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07-04 22:03
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Forward P/E is now 100 while sales are actually dropping and FWD P/E is inflated as result. Call me Chicken Little, but it's going to be Cloudy with Meatballs for Tesla's future. Bring an umbrella and some hungry dogs.
07-04 21:55
$Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ We know the plan, all whales, institutions and countries like Germany want to buy more BTC for cheap, they know about the “Banana Zone” coming so they are depressing the btc price by shorting and selling to scare retail and other suckers to dump as much as they can, they were hoping they would sell much faster.  Now they are realizing many are hodlers thanks to many influencers’ advice to DCA and not sell.  The system will soon crack when the first institution starts buying and or covering their short prematurely, we will never sell but make popcorn and watch the chaos when buying starts, $100,000 in a week is a possibility.
07-04 21:39
$Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ This is a NO BRAINER. TSM manufactures everything AI for all the Companies involved, TSM is the ultimate winner of this AI Game, no competition. This Pull Back is an Opportunity to dive in. I will consider buying one as a bottom position.
07-03 20:30
$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ To All true investors and believers in PLTR, don't listen to the noise in this chatroom and the MSM. Always go with the opposite of they claim to know. It has served many well by following this method. When the haters including the MSM talk negative on something or someone, it means that thing or person is over the target and those people are simply reacting in panic because they're instructed to do so. Always and simply "Listen to the signal".
07-03 20:19
$$ AMZN hits 200+ after prime day releases it was the best in history (for the Xth year in a row)Prime day saw nearly 13 BILLION dollars worth of sales... within 2 days............AMZN neared 200 earlier last week.............More than happy to take all of Johnyzzzzzzzzz money! All the zzz from sleeping on AMZN! 😴😴😴💤💤💤💤
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ The balance sheet of AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc "is not good" and the box office numbers are "horrendous." AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc shares flew to the moon (temporarily) following the return of "Roaring Kitty" on Twitter. However, the stock is down 21% for the year, as AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc warned of a weaker Q2 as strikes slashed the number of film releases in the period. Attendance in AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc theaters fell 5.8% to 30.5 million in the first quarter. Data from Yahoo Finance shows that the Wall Street expects AMC to report a negative growth of 217.00% per annum over the next five years
$Broadcom(AVGO)$ It’s really amazing what people say about stocks including the so called professionals because no one knows what a stock will do and I mean NO one because if they did they did they would be very very wealthy but nobody knows.Electronic Technology stocks do not always pay a dividend but as Broadcom Inc. pays dividends to reward its shareholders. In the quarter ending June 2024, Broadcom Inc. has declared dividend of $5.25 - translating a dividend yield of 1.36%.Chief Strategist Steve Sosnick believes semiconductor and infrastructure specialist Broadcom (NASDAQ:AVGO) should replace TSLA on the list of so-called “Magnificent Seven” stocks. Earlier today, Sosnick placed great emphasis on the ability to lever
$Micron Technology(MU)$ The interest rate will not be cut this year and will be raised next year. US almost places high tariff on almost everything from China which export the world's cheapest goods to US. Then US has to import higher price goods from other countries. THe shippment will be more hiher in July when American harbor workers will go on strike for higher wages since 6 year's contract will be expired in July. And China will not buy US Treasuary Bonds any more. The inflation will become higher.Sell MU.
$Shopify(SHOP)$ Up over$7.50 in a little over a week.. Shorting this stock at these prices is a losing proposition. I love how bashers of a stock always bash after a stock has fallen after earnings and say I told you so and keep trashing them Yet what they should be doing is accumulating shares at give away values and just wait for them to recover to their previous highs. It’s comical. They bash as smart investors gobble up shares and make $$$. Good luck all longs and kudos for buying low and standing strong!!!
