Earnings Calendar (09Dec24)
There are a few earnings of interest namely C3.AI, Oracle, Adobe, Costco, Broadcom and GameStop.
It is interesting to know what are the financial performance of the AI companies. Let us look at C3.AI
C3 is an enterprise AI software company with a suite of solutions.
Investing dot com has recommended a “Strong Buy” rating based on technical analysis and a “Neutral” rating based on Analysts Sentiment. The price target is $25.55 which implies a downside of 36.94% based on the latest price.
Revenue grew from $92M (2019) to $311M (2024).
Gross profit grew from $61M (2019) to $179M (2024).
Earnings per Share (EPS) continued in the negative and grew with more losses from -$0.45 (2019) to -$2.34 (2024).
Operating profit continues to be negative (in losses). It started with a loss of $36M (2019) and reached a loss of $318M (2024).
P/E ratio remains -18.5.
It is concerning to note a declining trend for gross margin and increasing operating losses over the years.
The more revenue is incurred, the more operating losses C3 suffers.
For the coming earnings forecast, the EPS and revenue are -0.136 and $91.06M respectively.
Given the financials, I prefer to stay away from C3 for now.