


1. 欢迎您使用TTMF Limited 及其关联公司(以下简称“TTMF“或”我们”)提供的“TigerGPT”产品与服务(以下简称“TigerGPT”或“本服务”)。

2. 在您使用本服务前,请您务必审慎阅读、充分理解本服务协议及隐私声明的各条款内容及我们另行发布的适用于本服务的各协议、条款、规则、公告、通知等文件(以下简称“本协议”),特别是以粗体方式显著标识的条款。这些协议构成您与TigerGPT之间具有约束力的法律文件。一旦您点击同意本协议或开始使用本服务(包括注册、登录等行为),您的访问与使用行为就受此协议约束。


1. TigerGPT

全称“Tiger Generative Pre-Trained Transformer”,是指我们将Azure OpenAI集成至“TIGER TRADE”APP和PC客户端软件、TTM网站(http://ttm.financial)等产品中进而向您提供服务的智能对话机器人或智能助手。

2. 资源数据库


3. 保密信息


4. 用户内容


5. 知识产权



1. 服务方式


2. 服务内容


3. 服务对象


4. 服务费用


5. 第三方产品


6. TigerGPT 按原状提供

TigerGPT 按“原状”提供,不提供任何形式的明示或暗示保证,包括但不限于不侵权的所有权保证、适销性或适合特定用途的默示保证。我们可随时停止或更改全部或部分网站以及任何相关服务或产品,恕不另行通知。我们也可能在任何时间以任何理由或无理由暂停或终止任何用户的访问权限。如果 TigerGPT 包含任何数字、书写或拼写错误,不准确或过时的信息,或其他错误,我们保留更正此类错误的权利,并且无需遵守错误提供的任何此类信息或数据。尽管 TigerGPT 可能会提供第三方网站、产品或服务的链接,但我们不对此类第三方网站、产品或服务承担任何责任或义务。

7. 避免歧视性内容生成



1. 输入内容要求


1) 违反法律法规的;

2) 违反证券法规及相关证券交易所规则的;

3) 骚扰信息、过度营销信息、垃圾信息、虚假信息、不实信息的;

4) 侵害他人名誉权、肖像权、知识产权、商业秘密、个人信息、隐私权等合法权益的;

5) 影响用户体验或扰乱秩序的;

6) 涉嫌不正当经营的;

7) 违反公平、诚信、友善原则的;

8) 违反国家政策、公序良俗或干扰本服务正常运营或侵犯其他用户或第三方合法权益的;

9) 其他违反《TTM服务协议》的内容。

2. 使用方式限制

1) 您应符合本协议项下的资格能力及资质要求并在遵守法律法规及本协议的前提下使用本服务。

2) 您不得 ① 以侵犯、盗用或违反任何人权利的方式使用服务;② 反向汇编、反向编译、反编译、翻译或以其他方式尝试发现本服务的模型、算法和系统的源代码或底层组件; ③使用本服务的架构开发与TigerGPT竞争的基础模型或其他大规模模型; ④ 使用任何方法从本服务中提取数据,包括网络抓取、网络收集或网络数据提取方法; ⑤ 表示本服务的输出是人为生成的;⑥以可能对TigerGPT或任何其他用户对TigerGPT的使用产生过载、攻击、损坏或其他负面影响的方式使用 TigerGPT。我们保留因违反任何禁止而终止您使用TigerGPT或任何相关应用程序的权利。

3. 行为管理措施

1) 我们有权对您的行为及上传、发布的内容进行审查。一经发现您的行为或上传、输入、发布的内容违反法律法规、涉嫌侵犯第三方权利或本协议的规定,我们有权立即采取包括但不限于截断传输内容、保存传输记录、关闭用户账号、删除侵权内容链接等措施,根据法律要求或在必要时可以主动向有关监管机构报告,如因此造成任何后果及损失,由您自行承担全部责任。

2) 如您对我们采取的处理措施具有任何异议,可发送邮件至uservice@ttm.financial进行申诉。经我们核实确实能证明您的言论、行为并未违反法律法规、相关规则及本协议的约定,我们将会取消相应的处理措施。


1. TigerGPT的知识产权


2. 输入内容的知识产权

1)  "输入"的含义包括但不限于输入、提供、发布、上传、提交和其他任何可能在本服务上输入内容的行为。

2) 当您向TigerGPT输入内容,即表示您保证并声明您完全拥有或以其他方式控制对输入内容的所有必要的权利。您应保证输入至TigerGPT的各项信息、使用本服务过程中上传的全部数据、对本服务的使用,以及所涉及的素材不会侵犯任何第三方的合法权益。

3) 对于因您输入的任何内容以及您违反上述条款或违反适用法律而引起的或与之相关的任何索赔、损失和费用(包括律师费),您将为我们、我们的关联公司和我们的人员辩护、赔偿并使其免受损害。我们不对发布或使用您可能输入的任何内容承担任何责任,并且可随时自行决定删除任何输入内容。

4) 您在本服务输入原创内容时即默认授予TigerGPT非排他的、不可撤销的、免费的使用权。我们有权将该内容用于TigerGPT相关产品与服务,包括用于广告宣传、本服务的其他功能等。

3. 输出内容的知识产权

1) TigerGPT作为机器语言模型服务,在输入内容不同的情况下,可能会生成相同或类似的输出内容。由于机器学习的性质,输出内容在用户之间可能不是唯一的。例如,您可以输入“天空是什么颜色?”,并得到“天空是蓝色”的输出内容。其他用户也可能输入类似的内容并得到相同的答案。

2) 我们及/或资源数据库所属权利人拥有所有输出内容的所有权及知识产权。输出内容仅供参考学习,未经权利人许可,不得将输出内容用于商业目的。如您出于非商业目的转载使用输出内容,您不得在内容性质方面误导他人。例如,您不得告诉他人该输出内容完全是人类创作的,或者该输出内容为真实发生事件。

