中美關係中最重要、最核心、最敏感的問題。當前,臺海局勢面臨新一輪緊張和嚴峻挑戰,根本原因是臺灣當局和美方不斷改變現狀。臺灣當局一再「倚美謀獨」,拒不承認「九二共識」,大搞「去中國化」,推行「漸進式臺獨」。而美方企圖搞「以臺製華」,不斷歪曲虛化掏空一箇中國原則,加強美臺官方往來,爲「臺獨」分裂活動撐腰打氣。這是十分危險的玩火行動,玩火者必**。中國政府和中國人民在臺灣問題上的立場一以貫之。堅決維護國家主權和領土完整是14億多中國人民的堅定意志,實現祖國完全統一是全體中華兒女的","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":2,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9906266738","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1133,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9982751881,"gmtCreate":1667261014543,"gmtModify":1676537885963,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"[smile]","listText":"[smile]","text":"[smile]","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":2,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9982751881","repostId":"665630187","repostType":1,"repost":{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值得一提的是,2019年,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,隨着產能的釋放,生豬業務在京基智農業務佔比大增成爲主要收入來源。而原本佔收入大頭的房地產業務,逐漸淡出。 生豬產能釋放,貢獻主要收入 2022年前三季度,京基智農的營業收入爲21.86億元,同比下降24.11%;淨利潤爲-4667.33萬元,同比下降112.4%。從營收結構來看,生豬養殖業務收入佔比接近67%,飼料業務收入佔比爲28%。 京基智農的前身爲深圳市康達爾(集團)股份有限公司(簡稱“康達爾”)。康達爾原本的業務是房地產開發和飼料生產。2019年完成重組後,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,不斷增加投入大力發展生豬養殖業務。到2022年,成效開始顯現。 今年前9個月,京基智農生豬銷售數量爲89.3萬頭,銷售收入累計14.62億元,佔營收比重66.88%。 從圖表可以看出,今年上半年生豬的售價較低,均價爲14.85元/kg,進入三季度後,價格開始回升。由於上半年生豬價格較低,京基智農豬業產品毛利率出現負值,爲-7.27%,也因此上半年持續虧損。第三季度豬價回升之後,公司纔出現盈利。 實際上,不止京基智農,上半年生豬養殖企業的毛利率大多爲負: 今年以前,京基智農的生豬銷售佔比極低。2019-2021年,京基智農豬業產品的收入分別爲4434.81萬元、756.99萬元和1.82億元,佔營收比重僅有0.9%、0.19%、5.64%。 從2019年開始,京基智","listText":"10月30日晚間,深圳市京基智農時代股份有限公司(000048.SZ,簡稱“京基智農”)發佈了三季度報告。報告顯示,2022年第三季度,京基智農營業收入爲10.91億元,同比增長255.03%;淨利潤1.38億元,同比增長221.69%,實現扭虧爲盈。不過,第三季度的盈利額度並不足以覆蓋上半年的虧損,公司前三季度依然維持虧損狀態,這也是公司2018年以來首次出現虧損。 值得一提的是,2019年,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,隨着產能的釋放,生豬業務在京基智農業務佔比大增成爲主要收入來源。而原本佔收入大頭的房地產業務,逐漸淡出。 生豬產能釋放,貢獻主要收入 2022年前三季度,京基智農的營業收入爲21.86億元,同比下降24.11%;淨利潤爲-4667.33萬元,同比下降112.4%。從營收結構來看,生豬養殖業務收入佔比接近67%,飼料業務收入佔比爲28%。 京基智農的前身爲深圳市康達爾(集團)股份有限公司(簡稱“康達爾”)。康達爾原本的業務是房地產開發和飼料生產。2019年完成重組後,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,不斷增加投入大力發展生豬養殖業務。到2022年,成效開始顯現。 今年前9個月,京基智農生豬銷售數量爲89.3萬頭,銷售收入累計14.62億元,佔營收比重66.88%。 從圖表可以看出,今年上半年生豬的售價較低,均價爲14.85元/kg,進入三季度後,價格開始回升。由於上半年生豬價格較低,京基智農豬業產品毛利率出現負值,爲-7.27%,也因此上半年持續虧損。第三季度豬價回升之後,公司纔出現盈利。 實際上,不止京基智農,上半年生豬養殖企業的毛利率大多爲負: 今年以前,京基智農的生豬銷售佔比極低。2019-2021年,京基智農豬業產品的收入分別爲4434.81萬元、756.99萬元和1.82億元,佔營收比重僅有0.9%、0.19%、5.64%。 從2019年開始,京基智","text":"10月30日晚間,深圳市京基智農時代股份有限公司(000048.SZ,簡稱“京基智農”)發佈了三季度報告。報告顯示,2022年第三季度,京基智農營業收入爲10.91億元,同比增長255.03%;淨利潤1.38億元,同比增長221.69%,實現扭虧爲盈。不過,第三季度的盈利額度並不足以覆蓋上半年的虧損,公司前三季度依然維持虧損狀態,這也是公司2018年以來首次出現虧損。 值得一提的是,2019年,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,隨着產能的釋放,生豬業務在京基智農業務佔比大增成爲主要收入來源。而原本佔收入大頭的房地產業務,逐漸淡出。 生豬產能釋放,貢獻主要收入 2022年前三季度,京基智農的營業收入爲21.86億元,同比下降24.11%;淨利潤爲-4667.33萬元,同比下降112.4%。從營收結構來看,生豬養殖業務收入佔比接近67%,飼料業務收入佔比爲28%。 京基智農的前身爲深圳市康達爾(集團)股份有限公司(簡稱“康達爾”)。康達爾原本的業務是房地產開發和飼料生產。2019年完成重組後,京基智農開始聚焦生豬養殖業務,不斷增加投入大力發展生豬養殖業務。到2022年,成效開始顯現。 今年前9個月,京基智農生豬銷售數量爲89.3萬頭,銷售收入累計14.62億元,佔營收比重66.88%。 從圖表可以看出,今年上半年生豬的售價較低,均價爲14.85元/kg,進入三季度後,價格開始回升。由於上半年生豬價格較低,京基智農豬業產品毛利率出現負值,爲-7.27%,也因此上半年持續虧損。第三季度豬價回升之後,公司纔出現盈利。 實際上,不止京基智農,上半年生豬養殖企業的毛利率大多爲負: 今年以前,京基智農的生豬銷售佔比極低。2019-2021年,京基智農豬業產品的收入分別爲4434.81萬元、756.99萬元和1.82億元,佔營收比重僅有0.9%、0.19%、5.64%。 從2019年開始,京基智","images":[{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/0e8371eb8ad64e99b87a12c70bcf584e"},{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/16b754b4b5154b7e99f581b30441d54c"},{"img":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/eff6ec09d30b4bb2aa745c5f9f0e4b0b"}],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":2,"likeSize":0,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/665630187","isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":0,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":3,"langContent":"CN","totalScore":0},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1206,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9035655953,"gmtCreate":1647591541126,"gmtModify":1676534248438,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"Great ","listText":"Great ","text":"Great","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":8,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9035655953","repostId":"1130532398","repostType":2,"repost":{"id":"1130532398","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1647590694,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1130532398?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-03-18 16:04","market":"us","language":"en","title":"Over 90% of UP Fintech’s Q4 Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China, Achieving 119% of the Annual Target","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1130532398","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"UP Fintech Holding Limited (the “Company”, a NASDAQ-listed company under the ticker “TIGR”, and all ","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>UP Fintech Holding Limited (the “Company”, a NASDAQ-listed company under the ticker “TIGR”, and all of its subsidiaries and consolidated entities), a leading online brokerage firm focusing on global investors, today reported its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2021. Total revenue in the fourth quarter was US$62.2 million, and total revenue for the year 2021 reached US$264.5 million, a year-over-year increase of 91%. Non-GAAP net income was US$24.5 million.</p><p>At the end of 2021, customer accounts totaled 1.8 million, and the number of customers with deposits increased to 673,400. Furthermore, the company added 414,700 new funded accounts in 2021, more than all of its past annual funded account growth combined. In total, the company achieved 119% of its annual funded account growth target in 2021. During the fourth quarter, the company’s trading volume increased to US$85.9 billion, with total client assets reaching US$17.1 billion. The company’s annual trading volume totaled US$404.3 billion, 1.8 times that of the previous year.</p><p>Mr. Wu Tianhua, CEO and founder of UP Fintech commented, “In 2021, despite fluctuations in global financial markets and significant uncertainties, our focus on our internationalization strategy drove steady growth. In thefourth quarter, over 90% of new funded accounts came from international markets, with a large portion of the new funded accounts coming from Singapore. UP Fintech maintains leading market share in Singapore and the company's Singapore headquarters contributed to making the market as one of key growth drivers, both in the number of total accounts and newly acquired accounts. The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% year-over-year growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20 and above. In the year since we began to ramp up our self-clearing capabilities, we have made substantial progress and now self-clear over 80% of customers’ U.S. cash equities trades. Our firm’s capability to deploy proprietary technologies on our fintech platform demonstrates the contributions that Chinese innovation is making to the global brokerage industry. Our B2B businesses reached new milestones this year: as of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess ofHK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service. Overall, our company’s comprehensive enterprise services are gaining increasing recognition within the industry. In coming years, the company looks forward to entering new international markets and enabling a greater range of investors to allocate their assets globally on our innovative fintech platform.”