🧐You can better tolerate losses or hold onto profits?


Hey traders and investors!

A fundamental question in the stock market is whether you can better tolerate losses or hold onto profits. Let's dive into this age-old dilemma and share our experiences and strategies. 🤔

In the volatile world of stocks, it's common to face both gains and losses. The ability to handle these situations can significantly impact your investment outcomes.

Are you more inclined to cut losses quickly, or do you have the patience to hold and wait for profits to grow?

Let's also look at some classic investment wisdom from the masters, like Warren Buffett's emphasis on long-term value or George Soros' approach to recognizing when to walk away from a trade.

Classic Scenarios:

  1. Cutting Losses Early (Stop-Loss Strategy): "As the saying goes, 'The first loss is the best loss.' Many investors swear by setting stop-loss orders to minimize potential damage from a bad trade."

  2. Letting Profits Run (Profit-Taking Strategy): "On the flip side, some investors believe in giving winning trades room to grow, as the markets can be unpredictable, and selling too early might mean leaving money on the table."

  3. The Discipline of Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA): "DCA is a classic strategy where investors consistently buy stocks regardless of the share price, smoothing out the cost over time and potentially reducing the impact of volatility."


  1. Share your personal experiences with handling losses and profits.

  2. Have you had a situation where holding on to a trade paid off, or when cutting losses saved you from a bigger downfall?

  3. What strategies do you use to make these decisions?"

  4. Join the conversation! What's your philosophy when it comes to managing gains and losses in the stock market?

  5. Share your stories, insights, and any tips that have worked for you."


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Cut Loss Timely or Let Profits Run: Which is Easy For You?
The most challenging part of investing is often the test of human nature. After buying a stock, if it drops, will you promptly cut your losses and sell it? If the stock rises, will you immediately take your profits? Both timely cutting of losses and letting profits run require investors to have a strong mindset.
Disclaimer: Investing carries risk. This is not financial advice. The above content should not be regarded as an offer, recommendation, or solicitation on acquiring or disposing of any financial products, any associated discussions, comments, or posts by author or other users should not be considered as such either. It is solely for general information purpose only, which does not consider your own investment objectives, financial situations or needs. TTM assumes no responsibility or warranty for the accuracy and completeness of the information, investors should do their own research and may seek professional advice before investing.


  • icycrystal
    so far, I have been holding all of my stocks as I plan to hold them for long term.

    I try to have a balance so I do not have a holding that exceeds too much compared to the rest.

    and if a stock decides to dive down, I [Bless] [Bless] [Bless] hard for it to trend back up [smile] [smile] [smile]

    @TigerGPT @koolgal @LMSunshine @rL @GoodLife99 @Shyon @Aqa @Universe宇宙 @HelenJanet

    Share your personal experiences with handling losses and profits.

    Have you had a situation where holding on to a trade paid off, or when cutting losses saved you from a bigger downfall?

    What strategies do you use to make these decisions?"

    Join the conversation! What's your philosophy when it comes to managing gains and losses in the stock market?

    Share your stories, insights, and any tips that have worked for you."


    🐯 All valid comment on the following post will receive 5 Tiger Coins.

    • TigerGPT

      Managing gains and losses in the stock market can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies and tips that can help investors navigate through market fluctuations. Here are some insights and tips that have worked for many investors:

      Diversify your portfolio: As you mentioned, maintaining a balanced portfolio is crucial. Diversification helps spread the risk across different asset classes, sectors, and geographies. By investing in a variety of stocks, bonds, and other assets, you can reduce the impact of any single investment's performance on your overall portfolio.


      Set realistic expectations: It's important to have realistic expectations about the stock market. While it's tempting to chase high returns, it's essential to understand that the market can be volatile, and there will be periods of gains and losses. Avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market movements and focus on long-term goals.


      Regularly review your portfolio: Regularly reviewing your portfolio is essential to ensure it aligns with your investment objectives and risk tolerance. Consider rebalancing your portfolio periodically to maintain the desired asset allocation. This involves selling some investments that have performed well and buying more of those that have underperformed to bring your portfolio back in line with your target allocation.


      Have a long-term perspective: Successful investors often have a long-term perspective and are not swayed by short-term market fluctuations. They understand that the stock market goes through cycles, and it's important to stay invested for the long haul. Trying to time the market or make frequent trades based on short-term movements can be risky and may result in missed opportunities.


      Use stop-loss orders: Stop-loss orders can be a useful tool to manage losses. By setting a predetermined price at which you are willing to sell a stock, you can limit potential losses if the stock price declines. This helps protect your capital and prevents emotional decision-making during market downturns.


      Stay informed and do your research: Keeping up with market news, company updates, and economic trends is crucial for making informed investment decisions. Conduct thorough research on the companies you invest in, analyze their financials, and stay updated on industry trends. This will help you make more informed decisions and reduce the risk of making impulsive choices based on emotions.


      Consider professional advice: If you are unsure about managing your investments or need guidance, it may be beneficial to seek advice from a financial advisor. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.


      Remember, investing in the stock market involves risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results. It's important to understand your risk tolerance, diversify your portfolio, and have a long-term perspective when managing gains and losses in the stock market.

      Disclaimer: The information provided here is for reference purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Investing in the stock market involves risks, and it is important to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making investment decisions.

  • nomadic_m
    *how to manage gains & losses?*

    I employ a diversified strategy, leveraging the stability of value ETFs for long-term holdings (DCA & HODL) while capitalizing on market opportunities with leveraged ETFs and select high-growth stocks (trade & take profits). Meanwhile, I maintain a disciplined approach to risk management, promptly cutting losses on underperforming and non-contributing positions to optimize portfolio performance and maximize returns.

  • abull
    As for me, my strategy for picking up a stock and make analysis for it. I will invest value stocks such as Nvdia and TSMC and hold for long term as long as there are potential growth and opportunities or average down my cost when they come to lower prices. However, I will swing trade some volatile stocks or meme stocks that is potential to fall such as Game stock and AMC to gain a percentage profits at shorts. I will cut loss of those risky stocks and buy the deep. [NosePick] [Sly] [Helpless]
  • RK0948
    Different stratrgies for different trades' objectives; swing trade or day trade or short trade are more unstable market's climate; but long term (hold for 2 to 5 years) traders, the basic requirement is to ensure to study well for the investing company. Fundamentally, either short or long term traders should know well how to apply the skills, techniques and knowledges in trading (e.g. how to measure the chart and the MA Trend Lines)
  • Aqa
    Use Dollar-Cost-Averaging (DCA) to smooth out the cost over time and reduce the impact of volatility. Letting Profits Run to prevent selling too early. Sometimes it is necessary to Cut Loss Early to minimize potential damage.
  • Aralcy
    The stock market can be a real emotional rollercoaster, and managing gains and losses is one of the hardest parts. Here's my philosophy, which is still a work in progress:

    Know Thyself: I understand my own risk tolerance. This helps me set realistic goals and avoid chasing returns that could keep me up at night.

    Let Profits Run: I try to let winning trades run, but not blindly. Maybe I'll raise my stop-loss order as the price climbs, locking in some gains while allowing for some upside potential.

    Cut Losses Early: I hate selling a stock that dips only to see it rebound later. But I also know that letting losses spiral can be devastating. So, I try to have clear criteria for cutting losses.

    Focus on the Long Game: I focus on building a diversified portfolio for the long term, with a mix of growth stocks and more stable holdings.

    Learn from Mistakes: I analyze my past trades, identifying why I made certain decisions and what I could have done differently.

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