Like any sector in the past, Big Tech has its place under the đ now. And therefore this question. I think, and I may be off the mark, thus: there are basically 2 ways to approach any sector or stick viz. (1) Invest for the long run in fundamentally strong stocks & (2) play with volatility. And both approaches have their value too.
(1) have a solid strategy, pick your stocks scientifically and invest and then stick with conviction while tracking it regularly (2) use volatility to your advantage by investing in a tech heavy fund or proactively managed fund or even with good potential stocks through a regular savings plan . Volatile assets hold advantages (along with risks), because they automatically tend to increase the number of opportunities to buy more shares at low prices and fewer at high prices. Automation is the hallmark of RSPs, which avoids the pitfalls of trying to pre-empt short-term movements in markets and shares. Ideally a combination of these approaches with regular rebalancing and profit taking should help.