</p><p><b>Over 90% of Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China as the Company Executes on its Global Expansion Strategy</b></p><p>Driven by strong growth in international markets,UP Fintechfurther expanded its client base. The company added 61,400 new funded accounts during the fourth quarter of which over 90% came from outside China. Furthermore, in 2021, the company added a total of 414,700 new funded accounts, achieving 119% of its annual target. In the fourth quarter, the company's trading volume was US$85.9 billion, client assets reached US$17.1 billion, commission income was up to US$29.9 million, and interest-related income increased to US$22.5 million.</p><p>At a time of global macroeconomic uncertainty, UP Fintechcontinues focus on its long-term expansion plans with a focus on improving the customer experience. To increase customer choice on its platform, the company recently added new functions such as bracket orders and a new display for analyzing diluted cost positions. The company also recently added an option screener and option list to better meet the needs of investors who trade options. In Australia,UP Fintechbegan to meet the needs of local investors by adding multi-dimensional analysis tools and real-time level 2 market data. Investors on the firm’s platform may view a rich range of financial metrics such as capital flow analysis and lists of corporate actions.</p><p>In addition,the company's wealth management business continued to attract more clients as the number of available investment products continued to rise. At the end of the fourth quarter, the company’s Fund Mall enabled another 661 funds for investors to choose from. As the selection of funds has increased, the number of customers investing in the Fund Mall increased by 377.5% year-over-year, and the AUM of the Fund Mall increased by 290.1% year-over-year. ForCash Plus, the company’s idle cash management product,the number of customers and their cumulative transfer value during the fourth quarter was nearly double that of the same period last year. The company also added HKD and SGD currencies to the Fund Mall to further meet customers global asset allocation needs.</p><p>The company offered 26 IPO subscriptions in Hong Kong and The U.S. during the fourth quarter, including several high-profile listings such as those of NetEase Cloud Music and Sense Time. For the full year 2021, the company in total offered 123 IPO subscriptions.The company is becoming one of the top platforms for retail investors to participate in new listings in Hong Kong; retail orders for larger listings such as those of Kuaishou and JD Logistics exceeded HK$10 billion. The company also assisted issuers in connecting with its investor base and highlighting their business performance by helping them hold online roadshows and broadcasting their earnings conference calls. During the year, the company held more than 60% of courses about high-quality Asian assets to investors.</p><p>The company continued to invest in key brokerage technologies to enhance its capability to manage securities trading from the front end to execution and clearing. Self-clearing has long been the purview of traditional banks, but the company continues to ramp up its capability to conduct self-clearing and by the end of the fourth quarter, over 80% of clients were having their U.S. cash equities trades self-cleared. As a result of the company’s investment in clearing technology, clearing costsdeclined quarter over quarter by 27.8%.</p><p>As part of its international expansion, the company continued to obtain new licenses and qualifications in multiple international jurisdictions. The firm now holds 50 licenses and qualifications across 37 categories in Hong Kong, Singapore, The U.S., New Zealand, and Australia. The company looks forward to using these licenses to further support its international expansion.</p><p>UP Fintechis also receiving growing recognition in international capital markets and in 2021 was selected for inclusion in the MSCI China All Shares Index and the MSCI China Small Cap Index.</p><p><b>The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% YoY growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20+</b></p><p>Since entering Singapore in February 2020,UP Fintechhas continued to consolidate its position in the local market. More than half of new funded accounts in the fourth quarter came from Singapore. According to App Annie, as of the end of 2021, as measured by the total number of accounts and downloads,UP Fintech’s flagship mobile trading App, Tiger Trade, led the online brokerage market in Singapore.The fourth quarter wasthe third consecutive quarter of over 100%year-over-yeargrowth in funded accounts in Singapore,and the numberof registered accounts now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20or above. In addition, approximately 30% of the new funded accountsin Singaporein the fourth quarter came from users over the age of 40, which demonstrates the firm’s trading platform appeals to a wide range of investors.</p><p>UP Fintech’s leading position in the Singapore market is due to its relentless focus on localization. In the fourth quarter, to better meet the needs of local clients, the company added a new module to allow easy display of Singapore companies listed in The U.S. market. The company also added new features such as industry classifications and sponsor data to assist customers learn more about local investment opportunities.</p><p>In the fourth quarter, the company offered customers in Singapore the opportunity to subscribe shares from two local issuers. The company also enabled institutional clients in Singapore the ability to participate in the global offerings of new issuers in Hong Kong, further increasing the ability of local investors to participate in China’s capital markets.