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Tesla Stock: To buy, sell, hold, or ignore? | VI College

Every investor would have heard of Tesla… or if you haven’t yet, for sure you’ve heard the name “Elon Musk” -- #2 on Forbes 400 world’s wealthiest list, CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, and the one who recently bought social media giant Twitter.Some would argue that Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) isn’t exactly a stock for beginners, as its price point is relatively high. At US$309, Tesla is seen as overvalued at the moment. It’s not exactly a stock that beginner investors with limited capital would put their hard-earned money into, but that’s understandable.But why does Tesla stock keep dominating the news? Why do investor circles panic with just a tweet from Musk or a newly released analysis by some banking experts?With all these noises surrounding Tesla, is it wise to invest in this stock or at lea
Tesla Stock: To buy, sell, hold, or ignore? | VI College
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3 Best Stocks for Hyperinflation | VI College

We’re all familiar with what inflation means, but do you know what hyperinflation is? It is a “rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases in an economy.”Think of it this way: hyperinflation is the worst version of inflation. While inflation tackles the speed at how much the price of commodities is increasing, hyperinflation is the rapid spike of price increases.To better put it into context: the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to assess the strength of the dollar. On the other hand, the CPI is a price index of more than 90,000 commodities and services.So, how, then, do we determine if inflation is high?The Federal Reserve aims to preserve a healthy inflation rate of about 2%. The economy is relatively manageable as long as general rates fall
3 Best Stocks for Hyperinflation | VI College
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5 Inflation-Resistant Stocks To Consider Buying | VI College

How wealthy would you say you are?Fairly enough, there are different kinds of wealth. Unfortunately, the only kind that matters in the stock market is the one that involves money. And we all know good money doesn’t come easy these days, especially with the pandemic negatively affecting global economies. As a result, you’re most likely to pay more for the goods and services you already consume.Because inflation involves the increasing of rates (did you know it’s currently at 8.6% – the highest in 40 years?!), it will become extra challenging for us to afford everyday commodities if our earnings don’t keep up.Nonetheless, financial advisors tell us that there are still a few things we can smile about. For starters, inflation-resistant stocks almost always promise bright returns. When the eco
5 Inflation-Resistant Stocks To Consider Buying | VI College
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Can you buy Meituan stock? | VI College

We're sure you know what Meituan $Meituan(03690)$$MEITUAN(MPNGY)$ is and how it makes money. Let's learn with Dr VI and analyse this company. Is it a good buy right now or not?Follow @VI College for more Dr VI videos!~Disclaimer: All facts and opinions presented are for educational purposes only. This is not a recommendation to buy or to sell. Please do your own due diligence.
Can you buy Meituan stock? | VI College
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A Closer Look at the Apple Stock | VI College

Are you an Apple fan?If you are, then it’s common knowledge that $Apple(AAPL)$ has become a household name both as a corporation and as a lifestyle brand. Because of that, it shouldn't surprise you why business leaders are quick to place their bets on Apple as a stock and company.But what makes Apple the tech giant that it is today? Why are investors rushing to get their piece of the pie?Allow us to enumerate a few of the most obvious (or not) reasons.Apple is bankableFounded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, Apple is renowned for leading the tech industry with its many innovative services.In 1980, when Apple held its IPO, you could buy a share for $22. As of today, it now costs $157 per share. This huge increase reve
A Closer Look at the Apple Stock | VI College
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Investing in Energy Stocks Amidst Russia-Ukraine War | VI College

Perhaps the daily updates we always wait for in the morning and evening news is the price of oil given the hostilities between Russia and Ukraine.But maybe you’re also wondering why this conflict is such a huge factor in the global oil price changes.And for investors, Warren Buffett’s increasing stake in oil companies can be quite puzzling.Let’s start explaining these things by this fact: Energy stocks are outperforming the stock market amidst the global inflation issues.But before you jump to another page looking for the best energy stocks to invest in this year, get yourself equipped with knowledge on how energy stocks and investing in them work.The energy sectorWhy are we always looking at oil prices? It’s simple. The energy sector produces and supplies the electricity we need to power
Investing in Energy Stocks Amidst Russia-Ukraine War | VI College
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Property Investing in Singapore: Dos and Don’ts | VI College