3) 未经权利人许可,任何人不得以任何方式删除、掩藏、修改或替换本服务及呈现内容中所附的或包含的任何专有权利声明(包含但不限于著作权、商标权、专利权、所有权声明等)、其他任何链接或公告等。

4. 知识产权投诉

1) 投诉方式

您应充分理解TigerGPT服务基于我们以及第三方的资源数据库,如果您认为您的知识产权受到侵犯,请发送邮件至uservice@ttm.financial 并且按照要求提供相应证明材料,我们将初步核实涉嫌侵权内容的来源,并根据不同情况采取相应的处理措施。

2) 您需提供的证明材料

  • 您声称被侵权的知识产权作品的证明;

  • 您声称侵权并要求我们移除的本服务中材料的证明;

  • 使我们能够找到这些材料的足够信息;

  • 您的联系信息和电子邮箱地址;

  • 一份声明书,声明您有充分的理由相信,对有异议的材料的使用未经知识产权所有人、知识产权代理人或法律授权;以及

  • 一份声明书,声明通知中的信息准确无误,且您是声称被侵权作品的知识产权所有人或您被授权代表知识产权所有人行事,并愿意接受作伪证的惩罚。


1. 数据收集、使用及保护

1) 为了向您提供服务,我们将收集您自愿向我们提供的数据及您使用本服务时自动产生的数据。当您与TigerGPT进行交互对话时,我们会收集您所输入的文本对话信息(以下简称“您的输入内容”),使用您的输入内容向您输出内容,以便提供服务。如果您拒绝我们对您的输入内容进行收集和处理,我们可能无法向您提供服务。

2) 在交互对话过程中,若您对TigerGPT的输出内容进行评价,我们将收集您的评价信息,包括您主动提交的报错原因,以便不断改进TigerGPT的输出内容质量。如您拒绝我们收集和处理评价信息,请不要提交您的评价,这并不会影响您使用本服务的基本功能。

3) 我们将收集和处理上述信息,以分析我们服务的有效性、改进和增加我们服务的功能以及其他类似目的,但我们将上述信息用于这些目的时会对您的数据进行匿名或去标识化(使其不再与您相关联)。

4) 未经授权,我们不会根据您的输入和使用情况,擅自进行画像或向他人提供您的输入内容,我们也不会使用您的个人信息、个人隐私、机密信息或其他任何被认为是隐私或机密的信息用于训练模型。

5) 为符合相关法律法规要求,向您提供连续性、一致化的使用体验,保障服务质量,我们会视情况保留您使用本服务时自愿提供的及自动产生的数据。保留数据的时间取决于许多因素,例如数据的数量、性质和敏感性,未经授权访问、使用或披露数据的潜在危害与风险,我们处理数据的目的以及法律要求等。一般情况下,我们将在24小时内保留您的历史文本对话信息。

6) 为按照本协议所述处理您的信息,我们将援引以下法律依据,涉及合同的必要性、合法利益、同意、遵守适用的法律和法规:

  • 合同的必要性:以向您提供服务。

  • 合法利益:

    ① 以提高TigerGPT对您输入内容的理解。

    ② 以不断提高TigerGPT的识别与输出内容的速度和质量。

    ③ 以增强TigerGPT的智能性。

    ④ 以分析本服务的有效性。

    ⑤ 以改善和增加本服务的功能。

  • 同意:收集评价信息以不断提高TigerGPT的输出内容的质量。

7) 为保护您及他人的个人数据及隐私安全,当您使用TigerGPT服务时请勿上传您及他人的个人数据或隐私,包括但不限于:

  • 联系信息,包括真实姓名、电话号码、电子邮件地址和居住地址等;

  • 证件信息,包括身份证号码、护照号码、驾照号码、社会保险号码或其他类型的政府颁发的身份号码、文件或信息等;

  • 账号信息:与银行账号、信用卡等金融账号相关的信息;

  • 其他涉及个人信息或隐私的内容。


8) 未成年人的信息保护:未成年人不是本服务的目标受众,我们不会有意地收集未成年人的个人信息;如果您在您的司法管辖区域内属于未成年人,请勿使用本服务或向我们提交任何个人信息。如您认为我们可能在不知情的情况下收集了您的未满十八周岁子女或被监护人的信息,请发送邮件至uservice@ttm.financial,我们将对这些信息予以删除。

9) 我们将与微软分享您的一些输入内容,以提供服务。我们不会与以营销或商业为目的的第三方分享您的个人信息。

10) 关于我们对您数据隐私及权利的其他处理及保护措施,详见《TTM 隐私政策》

2. 第三方数据保护

关于第三方对您数据隐私的处理及保护措施,详见第三方隐私政策:《Azure OpenAI 服务的数据、隐私及安全》等。

3. 您的保密义务

1) 您可能会被授予访问我们及其他第三方的保密信息的权限。您只能在本协议允许的情况下为使用本服务而使用保密信息。您不得向任何第三方披露保密信息,并且您将以与保护自己的类似性质的保密信息相同的方式保护保密信息,至少要采取合理的谨慎措施。

2) 保密信息不包括以下信息:①非因您的过错而向公众普遍提供或变得普遍可用的信息;②当您根据本协议收到它时,您已经拥有且没有任何保密义务的信息; ③由第三方合法向您披露且没有任何保密义务的信息;或 ④您在不使用保密信息的情况下独立开发的信息。如果您事先向我们发出合理的书面通知,并尽合理努力限制披露范围,包括在可能的情况下协助我们质疑披露要求,则您可以根据法律或法院及其他政府机构有效命令的要求披露保密信息。