</p><p>The AUM ofUP Fintech’swealth management business in Singapore increased by 186.5% while the number of customers increased by 223.9% quarter-over-quarter respectively. To increase the value proposition of Cash Plus in international markets, the company introduced lower thresholds for customers to invest their capital in Cash Plus. Local customers may now invest in Cash Plus with just 1 USD, 1 SGD, or 5 HKD and may transfer their funds in and out at any time. During the year, the company joined the Securities Association of Singapore and was honored that its subsidiary, Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., was officially admitted as a trading member of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited, and clearing member and depository agent of The Central Depository (Pte) Limited. The company is the first fintech enabled brokerage in the world to obtain such qualifications in Singapore. In November 2021, UP Fintech’s Singapore subsidiary was Named as "Asia's Most Innovative Company" by Fortune Times, a Singapore based business magazine, demonstrating the company’s innovative platform is gaining increasing recognition from local media.</p><p><b>The Cumulative Number of ESOP Clients at the End of 2021 was 2.5X Higher than the Year Before and Annual Enterprise Services Revenue Increased by 67%</b></p><p>Corporate services such as investment banking and ESOP have become a new driver of the company’s long-term growth. According to the company’s Q4 financial results, other revenues, which includes revenue from investment banking and ESOP, reached US$9.8 million in Q4, and annual revenue from this segment reached US$37.7 million, an increase of 67% from the prior year.</p><p>As of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess of HK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service.</p><p></p><p>During the fourth quarter, the company leveraged the strength of its innovative platform and comprehensive range of services to participate in the underwriting and distribution of 22 listings in The U.S. and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the company acted as an underwriter in the global offerings of NetEase Cloud Music, Sense Time, and Airdoc. For the listing of NetEase Cloud Music, the company was the sole online broker to participate in the global offering. In The U.S., the company leveraged its rich investment banking experience, licenses, and technical capabilities to serve as an underwriter for 15 U.S. IPOs. The 2021 IPO of Kuke Music was another notable milestone for the company; the company was the first online broker to serve as the lead underwriter in a U.S. IPO.</p><p>In the fourth quarter, the company’s investment bank continued to provide a rich range of services to next generation technology companies at multiple stages of their growth, from pre-IPO financial advisory to post listing capital markets services. In 2021, the company provided financial advisory services to over 30 companies. Finally, the company also assisted Canadian Solar conduct an ATM (At The Market) offering to raise additional capital to support the expansion of its green energy business.</p><p>With regards to the company’s ESOP business,UP Fintechadded 51 new clients during the quarter. Despite launching the business just over three years ago, the total number of clients served by the company’s ESOP system reached 313, an increase of 152.4% year-over-year. The company’s ESOP system has extensive capabilities that allow it serve clients listed in Hong Kong, The U.S., and China; the company’s ESOP system also serves a diverse range of pre-IPO clients.</p><p>As a global ESOP provider, the company offers comprehensive services for corporate ESOP management across multiple capital markets. In the fourth quarter, Tiger ESOP provided the pharmaceutical R&D company, Pharmaron, with equity incentive management solutions for both A+H share capital markets. At the same time,UP Fintechalso provided ESOP-related tax, foreign exchange, and other specialized services for Pharmaron’'s multinational employee base that includes British, American, and Chinese nationals. UP Fintech’s capability to provide ESOP and other ancillary services across multiple capital markets and nationalities is a testament to the sophistication of its ESOP system and ability to meet clients’ complex needs.</p><p>On the company’s vibrant social media community, The Tiger Community, 35 new corporations opened enterprise accounts in the fourth quarter, including seven internationally renowned fund companies, such as Fidelity International and Lion Global Investors. As more and more corporations open enterprise accounts in the Tiger Community, the company’s 9+ million user base is able to increase its interaction and understanding of the vast range of issuers and fund companies present in the community.</p><p>UP Fintech’s online community continues to build its position as a preferred investor relations & PR platform for next generation technology companies. The company recently assisted Xiaomi hold an online product launch, helped organize an online conference for Kuaishou, and held a listing anniversary for Dada Nexus. Corporates are drawn to enterprise accounts as they may employ innovative marketing materials, such as interactive graphics and livestreams, to directly connect with investors and customers.Many enterprise accounts have already received over one million views and the company looks forward to inviting more investors and corporates to participate in its online community.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>Over 90% of UP Fintech’s Q4 Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China, Achieving 119% of the Annual Target</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nOver 90% of UP Fintech’s Q4 Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China, Achieving 119% of the Annual Target\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-03-18 16:04</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>UP Fintech Holding Limited (the “Company”, a NASDAQ-listed company under the ticker “TIGR”, and all of its subsidiaries and consolidated entities), a leading online brokerage firm focusing on global investors, today reported its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2021. Total revenue in the fourth quarter was US$62.2 million, and total revenue for the year 2021 reached US$264.5 million, a year-over-year increase of 91%. Non-GAAP net income was US$24.5 million.</p><p>At the end of 2021, customer accounts totaled 1.8 million, and the number of customers with deposits increased to 673,400. Furthermore, the company added 414,700 new funded accounts in 2021, more than all of its past annual funded account growth combined. In total, the company achieved 119% of its annual funded account growth target in 2021. During the fourth quarter, the company’s trading volume increased to US$85.9 billion, with total client assets reaching US$17.1 billion. The company’s annual trading volume totaled US$404.3 billion, 1.8 times that of the previous year.