if the stock market is a person. its just a partner of your life. we choose to be with it. and we should accept all the impact. if we choose a good one will be benefits for us,and vice versa.
God of wealth must be our religion God . mine is Jesus tho. anyway it must be Elon musk. wkwkwk. God of influencer.. hope this 2025 bringing abundance luck for ur. yuhu day 5 event CNY @indri @Bons @cindyft @kungpao
my 2024 keyword is "recovery". I've been sick a lot in 2023. Thank God for giving me a good recovery . I hope 2025 will be my blessed year for my life, job, family and portfolio
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ merry Christmas everyone. Its beautiful moment once a year. The most beautiful thing to give is time. Time for family. Time for Churching . Time for our beloved one. Hope we all get a most beautiful time of this year
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ my Christmas tree at urban forest. Itu called shining tree.. hope this Christmas give us a shining dan bright season at life and at our stock. Merry Christmas everyone.