1. 对于①您违反本协议或②您违反任何法律或侵犯任何第三方权利导致的所有索赔、要求、责任、损害、损失、成本和费用,包括法律费用和其他费用,无论以何种方式导致,您同意立即对我们及其管理人员、董事和雇员进行赔偿、为其辩护并使其不受损害。

2. 在不影响本协议中规定的任何其他权利的前提下,如果您全部或部分违反本协议中的任何条款,我们保留采取合适措施的权利,包括但不限于终止与您的任何协议、终止或阻止向您提供服务和/或对您采取法律行动。


1. 本服务提供的输出内容仅供学习、参考、分享、互动,我们并不确保其可靠性、准确性和实时性,也不表明我们证实其描述或赞同其观点。请您知悉,本服务的任何输出内容均不构成预测、投资收益承诺、投资建议或者其他实际操作意见。您应充分了解、知悉交易的相关风险,在交易前应当从一般理性人角度对自身的经济实力、资金来源和风险承受能力做出客观判断,慎重决定投资目标、投资金额和金融产品。对于因使用或依赖这些信息直接或间接导致的任何损失或损害,包括但不限于任何利润损失,我们不承担任何责任。我们不建议使用技术分析作为交易决策的唯一手段,也不建议匆忙地做出交易决定。您应当明白,过去的业绩表现不代表将来的结果。

2. 请您知悉,我们仅作为技术服务提供方,与证券及金融产品宣传推介及销售相关的服务均由第三方机构直接向您提供,在您通过TigerGPT服务提供的链接或入口跳转至第三方机构平台在线进行证券及金融产品投资或交易前,您需要确保自己符合相关法律法规的规定、本协议、该三方机构的要求,且必须主动了解相关证券及金融产品的具体信息和协议文件,确认自己具有相应的风险识别能力和风险承受能力,否则,请不要做出任何投资或交易行为。您知悉,任何证券及金融产品均存在一定的风险(包括监管风险、违约风险、本金损失和收益风险、成交风险、技术风险、不可抗力导致的风险等),您自愿承担该风险,我们对您投资证券及金融产品导致的损失 (如有) 不承担任何责任。任何与证券及金融产品有关的业务咨询、投诉或纠纷处理均应由第三方机构自行处理,我们对此不承担任何责任。


1. 除法律禁止的范围外,我们对本服务不作任何保证(明示、暗示、法定或其他),包括但不限于适销性、特定用途适用性、质量满意、不侵权的保证,以及因任何交易过程或商业惯例而产生的任何保证。我们不保证服务不会中断或没有错误,也不保证任何内容是安全的或不会丢失。本服务提供的输出内容亦不应被视为互联网新闻信息,更不能代替专业领域从业人员解答您的疑问。特别注意:我们不保证本服务输出内容的真实性、充分性、可靠性、完整性、准确性及有效性。

2. 对于由第三方提供的资源数据库、软件或技术服务所引发任何纠纷,由第三方负责解决,我们不承担任何责任。我们不对第三方的资源数据库、软件或技术服务提供客服支持,若您需要获取此类支持,请与该第三方联系。

3. 本服务中包含第三方运营的网站超链接。该等超链接只为您提供参考及便利。您同意不要求我们对该等网站提供的内容及运营负责。从本服务到另一网站的超链接不代表我们认可该网站的内容或该网站的运营。您须自行决定您在何种程度上使用该内容或该网站。您承认,您对任何第三方网站和/或软件的使用应遵守适用的第三方的条款,并且您同意不要求我们对因您的任何此类使用而产生的任何损失或损害承担责任。

4. 我们不对任何间接的、偶然的、特殊的、后果性的或惩戒性的损害负责,包括利润、商誉、使用或数据损失或其他损失的损害,即使我们已被告知这种损害的可能性。我们在本协议下的总责任应限于您转移给我们的与交易有关的资金数额。

5. 您理解并同意,在使用本服务的过程中,可能会遇到不可抗力 (即不能预见、不能克服、不能避免且对一方或双方造成重大影响的客观事件)、技术风险等因素使服务发生中断,出现下述情况时,我们将努力在第一时间与相关单位配合及时进行修复,但由此给您造成的损失我们在法律允许的范围内免责:

1) 因洪水、地震、风暴等自然灾害、流行病(疫情)、罢工、暴乱、战争、政府行为、司法行政命令等不可抗力因素;

2) 您、本服务或第三方机构的电脑软件、系统、硬件和通信线路出现故障或其他原因导致您无法使用本服务;

3) 因电力供应故障、通讯网络故障 (包括但不限于电子通讯传达失败或延时、用于电子通讯的计算机程序对电子通讯的拦截或操纵) 等公共服务因素或您自身因素 (包括但不限于您操作不当、错误下单、通过非本服务授权的方式使用本服务) 或第三人因素 (包括但不限于受到计算机病毒、木马或其他恶意程序、黑客攻击的破坏等错误操作);

4) 在我们已尽善意管理的情况下,因常规或紧急的设备与系统维护、设备与系统故障、缺陷、网络与数据安全、技术风险等因素;和

5) 其他我们无法控制或无法合理预见的情形。

6. 在您使用本服务的过程中,我们不对下列风险承担责任:

1) 来自他人匿名或冒名的含有威胁、诽谤、令人反感或非法内容的信息;和

2) 遭受他人误导、欺骗或其他导致任何心理、生理上的伤害以及经济上的损失。

7. 如您将TigerGPT添加至第三方群聊或社交媒体等平台中,您需确保第三方群聊或社交媒体平台中使用TigerGPT的成员均明确知悉同意本协议,并严格履行本协议。第三方群聊和社交媒体平台中的数据使用可能受到不同的隐私政策和规定的约束,您及相关成员应仔细了解、同意并遵守第三方平台的隐私政策。您确保您及第三方群聊或社交媒体平台中的成员遵守所有适用的法律、规定和条例、本协议及第三方平台的协议,不会使用TigerGPT进行任何违法、违约、侵犯他人权益等活动,否则由此产生的责任由您承担,与我们无关。我们不对第三方群聊或社交媒体平台中的任何行为、内容或互动负任何责任,尤其不对相关荐股、揽客、提供虚假信息等行为承担责任。




1. 协议变更

1) 本协议自您在线同意本协议或开始使用本服务之时起生效。除本协议约定终止情形外,本协议将持续有效。

2) 出于符合监管政策的要求、提高本服务的使用体验或其他合理目的,我们有权根据相关法律法规的规定修改或变更本协议内容,并通过电子邮件、客户端、网页或其他合法方式予以公布,请您随时留意相关更新提醒。修改后的条款自协议中约定的生效日或通知之日起生效。

3) 本协议变更后,若您继续使用本服务的,视为您已经阅读、了解并接受修改或变更后的条款。如果您不能接受变更后的协议,您应立即停止使用本服务及相关服务,或者及时告知我们您的疑问,由我们为您解决措施。

2. 服务变更/中断/终止

1) 发生如下任一情形时,我们有权立即变更、中断、终止本服务,且无须承担任何违约责任:

  • 当您有违法违规或违反本协议约定使用本服务的行为时;

  • 因不可抗力事件等发生导致我们无法继续提供服务时。

2) 如您拒绝接受修改后的协议条款,或主动停止使用本服务,或以其他形式表明不再使用本服务的,我们将终止向您提供服务。

3) 我们有权根据自身业务需求及运营安排,变更、暂停或终止本服务或其中任何部分(包括但不限于对本服务进行下线、迭代、整合等),我们将采取必要的措施通知您,以保护您的合法权益。

4) 您同意,我们暂停、中断或终止向您提供服务时,我们有权依照相关法律法规就违反法律法规或本协议约定的行为向有关部门进行报告。由此产生的一切法律责任由您独自承担;我们若因此遭受损失的,您也应当一并予以赔偿。

5) 本协议项下服务的终止并不影响本协议项下未完成的在服务终止前已产生的义务的履行或权利的行使。


1. 适用法律

本协议受英属维尔京群岛(“BVI”)法律约束,而不考虑其中的法律原则冲突。无论您是否在世界任何其他地方居住或与 TTMF进行业务往来,均属此类。

2. 管辖法院



1. 完整性

本协议构成《TTM服务协议》《TTM 隐私政策》的一部分,与《TTM服务协议》、《TTM 隐私政策》具有同等法律效力。本协议未明确约定的与本产品服务有关的事项,以《TTM服务协议》与《TTM 隐私政策》为准。

2. 解释



3. 可分割性


4. 语言


5. 通知


6. 联系我们


  • 电子邮箱:uservice@ttm.financial.

  • 公司地址:Sertus Chambers, P.O. Box 905, Quastisky Building, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.



TigerGPT Service Agreement and Privacy Statement


Effective Date: October 20, 2023.


1. Introduction

1.1 You are welcome to use the “TigerGPT” product and services (hereinafter refers to as " TigerGPT "or" the Services ") provided by TTMF Limited and its related companies (hereinafter refers to as "TTMF", "We" or "Us").

1.2 Before using the Services, please read carefully and fully understand this TigerGPT Service Agreement and Privacy Statement, and any related agreements, terms, rules, announcements, notices, and other documents released separately by us (hereinafter refers to as "the Agreement"), especially the bold parts. These agreements are binding contracts between you and TigerGPT. If you click to agree to the Agreement or start using the Services (including registration, login, etc.), the Agreement governs your access to and use of the Services.

2. Definitions

2.1 TigerGPT

The full name is "Tiger Generative Pre-Trained Transformer", which refers to the intelligent dialogue robot or AI assistant that integrates Azure OpenAI into our “TIGER TRADE” APP, software for PC, and TTM website (https://ttm.financial) for the purpose of providing the Services.

2.2 Resource Database

It refers to text, image, voice, video, and other resource data provided by us and other third parties, which TigerGPT relies on or references for providing intelligent dialogue services.

2.3 Confidential Information

It means information about either party’s business affairs, products, confidential intellectual property, trade secrets, third-party confidential information, and other sensitive or proprietary information, whether orally or in written, electronic, or other form or media, whether marked, designated, or otherwise identified as “confidential” at the time of disclosure. Confidential Information does not include information that, at the time of disclosure is: (a) in the public domain; (b) known to the receiving party; (c) rightfully obtained by the receiving party on a non-confidential basis from a third party; or (d) independently developed by the receiving party.

2.4 Customer Content

It means any content, including profile information, comments, questions, input content, and other content in any form or medium, that is submitted, posted, displayed, transmitted, or otherwise made available on the Services by or on behalf of you. For the avoidance of doubt, output, copies, reproductions, and other derivative works generated by your use of the Services as expressly permitted hereunder which are derived from Customer Content are themselves also Customer Content.

2.5 Intellectual Property Rights

It means all patent rights, copyright rights, mask work rights, moral rights, rights of publicity, trademark, trade dress and service mark rights, goodwill, trade secret rights and other intellectual property rights as may now exist or hereafter come into existence, and all applications therefore and registrations, renewals, and extensions thereof, under the laws of any state, country, territory, or other jurisdiction.

3. Service

3.1 Operating Modes

TigerGPT is based on a machine-trained model that combines your input with our and third-party's Resource Databases to simulate human-generated content and return output. The specific functionalities and services of TigerGPT are subject to the actual presentation we provide .