</p><p>Mr. Wu Tianhua, CEO and founder of UP Fintech commented, “In 2021, despite fluctuations in global financial markets and significant uncertainties, our focus on our internationalization strategy drove steady growth. In thefourth quarter, over 90% of new funded accounts came from international markets, with a large portion of the new funded accounts coming from Singapore. UP Fintech maintains leading market share in Singapore and the company's Singapore headquarters contributed to making the market as one of key growth drivers, both in the number of total accounts and newly acquired accounts. The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% year-over-year growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20 and above. In the year since we began to ramp up our self-clearing capabilities, we have made substantial progress and now self-clear over 80% of customers’ U.S. cash equities trades. Our firm’s capability to deploy proprietary technologies on our fintech platform demonstrates the contributions that Chinese innovation is making to the global brokerage industry. Our B2B businesses reached new milestones this year: as of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess ofHK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service. Overall, our company’s comprehensive enterprise services are gaining increasing recognition within the industry. In coming years, the company looks forward to entering new international markets and enabling a greater range of investors to allocate their assets globally on our innovative fintech platform.”</p><p><b>Over 90% of Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China as the Company Executes on its Global Expansion Strategy</b></p><p>Driven by strong growth in international markets,UP Fintechfurther expanded its client base. The company added 61,400 new funded accounts during the fourth quarter of which over 90% came from outside China. Furthermore, in 2021, the company added a total of 414,700 new funded accounts, achieving 119% of its annual target. In the fourth quarter, the company's trading volume was US$85.9 billion, client assets reached US$17.1 billion, commission income was up to US$29.9 million, and interest-related income increased to US$22.5 million.</p><p>At a time of global macroeconomic uncertainty, UP Fintechcontinues focus on its long-term expansion plans with a focus on improving the customer experience. To increase customer choice on its platform, the company recently added new functions such as bracket orders and a new display for analyzing diluted cost positions. The company also recently added an option screener and option list to better meet the needs of investors who trade options. In Australia,UP Fintechbegan to meet the needs of local investors by adding multi-dimensional analysis tools and real-time level 2 market data. Investors on the firm’s platform may view a rich range of financial metrics such as capital flow analysis and lists of corporate actions.</p><p>In addition,the company's wealth management business continued to attract more clients as the number of available investment products continued to rise. At the end of the fourth quarter, the company’s Fund Mall enabled another 661 funds for investors to choose from. As the selection of funds has increased, the number of customers investing in the Fund Mall increased by 377.5% year-over-year, and the AUM of the Fund Mall increased by 290.1% year-over-year. ForCash Plus, the company’s idle cash management product,the number of customers and their cumulative transfer value during the fourth quarter was nearly double that of the same period last year. The company also added HKD and SGD currencies to the Fund Mall to further meet customers global asset allocation needs.</p><p>The company offered 26 IPO subscriptions in Hong Kong and The U.S. during the fourth quarter, including several high-profile listings such as those of NetEase Cloud Music and Sense Time. For the full year 2021, the company in total offered 123 IPO subscriptions.The company is becoming one of the top platforms for retail investors to participate in new listings in Hong Kong; retail orders for larger listings such as those of Kuaishou and JD Logistics exceeded HK$10 billion. The company also assisted issuers in connecting with its investor base and highlighting their business performance by helping them hold online roadshows and broadcasting their earnings conference calls. During the year, the company held more than 60% of courses about high-quality Asian assets to investors.</p><p>The company continued to invest in key brokerage technologies to enhance its capability to manage securities trading from the front end to execution and clearing. Self-clearing has long been the purview of traditional banks, but the company continues to ramp up its capability to conduct self-clearing and by the end of the fourth quarter, over 80% of clients were having their U.S. cash equities trades self-cleared. As a result of the company’s investment in clearing technology, clearing costsdeclined quarter over quarter by 27.8%.</p><p>As part of its international expansion, the company continued to obtain new licenses and qualifications in multiple international jurisdictions. The firm now holds 50 licenses and qualifications across 37 categories in Hong Kong, Singapore, The U.S., New Zealand, and Australia. The company looks forward to using these licenses to further support its international expansion.</p><p>UP Fintechis also receiving growing recognition in international capital markets and in 2021 was selected for inclusion in the MSCI China All Shares Index and the MSCI China Small Cap Index.</p><p><b>The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% YoY growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20+</b></p><p>Since entering Singapore in February 2020,UP Fintechhas continued to consolidate its position in the local market. More than half of new funded accounts in the fourth quarter came from Singapore. According to App Annie, as of the end of 2021, as measured by the total number of accounts and downloads,UP Fintech’s flagship mobile trading App, Tiger Trade, led the online brokerage market in Singapore.The fourth quarter wasthe third consecutive quarter of over 100%year-over-yeargrowth in funded accounts in Singapore,and the numberof registered accounts now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20or above. In addition, approximately 30% of the new funded accountsin Singaporein the fourth quarter came from users over the age of 40, which demonstrates the firm’s trading platform appeals to a wide range of investors.</p><p>UP Fintech’s leading position in the Singapore market is due to its relentless focus on localization. In the fourth quarter, to better meet the needs of local clients, the company added a new module to allow easy display of Singapore companies listed in The U.S. market. The company also added new features such as industry classifications and sponsor data to assist customers learn more about local investment opportunities.</p><p>In the fourth quarter, the company offered customers in Singapore the opportunity to subscribe shares from two local issuers. The company also enabled institutional clients in Singapore the ability to participate in the global offerings of new issuers in Hong Kong, further increasing the ability of local investors to participate in China’s capital markets.