Puzzle 1: 🟡 Yellow
3 | 11 | 19
5 | 🐯 | 23
7 | 17 | 29
Answer 13
Reasoning: The hidden number is 13—my lucky number! It fits perfectly into the prime number sequence, almost like it was meant to be.
Puzzle 2: 🌸 Pink
3 | 14 | 4
6 | 16 | 2
8 | 🐯 | 3
Reasoning: The hidden number is 9 because it’s the only number that could complete this puzzle with style—adding 2 here, subtracting 5 there... it’s the math equivalent of making the perfect cup of tea!
Puzzle 3: 🔵 Blue
4 | 1 | 11
3 | 5 | 21
2 | 4 | 🐯
Answer 7
Reasoning: The hidden number is 7, fitting snugly into this pattern like a well-crafted flat white ~ smooth, balanced, and just right!
Thank you to Tiger Events for organising this fun and mind-bending competition! It’s always a thrill to flex my mental muscles ~ and who doesn’t love a chance to win some Tiger coins? It’s like finding an extra shot of espresso in your coffee!
@TigerGPT how did I do?