3.2 Service Content

TigerGPT provides you with the following services: including but not limited to, data query services (such as financial encyclopedia, company encyclopedia, market data, financial data, etc.), information summary and analysis services, etc. For the avoidance of doubt, we reserve the right to change the functionalities of the Services from time to time, and the specific content and matters of the Services shall be subject to the actual presentation we provide.

3.3 Users of the Service

The Services are only available to registered users. You may not use the Services without registering an account. You are responsible for keeping your passwords and access credentials associated with the Services confidential. You will not sell or transfer them to any other person or entity. You will promptly notify us about any unauthorized access to your account, passwords or access credentials.

3.4 Service Fee

We currently provide the Services to you free of charge. We reserve the right to charge you or add fee-charging features and functionalities in future Services. If subsequent charges are involved, we will inform you in writing and obtain your individual consent. If we decide to charge fees, we will notify you beforehand and clearly indicate the charging items, charging methods and taxes (if applicable). Be sure to read the relevant charging rules carefully before confirming your acceptance. If you refuse to accept the charging rules, you will not be able to use the Services afterward. If you continue to use the Services, it will be deemed that you have accepted the relevant charging rules, and shall pay the corresponding fees in accordance with the charging rules.

3.5 Third-Party Products

The Services may permit access to Third-Party Products. For purposes of the Agreement, such Third-Party Products are subject to their own terms and conditions presented to you for acceptance within the Services. If you do not agree to abide by the applicable terms and conditions of any such Third-Party Products, then you should not install, access, or use such products. We do not endorse or assume any responsibility for any such products. If you access a Third-Party Product from the Services or share your Customer Content on or through any third-party website or service, you do so at your own risk, and you understand that the Agreement do not apply to your use of such sites or services. You expressly relieve us from any and all liability arising from your use of Third-Party Products, including without limitation Customer Content submitted by other Users. Additionally, your dealings with or participation in promotions of advertisers found on the Services, are solely between you and such advertisers. You agree that we shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort relating to your dealings with such advertisers.

3.6 TigerGPT is Provided AS-IS

TigerGPT is provided AS-AVAILABLE and AS-IS, without warranty or any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of title of non-infringement or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We may discontinue or alter all or a portion of the website and any related services or offerings, at any time without notice. We may also suspend or terminate any user’s access at any time for any reason or no reason. In the event that TigerGPT contains any numerical or clerical errors or typos, inaccurate or outdated information, or other errors, we reserve the right to correct such errors and are not required to honor any such information or data provided in error. Although TigerGPT may provide links to third-party websites, products or services, we are not responsible or liable for such third-party websites, products or services.

3.7 Avoid discriminatory content generation

We will take necessary measures in the design, training, model generation and optimization, and provision of the Services to avoid TigerGPT generating discriminatory content that attacks, denigrates, intimidates, degrades, targets, or excludes individuals or groups on the basis of traits such as race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, etc..

4. Usage Requirements

4.1 Input Content Requirements

You agree and guarantee not to use TigerGPT to upload, publish, transmit, disseminate, or store the following prohibited content:

  • Violating laws and regulations.

  • Violation of securities regulations and relevant exchange rules.

  • Harassing information, excessive marketing information, spam, false information, or inaccurate information.

  • Infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, such as reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, trade secrets, personal information, and privacy rights.

  • Those that affect the user experience or disrupt the order.

  • Suspected of improper business operations.

  • Violating the principles of fairness, integrity, and friendliness.

  • Violating national policies, public order, and good morals, or interfering with the normal operation of the Services.

  • Other violations of TTM Service Agreement.

4.2 Usage Restrictions

4.2.1 You shall meet the eligibility and qualification requirements of the Services under this Agreement and comply with all applicable laws, regulations and the Agreement when using the Services.

4.2.2 You may not (i) use the Services in a way that infringes, misappropriates or violates any person’s rights or interests; (ii) reverse assemble, reverse compile, decompile, translate or otherwise attempt to discover the source code or underlying components of models, algorithms, and systems of the Services; (iii) use the Services to develop foundation models or other large scale models that compete with TigerGPT; (iv) use any method to extract data from the Services, including prompt injection attack, web scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction methods; (v) represent that output from the Services was human-generated when it is not; or (vi) use TigerGPT in such a way that could overburden, attack, damage, or otherwise negatively impact the performance of TigerGPT, or any other user's use of TigerGPT. We reserve the right to terminate your use of TigerGPT or any related application for violating any of the prohibited uses.

4.3 Action Management

4.3.1 We reserve the right to review your actions or the content you upload or publish. In case we find out that any of your actions or the content you uploaded, input or published violates applicable laws and regulations or the provisions of the Agreement, or allegedly infringes on the rights and interests of third parties, we reserve the right to take measures immediately, including without limitation cutting off the transmitted content, saving the transmission records, closing the user account or deleting the link of infringement, and we may report the same to the competent supervision authority if necessary or required by law. Any consequences and losses due to the above mentioned shall be completely borne by yourself.

4.3.2 If you have any objections to the measures we have taken, please send an email to uservice@ttm.financial for appeal. After verification by us, if it is evidenced that your words and behaviors do not violate laws and regulations, related rules and the provisions of the Agreement, we will not take or cancel the corresponding measures.

5. Intellectual Property

5.1 Intellectual Property of TigerGPT

We enjoy independent and complete ownership and intellectual property of the software, programs, product structures and designs used in the Services. Any person shall neither arbitrarily use, modify, reproduce, broadcast, restructure, spread, issue, publish, restore, or decode the Services without authorization, nor conduct reverse compiling to the Services or launch a prompt injection attack to obtain the source code, extract the essential parts of the Services for other applications or obtain the prompts setup or composed by Us, otherwise it shall be deemed as an infringement.