</p><p>The AUM ofUP Fintech’swealth management business in Singapore increased by 186.5% while the number of customers increased by 223.9% quarter-over-quarter respectively. To increase the value proposition of Cash Plus in international markets, the company introduced lower thresholds for customers to invest their capital in Cash Plus. Local customers may now invest in Cash Plus with just 1 USD, 1 SGD, or 5 HKD and may transfer their funds in and out at any time. During the year, the company joined the Securities Association of Singapore and was honored that its subsidiary, Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., was officially admitted as a trading member of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited, and clearing member and depository agent of The Central Depository (Pte) Limited. The company is the first fintech enabled brokerage in the world to obtain such qualifications in Singapore. In November 2021, UP Fintech’s Singapore subsidiary was Named as "Asia's Most Innovative Company" by Fortune Times, a Singapore based business magazine, demonstrating the company’s innovative platform is gaining increasing recognition from local media.</p><p><b>The Cumulative Number of ESOP Clients at the End of 2021 was 2.5X Higher than the Year Before and Annual Enterprise Services Revenue Increased by 67%</b></p><p>Corporate services such as investment banking and ESOP have become a new driver of the company’s long-term growth. According to the company’s Q4 financial results, other revenues, which includes revenue from investment banking and ESOP, reached US$9.8 million in Q4, and annual revenue from this segment reached US$37.7 million, an increase of 67% from the prior year.</p><p>As of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess of HK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service.</p><p></p><p>During the fourth quarter, the company leveraged the strength of its innovative platform and comprehensive range of services to participate in the underwriting and distribution of 22 listings in The U.S. and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the company acted as an underwriter in the global offerings of NetEase Cloud Music, Sense Time, and Airdoc. For the listing of NetEase Cloud Music, the company was the sole online broker to participate in the global offering. In The U.S., the company leveraged its rich investment banking experience, licenses, and technical capabilities to serve as an underwriter for 15 U.S. IPOs. The 2021 IPO of Kuke Music was another notable milestone for the company; the company was the first online broker to serve as the lead underwriter in a U.S. IPO.</p><p>In the fourth quarter, the company’s investment bank continued to provide a rich range of services to next generation technology companies at multiple stages of their growth, from pre-IPO financial advisory to post listing capital markets services. In 2021, the company provided financial advisory services to over 30 companies. Finally, the company also assisted Canadian Solar conduct an ATM (At The Market) offering to raise additional capital to support the expansion of its green energy business.</p><p>With regards to the company’s ESOP business,UP Fintechadded 51 new clients during the quarter. Despite launching the business just over three years ago, the total number of clients served by the company’s ESOP system reached 313, an increase of 152.4% year-over-year. The company’s ESOP system has extensive capabilities that allow it serve clients listed in Hong Kong, The U.S., and China; the company’s ESOP system also serves a diverse range of pre-IPO clients.</p><p>As a global ESOP provider, the company offers comprehensive services for corporate ESOP management across multiple capital markets. In the fourth quarter, Tiger ESOP provided the pharmaceutical R&D company, Pharmaron, with equity incentive management solutions for both A+H share capital markets. At the same time,UP Fintechalso provided ESOP-related tax, foreign exchange, and other specialized services for Pharmaron’'s multinational employee base that includes British, American, and Chinese nationals. UP Fintech’s capability to provide ESOP and other ancillary services across multiple capital markets and nationalities is a testament to the sophistication of its ESOP system and ability to meet clients’ complex needs.</p><p>On the company’s vibrant social media community, The Tiger Community, 35 new corporations opened enterprise accounts in the fourth quarter, including seven internationally renowned fund companies, such as Fidelity International and Lion Global Investors. As more and more corporations open enterprise accounts in the Tiger Community, the company’s 9+ million user base is able to increase its interaction and understanding of the vast range of issuers and fund companies present in the community.</p><p>UP Fintech’s online community continues to build its position as a preferred investor relations & PR platform for next generation technology companies. The company recently assisted Xiaomi hold an online product launch, helped organize an online conference for Kuaishou, and held a listing anniversary for Dada Nexus. Corporates are drawn to enterprise accounts as they may employ innovative marketing materials, such as interactive graphics and livestreams, to directly connect with investors and customers.Many enterprise accounts have already received over one million views and the company looks forward to inviting more investors and corporates to participate in its online community.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{"TIGR":"老虎证券"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1130532398","content_text":"UP Fintech Holding Limited (the “Company”, a NASDAQ-listed company under the ticker “TIGR”, and all of its subsidiaries and consolidated entities), a leading online brokerage firm focusing on global investors, today reported its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2021. Total revenue in the fourth quarter was US$62.2 million, and total revenue for the year 2021 reached US$264.5 million, a year-over-year increase of 91%. Non-GAAP net income was US$24.5 million.At the end of 2021, customer accounts totaled 1.8 million, and the number of customers with deposits increased to 673,400. Furthermore, the company added 414,700 new funded accounts in 2021, more than all of its past annual funded account growth combined. In total, the company achieved 119% of its annual funded account growth target in 2021. During the fourth quarter, the company’s trading volume increased to US$85.9 billion, with total client assets reaching US$17.1 billion. The company’s annual trading volume totaled US$404.3 billion, 1.8 times that of the previous year.Mr. Wu Tianhua, CEO and founder of UP Fintech commented, “In 2021, despite fluctuations in global financial markets and significant uncertainties, our focus on our internationalization strategy drove steady growth. In thefourth