It is increasingly impossible to depend on just our 9-5 job for income these days while living in Singapore, especially if we have a family to support. Forget savings and leisure. Some days, basic expenses alone demand our entire paycheck.This led to a lot of Singaporeans now starting to look for other avenues to grow their income, attempting to keep up with the speed of things. And if you're reading this, you're probably one of them.One of the popular choices now is property investing in Singapore.One of the most timeless, or should we say "classic", investing instruments there is, is property. In other countries, property investing could sometimes lean towards "a piece of land" or "a building". But because of the nature and size of our little red dot, property in Singapore these days, mo
Property Investing in Singapore: Dos and Don’ts | VI College
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Want to invest in Square? | VI College

Are you considering investing in $Block(SQ)$ Square? That's fine. Have you checked its fundamentals yet? Watch how Dr VI analysed this stock using the VI App tool.*video from October 2021Follow @VI College for more Dr VI stock analysis videos.~Disclaimer: All facts and opinions presented are for educational purposes only. This is not a recommendation to buy or to sell. Please do your own due diligence.
Want to invest in Square? | VI College
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IPO Stocks to Watch in 2022 | VI College

The early bird catches the worm – this is also the same principle guiding the thought process of investors in IPO stocks. They want early on the action, to term it differently.But to you who might not know what an IPO even means, being an early bird might not make sense.Allow us to introduce to you this concept: what it is, its pros and cons, examples, and the IPO lineup this year. Then it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to catch the worm.What are IPOsIPO stands for "initial public offering." It basically is the first time a company goes public. You can also call it a transition where a private company starts to sell shares to the public.The most recent example you’d most probably know is Grab. Before 2021 ended, Grab announced its IPO on Nasdaq. Prior to this, Grab was priva
IPO Stocks to Watch in 2022 | VI College
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Is CROCS a good buy? | VI College

You're wearing Crocs now, aren't you? Did you know that last year, $Crocs(CROX)$ share price performed very well? And did you also know it's undervalued right now?!Watch Dr VI as he analysed NASDAQ:CROX in October 2021, and go check out VI App to see how it is undervalued as of today!Follow @VI College for more stock analysis videos with Dr VI!~Disclaimer: All facts and opinions presented are for educational purposes only. This is not a recommendation to buy or to sell. Please do your own due diligence.
Is CROCS a good buy? | VI College
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Stock Market Volatility: Should you be fearful? | VI College

On some days, your portfolio might be up 20%. On others, it might be down 30%.Although it might be terrifying, stock market volatility is an unavoidable part of investing. Market declines are unpleasant, but they will happen at some point throughout your financial journey.When the market is falling, though, it's difficult to remain calm. "Shouldn't I be doing something?" you think to yourself.In every situation, there is always a decision that needs to be made. It might be confusing to know what to do for beginners and the things you should do might require some practice.However, before learning how to reduce your risk from the stock market volatility, you need to understand what it is.Fact: The stock market is volatileAs much as possible, we choose straight paths. But the stock market wil
Stock Market Volatility: Should you be fearful? | VI College
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4 Good Stocks to Invest in 2022 | VI College

Is 2022 going to be a risky or rewarding year? We’ll never know.The past couple of years had been chaotic. If anything, 2020 and 2021 taught us to expect the unexpected. But the optimism that the market could stabilise this year is undoubtedly apparent.With the worldwide rebound from the pandemic already underway, we should expect more economic growth this year. But what are the good stocks to invest in 2022?Many investment opportunities have presented themselves, although it doesn't mean we should ignore dangers such as inflation. Plus, the pandemic remains a pressing problem.While some stocks have shown to have underperformed in the long run, others appear to be heading in the right direction. Predicting which stocks will perform is difficult even for professionals. Hence, we should
4 Good Stocks to Invest in 2022 | VI College
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Is investing in Microsoft a good idea? | VI College

Microsoft's fundamentals have been looking good over the years. Here's an analysis of $Microsoft(MSFT)$ using the VI App. Let us know what you think about investing in this software company through the comments below!Follow @VI College for more stock analysis videos by Dr VI!~Disclaimer: All facts and opinions presented are for educational purposes only. This is not a recommendation to buy or to sell. Please do your own due diligence.
Is investing in Microsoft a good idea? | VI College
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How To Outrun Rising Inflation Rates | VI College