5.2 Intellectual Property of Input Content

5.2.1 The term of “input” as a verb includes, but not limited to, inputting providing, publishing, uploading, submitting and any other actions which may make content available on the Services.

5.2.2 When you have inputted content into TigerGPT, you warrant and declare that you own or otherwise control all the rights to the content you inputted. This includes, but not limited to, all the rights necessary for you to input the content. You shall ensure that none of the information input into TigerGPT, all data uploaded in the process of using the Services, the use of the Services or the materials involved will not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of any third party.

5.2.3 You will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless us, our affiliates, and our personnel, from and against any claims, losses, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising from or relating to any content you may input and your breach of this Agreement or violation of applicable law. We are under no obligation to publish or use any content you may input, and we may remove any content at any time at our discretion.

5.2.4 When you input original content into TigerGPT, a non-exclusive, irrevocable, permanent and free right to use the content is granted to us. We reserve the right to use such content for TigerGPT-related products and services, including advertising and promotion, application software, etc.

5.3 Intellectual Property of Output Content

5.3.1 TigerGPT, as a service powered by machine language models, may generate the same or similar output content even the corresponding inputs are different. Due to the nature of machine learning, output content may not be unique across users. For example, you may provide input to a model such as “What color is the sky?” and receive output such as “The sky is blue.” Other users may also input similar content and receive the same output content.

5.3.2 We and/or the owners of the resource databases have the ownership and intellectual property rights of all output content. The output content is for reference only and shall not be used for commercial purposes without the permission of the right holder. If you republish and use the output content for non-commercial purposes, you must not mislead others as to the nature of the output content. For example, you may not tell others that the output content was entirely human generated or that the output content is a real event.

5.3.3 Without the permission of the right holder, anyone shall not delete, hide, modify or replace any proprietary rights statement (including but not limited to copyright, trademark right, patent, ownership statement, etc.) and any other links or announcements in any way, which is attached to or contained in the Services and any content presented.

5.4 Intellectual Property Complaints

5.4.1 How to File a Complaint

You should fully understand that TigerGPT is based on our and third-party resource databases. If you believe your intellectual property rights have been infringed on, please send an email to uservice@ttm.financial and provide the appropriate supporting documents as required. We will check the source of the suspected infringing content and take appropriate measures according to different circumstances.

5.4.2 Documents You Need to Provide in Support

  • Certificate of the copyrighted work(s) that you claim to have been infringed on.

  • Copy of the materials on the Services that you claim is infringing and that you request us to remove.

  • Sufficient information to permit us to locate such materials.

  • Your contact information and email address.

  • A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the disputed materials is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and

  • A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and that you are the owner of the copyright that has allegedly been infringed or you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner, and you are willing to accept the penalty of perjury.

6. Data Protection

6.1 Data Collection, Use and Protection

6.1.1 In order to provide you with the Services, we will collect data that you voluntarily provide to us and data that is automatically generated when you use the Services. When you have an interactive conversation with TigerGPT, we collect the text conversation information you input(hereinafter referred to as “your input content”), and use your input content to generate the output content in order to provide the Services. If you refuse our collection and processing of your input content, we may not be able to provide you with the Services.

6.1.2 During the interactive conversation, if you evaluate the output content generated by TigerGPT, we will collect your evaluation information, including the reasons for your unsolicited error reports, in order to continuously improve the quality of TigerGPT's output content. If you refuse our collection and processing of the evaluation information, please do not submit your evaluation. Your refusal of our collection and processing of the evaluation information will not affect the basic functionality of the Services.

6.1.3 We will collect and process aforementioned information to analyze the effectiveness of our Services, to improve and add features to our Services and for other similar purposes,but we will anonymize or de-identify your data (so that it is no longer associated with you) and use the aforementioned information to these purposes. 

6.1.4 We do not profile or provide your input content to others based on your input and usage without authorization, and we do not use your personal information, personal privacy, confidential information or any other information which is considered to be private or confidential for training models.

6.1.5 In order to comply with relevant laws and regulations, to provide you with a continuous and consistent experience of use and safeguard the quality of the Services, we may retain the data that you voluntarily provide to us and data that is automatically generated when you use the Services, as appropriate. The retention periods will be different depending on factors such as quantity, type, sensitivity, the risk of harm from unauthorized access, use or sharing, the purposes for which we process the data and any legal requirement. In general, we will retain your historical text conversation information(input content and output content) for 24 hours.

6.1.6 To process your information as described in this Agreement, we rely on the following legal bases involving contractual necessity, legitimate interests, consent, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations:

  • Contractual necessity: To offer the Services to you.

  • Legitimate interests:

    (i) To improve TigerGPT's understanding of your input content.

    (ii) To continuously improve the speed and quality of TigerGPT's recognition and output content.

    (iii) To enhance TigerGPT's intelligence.

    (iv) To analyze the effectiveness of our Services.

    (v) To improve and add features to our Services.

  • Consent: Collect emulation information to continuously improve the quality of TigerGPT’s output content.

6.1.7 To protect the security of personal data and the privacy of yours and others, personal data or personal privacy is prohibited from being inputted when you use the Services, including but not limited to:

  • Contact information, including real name, telephone number, email address and residence address, etc.

  • Identification information, including ID numbers, passport numbers, driving license numbers, national insurance numbers or other types of government-issued identification numbers, documents or information, etc.

  • Account information: information relating to bank accounts, credit cards and other financial accounts.

  • Other content that relates to personal information or privacy.

If you accidently or unconsciously input your personal data or privacy during the usage of the Services, you may contact us by uservice@ttm.financial to delete such personal data or privacy.