quarter, over 90% of new funded accounts came from international markets, with a large portion of the new funded accounts coming from Singapore. UP Fintech maintains leading market share in Singapore and the company's Singapore headquarters contributed to making the market as one of key growth drivers, both in the number of total accounts and newly acquired accounts. The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% year-over-year growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20 and above. In the year since we began to ramp up our self-clearing capabilities, we have made substantial progress and now self-clear over 80% of customers’ U.S. cash equities trades. Our firm’s capability to deploy proprietary technologies on our fintech platform demonstrates the contributions that Chinese innovation is making to the global brokerage industry. Our B2B businesses reached new milestones this year: as of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess ofHK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service. Overall, our company’s comprehensive enterprise services are gaining increasing recognition within the industry. In coming years, the company looks forward to entering new international markets and enabling a greater range of investors to allocate their assets globally on our innovative fintech platform.”Over 90% of Newly Funded Accounts Came from Outside China as the Company Executes on its Global Expansion StrategyDriven by strong growth in international markets,UP Fintechfurther expanded its client base. The company added 61,400 new funded accounts during the fourth quarter of which over 90% came from outside China. Furthermore, in 2021, the company added a total of 414,700 new funded accounts, achieving 119% of its annual target. In the fourth quarter, the company's trading volume was US$85.9 billion, client assets reached US$17.1 billion, commission income was up to US$29.9 million, and interest-related income increased to US$22.5 million.At a time of global macroeconomic uncertainty, UP Fintechcontinues focus on its long-term expansion plans with a focus on improving the customer experience. To increase customer choice on its platform, the company recently added new functions such as bracket orders and a new display for analyzing diluted cost positions. The company also recently added an option screener and option list to better meet the needs of investors who trade options. In Australia,UP Fintechbegan to meet the needs of local investors by adding multi-dimensional analysis tools and real-time level 2 market data. Investors on the firm’s platform may view a rich range of financial metrics such as capital flow analysis and lists of corporate actions.In addition,the company's wealth management business continued to attract more clients as the number of available investment products continued to rise. At the end of the fourth quarter, the company’s Fund Mall enabled another 661 funds for investors to choose from. As the selection of funds has increased, the number of customers investing in the Fund Mall increased by 377.5% year-over-year, and the AUM of the Fund Mall increased by 290.1% year-over-year. ForCash Plus, the company’s idle cash management product,the number of customers and their cumulative transfer value during the fourth quarter was nearly double that of the same period last year. The company also added HKD and SGD currencies to the Fund Mall to further meet customers global asset allocation needs.The company offered 26 IPO subscriptions in Hong Kong and The U.S. during the fourth quarter, including several high-profile listings such as those of NetEase Cloud Music and Sense Time. For the full year 2021, the company in total offered 123 IPO subscriptions.The company is becoming one of the top platforms for retail investors to participate in new listings in Hong Kong; retail orders for larger listings such as those of Kuaishou and JD Logistics exceeded HK$10 billion. The company also assisted issuers in connecting with its investor base and highlighting their business performance by helping them hold online roadshows and broadcasting their earnings conference calls. During the year, the company held more than 60% of courses about high-quality Asian assets to investors.The company continued to invest in key brokerage technologies to enhance its capability to manage securities trading from the front end to execution and clearing. Self-clearing has long been the purview of traditional banks, but the company continues to ramp up its capability to conduct self-clearing and by the end of the fourth quarter, over 80% of clients were having their U.S. cash equities trades self-cleared. As a result of the company’s investment in clearing technology, clearing costsdeclined quarter over quarter by 27.8%.As part of its international expansion, the company continued to obtain new licenses and qualifications in multiple international jurisdictions. The firm now holds 50 licenses and qualifications across 37 categories in Hong Kong, Singapore, The U.S., New Zealand, and Australia. The company looks forward to using these licenses to further support its international expansion.UP Fintechis also receiving growing recognition in international capital markets and in 2021 was selected for inclusion in the MSCI China All Shares Index and the MSCI China Small Cap Index.The fourth quarter was the third consecutive quarter of more than 100% YoY growth in funded accounts in Singapore. The total number of registered accounts in Singapore now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20+Since entering Singapore in February 2020,UP Fintechhas continued to consolidate its position in the local market. More than half of new funded accounts in the fourth quarter came from Singapore. According to App Annie, as of the end of 2021, as measured by the total number of accounts and downloads,UP Fintech’s flagship mobile trading App, Tiger Trade, led the online brokerage market in Singapore.The fourth quarter wasthe third consecutive quarter of over 100%year-over-yeargrowth in funded accounts in Singapore,and the numberof registered accounts now represents 15% of Singapore's population aged 20or above. In addition, approximately 30% of the new funded accountsin Singaporein the fourth quarter came from users over the age of 40, which demonstrates the firm’s trading platform appeals to a wide range of investors.UP Fintech’s leading position in the Singapore market is due to its relentless focus on localization. In the fourth quarter, to better meet the needs of local clients, the company added a new module to allow easy display of Singapore companies listed in The U.S. market. The company also added new features such as industry classifications and sponsor data to assist customers learn more about local investment opportunities.In the fourth quarter, the company offered customers in Singapore the opportunity to subscribe shares from two local issuers. The company also enabled