$Intel(INTC)$ It’s interesting to look at the performance differences between Intel and Nvidia $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ over the past few years. While Nvidia has seen a spectacular increase of 3,529% over the past five years, entering now might mean catching a high valuation peak. This could be just the right moment to witness whether a bubble is forming or not. On the other hand, Intel has declined by 34% in the same period, which might suggest it has more room for potential recovery and growth.Thinking about long-term investments, how much do you think Nvidia will be worth in five years? And what about Intel? Based on current market capitalization and the activities of both companie
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ $NIO Inc.(NIO.SI)$ By the time NIO reports Q2 in Sept the numbers will be 300% improved and ONVO will be rolling off the line. Naked Shorting is baloney talk. All the funds do is sell an uptick and grab a truckload of stops from retail. Stock that always go down are a treasure trove for longs and funds accumulation and poison for EZ money small time plungers. Pros are buying.
$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ Bought puts and they printed i held a few cause the price will fall even more this week. The MM want to off load there stock to dumb retail then drop price hard and fast to shake weak ppl out then they will buy at a much cheaper price then slowly raise the price and drop a news article to get ppl excited about $PLTR to buy again then do it all over again. PPL will never learn they buy when everyone is talking about there stock and sell when everyone is selling, I believe in PLTR in the long term but will not go long til the gap around 17 to 19 dollars is fillled.
$MicroStrategy(MSTR)$ I hope Kerrisdale is learning from this multiple expansion before it is too late. No reason to throw good capital after bad. They actually make some good points about the mining business, but they fail to get that accumulating bitcoin on balance sheet is just much better than holding empty government promises on balance sheet.
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ $NIO Inc.(NIO.SI)$ Nio saw its first fourth-generation battery swap stations go live today, marking the start of operations for its stations that support multi-brand models without modifications.The company had two fourth-generation stations go live today, in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, and Lu'an, Anhui province.
$Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ After 2:00PM, the Nasdaq flutuate a lot; up and down; down and up. AS low as rises 220 points;as high as rises 380 points. This show that market makers cannot sell out what they buy. Though now future is up 124 points. Do not be fooled by the future. They want to sell lower price at high volume. For 14 years, American investors are used to buying the dip just falling 3~5%. Really buying the dip is to buy when the stock fall 20~30%. this time. The market maker will sell lower and lower to dump most of their stock even at 20% lower. It is impossible for them to buy higher and higher, for the stock price is overpriced and historically high. So this week last 2 days trading,in the end the Nasdaq w
$$ Market tends to do well the week after a jobs report. Soon this will be trading against 2025 estimates of $5.76/share. Using a 40 multiple that values it at $230/share. Now consider what is going to happen when the fed actually cuts rates - that adding liquidity is going to race to big tech (and I'd argue small cap) growth. A long-term short bet against Amazon right now would be completely mindless. This stock is getting ready for a very beautiful future.
$Alibaba(BABA)$ $Alibaba(09988)$ BABA is worth at least 200-250 with potential for double that. US equities are relatively overvalued but not at extremes and they can keep going for some time. Earnings and margins are improving so the valuations are justified. If you bet against US stocks you will be wrong much more frequently than you will be right.
$Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc.(FFIE)$ In my view, whenever the price drops below your threshold, it's wise to acquire more shares, as there may come a time, not too distant, when purchasing any shares won't be possible... I believe you'll be selling in the $2-$4 range.Just remain patient, my friend.
$$ There is no way that it should go up 8% today. Pumpers and dumpers are at tug of wars. In my 30 point analysis, i set the price target as 172. Take it or leave it. Wait patiently, and you will get to it when the earning report comes next.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ There was isn’t enough money in the world to pay someone to“lead the global effort to eliminate fossil fuels and convert the world to sustainable energy”. (Tesla mission statement) Musk will succeed where others ignore and fail. The fossil fuel industry has a huge problem with this. They face loosing trillions of dollars of free cash flow, profitability and shareholder value. Laugh now at the Tesla ups, downs. Take in the false fossil fuel narratives and clean energy claims. These events will be very quickly forgotten in history as civilization moves forward to a sustainable future .

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