6.1.8 Personal Information Protection for Minors. The Services are not targeted for minors. We do not knowingly collect personal information from minors. If you are a minor in your jurisdiction, please do not use the Services or submit any personal information to us. If you believe that we may have unknowingly collected information from your child or ward under the age of eighteen, please emailing us on uservice@ttm.financial and we will delete such information.

6.1.9 We will share some of your input content with Microsoft for providing the Services. We will not share your personal information with third parties for their own marketing or commercial purposes.

6.1.10 For our additional processing and protection measures regarding your data and privacy, and your rights, please refer to the TTM Privacy Policy.

6.2 The Third Party's Data Protection

For the third party's processing and protection measures for your data and privacy, please refer to the third-party Privacy Policy: Data, privacy, and security for Azure OpenAI Service, etc.

6.3 Your Obligations of Confidentiality

6.3.1 You may be given access to Confidential Information of us and other third parties. You may use Confidential Information only as needed to use the Services as permitted under this Agreement. You may not disclose Confidential Information to any third party, and you will protect Confidential Information in the same manner as you protect your own confidential information of a similar nature, using at least reasonable care.

6.3.2 Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) is or becomes generally available to the public through no fault of yours; (ii) you already possess without any confidentiality obligations when you receive it under this Agreement; (iii) is rightfully disclosed to you by a third party without any confidentiality obligations; or (iv) you independently developed without using Confidential Information. You may disclose Confidential Information when required by law or the valid order of a court or other governmental authority if you give reasonable prior written notice to us and use reasonable efforts to limit the scope of disclosure, including assisting us with challenging the disclosure requirement, in each case where possible.

7. Liability

7.1 You agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless TTMF and our respective officers, directors and employees immediately upon demand from and against all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees and other charges whatsoever, howsoever caused, that may arise as a result of: (i) any breach of the Agreement by you or (ii) violation by you of any law or the rights of any third party.

7.2 Without prejudice to any other rights in the Agreement, if you breach in whole or in part any provision contained herein, we reserve the right to take appropriate actions, including but not limited to, terminating any agreement in place with you, terminating or blocking the Services to you and/or taking legal action against you.

8. Risk Warning

8.1 The output content provided by the Services is for learning, reference, sharing and interaction purposes only and we do not guarantee its reliability, accuracy or timeliness, nor do we indicate that we confirm its description or endorse its views. Please note that any output content from TigerGPT does not constitute a forecast, promise of investment returns, investment advice or other practical operational advice. You shall fully understand the relevant risks of transactions, and from the perspective of a rational person, make an objective judgment on your own economic capability, sources of funds and risk tolerance, and carefully determine the investment objectives, investment amount and financial products. We will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. We do not recommend the use of technical analysis as a sole means of trading decisions. We do not recommend making hurried trading decisions. You should always understand that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

8.2 Please note that we only act as a technical service provider, and the services related to the promotion and sale of securities and financial products are provided to you directly by third-party institutions. Before you jump to the third-party institutions' platforms to invest or trade securities and financial products online through the links or portals provided by TigerGPT service, you need to ensure that you comply with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the agreements or requirements of the third-party institutions, and must take the initiative to understand the specific information and agreement documents of relevant securities and financial products, and confirm that you have the corresponding risk identification ability and risk tolerance, otherwise, please do not make any investment or trading behavior. Please note that any securities and financial products are subject to certain risks (including risk of regulatory,default, loss of principal and return,  transaction, technical and risk due to force majeure, etc.) and you voluntarily assume such risks, and we shall not be liable for any losses (if any) resulting from your investment in securities and financial products. Any business inquiries, complaints or disputes related to securities and financial products shall be handled by the third-party institutions themselves and we shall not be responsible.

9. Disclaimers

9.1 Except to the extent prohibited by law, we make no warranties (express, implied, statutory or otherwise) with respect to the Services, and disclaim all warranties including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality, non-infringement, and quiet enjoyment, and any warranties arising out of any course of dealing or trade usage. We do not warrant that the Services will be uninterrupted or error free, or that any content will be secure or not lost or altered. The output content provided in the Services shall not be considered as Internet news information, nor is it a substitute for professionals in the field to answer your questions. Special note: We do not guarantee the truth, adequacy, reliability, completeness, accuracy and validity of the output content provided in the Services.

9.2 The third party is responsible for resolving any disputes arising from its resource databases, software or technical services provided by the third party and we are not responsible for any disputes arising from such services. We do not provide customer support for resource databases, software or technical services provided by the third party. If you require such support, please contact the third party.

9.3 The Services contains hyperlinks to websites operated by third parties. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only. You agree not to hold us responsible for the content or operations of such websites. A hyperlink from our product to another website does not imply that we endorse the content on that website or the operator or operations of that website. You are solely responsible for determining the extent to which you may use any such content or website. You acknowledge that your use of any third-party website and/or software is subject to the applicable third-party terms and conditions, and you further agree not to hold us liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of any such use by yourself.

9.4 We will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, or data or other losses, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Our aggregate liability under this Agreement shall be limited to the amount of money you transferred to us in relation to the transaction.