institutional clients in Singapore the ability to participate in the global offerings of new issuers in Hong Kong, further increasing the ability of local investors to participate in China’s capital markets.The AUM ofUP Fintech’swealth management business in Singapore increased by 186.5% while the number of customers increased by 223.9% quarter-over-quarter respectively. To increase the value proposition of Cash Plus in international markets, the company introduced lower thresholds for customers to invest their capital in Cash Plus. Local customers may now invest in Cash Plus with just 1 USD, 1 SGD, or 5 HKD and may transfer their funds in and out at any time. During the year, the company joined the Securities Association of Singapore and was honored that its subsidiary, Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., was officially admitted as a trading member of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited, and clearing member and depository agent of The Central Depository (Pte) Limited. The company is the first fintech enabled brokerage in the world to obtain such qualifications in Singapore. In November 2021, UP Fintech’s Singapore subsidiary was Named as \"Asia's Most Innovative Company\" by Fortune Times, a Singapore based business magazine, demonstrating the company’s innovative platform is gaining increasing recognition from local media.The Cumulative Number of ESOP Clients at the End of 2021 was 2.5X Higher than the Year Before and Annual Enterprise Services Revenue Increased by 67%Corporate services such as investment banking and ESOP have become a new driver of the company’s long-term growth. According to the company’s Q4 financial results, other revenues, which includes revenue from investment banking and ESOP, reached US$9.8 million in Q4, and annual revenue from this segment reached US$37.7 million, an increase of 67% from the prior year.As of December 31st, 2021, 90% of new issuers with market capitalization in excess of HK$100 billion in Hong Kong and 100% of new U.S. ADR issuers with market capitalization over US$1 billion cooperated with UP Fintech’s investment bank or chose to use the company’s ESOP service.During the fourth quarter, the company leveraged the strength of its innovative platform and comprehensive range of services to participate in the underwriting and distribution of 22 listings in The U.S. and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the company acted as an underwriter in the global offerings of NetEase Cloud Music, Sense Time, and Airdoc. For the listing of NetEase Cloud Music, the company was the sole online broker to participate in the global offering. In The U.S., the company leveraged its rich investment banking experience, licenses, and technical capabilities to serve as an underwriter for 15 U.S. IPOs. The 2021 IPO of Kuke Music was another notable milestone for the company; the company was the first online broker to serve as the lead underwriter in a U.S. IPO.In the fourth quarter, the company’s investment bank continued to provide a rich range of services to next generation technology companies at multiple stages of their growth, from pre-IPO financial advisory to post listing capital markets services. In 2021, the company provided financial advisory services to over 30 companies. Finally, the company also assisted Canadian Solar conduct an ATM (At The Market) offering to raise additional capital to support the expansion of its green energy business.With regards to the company’s ESOP business,UP Fintechadded 51 new clients during the quarter. Despite launching the business just over three years ago, the total number of clients served by the company’s ESOP system reached 313, an increase of 152.4% year-over-year. The company’s ESOP system has extensive capabilities that allow it serve clients listed in Hong Kong, The U.S., and China; the company’s ESOP system also serves a diverse range of pre-IPO clients.As a global ESOP provider, the company offers comprehensive services for corporate ESOP management across multiple capital markets. In the fourth quarter, Tiger ESOP provided the pharmaceutical R&D company, Pharmaron, with equity incentive management solutions for both A+H share capital markets. At the same time,UP Fintechalso provided ESOP-related tax, foreign exchange, and other specialized services for Pharmaron’'s multinational employee base that includes British, American, and Chinese nationals. UP Fintech’s capability to provide ESOP and other ancillary services across multiple capital markets and nationalities is a testament to the sophistication of its ESOP system and ability to meet clients’ complex needs.On the company’s vibrant social media community, The Tiger Community, 35 new corporations opened enterprise accounts in the fourth quarter, including seven internationally renowned fund companies, such as Fidelity International and Lion Global Investors. As more and more corporations open enterprise accounts in the Tiger Community, the company’s 9+ million user base is able to increase its interaction and understanding of the vast range of issuers and fund companies present in the community.UP Fintech’s online community continues to build its position as a preferred investor relations & PR platform for next generation technology companies. The company recently assisted Xiaomi hold an online product launch, helped organize an online conference for Kuaishou, and held a listing anniversary for Dada Nexus. Corporates are drawn to enterprise accounts as they may employ innovative marketing materials, such as interactive graphics and livestreams, to directly connect with investors and customers.Many enterprise accounts have already received over one million views and the company looks forward to inviting more investors and corporates to participate in its online community.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1465,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0},{"id":9036538569,"gmtCreate":1647138013572,"gmtModify":1676534197792,"author":{"id":"4097838319258300","authorId":"4097838319258300","name":"MoiFong","avatar":"https://static.itradeup.com/news/d1f8940b124d88d37c5607eb40ad4f44","crmLevel":3,"crmLevelSwitch":0,"followedFlag":false,"idStr":"4097838319258300","authorIdStr":"4097838319258300"},"themes":[],"htmlText":"[Like] ","listText":"[Like] ","text":"[Like]","images":[],"top":1,"highlighted":1,"essential":1,"paper":1,"likeSize":5,"commentSize":0,"repostSize":0,"link":"https://ttm.financial/post/9036538569","repostId":"1191877390","repostType":4,"repost":{"id":"1191877390","kind":"news","weMediaInfo":{"introduction":"Providing stock market headlines, business news, financials and earnings ","home_visible":1,"media_name":"Tiger Newspress","id":"1079075236","head_image":"https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba"},"pubTimestamp":1646809389,"share":"https://ttm.financial/m/news/1191877390?lang=&edition=fundamental","pubTime":"2022-03-09 15:03","market":"us","language":"en","title":"U.S. Daylight Saving Time Begins on Sunday, March 13, 2022","url":"https://stock-news.laohu8.com/highlight/detail?id=1191877390","media":"Tiger Newspress","summary":"U.S. daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March13, 2022. at 2:00 a.m. The clocks will be moved for","content":"<html><head></head><body><p>U.S. daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March13, 2022. at 2:00 a.m. The clocks will be moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.