$Visa(V)$ If you own V, you should know by now that most of the time V will go down or barely budge when good earnings come out. So when V missed, blood is all over. I have owned V for 8 years, but decided to sell some of my early holdings in the past months. I regret not selling more because I did not want to get hit with too much capital gains tax(a mistake). I am a long term investor, but V's growth is over. If you compare V at 1 yr, 2 yrs, 5 yrs to the S&P500 bench mark, V consistently lags S&P500. You invest in an individual stock in hope to beat the bench mark, but V failed to do so in the last 5 years. It's time to move on. V is no longer a growth stock in the last 5 years. The chart is there, don't lie to yourself.