Inflation has been a hot topic lately. The rates have been rising for the past year and many people are worried that they'll keep going up forever now that we're recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.According to Singstat's report in November, Singapore's headline inflation rate is now at 3.8%, higher than economists' forecast of 3.4% and 0.6% more than October's previous high of 3.2%.In another article published in early January by Bloomberg, it is reported that the US inflation has hit a 39-year high at 7%! Subscriptions like Netflix and Peloton also announced recently that they will be increasing their prices in 2022.So, what exactly is inflation? And why has it been rising lately?What is inflationInflation is a decrease in the purchasing power of money, reflected in a general increase
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5 Tips for a Comfortable Retirement in Singapore | VI College

They say retirement is just like a never-ending vacation. Ideally, it is. But some of us get caught in the “vacation” part in the early months of retirement and eventually lose the means to enjoy the rest of the decade or two as a retiree.Most seniors in Singapore fail to understand that retirement is also a journey that requires money-- and a huge sum at that, considering we live in one of the world's most expensive countries.In 2019, The Straits Times found that a typical retired Singaporean needs at least $1,379 per month for his basic needs, not considering leisure activities and living upgrades. This amount will still go up over time because of inflation (roughly at 3 to 4%). So who says retirement in Singapore is cheap?Some would argue that CPF could help. But do you really
5 Tips for a Comfortable Retirement in Singapore | VI College
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Investing Your First $1000 | VI College

If you have $1000, how would you start to invest it in stocks? Dr VI lets you know how to do it in 3 steps!Visit and follow our page, @VI College, for more videos like this!~Disclaimer: All facts and opinions presented are for educational purposes only. This is not a recommendation to buy or to sell. Please do your own due diligence.
Investing Your First $1000 | VI College
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5 Stocks Parents Know | VI College

Out of all the "coffee shop talk" that we hear when the aunties and uncles gather, one of the most-discussed questions is probably "what stock to buy ah?"Then stock names will be dropped: oil companies, pharmaceutical companies that no one has ever heard of, or upcoming IPOs, mostly "hearsay" or "hot tips" from their friends.And this has always been the weird part for me: With most of these people being parents, it never occurred to anyone to discuss the common stocks parents know.It is right under their noses and yet they choose obscure stocks that are far away and they can't physically see. Or maybe to them, it is much cooler to invest in things like oil and pills compared to diapers?Parents always look for a great deal on things for their children. They buy them clothes, shoes, and food
5 Stocks Parents Know | VI College
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Is Palantir worth buying? | VI College

You've most probably heard of this stock called $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ and how investors are running to get their piece of the pie. Last year, Dr VI analysed this company using the VI App. Watch the video to find out if its numbers were good enough.Download the VI App to find out the latest numbers for Palantir! @VI College for more stock analyses!~Disclaimer: All facts and opinions presented are for educational purposes only. This is not a recommendation to buy or to sell. Please do your own due diligence.
Is Palantir worth buying? | VI College
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3 Ways to Start Earning Passive Income | VI College

Imagine doing something once and getting paid for it every month. Wouldn’t it be something you’re dreaming of? That is what passive income is.Passive income is more attractive than active income because earning passive money means you still receive payments regularly for work that has been completed in the past or requires little to no effort to complete every day.It’s like you get money while you sleep! Now, who wouldn’t want that?Let money work for youRobert Kiyosaki, the author of the all-time bestsellerRich Dad, Poor Dad once said: “Don’t work for money, let money work for you.”We used to think having a stable job is the ultimate measure of fulfilment... and well, having money to buy what we need and what we want. Yes, having an active income (meaning the steady monthly payments w
3 Ways to Start Earning Passive Income | VI College
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Are you investing or gambling? | VI College

People who put their money in the stock market often call themselves investors. However, there is a fundamental difference between real investors and gamblers (or market participants).If you’re wondering what the difference between gambling and investing is, read on as we contrast the typical decisions and actions of gamblers and investors when dealing with various market scenarios.Hot stocks or quality businessesGamblers (or market participants) often make their buy or sell decisions based on what others are buying. They take ideas from what other people talk about. They buy any stock considered "hot" at the moment.Without a real comprehensive understanding of what they are investing in, gamblers simply buy and cross their fingers that the price appreciates soon.Real investors, on the oth
Are you investing or gambling? | VI College

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