When i first started my investment journey, there wasn’t tiktok. Youtube was mainly used to watch funny or music videos. Maybe it was a gd thing then. I had to camp in libraries, borrow books to learn about investing. It was a slow and painful process. But i felt that it was worth it, as there are many frauds and self professed experts in youtube and social media.
When we dig further into their background, there are those that have fake asset values showing fake results, those that only show winning trades, those that only have 1-2 years of experience and behave like they are subject matter experts, and they love to find income aside from stock or option investments (selling of courses and softwares, or “handholding”). Its wild wild west out there.
Anyone can buy a gun and start shooting w/o even caring if they can hit the targets or they kill people by accident.
There are real & proper gurus, but they usually promote slow and steady investments which are unpopular to the young.