</p><p>At that time, the regular trading period of the US stock market will become 9:30 p.m. to 4:00 a.m(Beijing Time/SGT)and 00:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m (AEDT)</p><p>Daylight saving time will end on Nov. 6 this year. The federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 decreed that standard time starts on the first Sunday of November.</p><p>In 1918, the U.S. enacted the first Daylight Saving Time law as a way to conserve fuel. It was reintroduced during World War II.</p><p>In 1973, President Nixon signed into law the Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act, which made DST permanent in the U.S. This helped reduce confusion throughout the country with some regions of the U.S. participating in the practice and some regions opting out.</p></body></html>","collect":0,"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no,email=no,address=no\" />\n<title>U.S. Daylight Saving Time Begins on Sunday, March 13, 2022</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\na,abbr,acronym,address,applet,article,aside,audio,b,big,blockquote,body,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,dd,del,details,dfn,div,dl,dt,\nem,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,html,i,iframe,img,ins,kbd,label,legend,li,mark,menu,nav,\nobject,ol,output,p,pre,q,ruby,s,samp,section,small,span,strike,strong,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,time,tr,tt,u,ul,var,video{ font:inherit;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;border:0 }\nbody{ font-size:16px; line-height:1.5; color:#999; background:transparent; }\n.wrapper{ overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;padding:10px; }\nh1,h2{ font-weight:normal; line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:.6em; }\nh3,h4,h5,h6{ line-height:1.35; margin-bottom:1em; }\nh1{ font-size:24px; }\nh2{ font-size:20px; }\nh3{ font-size:18px; }\nh4{ font-size:16px; }\nh5{ font-size:14px; }\nh6{ font-size:12px; }\np,ul,ol,blockquote,dl,table{ margin:1.2em 0; }\nul,ol{ margin-left:2em; }\nul{ list-style:disc; }\nol{ list-style:decimal; }\nli,li p{ margin:10px 0;}\nimg{ max-width:100%;display:block;margin:0 auto 1em; }\nblockquote{ color:#B5B2B1; border-left:3px solid #aaa; padding:1em; }\nstrong,b{font-weight:bold;}\nem,i{font-style:italic;}\ntable{ width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:1px;margin:1em 0;font-size:.9em; }\nth,td{ padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #aaa; }\nth{ font-weight:bold;background:#5d5d5d; }\n.symbol-link{font-weight:bold;}\n/* header{ border-bottom:1px solid #494756; } */\n.title{ margin:0 0 8px;line-height:1.3;color:#ddd; }\n.meta {color:#5e5c6d;font-size:13px;margin:0 0 .5em; }\na{text-decoration:none; color:#2a4b87;}\n.meta .head { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}\n.head .h-thumb { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; float: left;}\n.head .h-content { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 9px; float: left;}\n.head .h-name {font-size: 13px; color: #eee; margin: 0;}\n.head .h-time {font-size: 11px; color: #7E829C; margin: 0;line-height: 11px;}\n.small {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.9); -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.smaller {font-size: 12.5px; display: inline-block; transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: left; -webkit-transform-origin: left;}\n.bt-text {font-size: 12px;margin: 1.5em 0 0 0}\n.bt-text p {margin: 0}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"wrapper\">\n<header>\n<h2 class=\"title\">\nU.S. Daylight Saving Time Begins on Sunday, March 13, 2022\n</h2>\n\n<h4 class=\"meta\">\n\n\n<a class=\"head\" href=\"https://laohu8.com/wemedia/1079075236\">\n\n\n<div class=\"h-thumb\" style=\"background-image:url(https://static.tigerbbs.com/8274c5b9d4c2852bfb1c4d6ce16c68ba);background-size:cover;\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"h-content\">\n<p class=\"h-name\">Tiger Newspress </p>\n<p class=\"h-time\">2022-03-09 15:03</p>\n</div>\n\n</a>\n\n\n</h4>\n\n</header>\n<article>\n<html><head></head><body><p>U.S. daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March13, 2022. at 2:00 a.m. The clocks will be moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.</p><p>At that time, the regular trading period of the US stock market will become 9:30 p.m. to 4:00 a.m(Beijing Time/SGT)and 00:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m (AEDT)</p><p>Daylight saving time will end on Nov. 6 this year. The federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 decreed that standard time starts on the first Sunday of November.</p><p>In 1918, the U.S. enacted the first Daylight Saving Time law as a way to conserve fuel. It was reintroduced during World War II.</p><p>In 1973, President Nixon signed into law the Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act, which made DST permanent in the U.S. This helped reduce confusion throughout the country with some regions of the U.S. participating in the practice and some regions opting out.</p></body></html>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n","type":0,"thumbnail":"","relate_stocks":{".SPX":"S&P 500 Index",".DJI":"道琼斯",".IXIC":"NASDAQ Composite"},"source_url":"","is_english":true,"share_image_url":"https://static.laohu8.com/e9f99090a1c2ed51c021029395664489","article_id":"1191877390","content_text":"U.S. daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March13, 2022. at 2:00 a.m. The clocks will be moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.At that time, the regular trading period of the US stock market will become 9:30 p.m. to 4:00 a.m(Beijing Time/SGT)and 00:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m (AEDT)Daylight saving time will end on Nov. 6 this year. The federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 decreed that standard time starts on the first Sunday of November.In 1918, the U.S. enacted the first Daylight Saving Time law as a way to conserve fuel. It was reintroduced during World War II.In 1973, President Nixon signed into law the Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act, which made DST permanent in the U.S. This helped reduce confusion throughout the country with some regions of the U.S. participating in the practice and some regions opting out.","news_type":1},"isVote":1,"tweetType":1,"viewCount":1427,"authorTweetTopStatus":1,"verified":2,"comments":[],"imageCount":0,"langContent":"EN","totalScore":0}],"lives":[]}