9.5 You understand and agree that during the use of Services, we may encounter force majeure ( for objective events that cannot be foreseen, overcome, avoided and have a significant impact on one or both parties), technical risks and other factors that interrupt the service, in the following cases, we will strive to cooperate with the relevant units in the first instance to repair in a timely manner, but the resulting losses to you we are exempt from liability to the extent permitted by law:

  • Force majeure factors such as floods, earthquakes, storms and other natural disasters, epidemics, strikes, riots, wars, governmental actions, judicial and administrative orders, etc;

  • Failure of computer software, systems, hardware and communication lines of you, the product or third party organizations or other reasons that prevent you from using our services;

  • Due to public service factors such as power supply failure, communication network failure (including but not limited to, failure or delay in communicating electronic communications, interception or manipulation of electronic communications by computer programs used for electronic communications) or your own factors (including but not limited to, your improper operation, incorrect order placement, use of this product service through means not authorized by this product) or third party factors (including but not limited to, damage by computer viruses, Trojan horse or other malicious programs, hacker attacks and other wrong operations);

  • Factors such as routine or emergency equipment and system maintenance, equipment and system failure, defects, network and data security, technical risks, etc., when we have exercised good faith management; and

  • other circumstances beyond our control or not reasonably foreseeable.

9.6 During your use of the Services, we are not responsible for the following risks:

  • Information from others, anonymously or impersonally, that contains threatening, defamatory, objectionable or unlawful content; and

  • Misleading, deceptive or otherwise causing any psychological or physical harm as well as financial loss suffered by others.

9.7 If you add TigerGPT to a third-party group chat, social media or and other platforms(hereinafter referred to as the "Third Party Platforms"), please ensure that the members of Third Party Platforms who are using TigerGPT are clearly understand, agree to and strictly comply with this Agreement. The use of data in Third Party Platforms may be subject to different privacy policies and regulations. You and relevant members should carefully understand, agree to and abide by the privacy policies of Third Party Platforms. You and the members of Third Party Platforms should comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, this Agreement and the agreements of Third Party Platforms. It is prohibited to use TigerGPT to conduct any activities that are illegal, in breach of contract, or infringement of rights and interests of others , or else the resulting liability shall be borne by you and not by us. We are not responsible for any behavior, content or interaction in Third Party Platforms, and are especially not responsible for related stock recommendation, customer solicitation, provision of false information, etc.

9.8 During your use of the Services, we reserve the right to deal with illegal and unlawful content within the limits of law, but it does not constitute an obligation or commitment on our part.

9.9 You understand and acknowledge that we may need to carry out periodic or occasional maintenance or repair of the platform or related equipment on which the product is located, and that we shall not be liable for any interruption of service for a reasonable period of time due to such circumstances, but we shall give prior notice. 

10. Modification & Termination

10.1 Modification of Agreement

10.1.1 The Agreement shall take effect from the date you agree to the Agreement online or start using the Services. The Agreement shall remain in effect except in the event of termination as agreed herein.

10.1.2 For the purpose of complying with regulatory policies, improving the experience of the Services or any other reasonable purpose, we have the right to modify or amend the content of the Agreement in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and shall announce such modification or amendment by email, client software, website or other lawful manners. Please notice the relevant update reminders anytime. Any modified or amended terms shall take effect upon the effective date agreed in the Agreement or the date of announcement.

10.1.3 If you continue to use the Services after the Agreement is modified or amended, it shall be deemed as that you have read, understood and accepted the terms upon modification or amendment. If you refuse to accept the modified or amended Agreement, you shall immediately stop using the Services and the related services or promptly inform us of your concerns. We will provide you with a solution.

10.2 Change/Interruption/Termination of the Service

10.2.1 Under any of the circumstances below, we reserve the right to immediately change, interrupt or terminate the Services without any liability for breach of the Agreement:

  • When your behavior violates the Agreement; or

  • Due to force majeure that we fail to continue to provide the Services.

10.2.2 If you refuse to accept the modified or amended terms of the Agreement or stop using the Services actively or otherwise indicate that you will no longer use the Services, we will terminate the Services.

10.2.3 We have the right to change, suspend or terminate the Services or any part thereof (including but not limited to offline, iteration and integration of the Services) according to our business needs and operational arrangements, and we will take necessary measures to notify you to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

10.2.4 You agree that when we suspend, interrupt or terminate the Services to you, we have the right to report to the relevant authorities in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations for any violation of the laws and regulations or the Agreement. You shall be solely responsible for all legal liabilities arising therefrom; you shall also compensate us for any losses suffered as a result.

10.2.5 The termination of the Services under the Agreement shall not affect the performance of any obligations or the exercise of any rights under the Agreement that were outstanding prior to the termination of the Services.

11. Dispute Settlement

11.1 Applicable law

The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the British Virgin Islands (“BVI”), without regard to conflicts of law principles thereof. This is the case regardless of whether you reside or transact business with TTMF anywhere else in the world.

11.2 Exclusive Court Jurisdiction

You agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the BVI to settle any dispute, which may arise in relation thereto.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1 Integrity

The Agreement is part of the TTM Service Agreement, TTM Privacy Policy and has the same legal effect as the TTM Service Agreement, TTM Privacy Policy. Matters relating to the Services not expressly agreed in the Agreement shall be governed by the TTM Service Agreement and TTM Privacy Policy.

12.2 Construction and Interpretation

Words in the singular mean and include the plural and vice versa.

Any words in this Agreement following the expression including, include or in particular, or any similar expression, are to be construed as illustrative and do not limit the sense of the words preceding that expression.

12.3 Severability

If any provision of the Agreement shall for whatever reason be wholly or partly invalid or unenforceable or contrary to any applicable law, such provision shall automatically be void; but the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in effect.

12.4 Language

The Agreement is written in both English and Chinese versions. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the different versions, the English version shall prevail.

12.5 Notification

We may use electronic means to send you notifications. The electronic means include but not limited to platform announcements, pop-up windows, site letter, e-mail, SMS and other means.

12.6 Contact Us

For any questions regarding the Agreement and the usage of the Services, you may contact us via the following ways:

  • E-mail address: uservice@ttm.financial

  • TTMF Limited address: Sertus Chambers, P.O. Box 905, Quastisky Building, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.