$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ I found really useful YouTube. Also I own Google's shares so fair enough that I prefer that platform. In reality, the main reason that I got them because I consider that YouTube is a magnificent source to gather knowledge.
I tend to go for various sources. YouTube, financial articles, etc... of course, tiger platform has some pretty good articles as well. but always remember to do your own research and not follow blindly, have risk management, trade within limits and have a diversify portfolio. @Shyon @Aqa @rL @xXxZealandx
[Happy] [Happy] I follow the financial advice on YouTube and Tik Tok and other news channels. Sometimes these advices are timely and entertaining. Actually I watched the reviews about Tiger Brokers on YouTube before I downloaded my app. It is good to read widely and listen to financial news from a few sources. Afterall we need to be well informed in the world of investments. Always do your own due diligence before making any trade.
I get mine from @Adam Khoo on YouTube actually.. His investing and trading style resonates with mine. No strategy is perfect, you just need to find one that suits your style, risk appetite and investment horizon.
Replying to @SPOT_ON:[Love] [Love] [Love] [Like] [Like] [Like]//@SPOT_ON:youtube the channels and people are more informative in their longer video, but the annoying things are the advertisements.. so many of them !!! tik tok I like all the short entertaining videos that are randomly shown to individuals which we wouldn't have knew or come across in our life . but for investment advice i will still go for youtube . @Tiger_comments @MHh @SR050321 @melson @MHh @Mrzorro @Kaixiang @Ron18 @DiAngel
Yes, here's my point of view: I mainly follow financial advice from Youtube as the video format tends to be longer in duration and can therefore delve deeper into the topic discussed. I prefer videos that are evidence-based and with little bias towards their holdings. The topics of videos I watch are usually about the macroeconomy or about investment concepts such as margin trading and risk managememt. These help me to better understand the macroeconomy and learn about financial concepts. [Miser] Occasionally, I would watch videos on portfolio reviews to get inspired [Happy] . However, by their very nature, it is impossible for financial advice from Youtube or TikTok to be the best as everyone's personal financial situation is different. Fin
TikTok & YouTube are free social media platforms that provide information in bite sizes. pros & cons to free info available online. as long as gen z do their due diligence before diving in head first, no harm using these platforms as first point of financial advice
I wonder about who creates the content on these sites/apps and for what agenda. I feel there are a lot of avenues for online information which are only there to make noise and steer you to a dead end. People go on and on about liquidity and how there’s not enough for everyone to get rich. So isn’t it in some of these “news” source companies to misinform the reader or viewer in order to get them to invest in chatter, rather than quality, good growth stocks using strong analysis of fundamentals, technicals, global business news etc.? Sorry, but for me “Motley Fool” is one of these chatter “news” sites. I used to follow some of their advice about “winning” stocks, and lost out every single time. They need some people to lose their $, so that prices of the real “winning” stocks can be relative
I received my investment advice from my HNW friend. He is super good in FA but not good in TA. Whereas I m good in TA and almost up to date on the happenings to SG market. Thus, i relied on his FA to assist me on my entry to buy stocks. Sometimes, i do watch those youtube and cant help thinking whether they are providing real advices or basically trying to attack other youtube on some stocks. Anyway, pls DYODD after listening to youtube or tik tok.
Replying to @koolgal:So many stuffs im receiving everyday from dozens of channels haha. I just think investing in dividends counters is the best. Just buy if low or u have spare cash, leave it tats it haha. Too much info just get things worse something//@koolgal:🌟🌟🌟Sharing is caring! It is great to be part of our Wonderful Tiger Community where I get to read the best articles and learn from the experts and other Tiger Friends. Apart from this, I love to read blogs from Ray Dalio who is a fount of wisdom. Locally I also read Dr Wealth and Beansprouts blogs too. @MillionaireTiger
Replying to @koolgal:DYDD is always the best haha//@koolgal:🌟🌟🌟Investing is very much a personal journey and while it is good to learn from the experts, it is important to be cognitive of the pitfalls of following blindly. I like to read the latest news from Wall Street Journal, Reuters as well as our local papers like Business Times and the Edge. I do watch YouTube videos too but I am selective on these. I also subscribe to Tiger Trade Feeds where I can find out how some of my Tiger Friends are trading. It is a valuable resource and together with other articles that Tiger Brokers post daily, I get a snapshot of the latest news on the financia
some financial advisors have turned to Tik Tok / YouTube and other social media platforms to talk about financial, investment, etc. these are the platforms that can reach masses and gain a wider audiences. some of them are actual financial advisors while some... not quite so I guess it's good to listen to them (those legit ones), their analysis, explanation, etc... however, please do not take their words and invest blindly without doing further research as they may not be always right in their predictions. take charge of your own finances and investment and always trade within limit. always remember to have risk management and have a diversify portfolio. this way, you can ensure you sleep well at night. @